messages to sarafem:
(click here to add new message):

from molyn :
I used to read your blog pretty regularly, much has happened and now I have no password :) Help a sister out?
from geek-betty :
you've been tagged.
from heidiann :
What a fag!
from f-i-n :
happy bday
from dragprincess :
Girl, happy birthday. And this whole year has been a rebirth for you -- today is just a drop in the bucket of being reborn and working on a new way of living.
from dragprincess :
I find SVU to be a perfectly acceptable substitute for sex in my life.
from heidiann :
Hey! I tried to call you back and my phone died. I haven't quite mastered the concept of charging electronics. I suck ass in the worst way possible. (I hope that made your mind wander to disgusting things.) Unfortunately because I'm dealing with work and school and have no computer access at home, I think I'm going to wait on awhile on getting involved with websites. But I can't wait to see sarafemandtequila. And once my ass becomes a computer-owner once again we'll start fresh with the whole joint website dealie. Expect a letter from me soon and try to overlook my suckage. xoxox
from thirtieth :
Thin Mints and Caramel Delights might just be the bane of my existence.
from sanetwin :
I won't give you a single reason. Instead I'll cheer the two of you on!! I'm jealous.
from gratitudejar :
Hi Sara. How are you?
from soccernut :
You've been to my homeland Brazil............... How did you like it???
from gratitudejar :
Hi. That is all.
from dragprincess :
untrue. i'll still come hang with the great sarafem. because we've all hit bottom before and we know what it's like to recreate and rediscover ourselves.
from sanetwin :
bags of pills? pass some my way.
from sanetwin :
I want a fake wedding invite!!! hells yeah!
from dragprincess :
girl, send me a faux wedding invite PRONTO! where are you registered? narnia?
from twangry :
I'm sorry about your Grandmother. (((HUG))) -Megin
from dragprincess :
i'm sorry about your grandmother. i understand that feeling of relief/confusion over a death. Letting go of the past is a good have to let go or be dragged.
from sanetwin :
I'm sorry about your grandma.
from heidiann :
No men in sunglasses and bullet-proof vests showed up. I've never been so bummed in my life.
from sanetwin :
The happier part - good!! The bad things that happened at the place you thought would be heaven - not so good :(. I hope life is treating you well.
from dragprincess :
from heidiann :
You're coming back because you miss me, aren't you? AREN'T YOU!? Don't lie...I can see through your charade. I received no Christmas present. I received no nothing. I was like, "FINE! FINE! DON'T EVEN THANK ME FOR THE TOMMY PAGE CD AND 1980S BARBIE DOLL! SEE IF I CARE! Um...I hope she's alive..."
from cactustree :
sara, i had a sex dream about you the other week. damn, you were good. really really good.
from saara687 :
OMG! :( .....
from snotgirl :
you have to keep me filled in. i love you. one day, we're going to get hammered, talk about sex and feminism, and how wonderful we are. then we are going to make out. i love you, ceez. <3
from cactustree :
sara, i definitely want you to be a part of whatever happens next in my life...i need to give you the new diary info, but have no (reliable) email address for you! if you get a sec, please email me at [email protected] so we can continue the craziness.
from sanetwin :
I wish I had pumpkin pie and some sunglasses. I am so jealous of this adventure you will soon embark on.
from cactustree :
sara, i love you too and i think that i'm blessed to have your crazy ass in my life, even peripherally. i'm still around and when i start the new diary, you'll be among the first to know.
from cactustree :
sara, i love you too and i think that i'm blessed to have your crazy ass in my life, even peripherally. i'm still around and when i start the new diary, you'll be among the first to know.
from hel :
It's really pathetic that you keep harassing me. Do you even realize how sad the way you're acting is? What, are you in high school? Cos you're acting like a child.
from sanetwin :
Monoco. With a gorgeous woman. Hi.
from sanetwin :
GRR I hate your comments. Hate hate hate. Yeah I can't even remember what my comment was going to be now ha ha. Umm, something about envying you being in Spain. I wish desperately to be there. Yeah, I think that was it. Oh, and I hope you have fun!
from gumphood :
hey thanks for the add. Its the only kinda of additive I like!
from sanetwin :
Thank you :)
from sanetwin :
Thank you :)
from sanetwin :
Man, woman, your life exhausts me. I don't know how you have the energy for it all.
from saara687 :
The feeling's mutual - I enjoy your entries, as well. :)
from pumpkinhouse :
Yes, ideas...please! I'm all ears. I need to start small. Impart me with your wisdom oh great and wonderful Sara! :) Btw, thanks for the note.
from hel :
You specifically said 'you shouldn't make an effort to stand up against him or anything.' And that was after your original note which came off as 'management is automatically right because they're in charge.' And yeah, my first reaction was, 'Goddess I'd hate to work for her', but then it occured to me that your opinion could be based on your only having experiences with ppl in charge trying to be decent to the people who work for them, which ISN'T the case here. It's 'old' Justin as in the previous Justin rather than the most recent Justin, because there were 2 different guys named Justin in a very short period of time. And if you want to spend your time writing me nasty notes, and getting your friends to do the same, what the fuck ever. I hope it brings you pleasure.
from pumpkinhouse :
Honestly, it was a compliment. You make me read more and want to get involved in things that progress causes I believe in, I know it sounds really corny but you're (get ready...) inspiring. I was going to leave a comment on the entry you wrote about your politics not being some people's cup of tea but HellScan ate it. Anyway, you got the ball rolling on some things that I'd put on the back burner and eventually I'm going to put my money where my mouth is and help make some changes in this fricking world. :)
from pumpkinhouse :
You asked a question in one of your entries about why you're not getting a lot of feedback lately and I'd like to hazard an answer. I love your diary. I admire you for speaking your mind and actively fighting for your beliefs. And you're hot and I've had naughty thoughts about you. The reason I generally don't leave you comments or notes is that...I'm intimidated by how smart and well-read you are. I'd rather keep my mouth shut and let you think I'm stupid than open my mouth and confirm it. :P
from hel :
If you honestly believe ppl shouldn't stand up when being treated badly just because the person treating them badly is in a position of authority over them, then I feel very badly for you, and hope you're never in a situation where you're being treated unfairly.
