messages to raw-voice:
(click here to add new message):

from jenne1017 :
oh and we have flowers thru the reception place already!
from jenne1017 :
I'm in DC and that's almost my b-day!
from raggedyanne0 :
hey, your a very interesting person, i cant wait to see what you have to say next. Maybe sometime if you get the chance send me a note or something. i aslo liked the quiz, i turned out to be marilyn monroe!
from i-cut-deep :
hey i like the things yo write, you interest me, i like the things you write, if you are like me you will probly lok at my diary to see what kind of person is writing you, youll probly think im crazy but im bnot, im just having a really bad time right now.
from ohhh-my :
i took your survey about sex and I really enjoyed it thanks
from dork-wad :
I SPRUNG A LEAK IN THE SPLUNK. Murrrr. ROCK ROCK OUT GIRL ROCK OUT. Bllue and pink and plunk maaaaaaake FLUNKED OUT OF. CLAsS. Not class, CLASSY LIKE DIAMONDS. Flunked out of diamonds in the rock of saint cunt. Not cunt! THATS BAAAD. Shepearud.
from heidiann :
Just wanted to say hi and that I miss reading you. Hope all is well! =)
from verucaamish :
Jesus. People like that woman at work are harder to shake than a cold.
from nonce :
wow.... that is an amazing tale. it's almost beyond belief. sounds more like an epic film than a possible real existence. as i was reading along...i kept going... "no"..."no"..."nooo". but i do love difficult stories with happy endings. and the more difficult/the more happy....the better!
from tigerpat :
I am trying to get back in shape too I walked ALOT today And have been watching my calorie and food intake. Dont give up. i bet you look just fine anyways May I ask how much you weigh?
from odalisk :
Man, that sounds exactly like me. All of February I dieted and exercised, dieted and exercised, lost five pounds...then last week I got lazy, all weekend I fell off the wagon, and cut out half my progress...but I tell myself that it's a long-term process, and the only bad thing I can do is just give up...
from tigerpat :
Johnny Cash is a wonderful artist
from arizabif :
And yes, having drinks is totally cool, while you are in Chicago. Drop me a note when it gets closer to your arrival, and we'll figure out where to meet. :)
from arizabif :
Congratulations, mom! Javi is very lucky to have such a great mother.
from heidiann :
I'm so unbelievably happy for you!!!!
from redstarhelix :
pardon the cliches. sometimes it just takes a little while for everyone to get used to everyone.
from arizabif :
I live south of Chicago. It's actually a really, really nice city. The end of April is a nice time to go. You'll definitely need a jacket, but it won't be so windy to require a parka or anything. :)
from arizabif :
I'm really sorry to hear the news about your sister. I have two sisters, and I can only imagine what I would do if I was in your situation. I hope for you all, that a doctor somewhere has an answer for you, fast.
from yvette18 :
I want to see the vagina monolouges. I have never seen them b4. But I can't because I am working the day they are going to be showing it in campus. is it good?
from theshivers :
glad you got the mix CD and like it! right now i am craving a hot coffee something instead of the hours-old dregs of cold coffee sitting on my desk
from yvette18 :
yumm all of that stuff sounds really good. I am glad that you had a great chrismas, can't believe plucky will be 3 all ready wow, a big boy.
from odalisk :
Yeah! It's all about the OC! And Ryan and his dull girlfriend are characterless weaklings - I'm rooting for the quirky outsiders, too! Anna's hot.
from odalisk :
that was really a lovely entry.
from strangerlucy :
it's sickening even though I'm merely reading about it, I can see it in my mind. I'm sorry your friend had to witness that horror and that he and so many will carry it forever. I'm glad you weren't there.
from odalisk :
argh. funny funny. The wierdest thing is how there is something so polarized about Boston: the very in-your-face thuggishness or the very in-your-face consumption. And then Cambridge...which is, truly, just wierd. I love it here.
from treewillow :
Happy Belated Birthday.
from cutie1083 :
Happy Birthday!
from bluebonnet :
from seenuh :
happy birthday!
from ghanima :
Saw your note to odalisk about the attitudes of the "popular" diarists--I totally agree. Nice to hear someone say it. Happy Thanksgiving.
