messages to rs536-2000:
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from lass :
Downtown? Where all the lights are bright?
from awittykitty :
I'm supremely frustated with D'land too. Between the excessive SPAM I keep getting and I just submitted an entry and as usual it disappeared into Neverland. Argh! I already favorited you in your new location though. P.S. We're getting Aretha Franklin at our free jazz festival this summer. I doubt if you'll even be able to get near the location since she's, well Aretha Franklin!
from harri3tspy :
Oh, that's tantalizing. Maybe he was her man and she caught him hassling other girls. Or maybe he's been hassling her for weeks and she finally decided to act on a fantasy. I think you need to make up a story and write it down.
from smedindy :
Jumped the Shark? Nope. I think it's slowly rewarding us. It's darker and not as funny as it was, but remember that these folks are scumbags and they're deserving their fates.
from freshhell :
Oooh, those are nice. Can't imagine how it works but hope you're able to get one. Laundrymats suck. My dream is a dishwasher.
from awittykitty :
Nobody is ever too old for Angela Landsbury and musical theatre! I saw Carol Channing in "Hello Dolly" and just wept because it was so wonderfully schmultzy like theatre should be.
from freshhell :
It was nice to see Alex gone last night, eh? (Hope that wasn't a spoiler).
from freshhell :
Ha - we are cut from the same cloth of irritation. It seems every visit to my therapist begins, "Everything irritates me! Everyone irritates me to distraction!"
from freshhell :
I haven't heard about Looks interesting - I'll have to explore that further. Thanks for the tip!
from smedindy :
Heh. Love the name. And yes...I'll let you know if I decide to sell 'em. I'll have an excel spreadsheet (of course...)
from freshhell :
That's an excellent name for a cat! Maybe you could just rename your cat so you have an excuse to yell "Condoleeza Beastiegirl!" Or, you could yell it anyway, for no reason. I mean, I would bet nobody would bat an eye.
from harri3tspy :
I'm confused. Was auntie Angela Lansbury's roomate or your mother's?
from lass :
Oh my god. Did you at least respond to the email and sign your real name in some large, red font?
from smedindy :
Dear (Random Name), Thank you for the date and sharing your dessert. I think it's his standard email and he just forgot to change the name!
from awittykitty :
So now you write back and say "Dear George" (or whatever his name isn't) and see if HE notices. heh! (I guess you can see why I can't get a date. I just sit here and think of vindictive things to do when things go awry.)
from harri3tspy :
If it's entertaining, why not? I can't really think of a better reason to do it. Also, it's fun to read about. But I'm guessing the entertainment you had in mind was yours rather than mine.
from elgan :
This is a totally out-of-left-field kind of question, but have you met any women at the speed dating thing whom you would like to be friends with? Do the participants get to fraternize at all with their own sex, or is it all very regimented and you're put through like cattle? Just asking. For me, that would be a plus, meeting women like myself.
from freshhell :
I think you should do it a few more times, if only to entertain ME! Doesn't eat sweets? I can't see that working out long term.
from awittykitty :
Plus you get free meals and diary fodder. Its a win-win situation with the potential for more to happen. P.S. Guys are much worse liars about their ages then women. Trust me on that one.
from smedindy :
Well, do keep an open mind. If the mother is infirm and needs some care, then that's OK for sure. If he's named Norman, forget it.
from freshhell :
Oh yeah, living with mother. Just say no.
from smedindy :
The zoo would be fun, and I think you're first instinct was correct. Go to it and see what happens.
from lass :
Hooray for dates! Hope they hold their appeal under non-speed conditions!
from awittykitty :
we're not speed can talk again if you want. :-)
from smedindy :
Good luck with the date!
from freshhell :
Did you think Survivor ruled last night or was it just me? The look on Ed's face was priceless. In terms of dating, I think it ought to just be dutch-treat these days. I am uncomfortable enough with men opening doors for me like I'm a criple. I hope your date goes well.
from freshhell :
Yeah, especially since Michelle didn't deserve such treatment! It's been a much more interesting season now that there aren't any sorority girls. I can't wait to see the boys go down!
from freshhell :
btw, I keep meaning to ask: are you still watching Survivor?
from freshhell :
Aw, I miss having a kitty!
from awittykitty :
Now if you threw Steve Buscemi in the mix, I'd be worried. Wow. Two dates. I think I suddenly need an anxiety pill. The thing I've learned (and usually ignore)...act like it all doesn't matter. My money is on #9 though. Woo hoo!
from harri3tspy :
I am pleased to have my suspicions that even 6 minutes is too long for some people confirmed [how's that for convoluted sentence structure?]. Did you pick where to go every 12 minutes? Did they pick you? Did you just go in some assigned order? How many people were involved? Was there any kind of pre-event sorting (by age, interests, etc?)? And most importantly, what did you decide to wear? Inquiring minds want to know.
from awittykitty :
B#9 sounded good. Send him over to me.
from lass :
Ahahahaha! On behalf of all your readers, I demand 7-12!!
from freshhell :
Man, wish I coulda been a fly on da wall dere! I coulda gotta laugh. Or sumphin.
from smedindy :
So sorry. There was plenty of other developments going on, though. I had thought most everyone watched it on Sunday.
from freshhell :
Thank you. Yes, children don't even grasp the concept of friend until they're about 3 and a half. I remember when I was pregnant with Dusty reading garbage about women throwing elaborate first birthdays for their children and I thought, "Who's this for, exactly? Not the baby."
from freshhell :
Is this the French Culin.Instit? I was just researching an alum from there yesterday. Worlds colide. I'm with you on the REAL sugar. White sugar, that is. I hate all those packets of chemical nastiness and rarely use SITR. If I'm eating sugar - I want the hard stuff.
from awittykitty :
Sugar, eating greasy food, talking about seeing a therapist. Yeah, that sounds about right for PMS. :-)
from freshhell :
Glad you like the bookmark/refrigerator decoration! Also, "Internal Battle" is my middle name. If you ever need someone to discuss things with for free, email me. FreshHell MD, at your service.
from awittykitty :
If Freud answers his page let me know....I have a few questions for him. :-)
from freshhell :
Actually, we get ALL KINDS of things that fall off uncovered trucks on the way to the dump. I don't think I've seen a condom but we get a variety of flotsam because nobody with cover their trash.
from elgan :
Sorry I didn't have an opportunity earlier, but Happy Passover nonetheless!
from freshhell :
Babies - they are seductive! But stinky. And loud.
from awittykitty :
Maybe the cat was just making an editorial statement about the New Yorker. Although I'd think she'd rather wipe her butt on the New York Daily News.
from lass :
Was the Starbucks chick five? Because that's about how old I was the last time I called "dibs" on anything. Sheesh.
from freshhell :
Actually, I finished the book last week. I enjoyed it even though it dragged a bit at the end and the epilogue was less interesting than the rest. A really interesting book. I think I may have to start drinking tea now - if only as an antibacterial quaff.
from lass :
Oh HELL no you didn't go out with that?!
from smedindy :
Um. That's a real pic? Wowser. Tell me gray seal!
from tfrunner262 :
Did you get that 'heat wave' by you too?? It was in the upper 70s here on Monday, and running was gorgeous in the late afternoon. It's nice to run in shorts again without numb legs afterward... and it seems better on the knees too -- I sure know what you mean about 'creaky' otherwise!! I think my knee is beyond creaky, but I like that term for it!
from lass :
Ahahahaha! Freshhell beat me to the punch.
from freshhell :
I thank you for your attitude every day.
from freshhell :
See, that's why I like cats (well, more reasons than this, really) - they're all the same size, more or less. You won't find cats that fit in teacups AND cats you can ride. Chihuahuas are always shivering - no matter how "warm" they might appear.
from harri3tspy :
They don't have your kind of gutters in our particular brand of suburbia. No sidewalks, no curbs, therefore no gutters. Instead the water from the street runs straight down our driveway. But they do sell rabbit at the funky grocery store that seems to have as its target market both the richest and poorest members of our community (gourmet/foodie types plus immigrants looking for ingredients from home that are hard to find elsewhere -- it's actually a pretty good combination, but kind of an unusual one). The rabbit is, alas, shelved next to the tripe, so I will probably not be giving it a try, but I had some incredible rabbit in some kind of rich wine sauce in Paris once that blew me away until I realized it was a bunny.
from elgan :
I had rabbit once, way back in 1979 I believe. It was done in a plum sauce and was really rather tasty (except that all I could taste was the plum sauce), but when it was done, and the bones were left on my plate, it looked like I had eaten a very small child, and I couldn't bear to ever eat rabbit again. Oh, right, I'm a vegetarian now. I wonder if that was an influencing factor.
from freshhell :
If he tasted like chicken it doesn't sound worth it to me. Then again, I haven't eaten an animal in 19 years so what do I know?
from freshhell :
So you ate a bunny on the first day of spring? Harsh.
from freshhell :
No candy eaters? Terrible. Also, yes I got Ghost Map. I'm already about 50 pages into it.
from lass :
How do you tell a cat to "Make like a cat...catch a fucking mouse now and then?" in Spanish? I'm asking friend.
from harri3tspy :
I could ship AJ to you. He was apparently talking his Spanish teacher's ear off today (in Spanish). Who knew? He won't talk it at home. And I was struck dumb when said teacher tried speaking to me in Spanish this afternoon. She lost me at "Hola."
from awittykitty :
My cat and I have our own secret language we talk in. It keeps the interlopers guessing.
from freshhell :
Yeah, if you find that out, let me know. I mean, other people - what's to like?
from awittykitty :
I just don't understand why there hasn't been "SUBWAY: the musical!" I mean if they can write a musical about a bunch of self absorbed artsy types in "RENT"....
from freshhell :
Don't feel too bad. Perhaps you can find a pink and black (hark 1982!) top and split the difference.
from harri3tspy :
It could be worse. Imagine "she's syphilis."
from smedindy :
"She's obesity?" I may have said, "This is my fist and this is your face...any questions?" But I'm a pacifist at heart.
from awittykitty :
"This is R...she's obesity" WTF? What does that mean? Anyhow, I'm glad its going well. And yay for a free lunch.
from freshhell :
Damn. I think you need to send all your analysis bills to your mom. That's crazy. But, then, I think all moms are crazy. Which - oops - means me, too. Yes, I'm crazy. But I let my kids wear pretty much what they want. Within reason.
from awittykitty :
My whole closet is awash in black. I just blame it on being an artist.
from smedindy :
It's calling you by saying 'I'm scrumptious'. And you know, the ice cream never lies.
from freshhell :
Weren't allowed to wear black? What kind of mother was she? You must write about this.
from harri3tspy :
The cabaret show sounds like fun. I wish I could go!
from freshhell :
MARCH! Thank Goodness! Have a good Last Day of Work!
from freshhell :
Wow, three days. How excellent. Enjoy them.
from lass :
Oh my m-fing God. Just reading about that gave me the heebie-jeebies - I can't imagine listening to it...ack.
from smedindy :
As a man of the male persuasion, I'd totally have turned off the radio at the first mention of that...issue. Yeesh.
from freshhell :
How is that even possible? How would you even know if it wasn't "normal"? Did she compare hers to other clitori? Eew. ANyway, thanks for your notes. Yeah, if I can make it through March, I'll be okay. Hate Fucking Winter.
from harri3tspy :
Okay, now I've got a little song in my head: Does your clit hang low? Does it wobble to and fro? Can you tie it in a knot? Can you tie it in a bow?
from tfrunner262 :
Today they nearly kept the cookies at the grocery store here... they set them off to the side and just didn't give them to us with everything else after we paid. Grocery stores and cookies... I don't know... have you ever noticed that each store has its own craziness too?? I'm glad you got your cookies for the right price though, lol.
from smedindy :
I am SOOOO glad Liz doesn't drown herself in perfume. My Mom used to back in the day, and it was always that nasty smelly old-lady perfume. Yick.
from harri3tspy :
Oh, I love the enthusiasm for worry thing. I'm going to tell Mr. Spy, who's been worried about worry lately. Maybe he's just metaenthusiastic, I can suggest. I'm sure that won't fly.
from freshhell :
I'm glad your cat was so ENTHUSIASTIC about having you back! Obviously since she saved up all her poo for you! What a happy treat for you!
from harri3tspy :
I'm so glad your mom's doing better. And I LOVE those Newman cookies. We used to get them for AJ, but I'm pretty sure I ate most of them. And Big Y, how I miss you! The home of cheap liquor (Vodka City vodka!) where IDs were not strictly necessary! Ah, the memories. Kind of makes me want to go to Packard's for a beer.
from lass :
I'll put a vague, nonreligious prayer out there for your mom as well. My mom is similarly stubborn and when pushed will say things like "Well, I have to die of SOMETHING." Not fun to deal with.
from awittykitty :
Stubborn mothers ARE hard to deal with, especially when sick. Hopefully the antibiotics will kick out the infection.
from lass :
The vacation sounds wonderful. Also, because I think I have seen somewhat of a kindred spirit in you when it comes to dealing with people, I am hereby nominating you to be my Minister of State when I create my little empire called "STAY THE HELL AWAY Island".
from harri3tspy :
The hook and eye arrangement can work on either side of the door, even if the door is inset back from the front of the door frame. If it opens in, you just put one end on the front of the door and one end on the side of the doorframe (so it makes kind of a triangle with the door and the frame, if that makes any sense. Of course, it's not the most beautiful arrangement, so if aesthetics are an issue, that's something else again.
from harri3tspy :
An easy and cheap solution: one of those screw in hook and eyes. They cost no more than 50 cents and if you put them up high do well to keep out a crazy cat. Works in my house, where we use it on the door to the furnace room. Mr. Stein figured out how to open the door and used to climb up the shelves into the ceiling and walk around up there until he knocked out one of the ceiling panels in my office and came crashing to the floor and a pile of dust and dead bugs. Blech.
