messages to sodaberry:
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from confuzzeld :
by the way.. its july 29 2007.. I noticed it doesnt date these notes!
from confuzzeld :
hey there. Its Sarah.. aka "confuzzeld". Its so weird. Every now and then I happen upon my diary again and drown myself in memories from the past.. and you are among them! I havent spoken with you in years.. and I was shocked to read your most current entry about your FOUR year old son! I remember when you told me you were pregnant. Time flies doesnt it. I got on here my freshman year of highschool.. and now im almost out of college! Anywho.. id love to catch up. Email me if you get a chance at [email protected]. Id love to hear from you!
from swimmmer72 :
yep, all mine, at least most of them and anything i've posted recently. thanks for the compliment and please keep writing! :)
from swimmmer72 :
nice to hear from you after so long. :)
from namastesakhi :
i think i'm probably wrong. but i was thinking that isn't God the father of all of us? that you can't really bring a fatherless child into this world? Because mine dumped me in Thailand. And others do all sorts of strange things to their children. Because in the end all we have is God. I don't know what you'll choose to do, but I've got my fingers crossed for the thought of one more baby :D
from xher-secrets :
Hiya! That's cool you're reading my diary. I checked out yours by the way and I was really enjoying what I read. I know how you feel about slipping away from God. I'm going thru the same thing, and lately I feel practically agnostic. My Dad though, who's a pastor, said that as life progresses you sometimes go through cycles of spiritual inactivity but it's not permanent. I certainly hope so! <p></p><p></p> Much love, <p></p><p></p> --Natalie
from mrs-sheila :
Be blessed! I was very touched to understand where you are coming from when doubting. Remember God is always here, and sometimes He pulls away so you pull a little closer! Kinda like a rope tug of war! ~ KWIM? Keep that chin up, stay on your knees, and just Dive right into the Word.
from long-ignored :
a smile from N? His laughter? Peace when things are silent...? How is that for speaking to you in a thousand different ways (for believers, of course)
from goldieknox03 :
doesnt sound wierd at all. i forget to pray all the time. But i always remember in times of need, hardship, etc. So i feel like such a 'sinner'. Like i can only be good and pray when i need it. So i understand. its human.
from goldieknox03 :
a crockpot lid fell on my head and shattered and sliced a v-cut shape on my forehead. ITs a permanate bump on my head. Im disfigured. LOL. could be worse. I wrote about it back in febuary. Should be in archives.
from goldieknox03 :
Thanks for the add. That was such a lovely story.
from swimmmer72 :
nice story. sad and romantic and real, someplace we've all been, if we've been lucky enough. thank you.
from starlight42 :
never mind, just figured it out...
from starlight42 : who were you in your previous diaryland life??
from swimmmer72 :
well, well, well. i was checking out this new person who added me as a fav and not having much luck with most other info-giving features as d-land wasn't cooperating, i checked out guestmap and thought to myself, "this looks familiar" then figured out why. so, sodaberry, i mean morgan, thanks for making me a fav for a 2nd time. ;)

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