from hel :
My work is answering the phones, taking orders, and giving those orders to the cook. My work is done when any orders that came in during my shift have been given to the cook, which I did stay a few minutes past 9 to do that day, because two calls came in at 8:59. The issue is my being expected to work later than my shift with no advance notice on a frequent basis. It isn't my problem/responsibility if Janey can't manage to work out a schedule that covers the phones when they need to be covered. He's trying to save the store money, at my expense, by having me leave at 9 (when my shift ends) sometimes, but have me work later (which happens about 4 out of 5 saturdays) at his convenience. I did not leave before my work was done. Any calls that come in after my shift is over are NOT my work, NOT my responsibility, NOT my problem. Janey wants to hold up 'these are your scheduled hours, and you only work your scheduled hours' when it's convenient for him, and then turn around and entirely disregard my scheduled hours when THAT'S convenient for him. And he's not polite or respectful about it, or about anything else, either. You can ask Justin about how Janey acts, he got to see first hand when he did me a favor and took me to get my paycheck one day, and Janey tried to refuse to give it to me. It's not a question of me not doing my work, because I damn well do. It's a question of someone who has no idea what the hell he is doing being in a managerial position (tho he's not actually a manager, just a driver) and thinking that makes him god and he doesn't need to show any consideration for or respect to the people he works with. This was just the final straw in a giant haystack of problems. If you'd like to hear the entire litany, most of which never made it to my diary because it was just too annoying to bother writing about, feel free to IM me, my contact info is in my profile.
from chickpea981 :
Thank you for your 2 cents. You're one hundred percent correct in that. I posted that because I AM kicking him to the curb. He's not what I want. He's just not around right now for me to tell him and I'm not one to break up with an answering machine. :P thanks for your note
from chickpea981 :
It wasn't meant negatively. I wasn't aware you and I had a problem until now. I just knew, based on an old guestbook entry that it had to be you. I actually thought it was rather gutsy and funny and I think I'm the only one who didn't make a negative comment about you. I didn't realize saying your username in the comments would offend you and I am sorry if it did.
from sanetwin :
I'm going to have to say you at least sound like MY perfect woman!
from margymae :
I got the candy and the shirts! Thanks so much. I gave some birth control candy to my mom and she duly loved it. Thanks again!
from pumpkinhouse :
Oh Sara...THANK YOU! I got the chocolate today, I promptly ate one of them while my husband stared at me with an amused expression on his face...but the sticker, the fuzzy purple sticker. It made me all warm and happy inside and took me back to elementary school days when collecting Hello Kitty erasers was all it took to make my day. Thank you thank you thank you. :D
from pumpkinhouse :
You know, I'd forgotten all about that birth-control shaped chocolate. -Megin
from margymae :
It's 631 N. Humphrey, Oak Park, IL 60302
from sanetwin :
Here's Megin's email address: [email protected]. Mine is: [email protected] if you want to email me I can send you her snail mail address.
from heidiann :
Remind me to never EVER cross you. I wouldn't want my wounded labia displayed on your mantle.
from margymae :
Woo-hoo! I'm so on the way to NC right now!!!!!!
from margymae :
It's okay, I believe everything you say, ever. Just so you know.
from evilestone :
I've sent two I said, feel free to give me the direct email address...if you replied to me it would show anyway. Mine is [email protected] if you want to send there instead of in notes...I don't use the email forwarder anymore, nothing seems to make it to me with it.
from evilestone :
I just sent an email to [email protected], if you don't have the mail forwarder turned on, feel free to give me an email address to email to, if you want this less public.
from evilestone :
I just did a "Find" on the account I emailed with her from, using her email address as the search term, and that was in a quoted message I had sent back to her, in my "sent messages" folder... Yeah, that's real to guess how many messages were in that folder? Four digits. Grow up.
from evilestone :
Gee, I never told her her breast looked like an apple and I wanted to BITE IT... No only means no if YOU SAY NO, since she has never said anything to me about not liking my comments, and quite to the contrary has told me that my question about her devil horns was the best she ever got, how am I supposed to know she might not like them? In fact this "Thank you so much for what you wrote." is a direct paste from an email she sent me, in which she smiled and laughed about the devil horns... Why WOULDN'T I think she enjoyed the comments???
from evilestone :
from kristintracy :
Girl, I hate Emily DICK & son. Every one of her poems could be titled "This is about sittin' around." I mean. I don't like poetry either way, but she can go get beaked!
from sanetwin :
Hey the stupid "i'm so happy I could sing" entry was on someone else's diary today. and I clicked it. And it took me to Pieces of you. hmmm I'll be pissed if I get a virus!
from gerkat :
Keep your chin up. You're only allowed to live in a cave if it has internet access.
from gerkat :
I was ok with Sneezy McSmurf until the "continually seeks educational experiences to connect with the community" part. Hello, buttsuck much? If I got a coverletter that contained such poor-quality asslicking, I throw it in the ol circular file. You're totally cooler than she is.
from sanetwin :
hmmm well generally when you go off on the deep end every crazy thing DOES make sense to you.
from heidiann :
"...special fluffy place." Am I the only one who thinks that sounds dirrrty? I think that'll be my new vaginal euphamism.
from e-voice :
If anyone messes with Sarafem's stuff, I will seriously have to fuck you up. Um, after she does. :)
from sanetwin :
I have one of those popcorn poppers. Umm and my brother-in-law has one of those tv-aquariums. yeah otherwise you're way cooler than me.
from jfsuperstar :
hey sarafem, great journal. stop by and visit any time. we appear to have some things in common!- jenfish superstar
from sapphyr :
I am eternally grateful for your honesty! THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART FOR YOUR REGAN REALITY CHECK! I have been SCREAMING this at people for days. I grew up poor during the 70's and 80's and I remember REGANOMICS far too well! DAMMIT, YOU ROCK and I'm adding you to my list of FAVES! TAWANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from sanetwin :
I'm so fucking jealous of you *sticks tongue out*
from snotgirl :
from sanetwin :
hmm news I read today: "Bishop Says No Communion for Pro-Choice Voters Those Who Back Politicians on Controversial Issues Would Have to Repent DENVER (May 14) - Catholics who vote for politicians in favor of abortion rights, stem-cell research, euthanasia or gay marriage may not receive Communion until they recant and repent in the confessional, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Colorado Springs said. Talk About It � Post Messages Bishop Michael Sheridan's pronouncement was the strongest yet from a U.S. bishop in the debate over how faith should influence Catholics in this election year. The discussion of withholding Holy Communion had previously been limited to politicians themselves. Sheridan made his remarks in a May 1 pastoral letter published in the diocese's newspaper. He said he singled out abortion, stem-cell research, euthanasia and gay marriage for criticism because they are "intrinsically evil." The letter was sent to each parish in the diocese, including 125,000 Catholics in 10 counties. Formal Vatican pronouncements last year specified Catholic politicians' duty to uphold church teaching as they set policy on matters such as abortion and preventing the legalization of same-sex unions." bah yuck.
from sanetwin :
where have you been???? Hope things are okay.