from awittykitty :
Too bad you couldn't have had your beach time to coincide with the nor'easter, but then again, Mother Nature isn't real good at sharing her schedule in advance. Glad you had a nice time and some warm weather.
from freshhell :
Sounds like an ideal vacation! Glad you had such a good time.
from harri3tspy :
I was coming over here to wish you happy birthday, but totally forgot you're on vacation. Ah well. Birthday wishes when you get back. And also, I think I have a CD around her called "Songs of Scotland."
from awittykitty :
Happy Birthday right back at you. Aren't February 12thians great? There's actually quite a few on D'land. Anyways, thanks for the nice greeting and have a great time.
from lass :
Have a great trip!
from freshhell :
:) At least Survivor starts tonight. At least there's that to look forward to. And beer.
from freshhell :
Argh! See, THEY know how to do these kind of events - they are the DEVELOPMENT and ALUMNI offices. They do these things all the time in their sleep. But they are also assholes and cannot play "let's all be a team" or "we are all one department." They are worse than useless. I need a boss. Now. Wish I was going to PR with you.
from freshhell :
Happy Birthday and have a great trip! Hope you have a nice, relaxing time.
from smedindy :
Have a nice trip!
from lass :
from lass :
Go out with him. If nothing else, you can make him pay and thereby reduce the amount of money he might potentially donate to some hideous Republican cause.
from lass :
Go out with him. If nothing else, you can make him pay and reduce the amount of money he might potentially donate to some hideous Republican cause.
from smedindy :
I think your wiles can change his ways!
from tiaris :
Oh, lawd, I've had to re-lock again. Do drop a line to beltwaybelle at yahoo. As I know your first name, go ahead and put that in the subject line so I know it's you.
from lass :
Yeah, I guess the whole uproot and move halfway across the country thing was rather a large gesture...who knew I could be girly? And yes, astronaut lady = crazy-ass bitch.
from harri3tspy :
I can't seem to reconstruct my address book and I no longer have any of your email addresses. Could you send them to me? And also, could you send me AG's if you have it? She sent me an email before the crash that I don't think I answered.
from freshhell :
So what you're saying is that Scribbletown is farming out its operation overseas? When I call over there to talk to Red, will I get an operator I can't understand? Damn, that girl better "graduate" to the real world soon.
from freshhell :
God, my mom - post divorce - used to tell me about her dates and compare their, um, advantages. LA LA LA, NOT LISTENING!
from awittykitty :
At least your elderly mom didn't tell you seconds before a certain waitress took your breakfast order that her husband had given her their website address and she had watched their rather raunchy sex video. Oy!
from harri3tspy :
Hee. I'm glad you told that story. I've heard it before, but it's still funny. Horrifying and funny.
from harri3tspy :
I totally understand. They are supposed to mourn your loss forever!
from smedindy :
Um, wow. No I hadn't heard that. In college we called the coffee we made using two packages instead of one "jet fuel". But that was only for finals. 5 shots of expresso. That's MADNESS!
from tiaris :
Crikey! Thanks for pointing that out. I just looked at the page and it jumped out at me, and I was wondering if anyone saw it. Not that I care at this point. I'm feeling very full of myself--ready to rant on, as it were.
from lass :
"Bare with me"? Ack. Does anyone "supposebly" look like someone famous? Or do they want to tell you their history and hear "you'res"?
from awittykitty :
I just got a note from a guy on MySpace saying he was looking for a "prety woamn". I actually think he should first consider looking for a dictionary.
from smedindy :
You should say, "I'm tired of seeing profiles of mo-rons..."
from freshhell :
Aw, I'm so jealous of your upcoming trip! Can't I go with you? I promise not to talk too much except to make fun of people and scowl at them! Plus, I'll pay for my own drinks.
from tfrunner262 :
Kudos to you running in that weather! I see people out there and wonder how the heck they're running in such cold... it always seems so much better when you're the one running I guess. I never really thought I'd be the one thinking that, haha! Anyway, just wanted to say 'hi' and good luck with your winter training!! (I've got one more month to go before I try it again :)
from freshhell :
Yeah, that's the scene I'm talking about. Luckily I was too sleepy to even care by then
from lass :
I think a succinct, Bugs Bunny-style "Sayonara, suckers!" would make a lovely speech at the office farewell party. Not that you asked... :)
from awittykitty :
People born on our day are so high maintenance.
from freshhell :
"A party sounds like I'm going to have to be friendly to everyone." - Ha ha! We were SO separated at birth! See, if WE had drinks together we could just scowl and rag on everyone. I miss high school....
from smedindy :
Ah, at the company I was at before I got to Wabash, people were leaving left and right so we had a standing goodbye party every Thursday at a sports bar nearby. When I left, the party started at 4:30 and I finally left at midnight admit tears, many beers, and about 2 dozen wings.
from awittykitty :
Someone who later became my friend in high school said her and her friend used to call me Frankenstein Face before they knew me. I guess I never smiled. Hey! I was smiling on the inside. Back off!
from freshhell :
Funny, I enjoyed Jane Eyre. I just like the story so much I wasn't in a fault-finding mood.
from harri3tspy :
That Jane bugged me so much, I had to turn it off. The music was dreadful. But the thing that made me shut it off, was the complete rewriting of the gypsy scene. Totally ruined for no apparent reason. I'm with Adele: Bah!
from lass :
I once worked with a Romanian woman who had a similar party for her grandchild - complete with the object-picking. As I recall, he picked a set of car keys. No idea if he's the world's first Romanian NASCAR driver, tho. Also, poop issues suck.
from freshhell :
Ah, poo! The perennial problem! Also, both my girls were not only walking but running at 11 months so a mobile one-year-old, even a boy, is not too alarming. Except for the parent. Mobility = fun's over.
from awittykitty :
I had to laugh about the clogged pipe. Not for your embarrassment of course, but I had a similar thing happen at my first day on the job at Waldenbooks long ago. I was mortified when the one and only toilet in the store suddenly started to overflow thanks to my "contribution" and I was running around looking for something to chop the damn thing apart. Plus there were boxes of books all over the bathroom and I didn't want the overflowing toilet to damage anything. Oy!
from smedindy :
Good for you on the job. But, that salesclerk needed some attitude adjustment, big time. Send her on a date with the guy who wants the tramp stamp!
from freshhell :
You don't have to apologize! You can eat whatever you want. I'd rather you ate a burger than smoked anyway. If you had to choose between the two, let the burger win.
from freshhell :
Wow. Sounds like a dream guy. I'm surprised you didn't beg him to marry you right then. I'd rather have a houseful of cats than deal with people like that.
from harri3tspy :
I'd check his column out if I were you. And good luck with the notice-giving. Let me know how it goes.
from smedindy :
Oh, my. A 30-minute date that's going to write a column about it. Yeesh. I bet 9 people read it.
from lass :
"I have to write my column for ehow"?? Ew. I both admire you and do not envy you the dating. Was this also the Lego master or is that one still to come?
from freshhell :
Any time, sister! Going to sleep at 9pm sounds wonderful. Maybe when I finally live alone again, I can take notes from you. Also, Dusty could give you some lego lessons. For free. Course, you'd have to come down here for them.
from smedindy :
Legos! Cool!
from freshhell :
I think it's your delivery more than anything else. I didn't mean to downplay the seriousness of things.
from freshhell :
Have I told you lately how much you make me laugh? And that I really, really need a laugh today? Hope you got ice cream though I have to agree that sleep is the BEST!
from smedindy :
So someone says that you should have a 'tramp stamp'?? What a weiner. No, I didn't spell it wrong.
from awittykitty :
I liked your "What's yours is set aside". Is that like in a warehouse in Jersey? I'd be willing to travel downstate! :-)
from amblus :
Oy! Awkward, but congrats! I once interviewed for a job at a small start-up that was someone who'd just quit the horrible company I was trying to flee. The worst part? I didn't recognize him at all, despite having met him multiple times. The kicker - he still wanted to hire me! I fled.
from awittykitty :
Isn't that always the way?? Anyways, congrats on your new job. Its sounds like a wonderful opportunity.
from freshhell :
Sweet! Congratulations! And, no, we are NEVER responsible for anything having to do with our bosses.
from lass :
Looking out for your own best interests is NOT being the bad guy. I'm happy for your new horizons!
from freshhell :
Wow - you should write about that. I'd no idea you grew up not knowing your father. Did your mother ever remarry? Mine hasn't. Also, stuck the essay in the mail just now so it's on its way.
from freshhell :
Nope, not too late! I'll stick a copy in the mail to you.
from freshhell :
I am glad I have girls. I have a friend who, when we've visited a local park, allows her son to pee behind a tree despite being within eyesite of a perfectly okay public bathroom. I mean, yes, I will watch your daughter while you tote him to the facilities but public urination? No, no, no! And, yeah, probably a hands-off approach to the motherly "help" is not a good idea either. Yech.
from awittykitty :
I was mortified when I saw a Dad encourage his son to take a pee in a park last summer. And it was like 500 feet from a library with a bathroom. I just don't understand encouraging kids to pee outdoors. Tacky!! Ick!
from harri3tspy :
Yum. And gambling? Of course that's a good reason to blow someone off. Sheesh.
from smedindy :
I just don't get the whole fascination with poker on TV. I mean, I've played it, but watching other people play cards? Yick...and now I have friends who speak in that lingo all the time. Ick! Ick! Let's have a Risk tournament televised. Now that would be great! Sorry...I digress as normal!
from freshhell :
Feh is right! Don't waste another minute considering such a lowlife. Move on to someone a bit more legitimate.
from lass :
From a totally lame online dream dictionary: dreams of chicken or eating chicken can mean "Timidity, fear, backing out, chickening out Somebody young, inexperienced or unsophisticated, a spring chicken Counting on something prematurely, counting your chickens before they hatch Something that cannot function independently, a chicken and egg situation". Take your, pick.
from freshhell :
All the ones I sent are both yummy and super easy. You can also cut the recipe in half so you aren't eating it forever. The 15-Minute Gourmet: Vegetarian (15-Minute Gourmet) (Paperback) by Paulette Mitchell sounds good. I don't own it but it might be worth looking at.
from freshhell :
Did you try any of those recipes I sent? I have more if you want them - pasta, etc.
from freshhell :
Thanks for your nice words. Great minds think alike, eh?
from harri3tspy :
I wish he'd had a camera too -- I'd like to have seen that!
from spazs :
Yeah, don�t worry, I�m dreaming of you, too. And especially of your curls! Ehehe. Your hair is lovely. Anyway...I�m in a bad funk!!! Kisses
from spazs :
I don�t know-I want somehow not a gift, but the opposite of that. Like, being stolen from? I don�t know what that could look like though..what you could call that...I want to be stolen from (so no gifts back), but then the thief has got to be my friend. It�s like: I want their soul! I want them to be oblidged to me. Ah. I don�t WANT to score with them, I don�t want to give them the right gift and get it right. Ah...I want them to DISLIKE me.
from spazs :
I always give persons a part of ME, not what they want to have! Or, I�d find something we have in common. Or I give them something I want them to have-no.
from spazs :
And the thoughtful gifts have that character, of being splurgy! Don�t they? I don�t like the splurging at all. I also don�t see the big mystery in an expensive gift. It�s such a disappointment. Another CD you don�t listen to-or, if you listen to it, then you would have bought it yourself, too. What�s creative about that, what�s magical about that?
from spazs :
I approve the cheap crap only. Why? Good question. I don�t understand the good gifts. The crap gifts are "silly" to me-hm, yeah, and mutually enjoyable. I feel like people love treating me that way. I love the feeling that comes across when someone gives me something they consider crappy. Cause then it�s fun for them to give it away...then they feel like the queen or something. I get the thoughtless gifts. But as soon as it�s an important gift, then I�m turned off. And I�d rather throw it away and I have. I guess I always want it MY way and wanna be the boss of the situation or whatever. I want gifts without a message. Like: I just want the wrapping. I want wrapping without content. I like "gifts", but not things. I like empty gifts more. Cause then it�s a surprise for me...I don�t know. Anyway: I like it when the other persons shows me they don�t care. I like that. Otherwise I�m like: bye bye, anyway. The cheap stuff is magic for me. For ME, the expensive stuff is tacky. Maybe I�m like a punk at heart or something! I just don�t like the splurging.
from orgami :
Hey rs536-2000 see you know Elgan and you like Marg Atwood I like both women they are intelligent and witty and write well I have never written to anyone in the big city of New York watched it in movies never been there too poor to go I am forty two Male and living with my Lori in North Bay a city on a big lake in north Ontario Canada I am glad I found your diary I am just reading through them all I enjoy this more then watching television some evenings I dont use earplugs I use my cd player to listen to Neil Young and eighties music combined with rap and classical opera It all works as a tonic well dont want to go on forever Your diary is very refreshing Have a Happy New Year ..O..
from freshhell :
Oh man! I think we were separated at birth. How funny. People are really annoying to be around sometimes aren't they? I can't tell you how often I daydream about living alone so I don't have to put up other people's shit.
from freshhell :
Latkes - yum! Glad you had a non-stressful mom visit, too.
from freshhell :
Life coach, huh? I know one of those. I look forward to reading about that visit. Have fun outside of NYC!
from freshhell :
So, THAT'S who wears panty hose! Transgenders. Hmmm. Someone ought to give them the memo: Real women despise pantyhose.
from freshhell :
Yes, Dusty is always inventing new versions of games and even creates her own. Basically, all she needs is paper, scissors and crayons and she can make anything.
