messages to rossygirl:
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from arletterocks :
My mom likes Jacques Brel and Elvis. This is the only music that we're capable of agreeing on.
from arletterocks :
Ha ha, too late! My tan's already peeling! The back of my leg looks like it has mange or something.
from arletterocks :
Awww, you sound so mushy about your new boyfriend! So cute! Must run to the bathroom and barf. ;)
from arletterocks :
Hey, sugar! Almost done with that template. Haven't forgotten, just been busy chasing spiders around my house. The motherfuckers are HUGE. I think I saw a black widow in my yard today. It was awesome.
from arletterocks :
Hell no I didn't buy anything at the pier! I just don't feel the need for crappy San Francisco souvenirs; my mom's got enough already. That book I got at City Lights about Tijuana Bibles is the best, though. It's a collection of little eight-page pornographic comics from the 1930s through the 50s. One comic has Donald Duck fucking Minnie Mouse and another one has Wimpy doing Popeye while Popeye does Olive Oyl. ROCK.
from punkdork77 :
Hey, I wasn't drunk, I just lost my balance, self control, and ability to sit in a chair for five minutes without passing out because of some astrological phenomena. Really. Ok, so I was smashed. Thanks again for taking me home and keeping my drunk ass warm and comfy. Now you have a free "get drunk and have Owen hold your hair while you puke pass" handy. Then again, I would do that for you anyway, my sweet monkey queen. Bye sexy!
from arletterocks :
Howdy! Thanks for getting your drunk-ass date home safe. And by the way, "Cherry Bomb" is my new favorite nickname.

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