messages to samson111:
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from wifemotherme :
9/1/09 I hope your doing ok. I know baby MM should be here by now. I hope you find the time to update soon.
from veronicalife :
oh how pretty! i LOVE that name. -V
from blacksheet :
LOL.. I love the way your husband answered that question! Too funny!
from girlkisses :
Did you get the e-mail with the key?
from wifemotherme :
can you email me at [email protected]
from wifemotherme :
Are you ok? No post in several days. hope your feeling ok and just setting into your new job.
from wifemotherme :
How are you feeling?
from wifemotherme :
OMG I am so happy for you!!! Yeah!!!
from wifemotherme :
LOL nobody, in the history of the world, has ever read "Love You Forever" and not cried.
from fightn4life :
I too have been excited about the election reading about the new running mate. My husband for the first time is voting in this election, regardless of who makes it to the White House it will make history. We now find ourselves listening to all speeches and looking forward to the debates. I was thinking the same is possible a woman could be voted in. How awesome...but like you it wouldn't be a reason for me to vote one way or the other. So far both husband and I like what we read about her. Enjoy your time, I too am a people watcher. :) Sandyz
from fightn4life :
Hope you are having a great get-away. No snakes...I hope. Enjoy your time away from the work force. Sandyz
from fightn4life :
Wow Big Foot...I don't dismiss any thing, all things are possible. I to wish it had been you that stumbled on it. "Rich" sounds good. will be fascinating to read your diary waiting to see if when caution is in the wind if a baby is meant to be. Whatever happens I feel sure you will not regret your decision. Sandyz
from fightn4life :
There are two of my friends right here on Diary Land that decided past the age 35 to start families. Now they both have a young a girl, the other a boy. It is personal between lovers, and I think it is beautiful, Sandyz
from fightn4life :
Things are going very well...better than I expected them to in the beginning...time tells the story but for now I am thrilled we have reconnected. I know how it is to want another dog, we lost "Baby" our husky and I still miss her, I suppose I always will. For now I am content to have three cats...maybe someday another dog...maybe, Sandyz
from rose-phoenix :
thanks so much for your comment on my diary. You never know what kind of "surprise" may come your way. I was 35 when I met my husband, got pregnant at 38. talk to me in five years! BTW LOVE Thai Food but my husband doesn't so I don't get to enjoy it often enough.
from fightn4life :
My daughters tried to get me to have a who can eat the hottest food competition, I didn't even try when I swear I saw fire coming out of my first Born's month. It was fun watching them...good Lord the ego gets us in trouble. Now a pie eating contest...OK I can do that one, Sandyz
from fightn4life :
People love making fun of others rather you're north or south, I have moved so many times in my life my accent confuses others. Here I am in the north and it is the country mountain hicks and the city folks. Many snickers when people ask and are told I dwell in the mountains. "Got any moon shine?" South was the same, so I go with the flow. I grew up in the city...hated it...chose country liven. Let them laugh my worries are the wild life...other people watch weird neighbors. I enjoy tossing as much "hick" talk in as I can when someone points fingers, but darn it I have all my teeth...I gotta work on that. Loved your true it is, Sandyz
from bindyree :
thank you! :-)
from onepinksock :
no worries. i just get nervous when a new mystery reader appears and seems to devour the diary. i don't know, i guess it makes me paranoid. that being said, thank you for reading.

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