from freshhell :
Oooh, Puerto Rico in February sounds nice. Drink a fancy cocktail for me!
from lass :
I married Mr. Lass because of the bushel and the peck AND the hug around the neck.
from awittykitty :
My sister is 59 and her husband of 5 years JUST finally turned 30 and that's all I'm going to say about that!! Heh!
from harri3tspy :
I am so incredibly sad about Mac. He was one of the great dogs in the history of dogs.
from freshhell :
I've always been a pessimist and see no good reason to change - what with how sucky most people are, in general. Glad to hear your kitty is better.
from freshhell :
Yes, esp for a child like Red, anything that helps her center herself and naval gaze is good. Sadly, the caption is a lie. She was just asked to raise her arms and when the picture was developed, it looked like yoga to me. It'll be our secret.
from awittykitty :
Maybe we can start an angst poetry diary ring. I certainly have enough for about 500 poems.
from tfrunner262 :
The Pedialyte seems to work better than Gatorade if you're feeling light-headed and dizzy... obviously there's not way to know if the cat has those symptoms though :) It tastes terrible and I would think your cat will love you for not forcing that upon it!!
from harri3tspy :
Even the Pedialyte flavors are bad. AJ won't stand for any of them. Sometimes we can convince him to suck on one of the popsicles for a few minutes, but even those don't go over well. We stick with Gatorade because, well, he'll drink that!
from freshhell :
Poor beast. Yeah, the flavorless Pedialite is nasty but in comes in flavors - not nec flavors cats would dig (cherry, orange, etc) though. I've given pepto bismol to a cat before (a HUGE mess!) and I don't know whether it helped or not. Hope your weekend is poo-free.
from freshhell :
I have a spray bottle filled with water and bleach (I don't really measure it so strength is up to you). But you have to be careful where you spray it 'cause bleach can ruin stuff. But, it certainly clears the air, if nothing else. I will email you the essay momentarily.
from freshhell :
I feel your poo pain - as you will read. We might need to form a poo support group. Hope your kitty gets better soon.
from tfrunner262 :
Glad to hear the date went fairly well... you never know unless you give it a try I guess. And is it just me or do all cats have these 'issues' of sorts?! My gramma's cat screams though, at least you don't have that problem :)
from freshhell :
Oooh. I do not envy you. Good luck with the date tonight. Some men deserve irritability.
from tiaris :
What? Oh no. No-no. If it's a date, let the poor schmuck pay. Or not. Heh.
from spazs :
You should find a guy then who likes girls who pay for themselves!
from freshhell :
The shredding - she is a residential hoarder and her house is FILLED with shit she can't let go of. The papers are out of control and so she's had to hire a company to shred it before it can be recycled. Better her than me.
from freshhell :
Yeah, I seem to suffer from a similar social retardness. I just never know what I am supposed to do, act and say and end up blabbing on or standing in a corner doing nothing. There is no hope. Perhaps we need to be shipped off to live among ourselves. If we could stand each other!
from freshhell :
Well, have a good holiday. It's already raining here. Just adds to the general cheer.
from freshhell :
Yeah, if anyone fit the serial killer profile, this guy surely did.
from spazs :
What? You don�t owe me treat, it was my treat...
from awittykitty :
Oh man your subways are confusing. When I visited my friend a couple of years ago, I almost ended up on the Brooklyn one when he actually lived up near the Lincoln Center. But people on the subway were surprisingly nice, telling a heavily sweating tourist (me) which track to go to.
from lass :
Congratulations on the publication and bad, bad kitty to Pumpkin. Have you considered an exorcist for her?
from freshhell :
Yeah, your cat sounds like a particularly hard case.
from tiaris :
Congrats. That's a great feeling!
from freshhell :
You'd think I'd know by now that my body does not like foreign objects - not even tampons. Forty years and I haven't learned a thing.
from awittykitty :
congratulation to the world of the actually published. Woot!
from freshhell :
Congrats on your authorship!
from lass :
If you feel like exploring scary, scary Texas, you are welcome to stay with S. and me -
from awittykitty :
Don't go looking for good spellers on now! Heh! My first bite sent me a nude picture of his...shall we say, inadaquacies. Did I spell that right??
from tiaris :
Oh my. Madtch. Hang in there. I know someone who met someone nice there.
from lass :
I commend you for refraining from puking. Or laughing in her face. How hideous.
from lass :
Ick on the MANSION-dweller. At least she didn't pull out pictures of the place. Please tell me she didn't...
from freshhell :
Glad the wedding went well. Except for the social climber woman. The nice thing about having kids is that I always have something to talk about with boring strangers. Because, otherwise, I got nothin'!
from harri3tspy :
I hope the wedding goes well. Best wishes to L. for me. I hope that toe survives the wedding shoes.
from freshhell :
Tell D that Armegeddon won't happen until the baby's weaned. Or, she can just stock up on formula now and sell the leftover on the black market (aka ebay) later.
from amblus :
Wait, I just re-read and saw that it's black velvet. Tights are fine.
from amblus :
That wasn't rough (for me.) You said your current bag was hairy, yes? There is no way that's appropriate for a wedding unless it's a muppet wedding. What color is the dress? If it's not a dark color, black tights will look too harsh.
from amblus :
You need a new evening bag. If you don't want to spend a lot, go to Target. Isaac Mizrahi makes cute things! Also, I cannot green light the wearing of tights to a wedding. Go with pantyhose or none at all.
from elgan :
Hose. You will die of heat in tights under a long skirt. And while you're shopping for hose, pick yourself up a nice, all purpose evening bag. You'll for sure have other occasions to use it.
from freshhell :
Why would anyone want to buy someone else's marathon medal?
from tiaris :
WOO-HOO! You go! Wow, I'm in awe. Really. You rock.
from freshhell :
Heh - truth is stranger than fiction. My mother is a bit of a ditz and actually did leave my sister at the grocery store once. I thought it was funny. still do.
from amblus :
Aw, congratulations! I'm proud of you.
from harri3tspy :
I said it before and I say it again: you totally rock. Way to go.
from lass :
I'm so proud of you! Hooray! I'll be 46 this week. My husband is 35. Life is good.
from freshhell :
Congrats! My sedentary self applauds you. How did the slap feel?
from tfrunner262 :
Hope the race went well!!! :)
from freshhell :
Good luck! Just imagine your ex-step-father at the finish line - when you reach it, you can slap him.
from lass :
I'm very excited for you! Good luck!
from amblus :
Good luck! I'll be thinking about you while I'm suffering in my own race on Sunday.
from freshhell :
Yeah, I thought you'd get a kick out of that. I was really close to laughing out loud but the woman who said it looked a little....scary. As you might expect.
from awittykitty :
just wanted to wish you luck on the marathon. If you lived closer I could give you the name of a good masseuse for afterwards. Oh well.
from freshhell :
I hate those inconvenient thank-yous. Good luck. Hope it's not too horrible.
from freshhell :
I say get a pedicure AND a massage.
from harri3tspy :
It's funny reading lass' note below, because I'm writing because I had a dream last night that I was buying a spinach calzone through that place where you walk up to the window on the street. Where was that place and is it still there? Mmm. I can taste the calzones. And also, where can you get a pedicure for $13? I'd be there in a minute. Here you can plan on a minimum of $2 per toe, usually a lot more.
from spazs :
Aw, don�t worry, I bet you look just fabulous picking your nose.
from lass :
I had a dream last night that I was in NYC and I was trying to find your apartment so I could find out where to get the roast beef sandwich you wrote about. I worry about myself sometimes...
from freshhell :
Do what I do when faced with restaurant conundrums: eat before you leave. Half a peanut butter sandwich may stave off your hunger.
from harri3tspy :
Clearly the solution is to hang out with M. and eat Italian food and cheescake 24/7. The doctor has spoken. By the way, I, too, am toting around a box of kleenex like a lapdog. Mine's definitely a cold, though.
from awittykitty :
I only sniffle at home too, so I guess its my cat. But its amazing because I've had cats since I was born and never noticed it. p.s. I would never give up kitties for a couple of sniffles.
from elgan :
Do you have cats? Are there many air-borne particles like smoke, dust, pollen, in the places where you are sneezing? You may not have an actual allergy, you could be sensitive to certain irritants because you do have a cold, even a slight one. Throat soreness is often brought about by a lack of humidity in the air, something that is common enough as winter encroaches. I would go with the allergy assessment, but it could be more or less than that.
from freshhell :
Sounds like an allergy to me.
from freshhell :
I'm all for slothfulness!
from harri3tspy :
I had a TOO CLOSE! moment on the bus this morning myself. Damn lady next to me kept elbowing me in the ribs. I considered dropping my briefcase on her toe, but I'm pretty sure she would have made a fuss and I would have been late to work.
from freshhell :
I would have thought yelling, "TOO CLOSE!" on public transportation was expected and completely normal.
from freshhell :
The soup is good. It's from Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone by Deborah Madison - a huge book. The recipe calls for uncooked beans that cook for an hour or so. I had to adjust the recipe for cooked beans. Made it a LOT faster. Happy to send it to you if you want it. You sure you don't want a green tomato cake recipe?
from freshhell :
Actually, some of those Danskos look dressy to me. Get a pair with some heel and its win-win!
from freshhell :
Yeah, not a big fan of weddings either anymore. Hope you survive and don't end up seated with somebody's sad cousin.
from freshhell :
Congratulations on a successful shopping trip. I, too, hate to shop for clothes. Mainly because there's nothing that fits my body and there's little that isn't aimed at either 20 yr olds or 70 yr olds. Not much in the middle. But, since I never have money for clothes, my problems are solved.
from tfrunner262 :
Good luck in the upcoming marathon!! I just got back from working at the Chicago Marathon... OMG was it FREEZING... and windy!!! I have no idea how it is you can run a marathon so late in the year, but I really admire you for it! I hope it goes well and same for your training... after standing around timing people today, you've become my hero. Hopefully yours will have better weather though!! It just made me think of you as I saw all those runners coming past :)
from elgan :
You definitely do not want to be toast. What you want is to be golden.
from freshhell :
Yeah, I think if he hadn't been suck a jerk, I'd be more willing to concede that his collection may have been the best one. I still like Laura's and Uli's stuff -- and I know that they've gotten enough exposure that they'll probably have thriving businesses anyway.
from freshhell :
Yeah, I get it from the education angle but English is such a fucked up language with so many bizarre "rules" that I figure rote memorization is just as effective sometimes as grammar and spelling lessons. I mean, that what spelling homework is all about: memorization. Her invented spellings are cute and do give you a clue into how she's constructing words, the thinking process, but again, I have no problem telling her how to spell "through". Cause then she can read it back and the learning circle rolls on...
from freshhell :
SORRY! I was concerned about that but forgot to attach a "spoiler alert". Forgive me. I'm so depressed, I forgot. But, it's still worth watching - all the designs were good and I imagine the decision was, indeed, tough.
from harri3tspy :
Several times with Harriet! I will never forget the concert we attended where they botched the beginning of Beluga. Janie said something like, Wow, what note was that and I inadvertently said, "B-flat" out loud. Because it was. But I didnt' mean to say it. Fortunately we were upstairs, so they couldn't find me. I was mortified. It's funny, because I had mopping in my head the other day. I tried to play it for AJ, but it seems all of our cassette players are nonfunctional. Perhaps I should download too.
from freshhell :
I'll pass on the sandwich and take your word for it that it's good. As for the kids, too funny! Kids have a way of finding holes in generalities. You almost have to list each item they can't have by name and they'll still find something you forgot. Nothing irritating about that!
from lass :
I agree with the colic assessment. It can be really rough on parents - tell her to try holding the baby belly-down across her forearm and walking with him (her)?
from freshhell :
Yeah. All you can do is sympathize and listen to the crazy, worry-talk. Eventually, things get better and new mothers are less new.
from freshhell :
Sounds like a normal, though colicky, baby to me. Newborns are rough to be with. I could not do it again. I'm glad that phase is done with.
from freshhell :
You don't like sweet potato? Really? Have you ever eaten it not coated in sugar? Wow, I may have to disinherit you (not really). Plus, that poo-stained runner - WTF?
from harri3tspy :
Aw, I still love you! Good luck tomorrow! I'll be lying in bed watching TV with AJ and feeling sorry for you.
from freshhell :
Me, too. I'm really looking forward to the meeting next week. Good luck with your Sun race.
from freshhell :
Yeah, maybe I ought to bring you with me to this meeting. In your present grumpy state you might make 'em sit up and listen. Because really the child should be doing more first grade level work.
from harri3tspy :
Aw, sleepy Pumpkin! She certainly won't be running 20 miles this weekend. But she'll make a good footwarmer when you come home.
from freshhell :
I wish I was there, too.
from freshhell :
I'll be happy to take them. I think I read one of them in the spring - A Place of Hiding. Yeah, I think I like to imagine him looking like the BBC version. Mmmm.
from freshhell :
Yes, clearly you need to be watching stuff like Project Runway. I've enjoyed those Insp Lyndley (he's hot!) mysteries but haven't read but one of the books. Does Eliz George write those?
from freshhell :
I meant to comment yesterday, but I was too tired. And then you mentioned a nap and...I was too jealous.
from tfrunner262 :
I'm pretty sure it got moved to the 22nd... but if not, that will be joyous news b/c then it's over and I didn't have to work at it again. Pacing always kills me too though!
from lass :
Well, yeah, I guess you should consider the auntie's feelings...pity. :)
from lass :
I swear to God, sometimes I read you and think we must be twins separated at birth. I think that's a perfectly acceptable way to start the date.
from freshhell :
Is this how the nephew describes his girlfriend? Not very attractive and not very smart? And yet he's been with her for years? I agree: pass!
