messages to sarasvati23:
(click here to add new message):

from enfant-mort :
I'm worried...
from crazedweazel :
yes! 15, to be exact. ;p NOW UPDATE!!!! >:)
from crazedweazel : have to update!! your fans clamor for your return. :)
from iluvjessee :
Hey, thanks for the Welcome to the Elfquest! :-D I appreciate it! TTYL! MY AIM name is Boinkiesbabe8474
from iluvjessee :
Hiya! I'm a member of the Elfquest diaryring and I found ya! I hope to talk to ya! Shade and Sweetwater, Christina
from kaykay99 :
from kaykay99 :
You are a spoiled brat!! But it takes one to know one I guess! I'm glad you had a wonderful Christmas...oh, and I have just one more small gift for you.
from everoboto :
Damn, you made a great this Christmas! I'm diggin on some of those gifts you got, especially the umbrella. It made me realize, that maybe if I had a really cool umbrella, I wouldn't loathe it when it rained.
from kaykay99 :
from kaykay99 :
from kaykay99 :
I'm very sorry about the loss of Igby. I do believe that Steve is right, at least he was comfortable. It was less ill than the fate that could have been. I'm here for you if you need me. Love - Kay
from kaykay99 :
AWWW!! I can't wait to come over and see your new addition! Good luck at Wal-Mart, by the way. I went there last night and somehow escaped without spending a fortune! Have a good couple of days off!!!
from maskedmofo :
I am with you completely on your rescue of Igby. I, too, have rescued my share of 'pest' from workplaces throughout my life. Hooded rats, wooly spiders, vagrant dogs, brown mice, 11 year-old drug dealers... Good luck to you both, I'm sure you're both better off for having found each other.
from maskedmofo :
Heh, I didn't really think that anyone clicked on the links I put in my journal. I'm usually just being ironic, cheeky or somewhat sarcastic with them Well, except for that 'subjugation of human rights' link. That one is serious as a heart attack. It refers to page 15,576 of the National Register, which, in essence, will deny all American employees the right to be paid for overtime in the future. Unfortunately, after a few hours, that link goes dead. I've changed it three times already, but I am obviously not going to be able to keep that up. Also, my gosh-dang firewall at work won't let me check out that link you sent me. So, I'll have to try it out when I get home. Cheers --MMF
from kaykay99 :
HA HA HA!! I couldn't imagine a greater person to go to Hell with than you! Satan will surely have his hands full with the two of us!! ;)
from maskedmofo :
Happy Thanksgiving Sarah!
from everoboto :
Hey Sarah, Happy Thanksgiving to you too, although you're pretty much already on Christmas now, lol.
from everoboto :
Nice letter to Santa. I'm wondering though, why the old typewriter? And when you say old, do you mean a typewriter in general, or a manual one? Just curious.
from kaykay99 :
I love the letter to Santa. I just want to remind you that you did lose your temper just one other time, and oddly enough it was yet another of our outings to Wal-Mart!! I'm sure that Santa will overlook that one seeing as it was not your fault that the man was too incompetent to not walk down the MIDDLE of the parking lot! I hope that you get everything you asked for, you deserve it.
from kaykay99 :
Our late-night misadventures inspired me to write an entry. I think you'll get a kick out of it! I was toiling with it in my head all week, but didn't have time, (until tonight), to sit down and write it. Enjoy!!
from roklobster :
Hi! Yup, I totally meant Amano with the Sandman thing - I was daft the day I wrote the profile. Thanks! And muchos thankos for reading! grin.
from crazedweazel :
Heeeey, Sa!!!! Just wanted to ask you for a favor...thanks so much for what you told mom about dante the other night, they really really helped. i read over the canto again and got a whole new perspective on it. but can i ask you for the links so that i can include them in my works cited shit???? maybe i can go to the site and get more info, too. i need all the help i can get w/ this assignment! thanks
from ihmx100 :
mmm...foot massages and snuggling sure sounds nice. Too bad my honey works the graveyard shift about an hour away. :-( But, I'm still happy for you!
from maskedmofo :
Heh, my Grandfather was a Deputy Sheriff in Sullivan County before he passed away.
from everoboto :
Woo hoo! Kill Bill for the third time is the best time, baby!
from maskedmofo :
I have battle royal on DVD. I love it! Like lord of the flies on steroids! --Cheers, MMF
from maskedmofo :
Cool! Welcome to the GoGo ring!!
from everoboto :
Hey, thanks for the Comments. (I love, love, love it when people leave me lengthy comments.) I just started reading "The Golden Compass" and I already love it. I'm not familiar with Philip Pullman's books, but Neil Gaiman mentioned him on his site, so I thought I'd check it out. Before I got to buy one of Pullman's book, a coworker lent me "The Golden Compass" thinking I'd like it, and I'm so glad they did.
from maskedmofo :
Yay, I can see you again!!
from idiotreviews :
Like getting reviewed? Check out Idiot Reviews!
from everoboto :
I love the new layout!!! I'm so glad you changed it because now I can see everything beautifully. I just spend some time to read your archives. I've missed some good entries! I tried clicking on the links for Notes and Guestbook and I got an error message for both. Just thought you should know.
