messages to somstar:
(click here to add new message):

from lanienaked :
readers/welcome. how come u don't write anymore? :(
from prettykate :
hey it's anna (annachan). i got a new diary, i just thought i'd let u know.
from lindzeeleigh :
I think if you have a new guy and you are happy, that is what matters. It can be hard to open yourself up to a new person and have them learn everything about you, but it can also be exciting as well. Good luck to both of you and I look forward to hearing more! What happened to your comments??
from imatwin :
I'm so sorry that I've missed such a big change in your life. I hope everything turns for the best, and as long as you are doing what is right for yourself, then it will. Big hugs!
from lttelamon :
Yes, I know. Some things should stay dead. These days, if I write, no one sees it.
from whystinger :
I thought that after- was your old diary and yes, i used to read it...
from whystinger :
Cool diary. I only read the one page today and I think you maybe had a different diary... Anyway, sounds like he ignores you. Time for you to find someone new. Find someone who appreciates you and is a good partner. You have invested four years and so far, he is a turd. don't do like I did and stay unhappy for 13 years. The longer you stay, the harder it gets to leave. I hope you two aren't married.
from imatwin :
Well, it just sucks because it's the guy I'm in love with. And I met his girlfriend a few times, and she's perfect. It kind of just sucks all around. I just hope she gets better though, because I will have no idea what to do if she turns for the worst.
from techrat :
dag, yo! i've been thinking of coming back, at least occasionally. perhaps i will now that you're back!
from rosss-frazer :
I know, I really want to go see them, I might buy the live in Phenox DVD..(?)
from imatwin :
Hopefully she will. :)
from imatwin :
I Am Legend. It was a pretty good movie. Kind of reminded me of other Zombie-like movies.
from madrigle :
First off, LOVE the fairytale layout! Credit cards are evil, evil, evil things. Be careful.
from bettyford :
hey. thanks for the note. not my husband.
from imatwin :
Haha, I think from now on I will be calling him Busch.
from imatwin :
lol. okay :D
from lindzeeleigh :
I emailed the password, let me know that you got it. :)
from imatwin :
I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not... :D
from madrigle :
ooo love your layout! HUGS. good to see you around again.
from bitterwineuk :
Sounds like things really are on the up for you. It's good to hear people sounding happy :)
from lindzeeleigh :
Oooh, the wedding is coming up soon! That is a fun date, I hope the money thing will all work out so you can have your special day. Your house sounds fantastic. Looking forward to catching up with you. :)
from imatwin :
Yah, your back! Glad to hear the news on the pending marriage. I look forward to any future entries. ~Alex
from bitterwineuk :
Good to have you back. Adding you straight back to my faves. Great template!
from lindzeeleigh :
WElcome back!! :)
from linda93 :
heyya sommer
from anipunk8831 :
hey there
from wearethebody :
hey sommer
from moodymess :
nah, i'm with you. want me to finish that one from anna? (it was interrupted by the funeral...)
from flicka :
p.s.: We both have fuck listed as a favorite diary. :)
from flicka :
Thanks for the note. My hair was chopped, I'm doing a little modelling, I just got a new job, and I have thought about relationships with men and women; it's okay being single, and I need to be more in touch with my friends. I appreciate the vote for moving. My heart isn't held steadfast anywhere right now.
from bluerelic :
ive never heard of a lot of people doing heroin around here actually, its all coke cause its out of your system in like 2 days or something. and extacy or however you spell it.
from imatwin :
Do you know how wonderful you are? To take the time and write a note makes me feel really speical. It's nice to know that I'm not alone, that someone has or does felt/feel the same way. ~Aex
from ishouldcry :
hiya, you didnt leave your email address but I have locked up a day earlier than planned. My u/n is "secretsand" p/w "moresecrets" please save and delete. Thanks, Becca
from bettyford :
i was cramming so much in i was hurting my fucking jaw! college girl! want me to carry your books?
from moodymess :
Hah; lost on tonight, DONE! ;) And kudos for deciding to go back to school, that's so rad.
