messages to samiam0341:
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from reddirtgirl :
Thanks, man! :)
from lostmystic76 :
Awww such a cutie ; )
from nicolerenee :
Actually, thank you for pointing that out to me...I do in fact believe I will be in heaven one day. I had written that when I was doing things and not doing things that I should have been. I also had written about an entry saying that "the Lord will spew the luke warm from his mouth", and that was what I was feeling at the time. Again, thank you for pointing that out, I need to change that!
from lostmystic76 :
OMFG!!! I'm laughing so hard right now! Too hilaious!!
from lostmystic76 :
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! after the laughter comes OMG EWWWWWWW!!!!! Hahahahahaha!!!! That was the funniest thing I've ever read in someones diary!
from lostmystic76 :
Skiing?!? Skiiing?!? Where?!? Where?!? LoL!!! That's the one thing I miss about the east coast...I had 3 resorts within a 2.5 hour drive from me...I could ski whenever I wanted. This season my ski's are sitting in my closet and they look oh so sad.
from samiam0341 :
Damn I have a huge cock.
from mnvnjnsn :
I have no intention of moving to Texas. I just will be visiting Austin in October for JournalCon. I've been there before. Great place to visit for a weekend-- wouldn't want to live there. Thanks.
from lilpeanut80 :
yes yes. Who ever thought that bird shit could inflict injury? They should use that as a weapon in third world countries. And I bet it stings your eyes. ckb
from lifeofjamie :
Hello, thanks for signing my guestbook. I am sure I signed your comments page but soemthing isnt right. Did you change your diary. And where is your entry about Bush I cant find it? Did you delete that entry or am I wirting about someone else's diary? If I am, I am sorry, your diary just looks so damn familar.
from thrownout :
oh okay, cool.
from thrownout :
which samiam did your name come from? Dr. Suess?(don't get mad if I spelled that wrong.) That crappy movie? Or the band?
from lilpeanut80 :
I have had the opportunity to get certified but have never been able to convince myself that I need to. Talk me into it. It is a dream for my bro bro but he has holes in his eardrums so he can't take the pressure of being deep underwater. ckb
from ravynemyst :
No need for apologies. We are all entitled to our opinions. Some of your comments have made me stop and think also. I do want you to understand that sometimes I post things to specifically get people to think. I may not always agree with what I post, but I post it nonetheless.
from reddirtgirl :
Those are pretty good ideas, actually. At least they'd definitely make me look tougher.
from pinkvision3 :
hey. i was reading your last entry and was wondering one of four things. How old are you, do you work for the military in fort worth, or are you just working in forth worth, and why you rather have your boss get his asshole-ness out on you instead of his family...ok screw the last one but i was wondering those first three questions. By the way, how drunk was that guy that you saw in the ghetto? Im not exactly sure I understood the extent of his drunkedness. :-) Later~
from pinkvision3 :
good luck with your quitting drinking plan! I need to stick with a goal the only problem is finding a goal that seems easy enough to stick with.
from pinkvision3 :
hey. i really like this entry. your ending totally made it. amputated legs and motorcycles. :-) Good luck with that scuba diving thing!
from pinkvision3 :
hey. I love your sense of humor and your style. Your diary is awsome. By the way, Fight Club and Tom Robbins are the best. I love TOm Robbins book 'Even Cowgirls Get the Blues'. Scary shit but always a pleasure. Anyway, see you later~
from reddirtgirl :
Oh well. If you're ever in the neighborhood, let me know! :)
from atbay :
thank you
from samiam0341 :
Hey whats up you big fat dickhead?
from omzhaara :
Oh Sammy! Your guestbook entry made me smile (actually laugh out loud, but I was laughing at the image of me trying to go through a triathlon, HEHE!) I wanted to say thank you for your entry, and who knows... perhaps ONE day...? Nah. I think I'll leave the true athletics to very fit folks like yourself ;)
from unclebob :
Hey...just glad to see that someone else appreciates Jack Ingram. That's too cool that you knew the guy...I love "I Can't Leave You" and "Barbie Doll". I'm still shocked he's not more famous...he deserves it!

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