messages to redcadmium:
(click here to add new message):

from candoor :
sending a happy new year... to you :)
from raven72d :
Do stay in touch...
from raven72d :
One hopes the site isn't just a part of your past. One hopes you'll keep posting-- and exchanging notes.
from raven72d :
Such lovely photos and enigmatic entries...
from eta-c :
from paleblue- :
i like russian caravan, white, no sugar.
from paleblue- :
from cartridge :
from ladolcevita3 :
how sweet of you... i would love a photo or drawing! i hope you are doing well. my email is [email protected] take care, ~laura <3
from eta-c :
from eta-c :
delayed reaction, but, i can't tell you because i don't eat lunch, umm, but if i did it would be small children and sunsets. :)
from lullaymarie :
I think I'm head over heels..falling for your photography.
from funda :
This is a test. (beep) This is a test of the Emergency Valentine's Day System. (EVS) This test is to see if leaving notes around DLand will make this a wonderful day (and weekend) in spite of not particularly being with anyone romantically at the moment. (ummm) May the results be that all this love in my heart found some productive use. (smile) And maybe a giggle or few (Happy V-Day from my other persona too :)
from gimme-danger :
Thank you for your note; thank you also for bringing me awareness of your artistic being, it is one of the most interesting attempts at expression that I have seen.
from lullaymarie :
You may have/may have not left me a letter on my diary. Allthough I must inform you of your transcendant lively writings being righteous(:
from eta-c :
looks like im the fearless leader of your stalking fan club:)
from eta-c :
uumm (i get to always try and word out exactly what it is you mean, and thats good)
from eta-c :
from eta-c :
yes...i see those legs...
from eta-c :
hey, i trashed the blue- diaries and they are no more...but...i put my fav stuff into eta-c...i just cant seem to keep still :)
from shamsi9 :
shamsi likey
from msparacelsus :
from ladolcevita3 :
hey marine, how's life? i really hope that love is treating you well... i am not writing in thejumblies, just accidentally updated there, but i am writing in this old username. take care, :) laura
from msparacelsus :
hello rrrredcadmium.../me rolls my r's. Ok, dont tell me, but how are you anyway? -pale-
from paleblue- :
*restores your wind blown bits - kind and indulgent, umm, are those pics yours...i mean did you paint them?
from funda :
from gods :
from candyprozzak :
thanks a lot for bein so nice to me.. that's really rare. may the powers that be bless you infervently.
from gods :
if everywhere is nowhere, what is the use/difference between going, coming, or sittin:g? shamsi9 goes, i go, w'all go. when going, we go. this isn't w0rm therapeutical talk. just-like-this, have a cup of coffee. then go!
from gods :
but you don't live in paris, so the inconvenience of driving to its airport just for a cup of coffee would be extreme.
from paleblue- :
...thats what I think about you.
from thejumblies :
marine! how eery it was to read your diary and find that fiona apple song when i have been listening and singing to it for the past hour. i love fiona. and you are so neat.
from son-shade :
Great fucking words. Love the one image story entries. "Her silence used to be them." That alone is great imagery, but coupled with the bastard child of Regan (The Exorcist) and The Corinthian (Sandman) - briliant.
from theascension :
It's not hard to compliment someone who just oozes poetry. Your words are brilliant! ^_^
from shamsi9 :
glad you're still here. i dream of being rich and living in paris. i've only ever been in the airport.
from theascension :
Absolutely beautiful. Theres nothing more to say, really,...Just a remarkable mind.
from funda :
Strange to follow a banner to a page that says farewell.
from sadnostalgia :
i stumbled onto it and fell into love. i guess like the long list of people below my note too. yay.
from dormir :
i love wierd trees. please dont burn them
from explodingboy :
I have always liked this diary. Very much. J'ai toujours aim� ce journal intime. Beaucoup
from padoum :
Coucou marine! miaou maya! merci pour le petit message! j'ai donc voulu jeter un coup d'oeil sur votre journal... et je me suis retrouv�e � lire TOUTES les entr�es, c'est� dire regarder toutes les photos egalement... FASCINANT!!!! un vrai mus�e intime ... CATS RULE! ciaoooo!
from parati : hard, yummy; I miss you. A
from parati :
pleasestayclose "x"
from shamsi9 :
that image is special.
from thejumblies :
i love tripping over her words (hug)
from parati :
besos y bisous..
from pulpfetish :
beautiful diary. love it.
from ladolcevita3 :
I miss Marine.
from shamsi9 :
that rules
from parati :
oh my lovely little bean, what will you grow to be? In the end, perhaps a patch of wild flowers? Your work has always made me wonder...
from finding-home :
from vikanda :
great photographs & illustrations! you've brightened my day. keep up the great stuff! V.
from youlostme :
I am in awe of your diary. So much so that I spilled lemonade on myself. I mean that in a good way!
from illcutyou :
...then I sat and thought about how wonderful they were.
from rosecongo :
I must say, before the chance escapes me, that <a href="">this</a> is one of the most wonderful things I've ever seen in my entire small life.
from mariastuart :
Oh, you have such a lovely diary :)
from rosecongo :
:) you're great.
from breton :
you are interesting.what are you doing in the united states?
from snvinyl :
Hi Marine! haha, see you didn't think I would remember your site. You have some rather intriguing artwork. Nice meeting you, you are a rather interesting person. Hope your situation improves. Would like to hear back from you. [email protected] Marc
from redcadmium :

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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