messages to se7enchance:
(click here to add new message):

from drtourist :
This ghost of haunting beauty…what do you know of her?
from drtourist :
Nice alliteration in most recent entry.
from drtourist :
WBP…it’s me. Angela
from secret-motel :
Thank you.
from browndamask :
To clarify: all so good, but referring specifically to Sailing by Starlight. Did not initially realize you posted three today.
from browndamask :
that last sentence <3
from babyhead :
Pyromancy on the high seas. This made me smile. Invoked an image of a slipstream event so powerful and futile, but wondrous nonetheless.
from browndamask :
just so good
from drtourist :
This ghost of haunting beauty…what do you know of her?
from drtourist :
I dig your diary, Sir. May I please inquire as to what part of the country you are in?
from babyhead :
As always,thanks! There is a story behind that story. More problematic but way less interesting.
from babyhead :
Thanks for waking through that thicket. Disappointed with myself as I think it came off as callus.
from babyhead :
Psychic tinnitus. You, my friend are quite a wonder.
from secret-motel :
I might do the book list thing in a future entry. Kinda sounds fun. That was my first experience with Dr. Ponesse. She's saucy! I've been watching/listening to the DarkHorse podcast for a while, now. I like Heather Heying's voice. Calm, intelligent women get me going.
from secret-motel :
That is very kind of you to say. But, to be honest, I would be more happy compiling a long list of books people should read over any mediocre efforts I could cobble together. I'd certainly rather read those books than invest time and effort in my own painfully-derivative stuff. As for vinyl, I am trying to exercise some restraint on new purchases as I inhabit a small living space. But, man, the soundtrack for a Cronenberg film definitely weakens my resolve. I think they'll eventually press some more copies. "Long live the new flesh."
from secret-motel :
Thanks, man. I'm kinda sad I missed out on the colored vinyl soundtrack of Videodrome. Maybe there will be some more copies available soon. "Long live the new flesh".
from raven72d :
Great recent entries.
from babyhead :
Regarding Anhedonia (Shamefully, I had to look it up) maybe it is just that the rewards are erroneous?
from bridgecity :
Zombies feeding me their brains.
from babyhead :
I don't know if you got my emails or of you changed your mind about access to your diary, but I resent a request yesterday. Maybe I got the email wrong.
from secret-motel :
Thank you much for the kind words.
from babyhead :
Your workshop closed?
from babyhead :
A Cold Spring Day is so very pleasing. You capture the haunting visual staccato of an afternoon dream.
from glorycloud :
thanks for the note
from raven72d :
Your 31. Dec. 20 entry was haunting and powerful.
from raven72d :
Thank you! And I hope your 2021 is starting out well.
from swordfern :
Merry Christmas, if you celebrate this day! Thank you for offering one of the most insightful, honest, and thought-provoking comments on my most recent entry. You see the truth of things, of me, before I do myself.
from loveherwell :
thank you for your lovely note -- i'll be reading.
from swordfern :
I have a hard time reading situations... What do you imagine that his experience was? He seemed relaxed about the encounter.
from secret-motel :
The regret comes from the guilt I feel ignoring the not-so-little voice in my head always nagging me to work on stuff. Man, I don't wanna be Sarah Winchester.
from phaythles :
9 October 2020: Thank you. There truly isnt a lot to be said and words have been escaping me often. But thank you *hugs*
from raven72d :
The 17 June entry was lovely.
from raven72d :
Loved the 4 June 20 and 10 June 20 entries.
from babyhead :
RE: Dead Petals What a opening line.
from stormy-- :
In response to your note - "We're all mad here." :)
from whystinger :
04/30/2020. Amen
from secret-motel :
Aw, thank you for that. I just caught up with your recent entries. Such beautiful writing. They make want to spend more time writing. The muscle above my neck has grown flabby (or flabbier) and needs more exercise.
from bridgecity :
Beautiful non-metaphore
from swordfern :
"White tape for cracked fingers; hands growing chalked from pockmarked and angled walls of stone." Of course I appreciate the climbing reference. And I appreciate you.
from babyhead :
Darüber kann ich nicht mehr reden
from meffinmisfit :
Are you staying locked?
from swordfern :
Locked?! What happened? I'd like to keep reading you. [email protected]
from dangerspouse :
Oh my god, I was right?? Woo hoo! A first for everything, I guess. Well then, I hope you really DID have a great birthday (despite the dolorous tone of your entry) and enjoy many more to come. All the best, and thank you for the note :)
from dangerspouse :
Er...happy birthday?
from swordfern :
You're right - it is real. Raw with agony. When faced with the reality of me leaving, he was forced to take a deeper look at himself and is horrified with himself. The turning point was when he listened to me crying on the phone with my mother and telling her everything. In that moment, he heard me, as if for the first time. He said that everything that I was saying was true, and hearing me say it to her was horrifying for him. He's not a bad person - he is insecure and afraid of being rejected. He's acted out of fear without any self awareness. I can be his friend and help him move through this and learn, but I cannot find intimacy with him. At least not right now. Thank you for sharing your story of being on the other side of this. There is a lot of hurt happening, on both sides, and sometimes I forget about that.
from swordfern :
I wanted to thank you again for your note a while back. Realizing that you - a virtual stranger - were willing to help me made me wonder if those in my life would also want to help. I've been afraid of asking for help for fear that it would make me feel weak, but I realize now that it's a source of strength. I started to reach out for help, and I have been amazed by the generosity and support of my friends. I'm not sure that I would have had the confidence to reach out without your note. These seemingly tiny moments - an idea planted - can be life life changing. Thank you.