from catspajamas :
thought you might appreciate this: [email protected]: i got shot with a bb, didnt even leave a bruise guy: lol u can use mine,,,,,,, [email protected]: what, your gun???? guy: my pellet gun in more powerful than a 22 rifle [email protected]: that. my friend, is a more dangerous offer than you know. guy: it fires a .35 cal pellet at 900feet per sec. and leathal at 100 yards [email protected]: thats crazy. guy: well its a way around alot of the firearm laws in these liberal states [email protected]: you say "liberal" like its a bad thing. guy: ex army plays more into that than anything [email protected]: youre not a conservative republican are you? guy: yes i am [email protected]: ooooooh, yeah, see, i cant ever sleep with you know. if i do they'll kick me out of the "homosexual agenda to destroy the united states" meetings and rip up my "unecissary abortion frequent user discount card". guy: ??
from sanetwin :
(((HUGS))) So you probably hate it as much as I do when someone puts (HUGS) to you in a note, but hey I'm not very original. You sound like you need them, but not from me - from JB. Okay, so I've been there, done that. Seriously I have. That's why Jason and I almost broke up last week, because I would tell him all of the reasons he couldn't possibly love me. You're shutting yourself off ot protect yourself from getting hurt or too close. Like you need me to tell you that *grimace*. Okay so I'm not helping, I'm just leaving a stupid insanely long note. I'm sorry you're feeling so shitty, and I think everyone's had a "bubba" moment.
from sanetwin :
god bless you sara. And thank you lord for the man with the huge penis in my shower. And for the women's forum to fuck with all saturday night. God bless us each and every one.
from sanetwin :
grrrr to them for suggesting such a ridiculious idea. Of course you can't let Lily travel with a complete stranger. Why would they even think of it???
from sanetwin :
don't stay gone for too long. we'll miss you.
from sanetwin :
so. . . do you need to borrow an indian headdress??? Glad today is a good one for you!
from sodiumclorox :
not to sound like an ass, but... do i know you?
from margymae :
Yeah, I noticed that it started early. And free booze is always good. I'm all for getting into trouble...but I do have to be at work on Monday morning.
from margymae :
Hey, I bought a ticket to the concert. My cell number is 630-886-2162. We'll talk!
from chickpea981 :
Thank you for reminding me about the other ways to spread it. I forgot to add that in there. And about the passport... I printed out an application for my boss the other day and was reading through it. It said you can have a written statement about the other parent's whereabouts and that can be enough. Try it, it might work. If you have a legal friend somewhere that would help a lot. I wish I could offer more advice there.
from margymae :
Oooh, I love monkeys. And I would love to meet up. I don't know my way around DC at all but that concert sounds like a good time. Details!
from sanetwin :
so umm I'm officially going to try to stay on your good side. You're beautiful. And smart. And funny. Am I on that side yet??
from sanetwin :
yo' mama's so poor she gave you dirt for dinner and worms for desert. We actually used to say that as insult. Now I realize we probably just looked like idiots and the kids we were trying to insult laughed at us.
from sanetwin :
that was the best cover letter ever. esp. the part about Wendy's.
from pricklee :
i'm glad to know that someone struggles as much as me when doing stuff like cover letters & resumes. from all i've read of you it sounds like yr a real go-getter & you'd be a big asset to the orgs, schools, or whatever of yr choice. you seem like more of a self-mover than a lazy shithead, that's what i'm trying to say.
from gerkat :
Hey, can you e-mail me the html for the March button you have on your page? I want to add it to mine. When are you getting to DC? I will probably be insanely overscheduled the whole time, but I hope I at least get a chance to say hi to you. I'll be wearing a green shirt. That should help us find each other. :-)
from snotgirl :
that was the cutest thing i've ever heard in my entire life. EVEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRR. snotgirllovetolovelymisssarafem. <3.
from sanetwin :
First, Lily is a genuis. Her painting and her singing are just way too fucking cool. I loved the song. Your kid is going to be some sort of Ani Difranco-Britney Spearish feminine icon when she grows up. AND the handcuff story was the best ever. I'm partial to name calling and a little dirty talk in bed myself.
from sanetwin :
Ugh, fuck the system. Thats such bullshit that you had to go through a social worker sticking their judgemental noses in your life. I hate that!
from sanetwin :
That sounds like the best date EVER. I'm so jealous. I want a date that even has the words whiskey and handcuffs in it!!!!! Oh wait, I've had a few of those, but I don't think the cops thought it was a date. *grimace*
from pricklee :
i'm very sorry to read of yr present predicament. i pray everything works out fine & that all the good you work for our sisters pays off. thanks for being so motivated. stay positive.
from gerkat :
Is that Lily? What a beautiful picture! Glad you got to hear Kate, even if you didn't get to meet her. She was on NPR yesterday afternoon talking about the UVVA. They said she called in from Chapel Hill NC, and I thought of you.
from heidiann :
IMG SRC = "" border = 0 In the <> of course.
from margymae :
I sent the new check on Friday, so I guess you can pick which one to tear up!
from sanetwin :
At least at your 20 year reunion you'll only be 35 and they will all be 38. Then those three years are really going to make a difference.
from leebozeebo :
Straight up, New Orleans Style. Yeah, I had the best time. Of course, I was drunk through about half of it, but what I remember was very nice. I wish I could have checked out their D-Day Museum, but none of my friends were interested.
from margymae :
Dude, I can't find your entry that tells me your address! I swear I want to send you money, I swear I do...but I don't know where!
from sanetwin :
My ex-husband loved Slayer. That should have been my first sign that it wouldn't work out.
from thisisme-now :
from margymae :
No problem, it doesn't bother me. I'll send you a new check. I don't like Paypal for some reason. It probably doesn't like me either. Anyway, thanks for everything, I'll put the check in the mail today.
from snotgirl :
i guess it could be about every woman in know who's sleeping with shame for whatever reason........though i meant it in response to knowing that my boss/friend's mom killed herself sunday morning, and i'm worried that's how she'll respond (by blaming herself). anyway, i'm glad that you read what i write, and i really value yr opinion. i'm also floored that one day you will be my muse and it just might move you....tons of xoxos.
from gerkat :
"God wants you to be weird." Quite possibly the best medical diagnosis ever. I'm glad they found what's causing your headaches and that it's treatable. Feel better soon.
from sanetwin :
omgd a brain tumor. Holy cow. Wow. I'm in shock. I'm so sorry. But at least you are the only person I know that can say it's okay that you're weird because God made you that way.
from sanetwin :
I'm sorry you're feeling that way. It's awful to be depressed and not be able to change it. I wish I could offer you pearls of wisdom but I'm just as lost.
from catspajamas :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (slightly belated.) My birhday is Mar 25th, same day as Elton John and Aretha Franklin, which explains why I'm such a total drag queen, only, you know, actually a woman.
from gerkat :
Hey, Happy Birthday! And re: attachment parenting-I don't have any kids, but everything I know about attachment parenting I learned from this journal: They do the whole deal: home birth, family bed, strap the kid to you, etc.
