messages to redtoaster:
(click here to add new message):

from coldandgray :
nope, still locked for me
from coldandgray :
from coldandgray :
Are you updating here again? My password never did work for this, is there another one? colleenfalling @
from luxlust :
Hi, i see that you are around again, My code is not working, can i come in? Oh, i moved, email me if ou can. Hope all is well.
from luxlust :
I cant seem to find the profile. Can you email me? I hope things are better now.
from luxlust :
was that you? Are you (HC)?? let me know whats up, i am concerned. [email protected]
from luxlust :
I am having the same problem. I cant get in. Can you email me as well?
from coldandgray :
email me the password to the other (the one you gave before is not working): [email protected]
from coldandgray :
Hey! What's up? Are you going to be able to update anymore? I think you should start a new diary altogether under a new name. Start fresh. But be sure to let me know where you go, of course. What craziness!
from lapisllong :
oh, yeah, always put in a link to diaryland on the actual PAGE, not on your in-line
from lapisllong :
no problem! just e-mail me with the particulars at this username paired with hotmail.
from coldandgray :
May I have your password, pretty please, Toasty?
from luxlust :
Is it all of the time that it wont load? Is it just since i re did it?
from supermom3604 :
I've given up sweets for Lent, and I'm thinking of tacking drinking onto that list as well. Good for you for sticking to it, if only for a day or two...did you get your package yet?
from supermom3604 :
Where the hell did your comments go? I thought you'd enjoy this: I work in insurance, and we call homeowner's insurance "homo" for short. And when you combine your auto and home, you get a "package". I still giggle every time I hear it. I'm such a dork.
from poopiebitch :
omg, that beans on toast site totally cracked me up! thanks for thinking of me!
from poopiebitch :
hey - email me your email addy and I'll send you that comments fix, kay?
from luxlust :
Hey, thanks for adding me, you seem really fun!
from supermom3604 :
Shoot me an email, stressgirl at gmail dot com and give me your address. I'll send you pudding and tootsie rolls.
from supermom3604 :
html makes me cry. Good luck. If you want, I'll mail you pudding. I'd love to say that I mailed someone some pudding.
from supermom3604 :
I just wanted to say hello, and of course you're not so abnormal. We're all crazy in some ways. The world wouldn't be very interesting if we weren't.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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