messages to rhidundantx2:
(click here to add new message):

from bigpimpinmba :
Welcome back, Rhi! I've missed you and it's always a good way to say, "I'm back" by telling us how you wipe! Gold is done, huh?
from gumphood :
BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH!!!! (nice eyes thought I thought and probably said it before)
from gumphood :
hehee...I am very glad you like the bears. I think those damn fuzzy bears are funny bitches.
from cats-corner :
Why it was easy dah-ling banners and it was love at first read. :-D -cat
from bubaloo :
Hi! I found you through one of your surveys that my buddy Captive Firefy had taken. Your questions got my curiousity up and I read a bit of your diary. I'm hooked! You are very funny!
from ramblin-bill :
Yeah - tight in all the right places... hehehe. I'd go to sleep, but i have laundry in the drier and I am trying to write an entry. (TRYING!) What are you still doing up? And why are you at the computer in the corset like that?
from chickie-legs :
hey! thanks for adding me! :) I was going to buy the albino bowler action figure but I think everyone that read my diary beat me to it. Apparently i'm not the only fan of nonsensical white-haired athletes...-beth =)
from gumphood :
I agree. Don't tell me I am hot. CAUSE I AM NOT! Can I see your trapper keeper sometime?
from gumphood :
thanks for adding me. Just out of curiosity. What does your name mean?
from brokencynic :
hey thanks for the note :) that was really thoughtful and kind of u. And no prob about adding you to my list, I love reading your diary, its hilarious :D
from hamiltonian :
Thanks for complimnts my diary is loaded with quotes in most entries. If ever have a question please ask.
from hamiltonian :
have no idea or remember how I found you...
from hamiltonian :
sent you an email about your notify list.. tried via messenger but wouldnt let me send anything...
from lasvegasliz :
Happy birthday! :) Yay libras.
from mathero :
I'm promoting my diary because I'm bored as hell tonight! =)
from sunnflower :
Hi - I pointed to your diary in my latest entry - - as a great new find!
from anorexicsoul :
anyone who references Tone Loc in an entry has my endless appreciation and gratitude. well done on that one :)
from xeran :
I'd love to use you hun. Over and over again. ;)
from ramblin-bill :
Yeah - there is something wrong with my comments page - I am going to work on that in just a few minutes... sorry to confuse you with it. As far as the Goetze Caramel Creams go, I like to pop 'em in one at a time and let the 'cream' melt in my mouth... Sad, but that's me.
from raven72d :
My, my, my... You are a vur' clever writer...and a clever find here on a random Saturday night. I will be reading you often.
from gumphood :
He wasn't just a cripple...he was like uber handicaped guy. I suggest major flogging
from futureceo :
Hi Rhi. I dropped by your diary from god-of-whine's and thought I'd say hello. I'll be checking out more of your entries!
from god-of-whine :
Hey there rhidund you are very sexy, witty, charming,lovely, honest...your words speak to me! Would you like to go a drive in movie with me?

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