from sanetwin :
my third note to you, I swear I'm not a stalker! I don't really dig attachment parenting. I didn't breastfeed, I didn't have a family bed, and I sure as heck wasn't going to wear her around my chest all the time. I stay at home with her, but it's more for selfish reasons, because I don't like society.
from sanetwin :
Oh, and a 20-year-old college boy? He's more like 13, just figuring out he can get an erection.
from sanetwin :
thanks!! I love this layout too. The girl who made it is actually designing one for me, so I hope it's something like this one.
from heidiann :
OMFGIHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Actually maybe it should be OMFGIHT. T = Them. The insanity blows me away.
from gerkat :
You've got my sympathies on the organizing assyness. No matter how many times you explain the complicated "registering means giving us your name and address" concept, people just won't follow instructions.
from sanetwin :
I think the world is populated with assholes. Hidden in there are one or two sane thinking, intelligent people. They often turn into assholes later so you have to meet them while they are still young enough to be easily influenced. I read that somewhere. Damn if I just misquoted.
from gerkat :
Not only is his underwear drawer meticulously organized, his boxers are all folded in a very specific manner (fly on the inside). On the rare occassions that I have folded his laundry, I managed to fold it the wrong way, and he has unfolded and refolded all of them, based on the logic that if they're folded wrong, he'll put them on backwards.
from gerkat :
I feel sorry for Pro Choice Republicans.�The ones that I know are Republicans because they're fiscally conservative, not because they're on board with the crazy right wing social agenda. So they've got a party and president that is hell-bent on killing choice AND is wracking up a huge national debt. The only people I feel sorrier for are the Log Cabin Republicans. How do they sleep at night?
from sanetwin :
Masquerading as Republicans? Isn't that a hanging offense in the south?
from margymae :
I know you're out of town (sounds like a lot of laughs) but I wanted to know if you ever got my checks 'cause they aren't cleared yet. Thanks!
from gerkat :
Don't even get me started on the semantics around the choice movement. If pro-choice means pro-abortion, why are my NARAL affiliate's priorities this year things like maintaining minors' rights to confidential medical records and providing comprehensive sex ed and making ERs provide emergency contraception to rape victims? Those who aren't doing the work like to criticize those of us doing the work, and claim all we care about is abortion. Such crap. And fine, if the choice movement is all about white women, how come there are people of all colors using the services at my local clinic? Arrrrr. Is now really the time to start dividing people? Isn't it, I don't know, maybe time to UNITE and get the fuckwit who thinks women should pray away their PMS and use the rhythm method OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE? Jeez. Why am I ranting at you? Keep up the good work Sara. Good luck getting Bob Edwards to ASU. Heh. (I'd totally come out to see Bob Edwards. He's hot.)
from sanetwin :
I've locked my diary. My username is notassholes. my password is comein.
from gerkat :
Kate M came and spoke at a MN NARAL event here a few months ago. She was outstanding. I can't believe she's leaving. Speaking of which, I understand that the staff at national in DC is constantly turning over, so lots of opportunities for smarty prochoice organizers like yourself. Ever thought of going to DC?
from sanetwin :
What a quandry. If you won't be able to eat this month, it would be certainly hard to cough up the money. But to help your friend out it's worth it. I once gave up three months car payments and had my car repossessed for the same cause for my sister.
from snotgirl :
also, i'm paypalling you the money for a medium i heart pro choice boys shirt.
from snotgirl :
i want on the bus!!!! or to at least follow the bus...
from gerkat :
I'm so sorry for what you had to go through and for having to relive your sister's death. You are a much stronger person than I could have been in that situation.
from e-voice :
Hey sara-- did ya get our email? -- e-voice and veruccaamish
from stinkycookie :
Just wondering if you ever got my check for the chocolate.
from e-voice :
Hey Sara- Check your email. Good news! =e and veruca
from sanetwin :
Congrats on getting lead in your play :P. I wish they would perform somthing like that on the campus near where I live.
from margymae :
Yeah, you can wait for the money. Sorry, I thought I'd sent it but then I realized I didn't. So. I sent it today. You can send all the stuff together. Thanks so much.
from heidiann :
P.S. I'm not exaggerating when I say my ENTIRE right ass cheek is one solid bruise. Sitting isn't anywhere near as fun as it used to be.
from heidiann :
Dude, the vibe here is soooo fucking weird. I think they're worried I'm going to sue or something. Of course, them expressing like ZERO interest in how I am or how they can help isn't improving my mood. Of course they're currently reviewing you know who so maybe that's why. You know who who came in and asked if I was filing workers comp and then stressed 'you don't have to file, oh they'll probably help you, you know they aren't dicks, they don't have money right now, blah blah blah.' What? Is he like they're liason or something now? Jesus, it's total madness. Everyone is insane and I hate the universe as a whole. And how are you?
from snotgirl :
what color do the shirts come in again? the "i heart pro choice boys" shirt that is. do the shirts run small? (if they do, i think i need a L.) would it be possible to paypal you the 15 bucks or however much it is?
from sanetwin :
hell yeah!!! Glad to hear that worked out in your favor.
from margymae :
Dude, I just sent you my payment. And now I need some birth control chocolate. Dammit. Another check is on the way...I want 5 chocolate birth control packets!!
from e-voice :
I am reapperaing under the name "e-voice". Updating soon. Stuck in the snow. Good luck digging out! I send a big shovel and a new car defroster! --res
from stinkycookie :
A check will be on it's way to you, on Monday since the mail already ran today. Thanks.
from stinkycookie :
I want some of the birth control-shaped chocolate...put me down for 2!!! How would you like payment?
from resistivity :
Someone found me. Next week I will debut elsewhere. Hoep you are feeling better! --r
from rachieiscool :
hello! it's probably because it's locked--the name is yellow and the password is bastard, a la monty python and the holy much are the shirts again? i'd really like to have a i heart pro choice boys one..
from margymae :
Okay, thanks. I want one of each t-shirt, both XL. Hope you aren't out of them. Thanks again.
from margymae :
Hey, sorry about your current fix but I really want to buy some t-shirts, can I send you a personal check? I swear I'm good for it.
from heidiann :
And monkeys suck.
from heidiann :
Like, a LOT.
from heidiann :
Thank you.
from resistivity :
OK-- so much to say. I am sorry you are not well! YIKES. I am SO hoping we get to see you in DC. Did I read right that you want to interview up here? We have some connections that could help. The Title IX paper sounds to badass I can't hardly think. That is incredible and if it is attachable, I know Veruca and I would love to read it. Let's stay in touch so we can try to meet when you are here if possible. I know how these things go, so I won't go crazy if we can't hang, but it sure would be great. More soon!