from everoboto :
You should check out or Both of those sites have really nice templates, and you can easily switch out a photo if you want. Good luck finding one you like!
from everoboto :
Hey Sarah, thanks so much for the birthday wishes. I've been meaning to drop you a note to tell you that I'm having trouble viewing your site on all my computers. Your typeface used to come up very light, but I would just highlight it and be able to read it. Now, I can't do that at all. All I see is your background template and an empty white box. I'm not sure if this is just a problem I have. :-(
from globe :
Hello! :) Would you like a little extra traffic? Please come check out our new listings site: Globe. Thank you for your time. Have a great day!
from cheekyreview :
Your review is up @ Cheeky Reviews!
from filmstarrevu :
Hello again! In regards to changing your title, go to Change your template, and then click where it says change how each of your entry pages looks, after the < head > tag there should be a < title > tag... between < title > and < /title > put what you want to appear - hope that makes some sort of sense! It's less complicated then it sounds! Good luck with it! Kate.
from filmstarrevu :
Your review is up, Lovely read by the way!
from ihmx100 :
Thank you so much for your kind words! I write from the heart...whatever is on my mind and of course I try to analyze everything. I'm glad that you feel you can relate to me. I'm looking forward to reading more of your diary!
from danglemyfeet :
Eeeek! Spooky.
from etc :
Tell Tom to hurry up and play Champaign, or at least Chicago!
from filmstarrevu :
I just started a review site, and noticed you were on the pending list for a site I review for as well... Just wondered if you would like a review from my new site? Maybe hear from you soon!
from squirrelx :
Shoot ... I'm really sorry. Sendin' somebody an e-card they can't view is like sendin' 'em an empty envelope via snail mail. It was nothin' fancy though --- just a squirrel picture with a message to the effect that I truly appreciate your kindness. Which I do! Thank you for readin' my diary and addin' the link button to your template. Warmest regards, Xtine
from kaykay99 :
You will soon see that cable isn't all bad. You will, from time to time, catch yourself watching absolute CRAP, but it's nothing to fret about. This unconcious, involuntary act usually occurs late at night, (very early morning for those of us cursed with being nocturnal!), while desparately trying to drift into sleep. Solution: turn off the television. Trust works. Enjoy your new-found form of entertainment!
from raresilk :
Hello! Just wanted to thank you for your patience and let you know that your review is completed and has been posted. Enjoy! Sara, RareSilk Reviews
from toshchaya :
It is indeed a moving poem...thank you much for recommending it. I think this is the beginning of a lasting addiction to Wallace Stevens! :)
from toshchaya :
Lovely layout, amazing photography, and your name and the Goddess entry are fascinating!
from kaykay99 :
In reference to you last entry "Self-Manipulation", I do believe that your idea may very well work!!
from emiline220 :
Thanks for adding me to your favorites!
from crazedweazel :
there ya go...i joined your d-ring. congrats on it!! now get recruiting! ;}
from crazedweazel :
what survey thing of mine?? i don't remember setting up any surveys or anything. ooh, wait, you mean the one i posted the other day in my diary?? that things funny, if that's the one you, and no, i haven't noticed your diary banner yet. is it above yours at all??
from kaykay99 :
I loved your last entry. You portray great honesty, sincerity, and determination. It is apparent that even in the simplest of things you find passion and inspiration. I aspire to view the world as clearly and truly as you do. You are a magnificent person whom I believe will achieve your biggest dreams. Don't give up, ever. -Kay
from crazedweazel :
the one about the murdered/stolen kids?? not very cheerful...
from kaykay99 :'s me again...the ever-present voice in your head.
from crazedweazel :
ohh...i don't know...
from jokerman69 :
hey wassup just writing this note to say "hey why haven't you updated?!"lol anyway just wondering how you were doing figure i would drop in and leave a note for you. i know i like to get notes as well as emails, and i liked the note you sent me. love the new background. it's my day off from work and i figured what the hell why not stop in diaryland and bug a few people with some notes before you go out on another crazy adventure. anyways, HEY. and i gotta go,l8er. -joker
from crazedweazel :
hey. some are nice. i didn't see any that caught my eye, though. ok, that's a lie, but my pride told me to just do one on my own when i've the time/patience/knowledge to do so. Thanks for the offer, though. yours looks great. ;}
from crazedweazel :
ooooooooooooh! purty!!!! you gold now, eh??
from jokerman69 :
hey hows it going, i ran into your sisters journal and i thought i would take a look at yours also. i'm an extrovert now but i used to be an introvert. figured i would like talking to you to let you know not all us guys are bad. although hormones cause us to think about sex a lot it's not required. luckily i'm still young and learning this stuff but i thought i would say hey and if you want check out my journal. i should warn you though i'm a much happier person then the latest entries make me seem just a lot of bad stuff happening lately. -joker
from floodtide :
Here is "first contact" - thanks for your lovely comment, and for adding me to your list. By all means, let us begin a literary friendship - anybody who loves seastreet is a potential friend, literary or otherwise. Love, Flood.

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