from freshhell :
Thanks for the editorial offer. I'll email it to you this evening.
from harri3tspy :
I should teach AJ Schadenfreude. He's most familiar with the concept -- most 5 year olds are. As for the defense, passing as is, in my field anyway, is almost unheard of. That's great. Also, in general, if the professors are doing the lion's share of the talking, that means the defense is going well.
from freshhell :
Well, you know how beekeepers use smoke to calm the bees - perhaps the NHEVs were attempting something similar with their cigarettes.
from freshhell :
Boy, that sounds like a religious ceremony even I could stand to sit through. I find the whole vegan vs vegetarian drama hilarious.
from spazs :
True, you start eating crap when nothing�s around. I would sooo love to be able to always cook, (have a kitchen, and money), and cook all the stuff in the cooking show...(have the time, oh, and someone else who eats it, no, that can only be you, noone else...)
from freshhell :
That's good. I'm glad she's just finicky, not sick. Nothing worse than watching a pet go downhill...
from freshhell :
Really, I think your kitty needs a vet visit. Her symptoms sound very much like a kidney problem. Which I hope it isn't.
from harri3tspy :
Flies, ugh. Take comfort in the fact that it will soon be cold and they will be gone. Or you could always get a pet bat.
from freshhell :
We have been infiltrated by fruit flies. They are dumb but plentiful. Soon, it'll be spider season.
from minstrelite :
Another runner--how great. I've been at it (off and on, I confess) for over 30 years now. Waiting for the sky to get light & hopefully do five miles this morning. Good luck with your marathon.
from awittykitty :
I'm actually kinda glad the holy factor thingie/person isn't in the bathroom with us. Its not really our most shining moment. eep.
from lass :
Ahahahaa! When I was about four, a Methodist Sunday school teacher gave us the "God is everywhere" lesson. Cynical (and literal) child that I was, I spent a long time after that wondering why God would waste time watching me brush my teeth instead of say...stopping wars.
from elgan :
God not in the bathroom? I guess all those prayers to the porcelain altar, the pleas to allow hard lumps to pass and the diarrhea to stop ultimately go unheard then. Well, now I understand.
from elgan :
Shana tova!
from harri3tspy :
Have a great trip. Say hello to the Mother for me.
from freshhell :
Have a good holiday. Perhaps you can present your mother with your therapy bills! That would make for a joyous time, don't you think?
from freshhell :
The whole racket's a crap-shoot when you have to rely on others' opinions. Sigh. Good luck with the revision.
from tiaris :
Pretty bird! Love the bird! Pretty bird! (Groans at Smed.)
from freshhell :
Sorry, didn't mean to make you cry. It seems to come with the territory.
from smedindy :
It's the real Macaw! Oh, I slay myself!
from freshhell :
Not a big fan of birds, myself. I, too, prefer my pets with fur. Particularly feline fur.
from harri3tspy :
I'm right there with you on the weather. I've been enjoying the 50 degree nights, but we had to turn the air on again today because it's so damn humid. I think we're going to get our weather later this week though. They're currently predicting that the high on Tuesday is going to be 60. I can hardly imagine it.
from freshhell :
God, that article is dead-on! That's it exactly. (And, I just corrected a few typos in my entry. Clearly I meant "childhood" instead of "children"). Yeah, I run up against a lot of those Superprotective Moms and I just don't know what to do with them. They are the first to scold people like me and make me feel shamed for allowing my children to grow up with independence and trust. I miss the "good old days" in many ways. Sigh.
from freshhell :
I think your cat and Red are related. They like to give us unpleasant tasks to do.
from harri3tspy :
I noticed the categories on the website. It's bad enough they call them Fillies and Clydesdales. You'd think they could have come up with something more pleasant. How about writing, "You go, girl!" instead? Hmm?
from spazs :
Aw, that was just rude of him. Has he like no sensitivity at all? *rolls eyes*
from tiaris :
WOW! Girl, I admire you. It's quite an accomplishment.
from harri3tspy :
Not to mention all the people who didn't bother to race at all -- you came in WELL before those of us who spent our Sunday sitting on our asses. But how can you come in last overall but not in any event? Is it because of transitions?
from freshhell :
Oh, and THANKS for the CD! It arrived last night. Haven't finished listening to it yet but so far, so good. What do you think of it?
from lass :
HOORAY for you and a virtual pat on the back for finishing! I'm proud of ya!
from tfrunner262 :
CONGRATS on the race!!! I'm so happy to hear that it went well... omg are you ever amazing to do all that!
from amblus :
Congrats! Finishing is so amazing and you should be extremely proud of yourself. Good job, lady!
from freshhell :
Hurray! Congratulations! You are amazing.
from harri3tspy :
Yay! I'm so proud of you! What an amazing thing you've done. I'm glad you posted early. I was checking the tri website all night last night and they still haven't posted the results, the bastards!
from elgan :
Congratulations! Well done!
from amblus :
Good luck! You're going to do great. (Just remember my mantra - pain is temporary!)
from harri3tspy :
Ew. Not a good visual.
from tiaris :
I LOVE that bag! And the use of the word shlock. And I'd *probably* love seeing the men doing grunting work-outs. Maybe. Heh.
from freshhell :
Good luck with the race! I'll be rooting you on (from VA).
from harri3tspy :
I love the bag. I also love the idea of cervicity. I hope you and your cervicity have a fantastic race. We'll be rooting for you!
from harri3tspy :
I can't believe race day is almost here! This is so exciting!
from freshhell :
Oooh, can't wait! Can you copy the liner notes too? I'm very curious to hear it.
from freshhell :
Sorry to hear about your cat - sounds like she may have an impacted colon or something. The symptoms sound similar to my cat's (who is no longer with us). Hope you aren't getting sick - I am finally, after 2 1/2 weeks, feeling almost normal. It sucks.
from freshhell :
Well, much luck with both the race and the job search. Which will be harder, do you suppose?
from lass :
If I ever started a sentence with the words "I did a 4 hour/50 mile bike ride..." it would end with something like "...because someone was chasing me with a gun." I'm in awe of you, woman.
from spazs :
What kind of movie is that? Political one?
from le-fart :
Wow, what smells so bad here? Is that you? Jeez!
from freshhell :
Thanks. Yeah, sudafed's less than worthless for me. This went beyond a mere allergy attack. I took claritin, benedryl, no relief. Apparently zyrtec is going generic soon. Which is good because I spend $50 on it for the kids every month. Now, the whole family can use it!
from tfrunner262 :
I know what you mean about the rain... too many days in a row!! However, we finally have some sun here today, so hopefully it's headed your way :)
from freshhell :
Man, I so need a "Go Away" t-shirt. That would rule.
from freshhell :
Yes - careers in politics and religion (and maybe sports) are no-nos. Whereas, anything that smacks the face of "normalcy" is perfectly acceptable. I mean, I have standards after all.
from freshhell :
I agree. There are some people I just will not share the earth with.
from freshhell :
Well, if you get it, let me know what you think. My husband would hate it but it might be worth playing for the kids in the car. We try to keep their upbringing as old-school and original as possible but the world seems to conspire against us often.
from freshhell :
Groovie Ghoulies and Banana Splits? Tempting. And, yet, I think I'd rather have a CD of the original songs rather than newer renditions.
from freshhell :
You might be right. The original CD listed no credits - performers, etc. So, I researched each song as much as I could. Some of those songs have been done by the multitudes so it's a needle in a haystack. I'll look at that link and revise my playlist.
from freshhell :
Just when I was thinking I missed public transportation, I read this. Now? Not so much.
from tiaris :
What? You were in Toronto and didn't visit the Hockey Hall of Fame? Alas, alack, alay! Well, okay, if you're not into hockey... And why NOT befriend the Irish Carmela? We all need colorful characters in the story of life.
from freshhell :
Welcome! Also, enjoy Toronto. I have a friend (from Michigan) who used to go there alot. I've never been so I'm no help to you.
from stereogirl :
Toronto...what you can do depends on where you are at, as it's a BIG city. College Street west of Bathurst has plenty of good places to eat (Little Italy) but the Sicilian ice cream place is wonderful...Pages Bookstore at Queen St. West and John St. is a fine independent bookstore...and of course, go to St. James' Cathedral (King & Church-no really) for some fine bells and architecture, as well as a garden - Sculpture Garden and waterfall across the street - go up to The Danforth (Chester Station) for a nice walk and Greek food if you like...expensive window-shopping on Bloor West between Yonge and Spadina...if you keep going along Bloor it gets much more funky and rough, as that's near U of T...if you want to buy Canadian music, go down to Yonge & Gould (just north of Dundas Station) to Sam the Record Man...a Toronto Icon if there ever was one...hope this helps!
from harri3tspy :
Or you could kick off your diet like I did by reading Jane Brody's column in today's times on tapeworms right before breakfast. Strangely, I wasn't very hungry after reading about that. Ugh.
from elgan :
If you're in downtown Toronto, you are going to be confounded by the number of restaurants. There is an incredible Japanese restaurant in Yorkville (at least there used to be) which is just two streets north of Bloor between Bay and Yonge. That whole area is full of trendy eateries, and they're all going to be good. I can't say I have a favourite, though, except for The Jerusalem, which is on Eglinton near Bathurst, which isn't really downtown. You won't have any trouble finding good food, believe me.
from tfrunner262 :
Aww, I'm sorry to hear about the race! I'm glad you finished though, I've been in your position oh-so-many times, I mean, think racing at Notre Dame with nationally ranked people and whatnot -- you go in knowing there's no chance. And it does suck to be in last place the whole time and not get the time you wanted... but it makes you stronger for the next time. Have you ever noticed that when you run a really bad race (or one you think is really bad) that you come back much stronger in the next race? Half of the time it gives you this "I'm going to do this no matter what it takes" mentality that sticks with you for your next race. You have determination, as this race has proven, and that will aid you from here on out. I'm happy that you finished, and I bet it will make you all the more determined when you find yourself running in the next race, whenever that may be. (And maybe the weather was different, or maybe you over-trained prior to the race -- the distance isn't the only factor going into your performance.)
from freshhell :
But, yes, you did finish. You would have have been really mad at yourself if you'd bailed.
from harri3tspy :
Sorry about the race. But you HAVE been moving forward. The occasional setback on the road is to be expected, no?
from harri3tspy :
Ooh. Sign me up for the waterslide triathlon!
from freshhell :
I think I could learn to enjoy exercise if there were waterslides available.
from freshhell :
Wow. I think that would kill me. I am in awe of your training and stamina and all of it. Good luck on Sunday!
from non-fuckabl :
But short hair will show more of your face, so beware. Could go wrong!
from harri3tspy :
104? Ugh. It's still horrible here, but it's at least breezy. It was 87 by 8 a.m., but here it is noon and it's still only around 90, so I think relief is in sight. I hope it's headed your way quickly. I, too, find WNTW oddly addictive, by the way.
from freshhell :
After reading this, I made an appt to get my haircut - I'm due for my quarterly appt.
from tfrunner262 :
Haha, flapping hands/wrists and running. I'm must look ten times worse because I tend to count laps and miles on my fingers so that, should I get into one of those delusional states, I won't forget how far I've gone. It seriously does work, but it must look pretty funny! Or, if I'm not counting anything, one of my fists is clenched and my other hand is so used to holding my rio (the arm strap thing just slides off when I run) that it probably does flap around :) Oh the joys of running!
from freshhell :
Here's what I do with tofu: get two plates. Fold up a paper towel and put on plate #1. Put block of tofu on paper towel. Put another paper towel on top of it (make sure corners don't go over the plate or the water will run out everywhere) and put second plate on top. Then, find something heavy, like a stack of books, a gallon jug of water, etc. and put it on top and leave it there (well balanced so it doesn't tumble off) for about 1/2 hour or so. Then drain off the water. Voila! Pressed tofu.
from freshhell :
Well you are most welcome. If you ever want some delicious and creative things to do with tofu, just ask. Also, received the CD on Friday - thanks! I have been enjoying it (as has Dusty).
from tiaris :
Clearly I need stronger contacts. I originally read, "thongs of people..." Yikes.
from harri3tspy :
I love monkfish grilled with lemon butter. But grilling is probably not an option for you. As for Kronos/Glass, if I'd been there I would have made you go with me. I saw the Beauty and the Beast Glass production and it was fantastic.
from elgan :
Monkfish has to be the ugliest fish ever created. When you cook it, it will disappear as all the water rushes out and leaves a tiny piece of cooked flesh in its place.
from harri3tspy :
No, Sunday. And I'd see Devil Wears Prada -- it's at my favorite vintage movie house. But the husband is not at all interested and I don't care enough to drag him to it.
from harri3tspy :
I'm jealous. We're going out for my birthday tonight and I really wanted to see Little Miss Sunshine. Alas, it is not showing here in the back of beyond, nor is anything else I'm remotely interested in seeing.
from freshhell :
I'm lactose intolerant so I get the no-cream-based thing. I'll jot down some favorites and send 'em to you. Either via email or snail mail.
from freshhell :
Sleeping! I've heard of that! I'll send you some recipes. I'll be home this afternoon and perhaps I can write down a few for you. Anything in particular you like and hate? Pesto? Artichokes?
from freshhell :
Ha. You crack me up. If you're looking for carb recipes, let me. I got tons of good (veggie) pasta recipes. I'm all about carbs, too. My weight loss plan, though, I wouldn't recommend. It involves sleep deprivation, rabid breast feeding and post-partum depression. I mean, you'd kind of have to give birth to qualify. It won't help you to know I do zero exercise. (ducks and covers) - ooh, don't swat at me like that!