from glass-fairy :
Happy birthday and turkey day! :) ♥
from dombilly :
Happy Birthday! :)
from mickey225 :
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day!!!
from mkboog :
Happy Birthday!
from elliorange :
♥ Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy your special day!
from strangerlucy :
oh, #2 sounded familiar; my ex married a friend of mine to try to get back at me. um, no- I would have laughed, except she didn't turn out to be such a good stepmother..while they're marriage lasted, that is. The idea was, however, laughable. you find out who your friends aren't at times like those.
from dani-lou :
I think people just need to be cold...something I'll never understand. Sometimes my fingers turn purple because it's so cold in my office. Eeek! Toodles, Dani.
from odalisk :
I dunno. I understand where you're coming from, but I also think...the whole idea that success is an all-or-nothing thing is just generally a good way to make yourself miserable and really misjudge the world...I think it's a mistake to feel like you've won only if you're nationally lauded when, when you think about it, an audience of 250,000,000 is more than Dante or Shakespeare or Baudelaire would have ever had in their own lifetimes...more than they could have dreamed of when the population of Europe was I don't know what but probably under ten million...probably under one million...I mean, 250 million (pop. of US) is just a ridiculously large number...I think it makes sense that people seek out and build up smaller locuses of entertainment, storytellers, humorists, or whatnot...and, too, it's a *tremendous* strike against spectacle culture, packaged entertainment...because it's small-scale, intimate, self-motivated. There's a lot of good in it, even if it's also very silly sometimes.
from in-my-life :
Ack! Two days w/out internet! I've been meaning to wish you the best and all that mushy stuff with your new job. Like you though, my writing and signing of guestbooks has been limited.
from strangerlucy :
woman, sometimes you write a piece that blows me away and is so visceral and palpable that makes me know that someday your name will be on a book that I pick up from a shelf at the bookstore; that was one of them.
from strangerlucy :
congratulations to both you- and plucky. glad that this new job happened for you.
from ikss :
And this is the reason I have not applied to be a contestant. I thought it would be fun, then I remembered last year's baloney.
from hyacinthgirl :
hi! scrabble747 has moved to cheers!
from bisa-pet :
Ohhhh DS5! Yay! I was hoping someone would do this ... NOT that I have the big brass ovaries to actually try my hand at it. LOL Got your email, but have been super swamped with a special Breast Cancer Awareness Reminder that I'm making up. Have sent over 4,000! Busy busy. Yeah, I immersed myself into work. :\ I'm gonna stick the DS5 button on my site, will add it to the template when I have a minute to breathe.
from trinity63 :
Just checking on you and seeing how you are doing, and how you are faring. Hugs. It's too much to comprehend.
from mrs-roboto :
You know, I know you didn't ask to be interviewed but what was it that made you decide to move back? Was Pluckster already on the way? It's funny. I can totally see you as a Bostonite or possibly a Portlander.
from sa-land :
Girl, we're in the South here. Those boots would just make your legs ubersweaty!
from sunnflower :
Thanks for your kind note - mom to mom - about my pennies from the sky adventure. You have to watch the balled up napkins and ketchup packets too (maybe even more)!
from theshivers :
your entry today made me laugh, cuz as a 30something grad student who is sometimes in classes with young undergrads, i am now on the flip side of the classmate coin...i used to hate my type and now i'm annoyed by their type (which used to be me...)ah, the cruelty of growing up...
from madrigle :
That is one of the most poignantly beautiful entries I have ever read.
from madrigle :
Giggle, your little bracketed side notes notice just made me laugh, very cute to point that out for us. HUGS.
from strangerlucy :
I wouldn't cut the vacation short- I'd tell them if they're interested in meeting with you, then you'll be happy to when you return, but for now you have to be out of town due to a previous long standing commitment. Questions I'd ask myself are what are the possibilities for promotion at the college? Will govt. budget cutbacks impact your workload and salary advances (sixweasels is seeing some negative circumstances due to budget probs and she works for a uni) Unless you're sure that this new job opp doesn't involve the same problems, I doubt I'd take the paycut, perhaps benefit cut, and lose the longevity . that's my 2 cents (ok- 10) have a good well deserved vacation!
from yvette18 :
hey I hope that you have a great vacation, sounds like you deserve it. How is your little plucky?