from resistivity :
Shit-- if I just checked my damn notes once in a while I would see you left me a password. Me and my total ass suckage will be by soon! --r
from resistivity :
Alas, I am a fan without a password. I miss reading you and hope you are doing well. I am returning to the diaryland fold soon. Best wishes to you! If it is not crazy private, I'm knocking at the door. [email protected]
from gerkat :
I'm sorry you're bummed out and not feeling well. :-( Kisses and hugs from Minnesota.
from gerkat :
I hope you have safe travels and a good trip in Guatemala. Happy Holidays.
from gerkat :
You drove in an ice-storm with no defrtost for your windshield?! I'm glad you're still alive. Don't scare me like that again!
from gerkat :
You are a sexy feminist, aren't you? Congratulations on the A and all the success with NARAL and RCRC and NOW. You rock.
from madamepierce :
HOT! Congratulations on your paper. I think you should put it up so that everyone can read it. Also, I'm looking forward to the i heart pro-choice boys t-shirt.
from snotgirl :
i want one of each. i'll send you well concealed cash or a check. let me know. <3. xoxo.
from rachieiscool :
i really would like one of the i heart pro-choice boys shirts! how much would they cost? because i'd definitely order one..
from margymae :
Sorry, I don't know anything about Title IX. But I'd totally buy those t-shirts you were talking about (especially the I heart pro-choice boys, but I'd buy all of them). Are you really going to be selling them?
from gerkat :
Whoa. 50 pages on Title IX? I wish I could help you, but I don't know anything about Title IX. Can you call up your state's NOW chapter for help/book suggestions?
from margymae :
Thanks for the birthday wishes. And you don't suck. Er, I mean, you do - obviously. But not in THAT way.
from gerkat :
I was watching a rerun of L&O:SVU on cable recently, and it was an early episode where Det. Stabler was at home with his wife, talking about a case (I didn't know they got to have families!). Suddenly, he takes his shirt off. And then his pants. He's just wandering around in his undies. On network TV! While I still think he's a squinty hot-head, I give you credit for crushing on a guy with a rather awe-inspiriring bod.
from stinkycookie :
You wanted and I were in a large feather bed (I'm talking room-sized here) and we were...wait, is this the kind of thing you leave in someone's notes? :P
from gerkat :
Hey now. No funny business at the march. My mom will be there. :-)
from weymouth66 :
I'm so glad you and her got it on - it's always the best thing when you have a crush! love x
from gerkat :
Hey Sara, a fed. judge in NY just blocked the Late Term Abortion ban. (I refuse to call it PBA. I'm not using their fucking inaccurate language. That's two out of three. Just heard Kate Michelman from NARAL speak in Mpls today, and she's scared of how bad things are getting. She wants 1.2 million at the march in April. She says we're going to change the course of history. Hell yeah!
from resistivity :
This is from resistivity AND verucaamish. Give Heidi a big hug and someday we may need ot have an L.A. summit. In the meantime, let's think about hooking up sometime during the march. I hate the Great Pretender with his asshole "partial birth" abortion bans.
from juniperhexum :
You are now my favorite person in the world! That squirrelx/leslieirene rant just made you wonderful in my eyes. You're not the only one. A few days ago I did a rant too, but I was too busy to go into a full rant. Thank you for saying what's been on my mind for weeks.
from heidiann :
Oh my god I'm so excited. Oh my god. OH MY GOD! I'll be wearing blue pants, black tshirt, pink towel jacket, trashed Chucks, bad skin, dark circles under my eyes, and probably bad hair. Woooooooo!
from weymouth66 :
Please could you link to me on Friendster? My e-mail address is frychip67 [at] yahoo [dot] com . Thanks! love and hugs xx
from heidiann :
Shut up. You know that comment made you tingle in your naughty bits.
from heidiann :
Dear Little Red Riding Slut, I won I won I WONNNNNNNNNNNNNN! Love always, Naughty Little School Whore
from bluefrog :
Just to let you know, leslieirene and squirrel x both irritate the HELL out of me. So I found your rant absolutely hilarious. Leslieirene needs to pull her lower lip over her head and swallow.
from weymouth66 :
Hi Sara, I absolutely love your diary - you rock! Lots of love, Jess xx
from gerkat :
Mmmm, George Bush's tanking approval rating smells good. :-) Seriously though, I hope you'll hear some good news from Guatemala. That would be amazing and wonderful.
from heidiann :
Hello did I not DEMAND that you give me a comment on your list of favorites?
from boogity :
Hey, I happened to come across your diary recently and wanted to let you know that Mark McGuinn sings the song Ms. Steven Rudy. Not sure if you really care but I just wanted to pass along the information. Have a great day!
from gerkat :
Ok, if we're broadening the list to TV boyfriends, I must put, at the very tippy top, Vincent D'Onofrio (Bobby Goren is way hotter than Det. Stabler. He squints too much.). And even though he's only in re-runs now, Fox Mulder. And John Doggett too. And Steve Thomas from This Old House. If Goran Visnic from ER would wash his hair, he'd make it on the list too. I am such a freak.
from gerkat :
Omigod, I forgot Richard Schiff! How could I do that? He's my Number One Boyfriend. I guess I'll have to bump Jesse. Or increase the list to the Top 6.
from gerkat :
I have the same reaction to the NBC Wednesday night line-up. My Top 5 Wed. Boyfriends, in no particular order: John Spencer, Dule Hill, Allison Janney (heh), Bradley Whitford and Jesse L. Martin (The Black Guy on Law & Order). I watched Ed for the first night, and he's cute too, but one of the above would have to leave television or become disfigured or a Republican for him make it onto the Top 5.
from catspajamas :
I work at Target. I realized after writting that that there are several places with that uniform, but I refuse to go back and change it. Because I am both lazy and contrary.
from heidiann :
Hmph. I'm not on your list. FINE! I'll go to hell and ass fuck Satan and have a lovely time, thank you VERY much.
from turtleonback :
Oh lovely Sarafem. You are such a dear. Thank you for your sweet message. I am back on diaryland. Sorry that I was gone for so long. However, I never stopped reading your diary. You and Hiediann were often in my warm thoughts. I resolve to try and update regularly. I find it grounding and frankly I am a bit unbalanced these days. Take care.
from dani-lou :
Stumbled upon your site. I think you're a great writer. Best wishes, Dani.
