messages to scubafreak:
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from readnglst999 :
Where is clarity25? Recent vacation blog - "Eric's" Photobucket account -
from drbigbeef :
Thanks for the note(s). Regarding my posse, it actually takes a decent amount of planning to role like P Diddy. On the spur of the moment I can usually only wrangle 3 to 5 drinking buddies. When I get larger crowds, its usually because I have sent out an invitation 3 or 4 days in advance (and my list of potential alcoholics on my email list is vast...almost 100). It's hard work being a functional alcoholic. Peace and bacon grease, DBB
from clarity25 :
I was sorry to hear that you were leaving. But I understand and respect your reasons, I was going to ask for your new web address..but you stressed leaving for the anonymity of a new place. I respect that too. So I guess this is Goodbye. I'll try not to be too sappy or dramatic's funny how you can feel close to someone you never met and only know through a journal. But thank you..for your friendship, understanding, encouragment, support and for sharing what you did. I wish you nothing but happiness in your life:). Okay, I'll leave it at that, best luck in whatever you do! Drop by once and while to say "hi!" You'll be missed. -Sincerely, Clarity
from dangerspouse :
D'OH! You're leaving?! Was it something I said?? Rats. Oh well, I hope you find peace at your new place. Really, best of luck to you. I enjoyed reading your diary the brief time I knew about it, and you seem like a very nice person who deserves happiness. Cioa, bella!
from rue25 :
GAH�. You had me at first. I was like WHAT!?!?! You have to elaborate on the 2 boys thing. Of course you did but damn girl� it�s too early in the morning for that revelation.
from clarity25 :
I do! P.S. Good luck with stopping smoking. I'm trying to do the same!
from clarity25 :
wow..that sounded REALLY wrong. You know what I meant
from clarity25 :
I think we were both equally as drunk on New Years. lol. But I can't believe hooker let you walk, I was worried for you! (Oh and you don't want to hear of the locations I'VE pulled up the skirt..eek)
from juddhole :
That's just great. Wait 'til I'm not around to enact one of my favorite fantasies. I keed wichoo. Tell 'M' I said "hey," and give the dingydog a kiss from daddy.
from rue25 :
Oh... see, now I can't wait to hear this story. I would totally lay one on her too.
from clarity25 :
lol!! that picture was classic! Look forward to reading your tales from New Years eve!
from dangerspouse :
You're a quality Christmas Song, my friend. Bravo! Merry Christmas to ya, pal, and thanks for the note - I'm looking forward to reading stories of your own mom :)
from clarity25 :
Your entry on Tucks funeral was really a wake up call and made me think a lot about my own stupid moaning and complaining about the holiday season. I wasn't fully realizing how much I had to be grateful for. Experiencing a funeral like that shakes your core. Well, I hope you have a great christmas, J. Best wishes for the, Clarity.
from dangerspouse :
Thanks for the Christmas invite, buddy! Just shoot me out an address and sit back til a fat, sweaty man an with an armfull of goat cheese starts banging on your screen door demanding entrance. Sorry to hear about all those recent deaths that are clouding your holiday season, on a serious note....
from clarity25 :
Your dancing night out tale had me laughing! I've had those nights too! Thanks for your last note!
from clarity25 :
Hey again!..I didn't mean to make you cry too. Man, I always bum people out with my diary. Must stop doing that! lol. I caught up with your past entries.. You're such a great writer, I don't know if you realize that or not. They pull me in, captivate me and make me laugh. I also relate with most everything you say. The "Devil family" with the capital D part..(laughs) that's my family too lately. Oh and I also have a pillow obsession, Before Eric I would put pillows on all sides of me and three under my head. I'm just weird like that..I would sleep on a bed of entirely pillows. (note to self: Don't leave notes in people's noteboxes after a few drinks,) We need to get you a snazzy new template for your diary, you had mentioned wanting one earlier. If you'd like help..I can! Hope you're having a good day!
from rue25 :
Holy crap�. I think it�s been a good ten years since I�ve heard the term fart monger. This entry only makes me laugh so hard because Todd the Trucker is a redneck from Nebraska. Oh� the stories he�s been telling me. I was just wondering about you the other day. I�ll send you an email sister.
from rue25 :
I think you should write what you want to write. That's just me though. I love that the dog's name is Carrhart by the way. How cool is that? I think I might have a needle and some thread if you'd like to borrow it. ;)
from rue25 :
I�m sure I could probably speculate what not using is all about but I won�t. Go you though. That�s awesome whether it was intentional or not. {{big hug}}. My comments work now. ;)
from yecats79 :
Thanks for the note...I just read your entire diary. You mentioned you are "back." Do you have older entries somewhere else? I see you read Clarity...isn't she awesome? My parents are doing great, THANK GOD. If you still want some help with HTML, I could help. I'm not a genius at it, but I designed my current layout as well as the few I had before that and I know the basics. I could use something to keep my brain busy.
from rue25 :
Hey girl. Long time no talk. Sounds like the Craig Hospital deal will be good for you! I think you just need something fulfilling to take your mind off of the rest. Dingbat will be fine. I promise. Sometimes you need your animal way more than they need you and that�s not selfish, that�s just life. I could perhaps help you out with the layout bit.
from clarity25 :
Nice to have you back. I can't remember the last time I saw a shooting star.. (Oh and the picture of your teacher had me cracking up!)
from clarity25 :
I'm so sorry to hear about Dingbat. Hope he's okay,
from rue25 :
Yay for the new apartment!!! I can't stress enugh how cool it is to live on your own. Sorry about the doggies. That is not cool at all.
from clarity25 :
My E-mail address is [email protected]. Please write me.
