messages to sm8410:
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from bonnylisbon :
hey hey listen. judging by your profile, you and i don't have a hell of alot in common. but (there's always a but), i will say this: diets don't matter. i promise you that in the big scheme of the end of your life, you will NOT be thinking, "goddamn it, i wish i would've stayed on that one diet..." i'm sure you're beautiful, all women are, you're perfect, now cut all that food shit out and you'll be fine.
from brandi-babe :
Wishing you a full and speedy recovery! Smooches!
from kerrang-girl :
Wow, your site is great. Hopefully I can eat healthier now! :) I love your layout, (maybe that's because I love fairies) did you make it yourself? ~Amy
from sunnflower :
You have a cool fairy on your template and you are inspiring me to eat healthy. Thanks for adding Suburban Island to your DLand faves!

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