from resistivity :
Definitely can talk when you are here. Sometimes I run around to the diaries I love and see you were there just before me. It's like I am trying to catch up and touch you on the shoulder and say "Hey Sara-- you're a badass rockstar and I am trailing behind you but think we should just sit down and have a margarita." --r
from gerkat :
I heard Norma speak in about 1993, before she went over to the dark side. I was moved to tears and totally energized by her story. I don't understand how someone that passionate about something can turn 180 degrees, unless there was serious brainwashing involved. Which wouldn't surprise me. Is she still working for the evil-doers? P.S. I used to intern for CA NOW a million years ago, and they kicked ass. Some chapters are really great, but they get a bad rap here in MN. Bunch of old white women who don't do anything. I don't know if it's true, but that's what everyone thinks. Glad you're having a better experience in NC.
from resistivity :
When you come up here, ask me about N O W after a drink or three. :)
from heidiann :
I LOVE CHEESE!?!?!?!?! Ahahahahaahaha!
from mrs-j-cusack :
Whenever I see him on the jogging path I think of that song "Let's get physical, physical, let me hear your body talk" and today I saw him coming from far off, so I was actually humming it by the time he neared. As he passed he stopped and goes "Is that Olivia Newton-John!? I love her!" and my obsession faded. Just as quickly as it began.
from resistivity :
So VerucaAmish and I think that when you come to DC we should go out for dinner/cocktails. It might be crazy coming from the March and all, but just keep it on your radar of potentials :) Welcome back from Atlanta!
from gerkat :
I've been away from the computer for a couple of weeks, so I feel like I have several thousand things to tell you, but I'll keep it short. 1) You are SO right about being the one to always give advice and then having that advice ignored. I learned that lesson with a friend a couple of years ago who used me as her 24-hour on-call therapist (even though she already had one who she PAID with actual dollars). She turned into a bottomless pit of need, and I realized that I just couldn't help her and stay sane. It's wise to know when to draw the line. Tell the person you love them and pay a real therapist to help them with their problems. 2) The March for Choice in April will be so cool. How is NC NARAL paying to get people there? I realize it's not as long a trip as from MN, but I'm sure you'll have to raise some money to transport people.
from margymae :
You are so the shit. I'm so there with your shout-out to moms...I hope to be one myself one day real soon. Thanks for being fabulous.
from red-wine :
Well, I call 'em as I see 'em and if it made you smile, bonus points. So er, have fun in...Atlanta? In...August? The hell?
from resistivity :
Actually this is from Verucaamish but wordy mcword word word. And another WORD. I feel ya sister. I totally feel ya. How do you detach and let people be people knowing it's easier to see those solutions from the outside. But yeah, it really is easy once oyu stop trying to make it hard. Once again. WORD.
from heidiann :
Jesus christ that hot dog layout is worse than anything I've ever witnessed. I wonder if people will ask or just pretend it's not there. Even I find it very confusing and insane. Ah boredom. And do you realize it's 1am? Why the fuck am I still awake?
from resistivity :
OK- next time there is a Karaoke opportunity I am doing it. If this guy can get up there and do this shit and live through it, I can certainly do some of the songs I know. Where is my Xanadu soundtrack? --r
from nutmegoli :
OMG!!! I thought I was the only person on the planet to see (and love) Party Girl (none of my friends know what the hell I'm talking about). Thanks for reminding me...must find way to buy this movie now...
from margymae :
Oh, and dude? Those are her bangs.
from margymae :
Oh Sara! I'm so happy! I totally just ordered that John Cusack t-shirt from Torrid that you linked to. Nothing has made me happier in longer than I care to remember. I'm just so filled with joy that your diary is in my life. 'Cept you'd best not wear the shirt if you're ever in Chicago-how embarrassing would it be if we showed up somewhere wearing the same thing?? How gauche.
from heidiann :
omg u sound kute.........i have pics that show my gaint nockers...... want 2 c? lol i like red throoby big urs????? what u like 2 do??? i liike 2 draw unicorns and chat and read. my fave righter is daniel steel.......sometimess i readd her and liste n2 steeelt most peepel think im sum dum blond but im not........its lite brown. lol....i like cats and men w/ red wienerss. do u have a car???? what kind? well hit me back. holla atcha girl. laterz.
from gerkat :
Nope. But maybe it's because I'm using an old version of Internet Explorer. I don't know. I hate computers too.
from gerkat :
I can't find a link! I found the cute picture, but no linky! Whatever will I do?
from gerkat :
The reason I suggested a guestbook is because it's really hard for me to get to your notes. I have to go to my favorites page, then to your profile, then to your notes. Either a guestbook link or a notes link on your page would make my life so much easier. (And the world does revolve around me, doesn't it?)
from gerkat :
I suck. I didn't go to any of the Fred protests this past weekend. I have no excuse besides laziness. BUT I did give $5 to the Human Rights Campaign a couple of nights ago, so I think I'm safe, karmically. (I did drive past the convention center the other day, and I thought mean thoughts at the evil protesters.) Hey, when are you going to get a guestbook, woman?
from red-wine :
Aw, you and Heidi get to hang out? That's soooo great! If it's anything like my experiences (and I'm sure it will be), you won't remember what life was like before. Yay, I get all squishy when d-land people meet and party get a love thang on. *sigh*
from heidiann :
And Gary Coleman...I forgot to mention him. Ahahahha, how I love California. And by "love" I mean "hate and am embarrassed to live in."
from resistivity :
Ms Sarafem and Ms. Heidi: I understand my husband is going around offering to have pudding parties with online diarists. It has been disturbing enough that I have discovered that my son Theodore and his friend Cockroach are actually lovers keeping erotic diaries as tributes to their various lovemaking exploits, but now to see that Cliff is actually stirring up his old pudding party fetish is very difficult. I don't have much more to say except that I am a lawyer so all of you better watch yourselves. Maybe you should all just come over for a night of razzing comments, Cliff and I acting like our children are on our last nerve, and yes, some pudding. I will be sassy, he will be clueless, Vanessa will have astounding Nefertiti hair and occasionally Raven Simone can walk through and be cute enough to make it bearable while Rudy plots her untimely demise. Think about it, Claire Huxtable, Esq. p.s. Please don't read Theo's diary. I am going to give him an overly earnest talking to if I get Cockroach out from under him.
from deprecated :
do you have a life?
from gerkat :
Have faith, I'm sure Lily will turn out to be a good feminist just like her mom. I used to play with Barbie dolls and look how I turned out!
from jelybeanie32 :
Oh no... I actually started complaining about you... but then.. i dunno... I felt really hypocritical and started writing about other poeple, including myself... all my friends are little upper middle class whiny brats.. gotaa love them...
from jelybeanie32 :
Wow... I think I understand now... I just saw hiddianns diary, or whatever it is, and you were not unfounded in your attack, I suppose, but I didn't write that in her guestbook. I don't attack people's diaries. I am a firm believer in never ever ever judging people's writing, no one has that right...
from jelybeanie32 :
Always good to know. I think so too. I never claimed to be very good, or cool.