from freshhell :
Well, my OB swears by the Mirena and has one herself so it's definately worth looking into. All you're paying is the co-pay for the dr visit even though it's technically "surgery." It's uncomfortable to have one inserted (makes you glad they're good for 5 years) but most people do not have problems with them. I'm one of that .0001% that do. Oh well.
from freshhell :
I had the Mirena IUD inserted back in Feb. I thought it would solve all my problems with the added benefit of no periods. Sadly, my body rejected it and it had to be removed. I'm back on the damn pill. Guess I'll have to pass up the breast implants. They'd probably kill me.
from tfrunner262 :
Haha, I feel that way all the time when I talk to people too -- like "uh-oh, I've probably gone on about running for too long!" Hey, at least you've got multiple sports with the running, biking and swimming!!
from harri3tspy :
An excellent point about her not knowing who the SAHMS actually are. Also, I think bloggers (mothers and otherwise) spend more time discussing poo than any other group I know. Except maybe 5-year-old boys.
from freshhell :
"Low class and trashy and etc" Is that like, "Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!" ?? Glad you're diggin' the tunes. I like to keep my clients satisfied.
from freshhell :
People suck. I live my live based on knowing this very basic fact. That way, I'm not as disappointed as I might otherwise have been if, like Anne Frank belived, I thought people were really good at heart. Not hardly.
from harri3tspy :
Your guestbook is dissing me again. Your first "compliant" of the entry had me spitting my coffee at my computer screen. Also, re bike chafeage, I haven't had much problem with this, but I remembered that a couple of my fellow AIDS ride trainees used to swear by Astroglide applied liberally before a ride.
from tiaris :
"I'm living with a cat who shits outside the box." There's a bumper-sticker in there somewhere.
from freshhell :
Cat shit, baby shit. It all evens out. Except, eventually kids are potty trained. Cat shit scooping is forever - or about 15 years.
from freshhell :
Yes! I do think that acupuncture and chiropractic sessions can work wonders - if done by a skilled practioner. As for herbs, probably safer than most of the drugs on the market (and easier to research). I mean, in some cases, the worst that could happen is they don't work. Curious to know how that goes.
from freshhell :
I hope you are right. It was almost exactly this time last year that I sought professional help (one visit - I ran out of money). I'm a little tired of having to do everything for everyone else and getting nothing in return. Also, I think heat and humidity are perfect excuses NOT to do outside activities. A nice a/c'd gym might be better (of course, they aren't as cheap as a run in the park...).
from tfrunner262 :
I'll miss you!! I love hearing about your training, you're so very dedicated. The biking in circles around the park sounds like me and the track :) It's great to know that if you get tired or you have leg problems of some sort you're not so far away. The other thing I do (well, used to do) was run sort of parallel to the train/subway so that if anything happened I could take that home. I know NYC has all that public transport, but I don't know if there are any bike/running trails that follow it... soo, I don't know if that'd work, but it's a great alternative if it does. Have a fun weekend (what's left of it)!!
from freshhell :
I so hate beauracracy [sp?]. They've tried this before and I've sent back notes saying "I don't owe you anything." Then, I don't hear from them for a year....and now this. I finally made all the requisite phone calls and got all the proof. And let them have it. Clearly, I've been in a bad mood all week. I am not fun to be around when that happens.
from freshhell :
Aw! I'm glad you finally have a doll. At first, I thought she was Annie Oakley. But that's just me.
from freshhell :
Duh. I did an "rs" and left a message for you in my notes. :P Anyway - yes, three is a little young to be able to spell your name. Some kids aren't even completely potty trained by then.
from freshhell :
Eh, it's not so hard when the kid is yours. Other people's children I have a harder time with sometimes though I'm getting better at it. But, when you start from scratch (newborn) and work your way up day after day, is not the same as being cornered by a random three year old.
from tfrunner262 :
That would be awesome to see Meryl Streep live... wow! Maybe you and some friends could take shifts standing in line if worse comes to worse -- otherwise I like your idea about finding a little old lady :)
from tiaris :
It's between your boss and the other employee. I know it sounds unfair, but unless you can prove your boss and the other employee are conspiring to cheat the company, there's not much you can do about it. I mean, right now, you don't KNOW that the other employee isn't being docked. You're just assuming that. What if the other employee IS getting docked. It will make you look really bad to have raised a fuss over it, when your boss can just come back and say, "That was between us and none of your concern." Also, you only have what the "troublemaker" told you. How do you know that person isn't just, well, making trouble? Just saying. You'd need to have proof of a cheating the company before blowing any whistles. I would do absolutely nothing about this if I were you. If it's really ticking you off, and stuff like this happens a lot, it might be time to start looking for another job.
from freshhell :
Well, speaking as one who has worked in many disfunctional offices, I'd say be careful that whatever you do, you aren't the one who ends up looking like the "problem" or "difficult" employee. Couldn't hurt to speak to HR but it also couldn't hurt to begin looking for another job.
from smedindy :
Oh, and guns = arm muscles.
from smedindy :
I'd be pissed and I would complain.
from tiaris :
"Life is too short to forget all the stupid shit people do to you." That is priceless. Priceless!
from freshhell :
A lesbian, huh? Well, than I love her even more (not in that way; not that there's anything wrong with that.)!
from freshhell :
I love Michelle - I hope she wins. She's clearly one of the funniest (and I love an old NYC broad). Basically, if you're a NYer, you're automatically funnier than 99.9% of the country. If you're also Jewish (the historical comedian pedigree) you raise the percentage to 140.
from freshhell :
Boy, you would love the bunch I work with. Incompetent doesn't even begin to describe them.
from tfrunner262 :
Haha, foreign lands, Illinois... about all we have here is Chicago.
from freshhell :
I use ellipses a lot in writing. I think it's a useful technique when trying to write what would otherwise be spoken. You know, making your writing more conversational. Writing, particularly e-mail, removes the subtleties of inflection in speech and things like dashes and ellipses help a reader "hear" you better.
from freshhell :
"You can sit next to me as long as none of THAT rubs off." Point to bible and shudder. Kisses his cross bookmark? This religious stuff must come off pretty easily like a dry erase marker or they wouldn't have to keep rubbing it on them - reading, going to bible study, church daily, reminding themselves what it is they "believe" - so often. Perhaps WE should form some Atheist Cult to ward them off - at least out of our personal space.
from elgan :
Hahaha! What if, after asking you ever so politely if he may occupy the seat next to you, you had looked him in the eye and said, "No."
from rs536-2000 :
Actually, one day would be fine, i'm sure. How's your cake?
from freshhell :
Aw, come on! Just for a day? They'll be good, promise. I'll even leave a pan of brownies cooling on the counter. Brooowwwnieeees!!
from freshhell :
That life of nothing sounds wonderful! Wanna trade for a day?
from tfrunner262 :
I know I've said this before, but your cat is so cute! I love the pictures of her drinking from the cup too... makes me wish I had a cat right now.
from fairlywell :
Circumspect would cover it as well. I think I like circumspect slightly better than cryptic. Better connotations!
from freshhell :
Yeah, Ziggy absolutely is the #1 best album. Of all time. Bowie, I think, is in a class by himself. I was working my way up today with the CD I consider a decent "sampler." And a one-woman show of Magical Thinking? Ew, no. I'll pass. Reading it was depressing enough.
from dullstar :
Ooo, thanks! I'll set it to record.
from freshhell :
Drugs and copious numbers of martinis. I hate being the "wife" in any situation, or rather the "good little wifey." I'm the one who needs a damn wife. We really need this country to accept single-sex marriages so I can have my husband AND a wife to keep things humming on the homefront. I sympathize with your frustration.
from freshhell :
Poo - apparently MY favorite subject as well.
from freshhell :
I LOVE those tennis shoes - and I'm not a tennis shoe kind of person! Even if you just had the kermit ones, you would stand out as the most awesome runner in the NYC area.
from dullstar :
Awesome idea with the kermie/piggy shoes. You should patent that before they start marketing the shoes that way.
from smedindy :
My two best friends live in the DC metro area. When I sent them a link to the house when we were buying it - it had the asking price. They immediately called me every name in the book. Ah, there is an advantage to BFE land!
from amblus :
Oh, DAMN. That's pretty embarassing! Not quite in that league, but once my brother-in-law came over unexpectedly and used our bathroom in which I'd left a nice display of tampons, birth control pills and a copy of Bridget Jones's Diary. Um, fantastic *and* cliche!
from freshhell :
You are absolutely right. Good luck with the meeting!
from pfirsich :
Oh,I never knew that THAT was meant by drama.I thought it meant that your mum or dad for that matter are threatening you with suicide if you don�t do what they think is good for you.I thought it meant overreacting,like being a big boob!!! I thought that�s what it meant.
from pfirsich :
from freshhell :
Hey Spaz, glad yer enjoyin' the music. I have another one that I may offer up in the near future so stay tuned.
from pfirsich :
Your humor is so...disarming...
from freshhell :
I had such an enormous crush on Shaun Cassidy!
from smedindy :
Oh, man. She's just up in Chitown and I won't have much of a chance to go up there and geek out with her. Sigh. Anyway, I'm listening to Sonny and Cher right now, and it's making me feel good too!
from elgan :
Mazal tov!
from pfirsich :
Hey,I�m offended! Hehe,ok,not.
from freshhell :
"same way that women are of women who are accompanied by small children." You mean with horror? Sometimes I get looks like, "As long as those things don't start screaming, you can share oxygen with me." But, mostly people are considerate. Though I will say, the people who absolutely ignored me when I was 500 months pregnant and trying to get in and out of establishments, were middle-class white women. It's like I didn't even exist. Other people, particular other non-white people, were very kind and asked nice questions, not none-of-your-business questions. Sigh. Somedays, I hate people. But "Right on!" is funny as hell.
from zonoria :
Ah yes, Armour, Westhroid, desiccated pig thyroid. Ummmm...not consistent and reliable. You're more apt to have swings up and down. Just my own two cents. Better to go with Unithroid. (Synthroid, well, I have problems with the company that makes it, plus the additive makes me fart.)
from rs536-2000 :
Yamin seems like a really nice guy, but I would be annoyed to be bombarded with stories.
from freshhell :
Oh - guess I don't watch AI much, huh? Even though (or perhaps because) a local guy is on it right now (Elliott Yamin). We've been innundated with daily news stories about him. I JUST DON'T CARE!!
from pfirsich :
Oh,it�s by David E Kelley.What else did ge do? Ally McBeal? Hey,don�t feel pitiful!!!!!!!!
from freshhell :
Is that really your dentist (the 2nd photo, natch)? Are they giving DDS's to 14 year olds now? Yikes.
from pfirsich :
She-nis? Do you get that from watching too much She-ra? Cause,In should get me one,too!
from freshhell :
The cat photos are hilarious! Looks like he's a tent caterpillar in his cocoony tent.
from zonoria :
LMAO at the kitty nest. And? For the race, at first I saw "CPR" instead of "CP." This is because after 13 miles, I'd NEED CPR. You rock!
from pfirsich :
from pfirsich :
No to onanism-ehehehhohoho
from freshhell :
Artichokes and marzipan AND rhubarb? Why wasn't I invited? Damn.
from elgan :
Toronto is my home town. Maybe I can help you.
from rs536-2000 :
She should have looked them up because reading about the BB feuds is endless fun. At least for me. What is wrong with these youngsters?
from freshhell :
Great Band. Reminds me of the time I got free tickets to see the Beach Boys (the new non-Brian band) in concert. It was reviewed in the student paper at the university for which I worked. The child who wrote the review referred to Mike Love as "the lead singer" as in "The lead singer of the band sang really well." My husband, who is A-#1 Beach Boy fan of all time, shook his head, "The lead singer? Couldn't she even look them up on the Internet to find out who he is before writing the review?" Apparently not. Ha.
from elgan :
It for occasions such as those that I wish I owned a gas mask, just for the shock value on the faces of the smokers as I run the gauntlet.
from freshhell :
Donuts=love. Also, sorry you have to be a supervisor. That sucks. And is sad.
from elgan :
As a singing teacher who has taught a countertenor, there is no reason why a well-trained man�s falsetto shouldn�t have the same range as a woman�s voix mixte and head voice. I would love to hear this guy.
from smedindy :
I don't understand some critics, even though I read music critics with passion, and I enjoy good film criticism. However, putting the words into the long past authors mouth, I think, is beyond criticism and into conjecture. The question is, "Is it any good? Does it meet its goals? Is it enjoyable?" Ah, well.
from im2evil4u :
I'll gladly send it, and I tried but it bounced back from your diaryland email. Do you have an alternative address?
from freshhell :
Labial that sex? :)
from freshhell :
Not only that but all the vegetable recipes call for Crisco, too. Can't just eat unadulterated veggies - they gotta be slattered in grease of some sort. Of course, the book's not biased toward Procter & Gamble products at all. Noooo.
from tfrunner262 :
56 MILES OF BIKING!!! Wow... You're my hero if you do that! Actually... now you've got me thinking ahead for this summer, haha! The most I've ever done is 40, but I did that on an old mountain bike that probably weighs as much as I do (exaggerating a tiny bit), so since I'm assuming you have a road/racing bike (someday I'm gonna need one of those) it should probably be fine. Not to mention, you bike a TON more than I do, so I'm sure it's different for those GOOD bikers!! I actually had to stop biking b/c of a hip flexor problem... but maybe this summer. I'm excited to hear what you think of biking this far should you go for it!
from elgan :
I have to hand it to the grannies for standing up for themselves and what they believe in. What irks me is that the present middleaged lawmakers and enforcers are the ones who did the protesting in the 60s and 70s. Have they totally forgotten Viet Nam? It makes you wonder if a whole generation doesn�t have presenile dementia. As for the Harvard profs, you�re right. They�re gutless. You don�t open a can of worms and then refuse to stick your hand into it.
