messages to scud:
(click here to add new message):

from blueavenue :
where'd ya go?? working, eh? BOO.
from leslie-o :
thank you, babe. i think i can do it, too.
from blueavenue :
hi buddy. i think the 2 guys at my work may have an unspoken bet of who can nail me first. i think i will not date either of them. k great. nice entry. very revealing. heh.
from that :
haha, i totally loved the sex/ex entry. it was great. :)
from blueavenue :
god i hate that. something good is bound to happen eventually is what i always tell myself. =) talk later.
from blueavenue :
amen. i almost forgot it was today till i got some e-cards. lol.
from that :
it doesn't matter that you had a good long angsty rant, because you don't do it often so even i don't mind reading it and i generally hate both long entries and angsty ones. *says the queen of emotional dribble* anyways, i'm a scorpio and i'm in canada, so i can't really help you in any other way than this. sorry bud.
from blueavenue :
dude! it's you! i was wondering what you looked like. that like altering thing is kinda making my eyes fuzzy. =) but hey, i finally thought to add ya to my list, so now i'll now when you update. yee! haven't talked in a couple days, hope all is well. tell me bout that interview.
from dcdemocrat :
hey thanks for the nice note on my page! I had no idea who you were until I saw the AIM name, but I will add this to my list too now. I couldn't figure out how to leave a comment on your page - I know you're probably work on it still but there are a few strange things still happening. hasta luego
from girls-suck :
i don't think i tell you i love you enough -p2
from that :
the thing that's cool about the coins is that i don't have to worry about losing them when i wash my pants and happen to leave money in the pockets. coins just fall to the bottom of the machine. bills do not always make it out alive.
from that :
from leslie-o :
i guess some people never learn (me). i've missed you, scudly. talk to you soon.
from tapestrygirl :
ugh. how did i not know of the demise of sar and matty? im sorry to see you two end things, but if it wasnt working, then im sure its for the best. im online occasionally if ya wanna chat it up. ;]
from endline :
oooooh you got a puppy, my drunk ass is so fuckin jealous. i'm so glad you're happy with the sarah over there. I heart you both. <3 jessica
from endline :
oh geeze. it's been awhile. it's good to know you're doing well in that state waaaay over there. hit me up sometime, the aim is ForTheSkaKids (i'm so trendy!!) xoxo -jess
from mylovedies :
i loved ur art work i .. like the picture of ur room mate and the one with the coat haning on the door.. reminds me of somethin ur an awsome artist
from barenaked500 :
great pictures!
from barenaked500 :
thank you, thank you, thank you! :)
from moshmallow :
hey remember me we used to chat back in like 99 and i kinda forgot about this now m back
from olei :
actually, you have to get new plates within six months of establishing residency here. also? comedy. reno 911, dude. seriously.
from lesliesroom :
be good to sara. if not, well, we'll have to box.
from molzo :
Theoretically, you don't have to do anything in Colorado. They have no jurisdiction over VA plates, so you could just never renew anything. I mean, until you need to renew your license...even then, you might could still have VA plates.
from darkfairy13 :
Checking out your diary, awsome. Sorry you couldn't get drunk
from olei :
miss you.
from waxpatriotic :
wtf is with your images? they're pissing me off. and you know how EVERYTHING pisses me off 'cuz i'm so AGGRO.
from oipunkgrunge :
you going to see pearl jam this year? im going april with sparta and in july at MSG with the buzzcocks,i got floor seats through the ten club :o)
from olei :
also, you're damn RIGHT august will bring romance. hee!
from smile4onlyu :
that is so sweet that ur girlfriend did that! how long have u been together? happy birthday.
from ingredient :
no, i wont stalk you, i dont do that. not since the restraining orders
from oipunkgrunge :
hiya there,im friends with caely..i were wondering if there wasa chance of you hosting my webcam and stuff..thanks..Esteban.
from ingredient :
horray for people living in the MD/DC/VA in Silver Spring, MD...ya jealous?
from barenaked500 :
Woo! We're getting the snow too!!!
from olei :
oh, for fuck's sake. i'm gonna be so happy when you come visit so you can grow your goatie back and stop looking ridiculous. it's a good thing i love you, otherwise this madness with the facial hair would drive me away.