from alwaysmuted :
I'm glad you are going for it,and a teacher nonetheless! WOOT,WOOT! JOIN US! LOL You can still get paid summers,if you have an 11 month pay cycle,or apply to teach summer classes. Good luck and I am so proud of you,sweetie!
from hissandtell :
How completely wonderful that you've made such a positive decision about your future - it all sounds as if you've got it all worked out, so of course you'll be brilliant and successful and inspiring at anything you set your lovely mind to! Best of luck, darling. Love, R xxx
from ivyvalentine :
~HUGE HUGS~ No, your right, nothing lasts forever. I just miss alot of stuff. E-mail me at [email protected] if you want to start writing letters or something. I miss you.
from lostgotheyes :
hey! i like your newest layout, too. i think i like purple better than black, actually. the gorcery manager at my store and i have this theory that liking purple is gentic, because everyone in his family likes purple. no one in mine does, but none of them like anything else that i like either, so this doesn't hurt our theory any.
from imatwin :
*hugs back* Thanks for that! It's nice to know that someone cares enough to put that.
from imatwin :
Lol...I'm eating grilled cheese right now.
from dearkate :
Thank you! I appreciate it :) And I really hope I can do it ... I just want that healthy feeling back.
from bettyford :
hello, operator.
from the-moo :
*huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuug* you're lovely are you aware of that? you are.. you are lovely!! *hugs* xxx
from ifiwere :
three things: 1) I love your profile "Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself." 2)I love Eternal Sunshine as well. 3) and thank you. *smile*
from techrat :
yeah, i'm so totally glad it wasn't scabies. XD
from dearkate :
Thank you. Maybe it's because most of my friends graduated last year and those are the people that I hang out with and are close with :) haha
from dearkate :
Thank you! I made it myself :)
from lttelamon :
from moodymess :
much better color!
from breatheasigh :
love the layout..loved the movie! :)
from moodymess :
i'm diggin' the new layout, btw. but, as a "reviewer" ;) the font is kinda hard to read. just thought you'd wanna know that, but i wouldn't blame you for not caring. i'm working on the review, should be done tomorrow. (where's anna?)
from foolosophy :
haha ah the poor shriviling balls.. thats never nice! how did we celebrate... well it was a 'sleep in' in the morning and we went to one of our favourite places for dinner that night... and that was about it.. im sure if i had any money there would have been a ring and and a question in there somewhere too haha
from cleo-boo :
a hug for you ^^ a hug for Kate (=
from hard2forgetu :
I love the new look of the diary, hope all is well with you ..
from italktowalls :
Ha! I love that you know what a "bottom" is. Let me clarify my Tyra love: I love the show, not so much her. I do love me some Janice D., though.
from moodymess :
not a problem with the review, let me know when you need it.
from gia-darling :
Hahaha..some of the men who have tried to chat me up, it's not a case of old enough to be my father, but old enough to be my grandfather! Eeeewww! I can't believe they think they stand a chance with you! Oh well, I guess some men keep trying until the day they die!
from foolosophy :
thank you :D i know its been easy for me coz tina is the hottness :D how u doin girl? sounds like PT cruisers are shite hey.. so nice of you to organise a party and stuff like that :D :D :D mm ryan renolds.. hot
from afraidtobeme :
Have you seen "Waiting" yet?
from gabriela83 :
it's been ages since I left you a note, I feel terrible about it! I'm doing my best to catch up. The layout is great and I love the photos you've uploaded on your latest entries. Lots of love, Gaby
from typennington :
come on, come on .. hurry up with those pictures (smiles)
from cleo-boo :
I give you hearts and flowers ! (copy paste from your latest entry ^-^) excuse-moi for that one. Im learning french = =) and lately been turning into an adult. I am getting weirder. weird. ^^ *huggy*
from starlight42 :
do you remember when you did my design and you had to fool around with the archive page to get all of my entries to show up in 6 month time frames? Well, it's doing it again. I don't remember what we did to fix it. Do you? I know I seem to have this problem with every single design that I do! It's something with mozilla, because in IE it shows up ok. Let me know if you have any clue!
from italktowalls :
What if the maintenance man really wasn't a maintenance man but a robber!? Well, at least you played 'possum. Heh.
