messages to rift:
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from grouse :
You're in the early stages of mourning... no reason to expect yourself to be firing evenly on all thrusters. They do recommend, however, that people mourning a loss probably shouldn't make great changes in their lives too suddenly. Once you and Tegan figure out how to live again without Tess, then maybe you can sit back and decide what changes you want to see in your life. Perhaps even another furry companion. Until then, enjoy the pig you're with.
from grouse :
She had warmth, food, water, companionship, love, and weekends out to safely wander and explore. I cannot imagine a guinea pig with a better life. It is just unfortunate that many of the companions we take into our lives get to share it for such a short time. I'm sorry, but I am also grateful it was quick, and you were there with her.
from grouse :
Sadness here, for both you and Tessera. May the time she has left be peaceful, and comfortable.
from grouse :
Thanks for the update. Hoping for continued improvement.
from grouse :
When the heeler Mom had her stroke, she held her head at a tilt, stumbled, and quit eating. I just knew she had only days left. Now she still has her head at a slight tilt, but she walks and jumps up on the bed, and there is nothing wrong with her appetite. I am sending hopes of a similar recovery for Tess.
from grouse :
You realize, of course, that if you exclude SUV owners and non-vegans from the ranks of Environmentalists, then the environmental movement is as numbered as California condors, and as doomed as the Dodo. Would you rather stand alone, to be right and certainly lose, or open your ranks and maybe win?
from grouse :
Yeah, I would worry about the dreary, sunless days in the Northwest, too. But if you can get yourself out to walk and enjoy the countryside, that's gotta be more healthful, in more ways than one. 'Course, looking for a cooler climate, places to hike and more sunshine, one would have to wonder what was wrong with the Mile-High state. (Other than too many people, but you got that anyway, right?)
from grouse :
"... nothing with that much chocolate in it can be labled "failure"!" Ohhhh, ain't it the truth.
from grouse :
Yes, you ARE a computer genius. Congratulations on finally getting that recognized.
from grouse :
Just wanted to thank you for your supportive comments with our lost heeler (but I knew *you*, above others, would understand). As for your down moods, I suspect pain from running and exercise might be better for you than your other sources. Maybe just start a little less vigorously.
from grouse :
We also have not figured out the purpose of docking tails, commonly done on heelers. Reportedly it was first done because pigs could grab them by that appendage, but how many actually live with pigs now? Price for stud service for our heeler Mom was a male puppy from the litter, which the owner docked at about three days of age using scissors and flour. The Mom couldn't watch, but she heard the yelp and smelled the blood, and never trusted that guy again. We, on the other hand, love watching those mood indicator flags on our pack members (wife says I have tail-envy).
from grouse :
Artists are free to do as they choose, within the constraints of their medium. A web site, on the other hand, needs to be practical and efficient as well as attractive. I suspect the hardest part of this job is going to be keeping their artistic enthusiasm from overwhelming the functionality of the site. So of course they need your talents. Have fun with it...
from grouse :
Congrats on the employee award... deserved, I'm sure!
from grouse :
A lizard running onto your toe. That's gotta be considered good luck in some society somewhere.
from trinity63 :
("I don't mind paying for gas. I'm happier when the price goes up because it punishes earth destroying SUV owners.") I can think of worse things. A lot of worse things. How do you get around anyhow? Do you walk?
from dramoth :
Hey. I found you cuz I was looking for fellow TKH fans. Glad there some listed here! I'm also a McCaffrey fan (hugely) and I've read one Brin, so there ya go. I hope to check out your diary. My next survey (I've got quite a few already) will be about reading materials. Woo. Ciao!
from nastenka :
Danke schon, dahling.

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