from endline :
woah! you look totally different. and totally hot. ;) hehe
from barenaked500 :
Yay for the pictures. :o)
from sip-melonade :
I love the new 'do!' And I know you care so much about my opinion.
from endline :
*raises hand* listening.
from barenaked500 :
How abouts if you do something spikey with your hair?
from greeneyez4 :
you're right, there's rumor that some girls in existance don't suck; however, they are impossible to find. you get no argument from me, i think it's just rumor. :)
from alternamommy :
If you figure out how to get out of that groove, would you be so kind as to let me know? Thanks.
from blackshirt :
pembleton and bayliss=hottt
from desertwitch :
WEEEEEEEEEE! Finally figured out how to link from entries without fucking up my diary again! So linked your diary to where I mention you on 2002-10-26! Yay! Little by little, I'm less HTML-illiterate!
from desertwitch :
Good/funny eulogy! Smart move putting up the disclaimer, or I may have believed it since I'm so half asleep right now. Chow, cuddly ;)
from desertwitch :
WEEEEEEEE! My digiatal camera is mineallmine in 3 days!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
from endline :
bwahaha you're the cutest person EVER. seriously. hehe.
from jenne1017 :
Congrats on DLS4. And I mean that in the most sincerest way a reject could!
from jenne1017 :
purple giraffes frollick in the ever blue grass while pink elephants dance with orange rats
from olei :
HAHAHAHA. the steelers. dude, they do not OWN teams. kordell stewart is such a joke; i can't believe they've stuck with him this long. i mean...slash OWNED teams in college, but he hasn't put up good numbers at all since he's been in the NFL. [save maybe like, his second year.] pffft, steelers. go broncos.
from simplymine :
I like your art, especially the "reflexion" pieces.
from tapestrygirl :
ps. miss you love.
from carlacrow :
True, so true.
from carlacrow :
Uptucks...mmm. Love to cause them.
from silentsix :
the uptuck... a move i am all too familiar with, as i too am blessed with a hot girlfriend ;)
from tapestrygirl :
matt. dont be nervous. i already like you :)
from tapestrygirl :
scud dearest. i have the distinct feeling i dreamt of you last nite. im not sure what though. i hope it was good.
from tapestrygirl :
scuds a super hottie.
from endline :
hahah i'm laughing hysterically! oh no, i forgot to put in my eyebrow ring this morning, eeep! i can't believe that kid hit on me. now it's in writing twice. eee!
from ska-t :
No Fucking Way can cops give retroactive dui tickets. Unless they're armed with psychic breatholizers. The Gunners are looking good. Now, if Ashley Cole will can the latin diving tactics, and Wenger will ditch the "undefeated" jive, evil Man U can be thwarted, once again!
from angeline-is :
Yeah, I scuffed that one smokey and the bandit reference, Anele called me on it later and I was properly ashamed. In my defense, I don't own the movies (I can never afford to buy anything, dammit, and my lack of ownership shames me too...but I'm on my way to fixing THAT), so it had been a LONG time since I'd seen anything but Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. I knew it was Joey Lauren Adams, though, I just couldn't see the scene in my head.
from gayboyspurse :
I knew there was something I liked about you, you big assfuck: your cologne ;)
from ska-t :
Scud...get thee to Summit Point. There's big league karting there. Arsenal kicks off on Saturday, vs Liverpool in the Charity Shield! Check out for the barrage of upcoming matches.
from endline :
actually, that was my next goal haha ... congratulations, you're the first person to make me laugh today. and the world rejoiced! :)
from sensualstar :
i think you need more sex entries. so, go have sex & tell about it. yes? xoo. deal.
from olei :
[[hugs and well wishes for you and your friend.]] love.
from zairaa :
scuddlypoo, you rock my face! cheer up chum... i saw that Monster Garage program, it rules! Jesse James is awesome. Did you see the show they did about his motorcycle shop? x0x0x0!
