messages to riatsala:
(click here to add new message):

from jchristopher :
Hey Darling. Check out my new one entry journal! N and L are en route drunk. I am skinny, crabby and glad I don't have a gun.
from peth :
i feel explody too. and sneezing thoroughly.
from insilico :
i'd be happy to pay for at least one month's rent while i camp out in your guestroom (really i have a tent and everything) figgering my next move. don't let this stop you from locating a more permanent roommate though. as someone who was also once "given the opportunity to resign" from soul-sucking employment, you have my sympathies.
from aliceayers :
do you really want playing cards? can we we play cards whilst hungover on sunday?
from bother :
i think i like you too. let's be almost, hypothetical friends,
from castigada :
Wo bist du, mein geliebtes Land!? Gesucht, geahnt une nie gekannt!
from peth :
Och, Haud yer wheesht alriddy!
from edithpilaf :
I would be honored to dub Double Agent 1980 for you. Do you prefer CD or cassette? Send me your mailing address at [email protected]. (My personal fave is The Push Kings rendition of Save a Prayer. Duran! Duran!)
from swilkes :
Happy 100th entry! Oh, gee, that greeting could be taken several ways, eh? Anyway, no one's posted on your notes page for awhile, and lo, here I am! Love ya!
from peth :
from steviek :
thanks for the compliment. blue does seem nice and cheerful. everything in that song is freakin' brilliant. i thought of you today because i listened to 69 love songs at the gym. good running music. who'd have thunk?
from ravenheart :
Hi. About this color test thing, I took it too and it didnt match me. Sometimes maybe you have to pick the colors you dont like, who knows.
from sooner :
the coffee goddess is my pleasure. My secret pleasure.
from chzza :
Hurrah! Congratulations! I also, just a month or so ago, rescued a vast and ancient collection of pornography that had been secretly clogging the folks' computer without them realizing. Though, of course, mine was hetero, which if anything would've probably been a relief to them, since they've had their doubts in the past...
from peth :
happiest of movings, I wish you.
from sooner :
Yesterday I was on a train from Richmond to Philadelphia. It was a local, so people were getting on and off at the various stops between there and hereand some beyond. I was sitting on the aisle reading my dogeared, old edition of Thucydides. I was nearly to the surrender of the Spartan army on Sphacteria, round about the end of Book IV, I suppose, when a rakish, but clumbsy, young man spilled coffee on my book as he passed in the aisle. I must always hate him for damaging my book, but I got his number anyway. He was on his way to Boston. Would you like it?
from peth :
You must needs not feel forward for grabbing the maudish ring. It is there for frolicksome folks like yerself to join, my little ginger nugget.
from luridcaprice :
Wow, I'm already a favorite. Way to go, me. Though I'm not quite sure what I've done to warrant an "Oh, my." Anyway, I reeeeeeeaaaaally like your diary. Alreadyafavorite, yourself.
from swilkes :
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't LOTR *already* slash fic? Oh, wait, I'm just talking about the movie, not the book...sorry.
from peth :
oh, but Legoland had those odd, dark dead eyes. they scared me, though he was elvish and blonde otherwise. and I am INTP. will you still love me?
from peth :
oh, fiddle my stick. tippi's lipstick was just the right shade of coral-red. her nails didn't match exactly, and that was just right. many people hate Camille. At least she gets me thinking, as do you, my darling.
from sooner :
oh sweet riatsala. I would spoil the end of Trainspotting for you. You know as a birthday gift of sorts. But I'm afriad I can't remember it. Let's see, first he climbs into the toilet and then somebody does an impression of Sean Connery and shoots a dog in the testes with a BB Gun. Pump action if I recall. And then that guy gets all strung out and goes on a rather ill-fated job interview. And I seem to remember a scene in a pool hall. Oh, Riatsala, why does my memory fail me? Is it the Jagermeister?
from edithpilaf :
Happy Birthday, A. May your mansions be many and your tip jar full.
from chzza :
Like, omigawd, you love the Blue Flower too? Kewl!!!!!!!!!!! UR THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!! (I also love Innocence). Oh, and a very happy birthday. May your mid-20s be wonderful, erotic, and wonderfully erotic.
from swilkes :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I didn't realize how near we are in age--did you skip kindergarten? I'm turning two dozen in March.
Hey, bubby, tawk to me awreddy!
from swilkes :
I'm DaVinci's Mona Lisa. Problem is, I don't like to be gawked at by thousands of fat tourists each day.
from peth :
I am liking the chocolate placemat upon which yer words are morseled. I dig asexuals, and have had sex with far fewer than 5. Still, they say I am a whore. I know not the Latin, alas. more later.
from chzza :
Hurrah! Up the sissy proletariat! Warm soy milk tastes like cat runs!
from swilkes :
Hey bubby--I'm back from the limbo'd. Well, still in Seattle, but what I mean is--I've updated my diary! and will continue to do so! Imagine! Glad to see you're barristin' again.
from troilus :
at the time of asking...Mo
from chzza :
As I believe Gandhi once said, "Holy cow!" I'm so pleased someone caught my bleep-bleep Blake, although I should've known it'd be you, you fearfully symmetrical rascal.
from edithpilaf :
Well, darling, I was at the home of some conservative gay men this evening and all they served me for dinner was MEAT and BEER, with no utensils. Even the gay boys in Texas are mad with testosterone. There was a darling one named Kevin that I would totally fix you up with, were you here, in Texas, where the fags eat beef. I miss New England, where bodies are covered with coats this time of year. Kiss-kiss, Edith/Mo
from steviek :
my profile says you like my diary. if you do, thanks! love to see millay referenced anywhere.
from chzza :
Don't forget to do your spielundtanz on James Clerk of Penicuik.
from chzza :
Hate not the tastemongers, for it were Ms. St. Vincent Millay herself who started the whole cycle: first in, then out, in, out, in, out... occasionally thrice a day, or so I've heard.
from riatsala :
Is it gauche to leave messages for oneself? Of course it is. That's why I'm doing it. Yes, Mr. Chzza; it is Mr. Porter. Damn. Well, their given names rhyme... a
from chzza :
Coward may have been a sweaty bastard, but according to the Kinsey Report, it's Porter who's finding it just too darn hot. [*braces himself to pitch the woo in the upcoming Battle of the Cultural References he has now started*]
from throcky :
Have I told you lately how much I love your diary? How much it makes me think and makes me HEAR the music of your life...... Grazie... Miss Throckmorton

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