from harri3tspy :
Egad. It sounds worse than I thought. That sounds downright creepy. I have to say that the one interview I read with them sent up warning flags when it (I can't remember where it was, alas. The Times?) made it sound like they'd decided to sacrifice themselves in order to get the debate started. Whenever anyone says things like that, it seems to bring polemic that is totally blind to at least half of the debate. Good God, if you're going to be a martyr, at least make a good job of it.
from freshhell :
Yes, I think if I had to live my life is service to others at the expense of my sanity and intellect, I'd lobotomize myself!
from freshhell :
I hate being a supervisor as well. As an introvert, I just want to be left alone to do my work and not have to be forced to care what others are supposed to be doing. Perhaps that childish but I don't really care. If I supervised someone who wasn't overly emotional and flaky, it'd be one thing. But, I also do not want to be someone's unpaid psychiatrist!
from smedindy :
But it's fate that it was HIM at the wrong place at the wrong time and not someone else. That was the point I was trying to make, however clunkily.
from freshhell :
Oh yes! And the Banana Splits! There was also the Syd and Marty Kroft LSD parade: H R Puffinstuff. That is some weird fucking shit!
from elgan :
Actually, I didn't equate being Jewish with being disfigured in an accident. I merely stated that if I WERE disfigured in an accident, or if I were obviously non-white, no inquiry would be made. I�m sorry if you misunderstood my remarks. Somehow my appearance seems to elicit questions as to my origins. I asked a rather good-looking Jewish guy I know (there aren�t too many of us around these here parts [and he�s blonde yet], which might account for our �exoticness�) if he is ever asked what his nationality is, and what his reponse is. He said, �Canadian.�
from freshhell :
Thought so. Actually: HOPED so. My husband won't let me play that song with the kids in the car even tho they don't have a clue what's being talked about.
from freshhell :
That's probably The Folksmen from "A Mighty Wind" singing the Rolling Stones' "Start Me Up." Yes?
from smedindy :
Thanky much for the nice comment. Of course, today I have the day off, and it's raining cats, dogs and orangutans.
from tfrunner262 :
I think you're the one of the only other people I know who has a rio mp3 player too! I feel like the only one out there in the sea of ipods sometimes. Although the ipods can hold more, I've dropped mine in sooo many mud puddles, down flights of stairs and off of my bike while doing 30mph -- and it has survived that all! Also, way too go with the 50-cent!!! Haha, I think I have one or two on mine as well :) Take care!
from freshhell :
I'll post your bail if you steal me some cards as well.
from tfrunner262 :
Just have to tell you that I love the neon yellow jacket!!
from freshhell :
Basie! I like that. Too bad I'm done with child incubating or I'd steal it. And, yeah, smart babies go for the tits 'cause they know a good potential meal when they see it. Mine, alas, are gone for good. My only hope: implants. Which ain't gonna happen.
from smedindy :
Hey, thanks for the add! You keep good company, seeing who notes you and who you read!
from freshhell :
Thelonius? Mose?
from zonoria :
I don't know that sex is worse than violence. When girls see women constantly being victimized, they learn that this is what happens to women, and come to accept it. Cable is the way to go--Discovery Kids, Nickelodeon, and so on. Hope you feel better soon.
from pfirsich :
Violence isn�t attractive.I think no girl is lusting for a violent guy.You feel attracted to them cause you want them to protect YOU. You know,but there is nothing hoity toity about them that would make you lust for them,and be into them sexually. You always want to get together with them because of other reasons than sex,as a girl.You don�t go all crazy hormones wise.It allows you to think.Girls are more cautious.So,you wouldn�t try to attract a guy like that with red lips or whatever,you know,cause,you see he�s dangerous.You know,it�s easier to say no to someone like that.You know you�re not beneath them from what you look like.So it�s your call.
from freshhell :
When my oldest child was born, I couldn't watch violent, depressing shows anymore. Couldn't take it. I can't watch or read anything about children dying, etc., either. Don't worry about your penchant for violent shows now. When you have a child, this might change naturally.
from zonoria :
Yep. Give'em enough rope, as it were. You're not the mommy here.
from pfirsich :
Now you�re gonna tell me what I have to look up!? Great.---But my dictionary doesn�t have it.Now I have to make something up again...mamzer.I don�t know.Sounds like someone a mama�s boy,opinion wise?
from freshhell :
Snifff! Um, what's that smell?
from pfirsich :
Haha,funny! That thing with the hostile and not apologetic.
from nerddette :
Good luck with the half marathon! Will be thinking of you while I sit on my couch eating chocolate. ;) t.
from tfrunner262 :
Wow... eHarmony actually tells people "we can't help you"! I'm sure I'd end up in a category like that too because I'm also all about being independent as well. Anyway, I won't be able to stop myself from laughing next time I see another one of those commercials (and how much do you wanna bet that eHarmony guy, the white-haired dude, is single himself!?). I think you just made my day with that post... wow. I think you'll be able to find someone who's just right for you without all of that eHarmony crap.
from freshhell :
Yeah, I don't know how babies live without religion! Maybe that's what keeps them up at night.
from freshhell :
That is so funny. I don't think I'd get very far with one of those things either seeing as how I'm a card-carrying atheist and an introvert. And yet! My god! I managed to find a husband (also a heretic) and have two lovely atheist children. The best part? I can't go to hell because there isn't one! Onward Christian Soldiers! (And I've seen those eHarmony commercials - that guy is creepy)
from freshhell :
Geez - $2k to rent a 2 bed apt? That's more than half what my mortgage is on a 4 bedroom house on 4.5 acres! Hmm, think I'll stay put.
from tfrunner262 :
Those are really gorgeous pictures! I like the one of you on the beach too -- I guess standing like that is a good way to pose for pictures!! I'm glad to hear that you had a good time, and I'm sure it was a much-needed break from everything. Take care.
from harri3tspy :
Bacon is, indeed, a poor substitute for ziti. Especially fake bacon. That's a poor substitute for anything. I'd rather eat fingernails.
from im2evil4u :
Shocked? But why? I love the old buildings, the area is rich with history -- that's why. As for the cat, that's Shiva, my girly girl.
from tfrunner262 :
Such a beautiful cat!! I love her coat :)
from tfrunner262 :
Congrats on the race time! Running declining splits is always a good thing and certainly helps to drop future times too.
from amblus :
Good luck in the race tomorrow! I hope you have a good finish. I'm hoping to get out on my bike this weekend, despite the cold. Racing season approaches...
from freshhell :
Oooh - I want to find out my wrath score, too! Yeah, I'm in the development field and basically: don't promise and then not deliver. You can always renege on your pledge.
from tfrunner262 :
Good job on beating some people! I now know exactly how you feel -- I am pretty much always consistantly the slowest one at practice anymore, I think the best I have ever done was a day when I beat three people. However, those days are rather sparse. I remember I used to LOVE passing people back when I was able to do that day-in day-out (it's called a MUCH slower team!!). I'm glad that you're getting faster though, keep up your work and I'm sure you'll continue to improve. I was once the slowest person on my old team (the one where I eventually became one of the fastest) and I remember how great it was to finally be beating people. But yeah, I realize too that it's not always that easy and we might both be in the same boat now when it comes to getting better than (or even just the same speed as) our teammates, hehe! Either way, good job!!! ~luvs~
from manduca :
Hines-Ward makes me think of Heinz Kerry, and so I have a very positive association with it.
from amblus :
Thank you! I had no idea they made such things. I don't think my vet carries them but maybe they can be found online? Anyway, Zephyr says "thanks, man!"
from zonoria :
Any man over the age of 23 who calls women "girls" is a loser. Period.
from zonoria :
I would SO be getting out the company handbook and looking up vacation policy.
from harri3tspy :
I love mulch. My compost pile is one of my favorite parts of my yard. Every day is mulchfest out here where there are way more trees than people. We can drop off brush at the township office any weekend. But at Christmas tree time, it's open 24 hours. I drove past the mulch pile yesterday and it was over two stories high and smoking away from all the lovely decay in the middle.
from zonoria :
Cat poo? Poo smears? Augh! :::runs from room screaming:::
from zonoria :
Oh, you just struck a nerve. Big time. In fact, that happened to me last Saturday with the potential date. On Friday he said, "Can I call you later tonight or tomorrow? Maybe we can do something tomorrow night." That tells me he wants to make plans. Did he call? No. Did I tell him what I thought about that? HELL YEAH! I sent him an e-mail: "Well, it was nice talking to you, but if there's one thing I can't handle, it's when people don't do what they say they're going to do, even if it's just 'I'll give you a call.' It strikes me as flakey, and I don't have time for that." He left a voicemail for me, that started with "Happy New Year. I got your note. I just want to say you got the situation wrong--" at which point, I deleted the message without hearing anymore. No, I did NOT get the situation wrong. YOU are an unreliable IDIOT. So Mr. JDeight can kiss your ass, thank you much!
from pfirsich :
I love all the wrong things on you.
from pfirsich :
Oooh,I LOVE the holding-grudges thing on you.
from zonoria :
Ewww, exertion farts. Those are awful, because who the hell knows when the last time he exercised was and what was being forced from the depths of his being. Yikes.
from harri3tspy :
Here's to you, Mrs. Robinson!
from im2evil4u :
email me at [email protected] so that I can email the information to you. Happy New Year
from harri3tspy :
Well, I knew there were different spellings for baby dear vs. man-goat, but I thought they were the other way around until I decided to check on them before uploading my entry. I think the logic in my head was something like fauna=animals so faun is an animal and therefore the deer. And to fawn over something is to be all over it, which sounded kind of Bacchinalian, so I thought that must be the man-goat. I was wrong on both counts. Fawn-the-deer is derived from a middle English word for foetus. Fawn-the-verb is derived from a different middle English word meaning rejoice. And faun comes from a Latin name of a god worshipped by farmers and shepherds. There you have it. Way more than you wanted to know, I am certain. Did I mention how much I love having the OED online?
from beltwaybelle :
Yeah. I'm looking for someone with a good sense of humor. Well, care to DEFINE that? To me, anyone who likes Monty Python probably has a good sense of humor. Others think Monty Python is stupid, and would not think that's a good sense of humor. They come up with these general phrases that give you no idea of how they define anything. And you have to love that "special something." What? Ability to handle a crisis without freaking out? Ability to cook a meal for 12 in an hour? Ability to give a great blow job? WHAT? WHAT IS THAT SPECIAL SOMETHING?
from nerddette :
PUHLEEEASE tell us how it went! t.
from harri3tspy :
Nice to have you back. I hope all goes well tonight!
from perfect-race :
I just wanted to wish you good luck for the marathon!!! I think I would be bouncing off the walls with excitement too :) Or maybe nervousness in my case, hard to tell. I can't wait until I get to run one someday. Anyway, my best of luck with it, and have FUN!!!
from perfect-race :
Keep up the running! I think about at practices sometimes... you must have such neat places to run there. Anyway, I moved here but wanted to remain anonymous, just wanted to let you know.
from beltwaybelle :
Weird, I tried to leave a comment but it wouldn't let me. Anyway, congrats! You rock! Now if I only knew how to lure a roach out of a couch...
from harri3tspy :
I'm kind of a fan of the Jam. That guitarist from Amherst Rich whom I never quite dated in college used to make me a lot of mix tapes that always had a lot of Jam tunes. I'm glad Pumpkie ate something. Not eating is not a situation I would have ever expected from her. Have you checked out her teeth? I thought Mrs. Stein was sick but it turned out most of her teeth had fallen out.
from tfrunner262 :
I have a pet rabbit at home, and I guess he wasn't eating much at all lately either. However, the weather here just cooled off in the past couple days and now he's eating fine again... so hopefully your cat's going through the same with the seasons changing or something. Take care ~luvs~
from harri3tspy :
Thanks. I'm still having a hard time pacing myself, but it sure helps to feel like I'm improving. The fact that it's even possible for me to run pretty much every day is in itself a big improvement. How was your vacation?
from tfrunner262 :
I'm so happy for you with all of your improvement in running and biking!!! Also, thank-you so much for your note. It really helps to hear what other people have to say about this because I'm having such a time deciding what to do. Thank-you again!! Oh and about what your step father said -- we all have a few screws loose, we're runners. I think I actually saw a t-shirt with something similar to that on it once. Take care.
from harri3tspy :
I just posted a whole bunch about the circus, but it really doesn't do it justice. It was really great -- campy and entertaining and just fun. Just what a circus should be. And I got a confirmation of sorts about the conference -- it was a reminder to register. Apparently no one expected us to take the deadline very seriously! When Lynn and I both called the office, each of us was met with complete amazement that we were even worried about it. So I guess I have to write the damn paper unless I decide to take M.S.'s advice and just read the old one.
from tfrunner262 :
Good job with the 15 miles!! I've only done that once or twice before and I had to ice my legs the entire day afterward. Doesn't it make you feel great though... hope you enjoy you nap ;)
from harri3tspy :
I don't know what the wireless situation is, but I totally loved working at Ozzie's. I always got a ton done there, what with the non-stop supply of coffee and all.
from justamephit :
I'm so to be so utterly puerile (puerile, moi? Never!) but, um, you think they'd have come up with a better name than Team In Training wouldn't you? Do you have T-shirts? =P
from justamephit :
Noooooo! Cupcakes are always good! You always need cupcakes! *eyes you suspiciously like you're an alien* ;) xxx
from thespark :
Hi, come join us!
from a1984 :
So what do you think the gun hand gesture means at the end of Mystic River?