from starlight42 :
I hate when I write an entry in diary tag and forget to log out!! The message below is from me.
from diarytag :
Hey- I found you through diary tag and I just wanted to say I love your writing! Congrats on losing the 40 pounds. That's great. Anyway, I'm adding you to my favorites :)
from strangerlucy :
that is awesome-you've every reason to feel acomplished and proud of yourself. Best of all, you've done it in a very healthy way. I have about that far to go, too- and am only at month 2 of exercising, but it's helping and I do feel better, so I know what you mean.
from strangerlucy :
i'll bet you needed to go after that combo- blech. by the by, i did enjoy your a/c memory. it does make an impression on us when it's a new experience.
from strangerlucy :
good to see an entry by you, been wondering what's new in your world-it really has been a long time since you've written a post. good luck with your interviews, and enjoy your roadtrip together.
from seastreet :
Just located my first permawrinkles, on my forehead. See? You got yours /late/.
from strangerlucy :
well if you found the first wrinkle today, you need a Nap! I hear it on good authority that naps are very good ways to spend an afternoon ;)- and I agree.
from sunnflower :
Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a note - I have to go back and read the whole Gatsby book again now too.
from yvette18 :
hey raw-voice I'm sorry that I have not been to your diary in awhile. I like your new layout. Oh by the way I have not had a peanut butter and honey sandwich before. I wil lhave to try that.
from mrs-roboto :
I'm jealous of your getaway!
from prowlingleo :
Sometimes. But as a musician I know how important others opinions are, so I use reviews on my diary for constructive criticism as well.
from strangerlucy :
maybe you're already familiar with this (I'm not sure what resources you may already be involved in if any- I hope I got the state right- memory isn't always reliable- but check
from arizabif :
yay! I am glad you have a new lawyer. I wish your boy's biodad would chill the hell out, and think of what is best for the boy! Good luck to you.
from diarytag :
Are you still interested in playing? Please let us know. Thanks!
from yvette18 :
hey sorry raw I have not left a note in a long time. But just wanted to let you know that I'm still reading your diary. Glad that you had a great weekend. And the golden stuffed crust pizza does look pretty good, I just have not tried it yet.
from jenne1017 :
Sorry I struck such a chord. Listen, no one EXPECTS you to put yourself last. But you do. And THAT is what makes you a wonderful mother. You can encompass ALL those other things, but people think so highly of mothers because, well, holding such an awesome responsibility and raising a child is hard work.
from strangerlucy :
no- it isn't too much to ask- time for one of those heart-to-hearts before it becomes time to pull up anchor.
from strangerlucy :
no, she said it didn't hurt- they numbed her pretty well with topical stuff first (lidocaine maybe? I forget)and then I think they gave her the shot.... and the dentist said that the pulp is more immature than that of the adult tooth, so it's not as big of a deal. Her face was pretty puffy for a few hours afterward, and they pack gauze which was very drooly, so in the car on the way back she was freaked out by the gauze and started crying which looked pretty funny and gross with all the drool- unfortunately I started to laugh, which made her mad, and she sounded so silly trying to yell at me with a numb mouth and drool that I giggled more- shame on me- but it was so funny. She wasn't in any pain. I'm sure it was expensive, but I was lucky enough to have dental insurance. I just had a root canal last year and had a temporary, then a permanent porcelain crown out over the tooth- and that ended up costing almost $800- but again, we have dental insurance, so the out of pocket was minimal. They don't put crowns over the baby tooth, so perhaps the cost would be significantly less. If you end up having it done, they aren't likely to let you go into the room because kids are more likely to cry and get even more emotional when a parent is there- so don't freak about that part. If I remember right, they wanted to do the pulpectomy rather than yanking the tooth to stop the other teeth from shifting and moving- to protect spacing of the permanent teeth or something along that line. My daughter had lousy baby teeth- cavity queen! It could have been all the apple juice I let her drink because she craved it- never knowing how bad it was for her teeth in large amounts. (I never had a cavity until I turned 30 despite no dental care until I was in my 20's....parents didn't have the $ or knowledge).