from cptninternet :
dude, i've had the several-weeks period stints before. frequently. my 'system' seems to have been working itself out lately, miraculously, and it better stay that way or i'll have to have a back-alley hysterectomy. how's that as a campaign for socialized medicine?
from gerkat :
I didn't realize that Kucinich had a bad record on choice until you mentioned it, so I looked him up. Yeah, he sucked. Just recently he's claiming he's pro-choice. He voted against international family planning in 2001! I don't trust him now that I know that. This is a good article:
from verucaamish :
What's improtant for me is to get Bush the hell out of office. I think no matter who gets it. It sends a powerful and important message that you don't fuck up our nation and get elected.
from resistivity :
Sarafem-- I will be back for more, but just to clarify. Kucinich flip-flopped on being pro-choice. He told voters in Ohio that he shared their pro-life views in a questionaire and has in the past received 90% and higher ratings from the National Right To Life (so long it is a life we approve of) Committee. He is distancing himself from that, but was definitely on the other side. More soon . . . --r
from gerkat :
I'm with you on the candidates. I don't think any one is 100% perfect. I like little bits of each. I'm leaning towards Dean for two reasons: he opposed the war and he used to be on the board of Planned Parenthood. Plus, I think his slogan, "the Doctor is In" is cool. But I don't like that he's calling himself a "Paul Wellstone" liberal when he's really a moderate on most issues. I like bits and pieces of Edwards campaign too, and I love what Kucinich has to say, but I think he's just too goofy looking and his name is too weird for him to be embraced by the American public. (I don't make the rules, I just observe them. Goofy looking guys with weird names don't do well in Presidential elections.)
from red-wine :
I loved that candiate quiz...apparently, I'm 100% Kuicinich and 98% Dean. I like those numbers.
from gerkat :
Omigod, I hope I NEVER get on your bad side. That said, I love how you so articulately put your hate-mailer in his/her place. Woo Sara.
from deprecated :
if you dont understand what i was saying in that note i think you should reevaluate who the complete idiot is...i was not sending you hatemail-publicly criticizing something other people enjoy and relate to is wrong calling someone colored is not looking for an inane diaryland note feud i was just commenting on something i thought was wrong
from heidiann :
Yeah, Sara, listen to Whiney McAngst down there. Many a time I've found myself thinking, Gosh, if Sara doesn't quit her bigoted ways she'll end up on MTV. Because, you know, that's where all the real news happens. Especially when you're 14, dress all in black, and write terrible poetry. After all, MTV is just so socially concious and active in community welfare. I mean, I'm sure Carson Daley drives by dozens of coloreds on his way to the studio. And he probably doesn't even spit on them. Now THAT'S acceptance. You should really try be more like Carson. MTV: The Future of Activism...if you're thin and white and don't mind showing your belly and shrieking like a moron when you see Justin Timberlake in the studio.
from deprecated :
Joke of the Day: What do you call a rap concert sans profanity? A staring contest! Hahaha, thanks, MSNBC! thats not even anywhere near funny...just because you are incapable of understanding or liking someone's culture doesnt mean you have to bash them look at the world we live in shouldnt we try to move from prejudices and bias and accept people no not tolerate them because after all they are human beings but accept them accept this world for all of the differences it encompasses not tolerate people because if you dont its a hate crime or if you dont youll go through an embarrassing court trial and be shown on MTV fight for your rights accept people their differences and respect the fact that they live breathe and bleed respect them even if you do not understand what they appreciate...freedom of speech stops when it slaps someone in the face
from heidiann :
Imagine if we wrestled. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. Poor Sara. So I have no idea what to say in my emails to the slew of yokels who have expressed interest in me. And I have even LESS idea what to say to the Hottie McYums I want to email since apparently they're too fucking cool and attractive to be bothered to contact me first. My point is: how dare you get a life and leave me alone online with no one to ask advice of!?!?
from jane-does :
Visit my diary. :) I am an old favorite under a new username. This time, I am unlocked. :)
from heidiann :
So if you don't understand the fatty appeal does that mean you won't be thoroughly molesting me when we meet? Or does Heidi appeal transcend fatty appeal? Do you ever just thank Goddess you met me? I mean, seriously. Otherwise you wouldn't realize there's a whole wide world of fatty lovers out there for you to seduce and fuck. Heidi: Spreadin' the Fat and Love....and Fat Love!
from red-wine :
In that first that, eh,, stapler? God I hope so. Thanks for making me shoot Sprite out of my nose. Really.
from roapearl :
Thanks for joining the ring. Eccentricity is wonderful, innit?
from resistivity :
Tahnks for signing my guestbook. I've been absent for a bit, but it was good to catch up with you. Your friend was being inconsiderate. Time to write some fake entries about her in the diary. OK-- that will solve nothing and make drama-- maybe not such a good idea? I'll be around more. Good to see you and I appreciate all your links esp on Urban Outfitters, etc. --r
from gerkat :
Shut up! You had sex in the same place as Pacey and the teacher?! You are such a rock star!
from gerkat :
Ok, first of all, Dawson's Creek reruns? You just keep getting cooler and cooler! Second, good for you for taking back Lily's toy from the slack-jawed yokel neighbors. I cheered when I read your entry today!
from nutmegoli :
Hi, it's Megin. Megin Says is officially defunct but my new diary is up and running (though there's not a lot here at the moment). Feel free to have a read, leave a note, sign the guestbook...
from pandionna :
Thanks for joining the dean2004 diaryring! Judging by the other links you have up on your page, I like your politics. And anyone who is a fan of heidiann is also undoubtedly a person of good taste.
from gerkat :
Yeah, the ex is the same one you met. He is a really nice guy, but emotionally...not so mature. And thanks for the nice comment about my hair. Unfortunately my hair is about 50% bigger than when you were in town, and I had an insufficient haircut a couple of weeks ago that only exacerbated the problem. It's humid like the jungles of Vietnam here, so my hair is absolutely MASSIVE.
from roxyelliot :
HTML is actually lots of fun. A great site to learn from is There is also and HTML goodies book. I haven't seen anything better for learning it.
from red-wine :
Although I have a bit of a problem with you dating a cop, it sounds marvy just the same. But I suppose this would be a bad time to let him know about your little smack habit? Heehee.
from snotgirl :
aww. how nice. :) that made me smile harder than anything else all day. i still want to come clean yr house...if that doesn't make me sound too crazy.
from ordinarykat :
good luck with this very very very hot cop! and a nice performance checking for a wedding band :)
from margymae :
I love your diary and now you're even cooler 'cause you like Kinky. It was a bit odd being the only Women's Studies student in the house singing along with "Get Your Biscuits in the Oven and Your Buns in the Bed" but sometimes good taste just has to override hatred for the patriarchy--for a few minutes anyway. I read your diary constantly so keep on keepin' on with the updates! (And I haven't washed my boob yet.)
