messages to rev-elation:
(click here to add new message):

from inside---out :
love the layout.
from i87exit35 :
just checkin' in. hope you find the letters to make the words again... soon. yours always
from shakeboy :
Heh, funny finding this bit of info. Good to see you're still alive. Haven't seen you in quite a while around town. Have a happy life! Hope to see you again soon! Shakeboy!
from muxxie :
sniff you locked it again and I can't remember the password!!!
from raven72d :
Great senior pix... And I love the flamingo.
from banefulvenus :
Just wanted to say you have a great site going on there.... ;)
from i87exit35 :
hey, babe. thank you. and so high on the list. Sincerely... I am honored. yours completely :*
from i87exit35 :
allison, my sweet girl! justin, my darling boy! precious, my perfect kitty! hot shit, my sweet darling perfect love! i didn't get here by clicking any banner. i got here by knowing your deepest fantasy. and i promise to lock you up and treat you like a bad inmate. ;)
from hotj14 :
yo, nice diaryring, but i dont exactly live in the suburbs or pose...i live in the city, hang with the hood, cruise in ferraris and listen to 50 cent...and by the way...check out my diary...peace
from sweets73 :
he he i love ur diaryring gangstas he he my diary says gangsta all over it whoo hoo!!!
from invisibledon :
Happy New Year
from invisibledon :
happy holidays
from holdasecret :
lesbians yay! [thanks for taking my survey. drop a line my way sometime.]
from dlandcaward :
Hi, I saw that you had posted your own diary as a choice...but you didn't put as a choice for what? I will be forced to delete your note, but please come back. If you read the how to, you may better understand.
from rebe :
hey, i love your new lay-out, rev, it is beautiful.
from momoko-h :
Hey! Your diary kicks ass. I got to your site from the ad REAL Lesbians. I got disappointed at that damn idiot Hodgson's site...PS Imbi :D Figure it out. ^^
from solipsister :
i think you love your cat more than i love mine!! but wait, that's impossible, i refuse to believe such a blasphemy. p.s. preshie is a door a bull. hee, hee, get it?
from goodvibez6 :
ok i just realized you are a true lesbian and not getting attention w/ your banner thingy. Well i'm a Faerie, so we should go dance in the fairy ring, if you know what that is.
from goodvibez6 :
"you'll never touch these things that i hold, the skin of my emotions lies beneath my own. you'll never feel the heat of this soul; my fever burns me deeper than i've ever shown."~fiona Apple So what do you really think about homosexuality?
from letters2iris :
hey we just saw your ad. did that cost a lot of money. i have a gf too she hates me and loves her cat. go to her livejournal site poodlenation
from brandone :
I don't mind your lesbianism, your girlfriend or even your diary, but your cat really friggin' pisses me off! BraNdoNe
from kasai :
^^ Heh, found your diary by your "Real Lesbians" banner. LOL, I take it you've been to hodgson's diary. Anyway, just like to say that you seem to be pretty kick-ass, and in my opinion, that's a good quality to have about you.
from shutupmom :
but what about ani difranco?
from boyrepellant :
you left a note mentioning that your girlfriend has access to pharmac. merchandise, by all means, please hook me up with whatever you can!!! i will send you something in return. my email is [email protected], so please write me there and we can work something out. yay!
from boyrepellant :
engaging content, gorgeous layout. one day i hope my site is as brilliant as yours! i enjoy talking to people on AIM, so if you ever have yours on feel free to add me to your list/talk.
from silentspace :
your such a rebel, think it makes me want you more

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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