from bettyalready :
freida? That is a great layout!!!!!!!! Thanks for the note about crazy Margaret. About the food stuff. I think about it a lot, only now in terms of what I can and can't eat. I used to crave food like that all the time. I don't know what changed. Maybe a hormonal thing with me. I have no idea.
from strangerlucy :
ah crap, my math sucked- you said $14 not $16- and your guestbook forbid me from resigning too soon and now everyone knows I suck at math. It was 59 quarters.
from cementgarden :
Tell your coworker, that the way you most want to spend your birthday is alone, quietly reflecting on all of life's lessons. She/He will be so impressed, that they won't be able to think of anything else to say. Trust me, this one always works!!!
from sayne :
you have a purty diary. =)
from alternamommy :
Beautious new design. Oh and could you please stop being so damn *right* when you sign my book?! :-b
from heidiann :
!!!!!AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! (Your guestbook hates me and won't let me sign it again.)
from heidiann :
!!!!!AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! (Your guestbook hates me and won't let me sign it again.)
from ms-m :
Very well said and, as always, eloquent.
from reddirtgirl :
Yeah, I felt bad for sounding so hostile in my entry in your guestbook. I'm sure he's an awesome guy, and most of us (including me) have made the same mistake at one time or another. It just struck a chord, is all. Someone (not Adam) read my diary without my permission, and I was kind of freaked out.
from reddirtgirl :
And happy birthday. The guest book wouldn't let me sign it again. It said, "Get out of here, you nasty stalker!" But I fooled it.
from the-lacuna :
Warm fuzzies! Just look at that little kittenhead!
from jen69 :
happy birthday. hope you had a great day. dlandbday committee
from jenne1017 :
Well then sorry, I read wrong. HAPPY HAPPY DAY !!! Better?? :o)
from yvette18 :
Hey Raw! Glad to know that someone is reading my diary. Yeah my hallmates are cool. I guess I am being a wildchild. But it is all in fun, I guess- okay I have a crush on the one I flashed. I have read your diary and it is awesome. I wish I was a talented writer like you. This is my first online diary that I have kept, my first diary ever. But maybe in time my writing will get better. I hope that you continue to read my diary. And I hope that you stay till the end of survivor.
from dailycake :
from trulypoetic :
ok like I said before, I was a few entries, I added ya. ;-)
from trickymartin :
beautiful!!! we definitely must hook up for like a sex in the city party or something equally cheesy and not so awkward whence we get to thee triangular regions. (it just occurred to me why exactly the lesbot population is so vast there...)
from near-sighted :
i liked your list. i must say that i, too, have been deemed 'classist' and too 'ideal' by my sisters for my thoughts on rich people, arrogant people, corporations, etc. beh. high five.
from arizabif :
Tattoos don't hurt that much. It's like when you get a sunburn, and accidentally scratch it. It hurts, but it's bearable. Piercings hurt more, but it's a shorter pain. Do yourself a favor, and get a titanium ring for your piercing. I developed a nasty allergy to nickel thanks to my belly ring, and now I can't wear anything that has even the smallest amount of nickel in it.
from apotter :
There is no way I could have said it better myself. It irks me on a daily basis that every day on TV you see male characters who are basically schmucks (or even not schmucks, but definitely not traditionally attractive)- and they are always linked with a beautiful woman. Name one commercial or show that does the opposite. There is no way that body image is NOT a feminist issue. Why must we, as women, feel like failures unless we have the "ideal" look? I now refuse to take part in any discussion concerning diets or size or losing weight- and have walked away from many a conversation. It's truly, truly sad. Good lord, I'm so passionate about it that I become incoherent. Anyway, right on, sister. It's all so very, very wrong.
from near-sighted :
you're a GREAT writer. just thought i'd let you know. ps. thank you for your note about the dentist; i guess it can't be THAT bad.
from lgoddess78 :
hi.. you dont know me.. but im curious to know where in michigan are you from.. im in the detroit area.. well hope to hear from you soon.. bye 4 now.. ~lgoddess~
from lgoddess78 :
hi.. you dont know me.. but im curious to know where in michigan are you from.. im in the detroit area.. well hope to hear from you soon.. bye 4 now.. ~lgoddess~
from jenne1017 :
good haircuts=BUBBLES. But they have none in NC. Only DC, MD and VA :o(

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