messages to siobhanhalo:
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from portlypete :
Does anybody speak English around here? Just askin'
from raven72d :
update update update...
from onethumb :
just so you know - I have been reading every luscious word
from raven72d :
write soon...
from raven72d :
Happy All Hallows Eve, lovely Halo. I wonder what costume you've chosen for tonight...
from raven72d :
so... tell me more about Milanese girls in ultra-low hiphuggers...
from raven72d :
The plankton line was brilliant.
from raven72d :
Aha! I'd forgotten Kwai Chang... though Cain and Caine could both well be David Carradine, no? And...your Milan entry makes me think of an *old* Rod Stewart song called "Italian Girls"...
from siobhanhalo :
Goodness my dear Lohr, you are not going to debate me on characters in popular culture are you? I can assure you it was Kwai Chang Caine who walked the earth.
from raven72d :
I *am* expecting a postcard from Milan, by the way...
from raven72d :
Milan is a favorite city of mine, too... Ummm-- it's actually Cain rather than Caine wandering the Earth, though if you're talking about Michael Caine... I'm glad that Milanese girls wear low enough jeans to have good butt cleavage...
from raven72d :
One day you'll have to post different portrait shots.
from raven72d :
Crystal and steel are always superior to flesh, which is time's slave.

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