from rue25 :
Hey girl... if you want to talk about it... you can email me for my number. :(
from clarity25 :
It's natural to desire something you were addicted to, especially when it comes from drugs. I've had my days of doing a little more than I should, and I still think about certain drugs. I have no access to, but If I did.. Well, I have my weaknesses too. You're not alone. But you sound like you have it under control. As for smoking cigarettes, I'm trying to stop.. but it's alot harder than I expected.
from dangerspouse :
You slut! I can't believe you actually used the word "penis" in my notes - and so many times! Disgusting. Just disgusting. Hey, for what it's worth - excessive alcohol consumption was the only way I managed to pass Organic Chem, myself. So pop a Bock and map a peptide, babe!
from clarity25 :
Hi again, thanks for your note. I liked your photo entry from X's birthday. I truly hope everything works out between the two of you. If the idea of being apart is more painful than being together without knowing where it's going, than you know you belong together. Just take each day as it comes. the entire beginning of my relationship with Eric, we didn't have a title, or know where it was going. I think every relationship has periods of doubt and confusion. on the topic of Chemistry. that was my WORST subject in Highschool..So I can't help you there. But I can truly empathize!
from rue25 :
Heh... I think my sister took organic Chem. I could ask her. As far as the other... you have to just take it a day at a time. It's like smoking. I've decided that I have to look at it in terms of not smoking "today". If I can make it through today, then that's just one more day under my belt. It starts to freak me out a little when I think of the pressure of never smoking again. If I slip, I slip and start over not smoking "today". If any of that makes sense.
from rue25 :
Thank you for adding me. It's interesting... now that I can read both sides of your story. I'm sure you know that I read "the boy" right? I'm sure you probably also read all the comments when things seemed to be at their worst. Now that I can see your side of it... I might have commented differently. It's obvious to me that he is extremely special and to me, that means that you're probably equally as special. I can tell through your words that you're a very passionate person. You do care and I don't think that you intentionally do things to him. I think that maybe you're just a little lost and because he's the constant, you're scared to find your way without him. I could also be talking out of my ass. It seems like an odd thought but it almost hurts to see the two of you struggle because having read your very emotion filled thoughts on each other I think that deep down you may have a wonderful thing together. How many people can say they are friends with their mate? I would venture to guess.. not many. Most people think it's there but it really isn't. Anyway... I didn't come over here to wax poetic with you but I did want to say thank you, I'll be adding you, and I hope that my reading "the boy" doesn't change your opinion of me or make you uncomfortable. I think it's possible we probably have a lot in common and I'd hate to make you feel weird about it. I'm rambling. God, get to the point Jennifer... anyway, hi. I imagine we live really close and I would be willing to hang out if you need or want.
from clarity25 :
Thanks for your note, The truth is that last week things were really hard for me and Eric.. I guess you could have sensed that by my entries. I didn't focus on it too much though, but for one day I was feeling what you described and it scared me, and made me feel so lost. I think at some point we all wonder, It's just human nature. I was touched by the note you left actually, I know what you mean. I feel like I've gotten to know alot of people on D-land, and their stories follow me during the day. I feel like I can relate with you too through your writing. Sometimes I worry that I'm putting myself too much out there, you can piece together my entire life by reading my journal. I sometimes feel vulnerable about that, and wonder if I should close shop. but when someone says they relate or have been through the same thing, It's so comforting. I don't feel so alone with the thoughts I have and things I go through. It's weird how I write more intimate things in my journal than I tell some of my closest friends. Okay, I'm rambling. oh an unrelated note..I wish I could make the fucking clock stop too. good luck with your list..and sorting everything out.
from clarity25 :
Your last entry made me cry. That might sound odd, but I couldn't stop these tears from welling up in my eyes and spilling down my cheeks. I usually don't cry from reading people's entries but there was something so real, raw, heartbreaking, sad and reflective about what you wrote. I understood entirely, maybe because I've been there, maybe because I've felt those things now at times..and I know how frightening it is to even think it, let alone write it down. This is a difficult crossroad you're experiencing, I hope everything works out for the best..for both of you.
from la-the-sage :
Hi. Thanks for listing me. I just read your archive and have the eerie feeling that you are my husband in drag. Not that he uses or even drinks, but what you said about the laundry list and how there would always be time later to make up for the shit now. I'm no saint, I have plenty of my own craptastic moments, but they ARE moments and not a mission statement and life philosophy. ~LA (ps: Where'd you find me? Did we meet this weekend?)
from clarity25 :
I'm sorry to hear about the problems you're going through with your relationship. I hope things are able to be resolved. sometimes time is all that is needed to make you realize how much you mean to eachother...You're in my thoughts.
from clarity25 :
Man, you're not the only one that has gotten shitfaced and spent hours kneeling over the porcelain god. I can relate, been there and will probably be there again next week. Welcome to the lush club;) Now I'm going to get all buddhist on your ass because I just read this borrowed zen book this morning. You know, in Zen they have this idea that there actually is no alternative to the moment, in the sense of doing something different from the way you are doing it. The idea is not really to change anything that is happening in your life, but only to changethe way you're looking at it. To put the same idea in other words, every moment of your life you're in the perfect position for growth and learning You say �I wish I had lived this life differently� but that only makes you feel sad. You don't have to feel any remorse for what you did. (what that was exactly, isn't that clear) Instead you should say �look what I got myself into,..far out� Then when you learn from the situation everything will always turn out just the way you want it. Love your diary, can't wait for your next entry and Thanks for adding me as a favorite! Hope you feel better.
from clarity25 :
I thought I'd be the first to leave you a message. I found you through random diary clicking, noticed you had linked ubergrrl..( a true d-land gem) and you're new. I read all of your entries and really enjoyed it. (I like your style..) I'll definitely be back to read more and I just wanted to say "hi"

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