from olei :
hi. i'm a big believer in the fact that you cannot ACTUALLY add one to infinity. however, that's about as abstract as it gets, huh? you're the most. xxx
from bookwormsoph :
Meh, nice to find an american with an interest in football ^-^ Sorry about the germany match, but it's better than the US usually manages, ne? ~Soph
from brokenglue :
Scudly! You filled out my survey! :) Waddaya mean "too much type"? On my diary? You help me with my layout again then. :)
from gayboyspurse :
I watched that game: usa v. mexico and I agree with your 'dirty mexican' statement wholehertedly. I knew exactly what you meant, that fucker diving and there was NO CONTACT! The korea v. italy game pissed me off so much I had to turn it off.
from gayboyspurse :
you keep telling yourself that you big stud. :)
from gayboyspurse :
If you have to cram it, you must be doing something wrong.
from gayboyspurse :
So assface, is the new one more me or do you hate this one too? You do realize I left the other one up just a few days longer to annoy you since you told me you hated it. :P I think my mission in the d-land neighborhood will now be "which layout should I use that will annoy the hell out of my favorite p the most?" I could have fun with that one. Later monkeyhumper :)
from leslie-o :
scudly! i'm giving you love, because you gave me love. i even left you a message on your message board! this deserves reciprocation. i don't think i spelled that right. oh well, i can't think of a synonym for it. regardless, i think you are very interesting (oh, and hott) and i still love reading your diary. NOW WRITE ME MESSAGES so my new note thing won't be empty. smooches and hugs!
from sobbingsmile :
Hey, i need to know why girlz suck....heh... Just wondering ...i don't really like girlz either ...even though i am one. But wateva. *~Jackie~*
from adion :
scud is the antichrist. -andr�
from jackviolent :
hippy hiku brother trucker. scud kicks. kevin
from gayboyspurse :
Love the new goatee-less look. Maybe crayon-note girl will notice too and not be able to resist your babyface afterall :) Take care man--princess
from wall-flower :
i really miss my cat. his name was scud. [i like your diary.]
from pip :
has it REALLY been a year since the last birthday card i sent? and however will i outdo myself? xo xo xoxoxox xoxo. scudlybanana is the #1best. <3
from nakedreviews :
Your review for NakedReviews has been posted here.
from bukowskigirl :
hehe, I dig what you have to say. Especially this last entry about smoking and whatnot. Being a smoker, I also eat unhealthy food and whatnot. I try to enjoy the little amount of life I have left. I guess I could just quit smoking, but that makes too much sense. anyway Salut!
from mel839 :
hello, happy new year :)
from kaelyca :
i'm just enchanted by the Green pill. i like transparent ones better. ;
from nevarren :
The difference between pie and the symbol is when you write 'em out in english, the symbol has no's spelled "pi". Whee!!!!!!!!!!!!! or you could just say 3.14159265358979 so on and so forth, but I think if you turned diaryland into a pi generator, andrew might be angry :P
from confetti :
let's dance.
from bluemeridian :
Hey.. read my page as of 9-28-01. It says how I think about the whole 'new girl' thing. And Cheeerr up. I'm will not get mad at you about this. *smooches* What kind of friend would I be if I got angry at what you thought?
from bluemeridian :
Well, that's not really my fault. no one dates these things anyway. *grins* Oh well. I'll try to remember to check on this page more often. ok? Promise. 8-14-01
from scud :
the funny, or sad thing is. that "looks like dis is dead" thing has been there for um..4 months now? probaboly longer
from bluemeridian :
Hey there. I saw the sad little 'this thing is dead' post, so I decided to spice things up a tad with a post from me! Ok.. So, I'm just taking up space, but that's good, right? Love ya babe!
from sensualstar :
just trying to revive this place. =) love ya scud, *kissies*- me
from scud :
looks like dis is dead :[
from barenaked500 :
i read that your arms a surver and when i first started my arms would KILL after a long shift! i dont know how long you've been doing it for but dont worry, it gets better. :-)
from supermanda :
you know. i was thinking, if i ever got a pet, and i can't right now cause i'm still in a stupid dorm. i would definitely name it scud.
from sensualstar :
wow. my last message says that you don't know me. but now you do know me. how quick things change. hehe.. ;) own diaryland and u know it..nothing else to say.. XOXO, Brenda
from ashh0le :
my cat's name is scud.
from rhirhi :
Hi! I just got home from a bad day! And your message made me giggle. You're a supa dupa fly boy. Much luf.