from cherrygash :
Not really sure how im still here. There are parts of me that would say God But those parts fade, i become bitter and shut down when struggles go on too long. Today was bad, really depressed...feeling this dread that i wont find answers. Just thinking about feeling/dealing with all this for an undetermined amount of time leaves me hopeless Maybe im still kicking to the fact ive dealt with depression my entire life, so the waves of sadness come but they are familiar.
from cherrygash :
Ive been dealing with a lot of problems, health wise. Well mental too, they go hand and hand. There are not many resources around, like groups, etc. Im just looking for connection so i stay sane. Just had over a year of dr visits, tests.and its hard for me right now to come to the terms with my limitations with these chronic things.
from cherrygash :
I try to find support in any way. Why would you ask?
from swordfern :
Thank you. I've reached out to a couple of friends and my counsellor for help. Sometimes it takes a day of misery before I realize that if I reach out that others that they are happy to help. I know that sitting around watching my phones is pointless, but sometimes I don't know how to break out of it. Reading your note helped me realize that I needed to reach out to others for help. Thank you.
from swordfern :
I really appreciate your insightful note. What you are pointing out is the essence of Radical Forgiveness: from the greatest hardships come our most impressive growth. Being in a challenging relationship has taught me so much about how others think and feel. If not for this relationship, I would not have developed these skills. I don't always get it right, but the moments of clarity in the midst of an argument are powerful. Like suddenly being the spectator of a movie. "She should say this!" And I say it, and then he calms down. Magic!
from secret-motel :
Never heard of it until you mentioned it. Just read some of his posts. I look forward to reading more soon. Thanks!
from secret-motel :
Yeah, that passage really stuck with me. I'm glad I got curious about that book.
from secret-motel :
Thank you. That was very kind. And, yes, I look forward to "Meditations". I'm a terribly slow reader and still watching these poor people trying to escape the Lusitania.
from bridgecity :
from bridgecity :
If you're giving our passwords I'd love to have one
from bridgecity :
Quality writing.
from atwowaydream :
Tea leaves can't always be trusted. Anyway. I read you often. I read my Diaryland buddylist the way 1950s father's pencil in their periodical crosswords. If you ever want to touch base, I believe you have my email. Until then <3
from atwowaydream :
I read you when you update. If you want to read on: [email protected] Aside from that, I think you're wonderful.
from atwowaydream :
"I frame a settled sunset between index fingers and thumbs." I always read you. If you'd like, just email me at [email protected].
from atwowaydream :
"by unmeasured handfuls of giggles and naps. A magnificent waste, our interpersonal sand mandala." Yes. Giggles and naps are like, completely essential.
from atwowaydream :
When it comes to other people's vulnerabilities, I am very often the same way; intricately wrap myself in them and float somewhere made of parallels and poetry. When it comes to me, I shut down and become a mega-guarded bitch. . . which I was last night. Thank you for the awakening. I needed a good slap in the form of devil's advocate - and I truly do appreciate it.
from swallowthkey :
It didn't come from a negative place really, I have been having great sex, it just hasn't been with the same soul-satisfying feeling. I am inviting sexual energy into my life that is spiritually fulfilling.
from life-my-way :
I miss reading you! mkklose at gmail dot com if you'll share your login info. Thanks!
from atwowaydream :
[email protected] = me. Yes, apparently I'm still living in 1996. If you feel comfortable enough, I would love a password.
from catsoul :
hi, if you lock your writing I would like the key. My email is: [email protected] Thank you ever so much.
from atwowaydream :
"I exhale monarch wings, baby's breath and perfume clouds. I close the door for now." I read this a few days ago and meant to comment on the beauty of it then. But life. I also wanted to send my appreciation for your very thoughtful note - it meant a hell of a lot to me at a time that I really needed it. Thank you.
from movingsands :
I think so too. That album has some true gems :)
from movingsands :
I feel like an intruder, obviously voyeuristic, so I don't ask for a password. Until, if ever, the feeling is right and decide to let us in, I will miss your writing :)
from atwowaydream :
You are locked. . . and this saddens me greatly. If you're giving out the password, please let me know and I'll send you my email.
from atwowaydream :
"How lovely-- and easy!-- it is to dress my cardboard shortcomings in finery." I love this. I have a paper cut-out of mithril mail, but sometimes it seems deceiving.
from movingsands :
For a while now I've been trying to leave a note. Pretty much since you made your writing public. Your letters hooked me, of course-- being a correspondence fan myself I find them beautiful in all their painfully regretted, and faithfully hopeful, glory. But it is the way you handle the abstract that has kept me consistently reading. Your self-analysis-- that seems will forever find something this side of lacking-- is so unafraid of prying apart the box and inspecting its chaos bare-handed. And for all the signs of a systematically logical mind, your symbolism is very much alive. Organic. Rich. Never pedantic, never mundane, no matter how mundane the subject. Like watching math come alive. Or a Dali with Chuck Close drawing skills. Escheresque? I guess All I'm saying is TLDR: hello and thank you for allowing us the read :)
from meffinmisfit :
Your writing is eloquent, descriptive and thought-provoking. There are very few people who can captivate the essence of life with mere words, you're parallel to that concept. I think you're a great writer. Don't stop. On a different note, please feel free to write to me anytime: [email protected]
from amber163 :
Thank you for the kind note. I usually only write when I am upset, but I am trying to do it more often.
from secret-motel :
Glengarry Glen Ross is one of the best films ever. And, like Harold & Maude, it's one of those films that has a message I really admire and respect but have failed to live up to. But, rather than be angry at the films because of my own failure, I still love them--love the acting, the writing, and the overall art.
from comebacktome :
Thank you for your lovely note, I would quite like to read your words, might I have a password please? :)
from secret-motel :
Thank you for the very kind note. I usually assume that my entries will be read by only two or three people. Now I know that they are read by four. May I have a skeleton key to your diary? If so, you can send it to [email protected]. If not, I totally understand.

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