from treedancer :
Damn! I meant to leave you a note beforehand to wish you luck with the race, but I see I was too late. Sorry! Let me say instead, I think you did an amazing job to even take part, let alone finish it. As for the health stuff, please accept {{hugs}} and lots of virtual sparkles and good wishes winging their way to you. :)
from tfrunner262 :
Aww, that story made me laugh... not at you though! Old discusting men are annoying -- I even get crap like that on the train. In fact, I got crap like that long before I was even legal, they're so sick!!! Ooh well, what can ya do... I've already tried going on the train looking horrid, and if that doesn't do it (it doesn't) nothing will. The part about your mom was funny too, mine would be the same way. I don't actually have any tatoos, and certain tatoos I would find trashy, but many of them are really neat or cute (yours sounded like non-trashy ones). Anyway, I just thought that story was so funny. I hope you're doing well, you amaze me so much with all the running and training you do -- I need to be more like you and hopefully now that my finals are finally over I'll be able to get back down to business a bit. Best of luck on your upcoming race, I'm sure that not knowing the course won't be too bad, if anything it might be more fun the first time through. Take care, ~Kris~
from justamephit :
Ahahaha!! Gotta love Mums. You know, I'm really good at not getting sleazy old men. I think I must just look too fucking scary :)
from justamephit :
Just wanted to say hello ... busy catching up on back-entries now I've stopped being all self-absorbed. Hope the thryoid stuff isn't too serious, and sorry your life appears to contain more than what could be considered an acceptable quantity of dog poor. I'm glad to be reading again, though. Take care. xxx
from harri3tspy :
If you come visit, I can take you there so you can experience the fresh hell first hand. Grapefruit juice optional.
from im2evil4u :
Damn. I want to see Spamalot so badly but I checked the site a few months ago for pricing and the tickets were like $200.00. *Yikes* Have fun and let us know how it is
from tfrunner262 :
Much of my family were in the Hitler youth -- because he would have had them shot if they didn't join. I figure this guy probably had to join for the same reason. My grandma said they asked her when she was in preschool if she knew anyone who didn't like Hitler -- if you mentioned someone, they killed that person. Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that you may have hyperthyroidism. I actually do know a little bit about it because I had/have hypothyroidism and also I have a friend with hyperthyroidism. From what I know about it, you would have too much hormone production which could lead to increased energy (jitteriness) and metabolism. This will lead to feelings of fatigue. My friend said it made her lose a lot of weight and she got really pale from it. She took pills for it and it went away as far as I understand. I hope that the same will work for you :) Take care, ~luvs~
from tfrunner262 :
Wow, you must have such lovely scenery to run/bike through! I live in Chicago, so I guess I shouldn't complain -- it's just that I have no one to go with and I'm not about to go alone since I'm not in one of the greatest areas. I just wanted to thank you for you kind note. I'm doing my best to work through this and I do have support, I just don't tell my parents because they over-react. They found out last summer after 2.5 years of this and that was hard enough to deal with. Since then, they think I'm recovered and I'm trying my best to keep them thinking that. I fear I'd be pulled from school if they found out, and I'm trying so hard not to fall behind. Also, they just don't really understand this at all. I've been through a couple of teams of doctors though, and if need be there are some here. Thank-you once again for being concerned and all. I don't think you sound like a "bitchy" person at all (as you described yourself) you actually sound like you have a great sense of humor and would be one of those people who makes everyone happy. Take care, ~Luvs~
from synthecrux :
I read your last entry and...Holy mother! Holy pain! Holy purpleness! Ouch, the bruise you got in your finger seems like a painful one. By the way, the tattoo you got in your ankle looks lovely.
from hissandtell :
Poor you. I sincerely hope you punished the naughty vacuum as harshly as it deserved. Love, R xxx
from treedancer :
ouch! for your bruise. i think i said this already, but apple turnovers hypnotise me as well.
from dullstar :
You can use Arnica (herbal cream available at any natural or health food store) to decrease the soreness and appearance of bruises.
from justamephit :
See, exercise is dangerous! Dangerous I tell you! One of the many reasons I never do it =P
from tfrunner262 :
My roommate last year used to do pilates a lot -- I'm pretty sure she did Windsor Pilates. Anyway, she said it was a great workout and that it helped her get toned really well. I did it with her once, and her video set had three different levels so that you could start out easier and work up to something harder. Anyway, I am glad that you liked your pilates class!
from justamephit :
I was missed? Yay! *dances* I feel loved now. By the way, your swimming instructor dude sounds horrid. I hate sporty men. They think they're so superior. There's a line in the song I Hate Men from Kiss Me Kate that perfectly sums this up: Of all the men I've ever met within our democracy / I hate the most athlete with his manner bold and brassy / He may have hair upon his chest but sister so does lassie! / Yep, says it all ;)
from treedancer :
Your swim coach is a moron. Too bad you couldn't tie his feet up with led weights and push him into the pool? ;)
from candoor :
I relocated from Brooklyn to Florida a while back... I thought I'd be more active, what with the always-summer climate... I used to run marathon distances in Brooklyn... I barely run at all down here... maybe it's just a phase :)
from im2evil4u :
Awesome shot! Way to go, girl.
from justamephit :
Noooo! Don't re-locate! We love you here!
from treedancer :
I think your running regime is very inspirational. Wish I could walk it, let alone run it... oh. And Good luck!
from tfrunner262 :
GOOD LUCK!!! I think it sounds like you can kick that lady's ass because the adrenaline rush you'll get when you're within a short distance of the finish plus your desire to beat her will be enough to get you up there. That extra desire should drop some time off too :) Don't think about her beating you, just be optimistic and run with confidence. I'd cheer for you if I could be there :) Good luck again!!! luvs, ~Kris~
from pandionna :
Dumb self-righteous people... ouch!
from hissandtell :
I clicked on your banner again - the cookies one, this time. I just love your writing and your stories - I'll try to read lots of your older entries some time this week. And I'll put you on my buddies' list next time I update it, too. Love, R xxx
from harri3tspy :
He definitely has a thing about aisle numbers. He just laid out all 50 of his number cards (flash cards that he begged us to buy because he likes numbers so much)and called me in to say that he just made 50 aisles. "It's the 50 aisle store." He's currently upstairs trying to determine which products are for sale in which aisles. This is what taking him to Costco has done to him!
from tfrunner262 :
I don't know if buying a larger shoe would really help too much. I've had the very same problem a great many times myself. A larger shoe might cause your foot to slip around more and make it worse. However, if your shoes are too tight OR if you've already put a lot of mileage on them, then definitely consider getting a new pair. Personally, what I found helped the most was simply taping or bandaging that entire area of your foot. I would simply wrap layer upon layer of tape around my toes or foot (careful not to cut circulation) and it worked wonders thus allowing me to go for 10-12 mile runs without any problem. Hope it goes away or that some of this can help!!! Best of luck, ~Kris~
from soulsojourn :
omg - you are amazing. i've always been impressed by those with enough determination and willpower to do a triathalon. happy training! - r
from tfrunner262 :
That sounds so awesome to be doing a triathelon (GOOD LUCK!!!). I have always wondered what that would be like but am not good enough at freestyle swimming to give it a try. I figure I need to go out and run the Chicago marathon first, since I know how to run :)
from pandionna :
"International I'm in deep trouble" look. LMAO!
from dullstar :
Thanks! Obviously, I like the way you write too.
from hissandtell :
Hi - I clicked on your hegemony banner and am enjoying the read and laughing a lot at a fellow big-hipped klutz. And I think the pufferfish looks almost exactly like a headless Guinea fowl! The iguanas are adorable; I'm a lizard-fancier from way back (with a Gallery of Lizard Things in my diary, too). Oh, enough about me. Back to reading about your vacation now. Love, R xxx
from tfrunner262 :
Hey, I totally have to give you credit for being able to use those clip-on pedals!!! My friend's dad does all that hard-core biking stuff and after just looking at his I got scared of them! That must be so awesome though! My bike is pretty old and crappy so I'll probably have to get a new one sometime, but maybe then I'll take up biking a little more often :) I'm assuming with all your swimming and running you're probably going for a tri and I'm sure you'll do even better with those pedals! I can't wait to hear if they really do take some time off! Good luck :) ~Kris~
from to-my-heart :
pretty picture. I like your site.
from treedancer :
your pictures are great. glad to read you had a lovely time. :)
from tfrunner262 :
Your pictures are absolutely gorgeous!!! It totally makes me want to go there now :) Glad you had fun!!!
from tfrunner262 :
Hope you had a great B-day!!! I would have loved to have spent my last one running!!! Maybe this year...? Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful time in Costa Rica!!! Enjoy the warm weather :) luvs, ~Kris~
from supermom3604 :
Happy birthday to you too, I hope you have a good one!
from treedancer :
happy birthday! have a wonderful time. :)
from pandionna :
Have a WONDERFUL time!
from weymouth66 :
In my dreams, no-one ever vanishes but I'm always being teleported...
from candoor :
your banner brought me, Brooklyn kept me, running intrigued me, and cupcakes always get me to come back...
from treedancer :
ack! back tweaks always are the pits. When I read your mention of stir fry chicken, I thought: mmm, could eat some of that myself! Only for that health thought to be completely obliterated by the "cupcake" word. [homer]mmm, cake[/homer] ::ahem:: someone should make stir fry chicken cupcakes. Perfect compromise!*grin.
from krazieespy :
just sayin hi cause I checked out your diary through your banner ad :)
from justamephit :
With ref to Sex & The City - you are so right. Like, on one level it kind of amuses me and I've watched my way through I couple of series in a half-hearted, I can take this I can leave this sorta way. It's also quite difficult to explain to people why you don't quite like, because in a sexually permissive society the consequence of not liking something that is mainly sexual in drive is that you get accused of prudery. And all the "yeah, yeah, we are women in search of good sex and quality shoes" is just another self-deluding cover up for the usual "what you really want to do is settle down with a nice man" story. Even Samantha who's meant to be this predator. I'm tempted to use words like patriarchy at this instant, but that would likely as not lead to me shaving my head and turning all scary and militant :) Sorry this is turning into the longest note in the world. Oh, and thanks so much for the note you left on my diary. Poignant and funny is a good combination. :)
from treedancer :
Greetings; found your diary via your banner ad. I like how you write. :)
from cindreviews :
Cinderella Reviews is a brand new review site. So if you would like a review please come and check us out at . We hope to be hearing from you soon. Thank You!
from cindreviews :
Cinderella Reviews is a brand new review site. So if you would like a review please come and check us out at . We hope to be hearing from you soon. Thank You!
from harri3tspy :
That's funny. Although I could see how the very fact that an article -- any article -- on that subject on the front page of the style section could make you feel that way. But actually, I think our reactions are kind of emblematic of the whole experience of what happens to your sense of self when you have a kid. Pre-kid, I felt the same way -- that after a certain age, if you're a woman and your spouseless/kidless, you don't count. I particularly felt this when my male friends and colleagues would get married. I was a liability and I lost some friends becase of it. But starting when you're visibly pregnant, all of a sudden there's this disconnect that happens. Like people are in disbelief that anyone can have small children and also have, I don't know, a personality, a career, a life, something to say that may or may not be about their kid. I didn't think the article was particularly evil. It just wasn't thought through. In some ways, though, those are the things that bother me most -- the things people say that insult that demonstrate a complete and total lack of awareness of what the problem is.
from candoor :
just another banner-caught fish dangling on the line wishing you a good night :)
from justamephit :
Oh bugger, I actually forgot to say what I mean to say which is ... I entirely agree, re puppets, sex is not a spectator sport. I'm no prude but I hate watching it. I don't mind so much when it's in the movies and it's all artistically blurred and you see a rippling back or the curve of a thigh or whatever but generally it's a messy, unaesthetic business to behold. It's like watching people play golf... a whole bundle of laughs if you're the one with the driver but kinda silly-looking from the sidelines :)
from justamephit :
I came because your banner make me chuckle ... I hate the way feminist academia flings those words around with such excessive abandon :) Nice diary, btw, I'll be reading...
from pandionna :
About your neighbor's TV: Laugh. My. Arse. Off. That is hilarious!
from nerddette :
Should I mention that we're in the middle of Summer, I'm sitting here in a no-sleeve top with the window open, it's about 20 degrees celsius and lovely outside! Oh, and it's midnight :) Too hot for the gym though. t.
from weymouth66 :
Great searches! Check out the diary called oddgoogle. love Jess xx
from harri3tspy :
We do get TCM, but in this case the letter refers to the fact that L. is fond of kicking over AJ's towers of blocks.
from im2evil4u :
That photo must have been taken in either Pennsylvania or New Jersey. Grand Ma was born in Pennsylvania then moved to New Jersey shortly after getting married. By the way, I'm will ya on the being nice to strangers thing but good luck anyway!
from pandionna :
And good riddance to the ex-boss! :::insert big Italian salute:::
from nerddette :
Partly inspired by you, and partly due to ms-do's nagging, I'm pleased to report that I've started walking! Not quite at the 5 mile run but an hour walking up and down hills five times a week is a good start for someone who never exercises. t.
from harri3tspy :
Not bird nor plane nor even frog. It's just little old me, UNDERDOG!
from pandionna :
from harri3tspy :
Thanks for the note. This has been stress central around here lately for some reason. But all is well. I took yesterday off yesterday and things are better. Sorry about the job crap. Sounds miserable.
from pandionna :
Congrats! Wow, that IS inspirational!
from im2evil4u :
You Rock!! Congrats!
from pandionna :
Snarl, snarl, snarl. Sometimes I have to say, "I'm hungry" three, four times before I start yelling, "I SAID I'M HUNGRY WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO FAINT GEEZIS WHAT PART OF HUNGRY DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?!?!?!?" Like today at the mall. Grrrr...
