messages to schmarkey:
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from liar-by-rot :
jess, are you still there? what is life like? bloody hell, i missed your wedding. still think about you..
from liar-by-rote :
i'm not quite sure what you're talking about...linking xcetera. hey! read your blog and i miss you. those pictures of the astro dress, jess star you are hysterical. i wish you were in the next town over...i like Adams new sneakers. you kids are crazy. someday oneday i'm coming to soda to eat you up.
from liar-by-rote :
jess star! yes, you are in the minnysoda. i read your blog and adams and i enjoy it. i miss ny, snarky. very badly. too bad for me. there is no summer here. it's july and i'm not sweating. it is weird and strange that i am also vidal sassoon. hacking hair for dollars. wish i could be alone downtown manhattan. on my scooter. forever. lov, dubes
from liar-by-rote :
did you just get back from northern ca? miss u too and thanks for the compliment, you liar. o, that's me. e me you fool...
from liar-by-rote :
hello!!!i don't have your e-mail, my Jess Star. i miss you!! my e is [email protected] so why not write your dube. phoning sucks 'cuase no privacy yet.
from schmarkey :
no way, lola. I agree! and he's all mine :)
from liar-by-rote :
i like the photo's. adam's such a cutie. yumm yumm. yum. does that gross you out?
from liar-by-rote :
i'm the first one in your notes. hahahaha. have a great trip. and i WILL see you when you get back, my beautiful girl!

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