from apatheticq :
you don't talk to me anymore.
from pip :
i only own because you let me own. you know? man, i adore you. xo. nono, xoxoxoxoxoooxo.
from scud :
pewp. lets see how this looks? :o
from fallenfairy :
Scud-Hey I haven't talked to you in a very long time..Heh I don't know if you even remember me..Anyways I just wanted to say hi, and that I check up on you from time to time. Love the new layout, and good luck with everyhing..-Marissa (p.s-sporkboy is here living with me now)
from nevarren :
*Waves* Hi! haven't signed your guestbook in a while, but since I just signed Sinnamon's cuz she made my heart go boom by mentioning the best HBO movie ever, so I thought of you. Blee!
from jessiluve :
hi there! well i just wanted to say that i likee the new look and the randomized-image thang you have going on on your page! it's fab! i miss you lots, hope to talk to you soon! love ya, jess
from mindless :
you rock my world! cause scudly is so forever studly.
from BlueMeridian :
Wow. Reading over your analyzer is just about as fun as reading your updates. Scudder's my boy, kudos on keeping your page alive. Your glimpses into the life and times of Matt always makes me feel like i am right there with you. Ok. So I'm talking cheesy. I'll live, right? YOu still owe me a visit to Colorado and a date. ok?
from embemboo :
oh my, i really do like your colors. orange is such a lovely thing. your design makes me asthecally pleased, if thats how you spell it.
from venita :
*reaches into toilet bowl and grabs Scud* Why don't you stay away from that thing, eh? I told you it's dangerous. That's what trees are for silly!
from icebear :
SCUD!!! Um...glad things are going good. God, I suck.
from sensualstar :
hey there.. well, i read you daily and you don't know me. okaiie..that was fast and uh, weird but that's all for now..bye bye <3, me
from Nina3eb :
Mmmm yep I never read this diary. Nope nope. I just came across it through some weirdo's diary that links it up as one of her faves. Heh *sends 5 of the 15 inches of snow she has along with some good old pornographic materials to VA and goes on her merry way*
from supermanda :
some people spent way too fucking long on your comments.
from sinnamon :
Dude!!! You have FFIX!!! I ENVY YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am writing a letter to Santa begging for that game as we speak (but i kinda need a PSX to play it on hehehehe)
from tiffster :
You're interestingly different. I like it. :)
from kitkat81 :
i could have sworn that i left a message in here before.. but bob did erase everyone's comments, so ya know, i may not be crazy after all. i'm glad things are getting better w/ you and jess. :-) talk to ya later, maybe. love to ya. -Kat.
from fallenfairy :
*walks in* hey scud...Haven't talked/heard from u in a while..anyways, i have a new diary if you so care to invade it once in a while..*hug* i hope everything is doing well for you, i do..-M
from sensualstar :
hey there! i've been reading your diary for a while now .. and now that i got my diary (and analyzer) up and running, go sign! .. and yeah, i hope everything turns out okaiie with you and jess. good luck!
from nevarren :
Hey. Two things: 1) if you "don't konw if it's over," it's not over yet, but the problem is how you're looking at it. If you assume that it most likely will be over, both of you will be rendered incapable of solving the problems that brought you to this point in the first place. Instead of moping about "the end," cherish what you have and talk to Jess. Ask her what could have changed so drastically between you to bring this on...or what might not have changed. Long distance relationships are hard. Absence does not make the heart grow fonder after a point. Once you've crossed the line, distance starts emphasizing the bad. But you can fix that. Make the good soooooo good that it overrides the bad, and talk about the bad so that you can both try to fix things. And DON'T, I repeat, DON'T be submissive-- if there's something you need or want to the point of truly not wanting to sacrifice it, don't give it up unless you have to to keep intact something *more* important. *Whew* okay, 2) Almost every relationship problem has a solution. Physical abuse most often does NOT. Certain forms of emotional abuse do not. Other than that, it can all be solved. What tends to happen in very intense relationships and especially in very intense relationships with a distance to overcome is that people get bored with solving their problems. They'd almost rather find something or someone new to play with than sit down and take the time out of their lives to make things better. This is especially true of our generation. To us, divorce is a way of life, and the way divorce is used these days (we didn't agree a lot, judge!) contributes to our "instant gratification" lifestyle. If it can't be done in a minute, it's not worth it we tell ourselves. But that's not the truth. Like I said, people get bored. They'd never admit that's why, but think about a relationship you've ended...did you start fights? Did you break up because of those fights? That's finding a way out. People do it all the time. But the point is, if you alert someone to the fact that what you have is worth more than just the time you've been together, worth more than the obstacles you have to overcome...fix the "boredom"...the problems often solve themselves. Please, talk to Jess. I know what you're going through is hard, and my advice probably isn't anything you don't already know...but talk to her. Assuming the worst isn't going to help anything. Best of Luck, Clara
from apatheticq :
go go scud!
