messages to sexykitteh:
(click here to add new message):

from readnglst999 :
Where is clarity25? Recent vacation blog - "Eric's" Photobucket account -
from sixelasauce :
other diary??? hook me up..i always need new reads! I hope you find a kick ass job...(henderson rules...i bet it misses you)
from sexychica260 :
hey there sweet diary! check out mine sometime too. peace & love
from sixelasauce :
I am so glad to hear that you are around still!! I am worried about you though..if you need anyone to talk to at all you can always talk to me...I'm here for ya!
from sixelasauce :
hi girl...not feeling like writing??? miss your thoughts...used to be this is me...drop me a rule
from clarity25 :
Hi! I like your diary, I enjoyed reading your about me links and I agree with your favorite movies, actors, actresses. We're on the same page! I'll be back to read more, I just wanted to say "Hi!"
from sixelacooper :
i got your note and checked it again..and it is open again...that is cool...i am a fan of your rule :)
from sixelacooper :
i was reading you and you locked it! Sad!
from georgia2221 :
Hi Sexykitteh How r u!!!!!!!!! Leave me a message at

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