from pandionna :
Read the profile. I love the paragraph where he describes Gore's love of teaching people things. Gore's brain works like mine--all over the place. "And then this, which was invented by that person in 1952, works by doing that, which is a natural result of the other thing working against the forces of something else, and you can read about this in 'All Things Are Connected,' the author of which was born in Someplace, a town devasted by fire in 1932." Yep. The curse of genius. ;-)
from pandionna :
"I�m so glad you called at this time [9:30PM]�now I can stay up all night worrying about this." You should send that to Woody Allen. Heh.
from pandionna :
So, you're sleeping in the jungle, eh? Caught the banner ad!
from pandionna :
"After disposing of her..." I had this image of you opening the door, marching out to a metal trash can, lifting the lid, dropping the cat in, then putting the lid back down, saying, "AND STAY THERE!" It looks funnier in my mind than it sounds.
from pornoviolent :
Here is your standard boy finds glowing sphere, boy loses glowing sphere, boy rescues glowing sphere (Which didn't really need rescuing, but it's the thought that counts.) and finally glowing sphere sets the Earth's water free - kinda story. Sometime in the future an evil corporation controls all of the planet's water, major concerns about ecological feasibility aside, I'd bet the most powerful business would be the one that won the contract to build a roof over the Pacific Ocean. Anyway, this evil corporation raises children in orphanages to mold them into perfect workers later on. Enter the Solarbabies, a group of hybrid hockey players who believe in truth and justice. After Daniel finds Bodhi some magical things happen, including a rainstorm indoors and Jason experiencing flashes from the film's last moments. (My gosh, how? It must be magic!) Darstar knows about the sphere and steals it, hoping to use the magic himself, Daniel chases the mystic and the other Solarbabies leave the orphanage to find Daniel. Pretty much the only way to set up a few chase scenes where heavily armed soldiers, riding in dune buggies, are unable to catch five kids on rollerskates. The evil guys do finally catch Bodhi and take the little sphere to a secret base for destruction. It is a crying shame when your secret base can't stop half a dozen kids (On rollerskates again, of course.) who are armed with hockey sticks. They free Bodhi and the magical sphere frees the water, for some reason it comes gushing out of computer terminals in the base control room, that I haven't figured out yet either. If you think about this movie it's going to give you a headache, just sit back and watch all the future cast members of "The Lost Boys" with a smile.
from anonadada72 :
Ok...resent to yahoo this time. :)
from anonadada72 :
Sorry, I'm confused. I didn't have a yahoo address for you. But I definitely sent the password to your diaryland email. Also, I'm correcting an inadvertent omission and adding you to my favorites list. :) ~Jess.
from anonadada72 :
FYI: I sent the password to my now locked diary. But I think I sent it to your diaryland email rather than to yahoo. If for some reason you don't receive it, let me know and I'll resend. Thanks for reading! ~Jess.
from harri3tspy :
Your guestbook is dissing me today. Sorry about the job. That doesn't sound fun. Love thing thing about the songs. I heard "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown" in a cab the other day and thought of you.
from pandionna :
P.S. And to hell with Morelli. I'm Italian. I avoid Italian men like the plague.
from pandionna :
I'm on the ninth one, To the Nines. They become kind of repetitive in the middle of the series - I think everyone says that - but they pick up again. Hard Eight was hilarious. Yeah, it's "popcorn." But as you say, it helps pass the time on the train. Really, I'm more interested in the whole dynamic with her and Ranger than anything else. I want Ranger. I love Ranger. Ranger must be mine.
from im2evil4u :
Come on over. We'll go to lunch.
from pandionna :
Ugh, public slurping. Grosses me out. But congrats on finishing the race. Running in humidity sucks, but you did it, and you did it!
from weymouth66 :
Glad someone else feels the way I do about couples who pet in public! love xx
from nerddette :
Thanks for the note. It's just the juggling thing - I go and go and go and go and everything is fine and then one ball drops and I lose it.. my mind not the ball ;) t.
from im2evil4u :
The paintings are back up. Sorry about that. I tend to suffer with paranoia when I post things like that.
from coeurdoux :
I think that is so cool that you saw Steve Buscemi! He is one of my all time favorites! Even cooler was that nobody hassled him. Have I told you how un-boring your life is?! Hope you feel better soon!
from dangerspouse : must be feeling better if you're bitching about dropped W's. I actually find the UNpronounced W still less annoying than the MISpronounced letter. For some reason, hearing it as "Dubba-yuh" instead of "Double-you" grates on me like glass shards across my brain. Very funny entry about regionalisms :)
from pandionna :
Aw. I hope you feel better soon. Lots of fluids, okay?
from gro-ver :
Simon and Garfunkle are true Musicians.
from pandionna :
Your colleague sounds on the up-and-up, and judging from what I've read here in your diary, I'd say it's a good bet that you don't suck. I understand the anxiety, though. Been there. Hang in there, and think of all you've accomplished so far. Hugs!
from nerddette :
HUGE congrats on completing the race! I have been reading the training and waiting for the race and now its been and gone and you did it - all without asthma medication. It certainly is proof that once you decide to do something, and focus your energies in that direction, it can be achieved. Thanks for the inspiration to do something myself - unlikely to be a 10 Mile run but hey.. a walk around the block is a start. :) t.
from raven72d :
Interesting entries... I'll be reading here again... Do drop by my entries... And remember: speaking as a male, I encourage girls in white linen pants to be panty-free altogether...
from harri3tspy :
Your guestbook keeps giving me messages that say"FORBIDDEN: you don't have permission to sign." I'm deeply hurt. But anyway, I was going to say that I watched the Straight Story too and also really loved it. I'm all ready to grab a lawn mower and go. Who's with me?
from nerddette :
I just re-read that, and realised how nerdy I really sound. * sobs quietly in the corner * t.
from nerddette :
With the computer - a couple of things you can try. Turn off Word's auto spellcheck, grammar check, auto formatting, repagination. If you have pictures in the document then change to "View Picture Placeholders" which show boxes where the pictures are but don't use RAM to display them. You might also like to increase the size of the virtual memory of the machine... particularly good if you have a decent sized hard drive. Other obvious things like - make sure all other applications are closed (especially dormant virus checkers). You can check this by doing a ALT-CTRL-DEL and seeing what applications are running. IF you want any step-by-steps just email me ... [email protected]. Oh yeah, and thanks for your note :) t.
from weymouth66 :
Thanks! I've just come home from my first full shift, going OK so far... xx
from pandionna :
Oh yes. I'm sure I'll hear a lot of that next week. It's very easy for some folks to recommend a certain way of eating and think that's all there is to it. A good RD can work out an affordable plan, but then if you can't afford the food, chances are you can't afford the RD unless diabetes education is part of your insurance coverage.
from onewetleg :
you have an hitachi magic wand? i have an hitachi magic wand. mine is pink and i call it the PINK AVENGER!!! ahem. yes. well, nice to read you and hope you and your hmw have many good years together. love,
from girlygirl72 :
Quick pop-in to say: Skin-colored underwear--not white--if white pants are see-through.
from pandionna :
Would you hate me if I said that picture looked like fun? Maybe because I don't own any dresses. Might be fun to wear one again someday.
from for-you-only :
I like your banner. Today is my unbirthday.
from pandionna :
I understand how you feel. Sometimes it's like, "oh, come on, I can't be winded from THIS." But then sometimes, if I step away for a few days, when I come back to it, I totally kick arse. Could you be overtraining? I recently read somewhere that a little caffeine about an hour before a workout actually boosts performance. Might be worth a shot. Hang in there. It sucks, but then one day, it will all come together, promise!
from pandionna :
Actually, I gave them $2, out of the $20 they expected when they decided for me that I'd do this. I said, "Here's the two bucks I would have spent on a card IF he bothered to even acknowledge my mother's death." So there.
from pandionna :
Ugh, I HATE office donations for people I don't know well or couldn't give two farts in a windstorm about. I've decided to treat others as they treat me. Not long ago, someone's father passed away. Now, when my mother died, the guy said nothing to me, not even a "hey, I'm sorry about your mom." But for him, several people took it upon themselves to spend $90 on a fruit basket, and then ask a select few to chip in for it. I declined. Heartless? Maybe. But sometimes karma's like that.
from im2evil4u :
I was re-reading my older entries and I realized I never responded to your query about J Jill. I actually went into the store the day I was accosted by the Victoria�s Secret sales girl. They have really beautiful stuff � not quite my style � but really beautiful. Of course, after my sister in law telling me I look like a tourist yesterday I�m considering a style change.
from parlance :
Kids are messy, anyways.
from pandionna :
OOH! If you come down, e-mail me! Pandionna2ATaolDOTcom.
from pandionna :
No. No, no. Nothing to hide. Billy Joel is God. That's all there is to it.
from im2evil4u :
Damn woman, why didn't you just borrow mine?!
from im2evil4u :
Don't be sorry, I was simply amazed! I deal with drunks all the time, but this is the first time I had a photo.
from im2evil4u :
WOW, you are the Quick Draw McGraw of comments. I didn't even finish editing and you left not one, but two comments.
from pandionna :
You handled the comment from the perv much better than I would have. I would have said something very, very unpleasant. Wow. Good job!
from im2evil4u :
You want me to kick some ass? Let me know where and when. A-holes.
from im2evil4u :
Was that statement intended as a compliment or an insult? Either way it was uncalled for, but I like to keep abreast of the current idiot lingo.
from im2evil4u :
Let me know your coming the next time you visit and I'll be your guide through all the not-so-hickish parts.
from eggsaucted :
Oh I meant right not write. I'm just more asleep than awake this morning and my fingers knew they were typing right they just got the wrong one.
from eggsaucted :
But hegemony is an awesome word. I had to take two semesters of anthro classes in college (actually my last two semesters) that dealt with how to write anthro papers. Of course at that point I had taken my last regular anthro class and had succeeded at writing lots of papers. So basically we defined culture for 2 semesters and determined that it will be redefined again by someone in 10 years who will without a doubt say they are write and everyone before them sucked. We also used the word hegemony/hegemonically a lot!!! It was our prof's favorite word. In fact during the second semester, my discussion group all decided to go as hegemons for halloween.
from eggsaucted :
Yes thrilling isn't it? I meant to add you a long time ago, somehow it just never happened, I'm blaming sleep deprivation. So thanks for adding me way back when.
from im2evil4u :
No problem, and I'm flattered that you knew I would be the one that responded. :D There is a website devoted to Wacky Packages
from im2evil4u :
Wacky Packages! They are selling them on ebay here I loved them. I had the stickers all over my notebook
from im2evil4u :
Faces of Death? Are you kidding me. I rented it about a hundred times and in fact, while I was in my junior year of high school my biology teacher played it for us as part of a lesson.
from eggsaucted :
Thanks for the note! I'm hanging in there and diaryland is being very supportive. Tomorrow will be pretty awful though. thanks again!
from nerddette :
I loved the Moose entry :) t.
from im2evil4u :
Thanks, I liked it too. Strangely, however, the click through was very poor. Compared to my others, which usually bring a 3 or 4 % click through, this one currently has 1.3%. The worse percentage rate ever on any of my banners. I actually took that photo and thought it was pretty cool looking. Oh well, back to the drawing board.
from girlygirl72 :
THAT'S what happened to Sunday. You're my Random Hero of the Day--I would never have known if I hadn't been surfing dland. I thought maybe TW had decided we should observe the Lord's Day and go to Mass instead of laying on the couch all day smoking and watching six hours of Planet's Funniest Animals. Plus, you were smart enough to call TW. I just sat there like a monkey, clicking back and forth from Saturday to Monday on the schedule grid.
from elgan :
Harri3tspy sent me over to wish you a happy birthday. Have a great day!
from hope-star :
My sister had a breat reduction and our insurance paid for it.... maybe yours can as well!
from im2evil4u :
Thanks for stopping by and adding me to your favorites. I'm from Brooklyn also, Canarsie to be exact. Anyway, welcome to my world and have a happy New Year!
from gerg69 :
from gerg69 :
Maybe if you just give little Z a couple of days he'll forget all about the kangaroo and you can get mama to sneak it back to you. Short attention span thing you know? Or you could try the old bait and switch. Either way is less heart wrending.
from gerg69 :
Maybe if you just give little Z a couple of days he'll forget all about the kangaroo and you can get mama to sneek it back to you. Short attention span thing you know? Or you could the old bait and switch. Either way is less heart wrending.
from lass :
I tried to leave you a note in your guestbook but apparently yours is as glitchy as any event, I laughed out loud at the bad, bad Leroy Brown convo. Meaner than a junkyard dog, indeed...
from harri3tspy :
I thought you might like her. In a curious coincidence, when AJ and I were watching Little Bear this afternoon, my favorite "Diva Hen" episode appeared (this was several hours after I posted today's entry). As Diva Hen clucked her way through the Queen of the Night aria, I couldn't help but think of old Florence.
from harri3tspy :
That's so weird. I also seem to have an allergy problem concentrated in my left eye. It's the one that had a broken blood vessel a few weeks back. I woke up this morning and it was all red again. This sounds like some kind of plot. We need some conspiracy theory here. Alien abductions? Government testing?
from eggsaucted :
Thanks for the input. I will consider it, if I get any further the process. It does have limited patient contact the research nurse with whom I would be working does most of that end. I can see the draining and depressing end of it as well as the rewarding part of it. This is the only way I'd ever be able to be involved in cancer research, I am so not a science person otherwise. I've done limited work in a geriatric rehab facility, also very draining, but very rewarding. Thanks again!
from purplemystic :
Thanks for adding me to your faves list.
from harri3tspy :
Go, M, go. I can totally hear her yelling this into the phone. I wish I could have been there. How were the leaves?

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