from vixens :
Hi, cutie. Just letting you know - since I use IE5.5 - that the little scrolley thing does show up. :)
from sporkboy :
Hooo boy, I'm on an analyzer-signin' kick t'night...haven't got a clue why, just felt like a damn good time to wander around and tell a few people how much they rock a night at the opera. So anyways m'boy...there yeh' go, good stuff there, keep struttin'..--Skitch/Spork
from shmoop :
didn't work. and i have IE 5.0 (Win NT)
from kevspace :
Oh, ANALYZER... anyway yep, that bar is pretty damn orange. Way to go! If you read this message first, please disregard the one I left on your message board (I seem to have trouble following directions).
from harbinger :
you know...out of all the albums by the beatles, i think sgt. pepper would be the _last_ one i would discribe as "weird"...i missed that damn special...i am very sad about that. btw...haven't talkted to you in a while. i miss the scudly. :o(
from shmoop :
from rabidgirl :
scuddy-scud-scud-scud...erm. there will be no wet noodle beatings! i updated.. yessir.. i bet i was already updated when you went there.. and youuu just forgot to hit refresh! AHA! heathur winsss.
from jessiluve :
Hey there love! Well, what can I say, besides that your diary is simply fab and that you are the biggest Diaryland Rawkstar in the whole wide world! Hehe, I may be just a little biased, considering that I'm your girlfriend and all! :D Anyway, I love you very much matt, more than you'll ever know! *huggle and a snuggle* ~Your Jess
from indigotide :
Hi--I just had to comment on your is I am shocked. I'm sure it is probably old, but on my first view I felt compelled to compliment it. Wow. I'll And I haven't even started to read what you have to say...I'm going to read on now. Visit my journal if you wish. The new address is:
from vixens :
*pout* My old comment got erased! But I just wanted to repeat my ol' comment: Matt-o is one hunkahunkahunkastudlyburning USA Grade A piece-uh' manmeat. And I wuv him dearly, since he's a scudalicious.
from sinnamon :
Scudly one is my luf and his diary rawks nutsacs all over the world. If you have a nutsac, you can not deny that this diary rawks till the breaka breaka dawn. So be forewarned that this diary may be dangerous to your nutsac if your nutsac is pregnant or has whiplash/back problems. :D
from ferokitty :
sorry i had to run off the aim, i wanted to know what you had to say about the wish list. shumo. fire-y, as in, with fire, rhymes with diary, when pronounced a certain way. it might be fiery. but i'm not sure, and i hate spelling things wrong. scud rules the school. love, kit
from scud :
Q - It's "their" get it right por favor.
from lynxangel :
WHOA THERE...gee look at the lovely work of...writing u got there scud..hehe, well too bad buddy that u dont know $(*%$ about menstration *unless yer really a chick but oh well* SO YEA! WE LUFF SCUD!! -M
from harbinger :
scud! scud! scud! scud! scud! SCUD! I love SCUD. he is NOT a dud! he has a sweet bod like a nice hot rod. i love to read his diary cause he is the best...what the hell rhymes with "diary?"
from jenifer012 :
Awesome diary! LOve the layout and stuff like
from nevarren :
!! Where's all the scud-love? See, you have to bitch and moan so people sign your analyzer again, and then you'll get love. But we *points to Marissa and herself* love ya, dude. So keep on writing, and stuff. ~C
from lynxangel :
Aww Scud how lonley your analyzer looks!! I knew i must sign and LOOK! I get to be neet is that? heh..well u rawk boy, and keep writing! luff- M

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