from red-wine :
Wow, well-written and inspiring! Of course, it helps that I agree with you 100%. ;)
from red-wine :
Wa-HOOO! Go kick some interview ass honey! And if you slip up just say "Oops! I lapsed into Portugese again. Silly me."
from heidiann :
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Take a deep breath and call them back! Dude, they probably want an interview! CALL THEM BACK NOW! Just say you're sorry you missed their call but you saw their number on caller ID and wanted to know if they were in need of further information or references. Then they'll say NO BUT WE WANT AN INTERVIEW WITH YOUR HIRABLE ASS! And all will be well. This is terribly exciting. I love you bunches and miss you terribly.
from red-wine :
You're a heartbreaker! But yay for Canada and yay for drinky l'il cousins. I need a few of those.
from roxyelliot :
Wow that is a coencidence. It's amazing how many people have written my about their own experiences with depression and hospitalization.
from labeled-girl :
boy and i always thought they should just replace one of the lesser cable channels with a law and order channel. you know... bang for our buck and all.
from labeled-girl :
thanks with gracious eyes, thanks.
from o-jasmine-o :
Welcome to the Difranco Ring! Sorry for the late reply.
from p-brain :
welcome to the -79 ring
from heidiann :
Oh my god. DO you know what the first thing I said when I saw the penis? "Is he watching Jerry Springer?" We're freakily connected.
from heidiann :
God damn it! There was nothing wrong with my linking! Apparently you have to be signed into Yahoo to see the hairy crotch. Here, cut and paste!
from gbg :
Welcome to the Wal-Mart sucks diaryring!
from heidiann :
Welcome to the Kinky Sex, Bitch Magazine, and Bibliomaniac rings. And I think you joined another of mine but I've forgotten which. Woooooo!
from heidiann :
Well I want Sara. Seriously, the internet is so god damn boring without you to chat with. Something like 23 days until I get to hang with IM! Woohoo! I shall harass you this evening, I'm sure. Because you're my Sara and I love and idolize you.
from fire-pixie :
Heehee. I had the pagan/christian thing at my wedding. His mom was just happy we weren't "living in sin" anymore! Can't wait to see that dress! *wink*
from heidiann :
Sigh, I can't wait to molest and then rape my yummy boy one night while he's sleeping. I shall refer to it forever more as a Sara Special. And god damn it, his penis is lovely and wonderful and fills me up all perfectly so stop trying to push your ProGiant Penis rhetoric on me! Feel free to push your action in my face anytime.
from sianni :
Hi - just came past your diary :) I like it and i'll be back!
from heidiann :
Me as a just gets funnier everytime I hear it. Sorry I didn't come back last night. But I did end up watching this horribly wonderful (or wonderfully horrible) made-for-TV movie with Shannen Doherty called Satan's School for Girls! It was lame in a really great way up until the end. The end was just bad and a total let down. I shall be stalking you this weekend online so I can hear about the date with non-boyfriend number three. I'll have my Penis Measuring Tool ready!
from red-wine :
Well, slap my ass and call me Tommy! Look who's back! Glad to hear you're collecting men and enjoying it. You're the shit!
from gerkat :
Thanks for your message. I have been wondering how you're doing. I assume you're really busy with school and moving and all that stuff. Take care. Hope to hear from you soon!
from fword :
hi, i found you through listing femmeproject as a favorite, and thought you might want to check out this new site fword and possibly even send in a submission. xoxox, jessica
from snotgirl :
i think you are riotously funny. i always get the feeling that you, heidi, and myself could smash the patriarchy in one day. almost as if a superpower force would emerge from each of us if we were combined. then again, i'm crazy. maybe. :) xoxo.
from heidiann :
from resistivity :
Happy Birthday! I am so jealous -- P-funk on your birthday?!?!? Does it get any better than that? "bow wow wow yippe yo yippie yay!"
from gerkat :
You are fucking awesome too! Happy birthday.
from red-wine :
Happy birthday missy! Yes, drink with P-Funk! And there's nothing at all wrong with keeping a stupid boy around for party tricks and such.
from gerkat :
I hope you had a safe trip back. It was great to hang out with you!
from snotgirl :
i miss you. please come back soon. it's now been 8 days with no updates. there are 7 until yr birthday. you should come back before then. :) xoxo.
from resistivity :
It's nice to be reading you again. I am sorry your dad is being such a slowpoke shit. That is just not right. I hope he comes through. Thanks goodness for folks like the lady that remembers anything. That's amazing! --r
from gerkat :
The public transportation here blows. (But they're building light rail as we speak. Woo hoo!) So I'll be sober cab for the night. I'll work on the itinerary and try to come up with a couple places that would be fun for you.
from gerkat :
To be safe, you should pack a warm sweater and some mittens. It's been as warm as 45 and as cold as 10 below zero. It changes day to day, so better to be prepared. I'm so excited to see you! Let me know what kind of place you'd like to go and I'll pick something out.
from red-wine :
You're going to get some funky google hits from that one, milady!
from fire-pixie :
Yay! Thanks for the addy, nice to read you again!
from heidiann :
Slacker mode ain't all it's cracked up to be. Going to Sav-On to buy poster board and beef jerky is considered a Big Day Out and no matter how many times you're asked you NEVER have an answer for, "So, what have you been up to?"
from gerkat :
P.S. I love your Girl Scout badges. The "Sew Your Own Thongs" badge reminded of my friend's grandma, who at one point had a business sewing tear-away pants and other sequin-covered stripper gear. What a cool grandma.
from gerkat :
You're coming to Minneapolis?! We have to get together! E-mail me: [email protected]
from heidiann :
Most Anonymous Death Threats to Dubya and Internet Porn Empire Entrepreneur.
from red-wine :
Heehee. That's why I only lasted one meeting in scouts. How about "Most propositions from old men at the park"? or "Samesex makeouts at slumber parties"?
from pattymelt :
can i be your co-troup leader?
from snotgirl :
giiiiirl, i'm SOOOOO happy you are back!!!! xoxoxoxox. <333!!!
from red-wine :
Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble! SOOO glad you're back, m'dear. I re-added you as a favorite, and since I wasn't reading carefully, I had you down first as SaraFERN. Like the plant. D'oh!
from gerkat :
I'm so very glad you're back! Missed you!
from heidiann :
Bubbly bubbling bubbliness!!!!! Now when will you get your ass back on yahoo so I can fill my lonely dull nights with Sara goodness?! I miss you bunches but I'm glad I get to read your updates again, if nothing else. And now I'm missing you I can read the archives and be all like, "Abby's balls...downloading librarians...sniffle." And I'll wipe away a tear.

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