from techrat :
i'm glad the frog survived. and thanks for the hugs. ^^
from foolosophy :
wellllll i am! for instance lastnight i spent 4 hours setting up a DNS account, a server at home, a dynamic IP monitor, and a domain name... a free one of course :p one day ill pay for a .com haha
from italktowalls :
God, Sommer, you're so sweet. I'm gonna kidnap you, so pack your toothbrush.
from foolosophy :
yeah yeah yeahhhh hahaha im busy!! :p
from madrigle :
I love that you now are the guardian of a tree frog. Yeah, merlin gets very regular baths mia just stays clean, I guess I should through her in the tub too. Gently, of course. I mean, I understand that it can bug. But, whatever. HUGS.
from pissymystic :
You rescued a frog? Girl, you rock so hard you're in danger of giving yourself whiplash! :)
from madrigle :
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm chocolate. Dark with whole hazlenuts PLEASE! :D
from moodymess :
6.20 pm. had it been am i'd have called and told 'em to come home.
from f-i-n :
hihihi from miami!
from lostgotheyes :
p.s. i also love sleep. but i prefer to sleep on the floor, regardless of what people think of it.
from lostgotheyes :
so i got lucky and have been in the office. and it seems i also fell off the face of the earth for several days. weeks. months. years. i'm not entirely certain. everything seems so hazy now.
from smashley719 :
guess who's back to d-land? i've been gone so long, looking forward to catching up on your diary!
from hissandtell :
Ogh, I'm always so glad when someone meets a mattress they fall in love with! I found my dream match about five years ago (which probably means it's due for replacement soon - sigh.) But it changed my life. I had no idea sleeping could be so sublime! (Must go now and coo to it and tell it how very much it means to me.) Love, R xxx
from pantrypuff :
This is so funny. I was reading Wickedcrazy's site and saw your comment and the little icon next to your comment. And I thought it was JESUS! So out of curiosity, I come to your site and see Ryan! That's freaking funny. I love Ryan.
from foolosophy :
oh it hurts so so so much without it haha i was talking to one of my mates about his arms lasntight, seriously hot!
from typennington :
Is it me or is Maury also the KING of the LIE DETECTOR? What's up with that? You couldn't get me on that show for anything .. I'd rather be on Jerry Springer (lol) ..
from bluerelic :
where do you live i am moving there haha
from moodymess :
OH MY GOD THAT IS THE BEST DAMN LAYOUT EVER!! And what a coincidence, because I saw "Just Friends" again last night with the boyfriend. Can you update like fourteen times a day, please? ...Seriously. Please?!
from luckeme :
LOVE THE LAYOUT!!! :: DROOL :: I love how you can see his little divet thing where his pelvic bone goes in... GOD! YUMMM!!!
from madrigle :
ooooo lovely layout. and I love the colors. Mia is doing much better. Thanks for asking.
from randh :
Thanks so much! It was an awesome day.
from sixelasauce :
long live Chuck Norris! you crack my shit up! munchkin
from dearkate :
Hey, it's Chaucee from honestlyou reviews. I was already signed into my personal account so I decided to post this note logged in anyways. Hope you don't mind. I wanted to say that I am like that too "blunt and sporadic" in person ... but when I write in my diary it's more emotion because I normally don't show that around people. Okay, I RARELY show that around people. I guess I'm more private. Just in my diary I actually talk about how I'm feeling. Wierd ... I know. But what are diaries for anyways? I guess it all depends on the individual.
from honestlyou :
You review has been completed. Thank you for you patience!
from lttelamon :
<3 Thanks. :)
from bettyford :
um . . . hey, Hot Lips!
from hissandtell :
Ooohh! You look gorgeous, darling. Your new glasses are indeed stunning. They are so good, in fact, I am almost inspired to get my aging-goddess rapidly-fading eyesight tested so I can have some just like them! Love, R xxx
from iooi :
hey, sorry, i hope i didn't sound insensitive.
from typennington :
.. thanks for leaving me a note this afternoon, glad you liked my diary. I am also a big Ryan Reynolds fan, I loved JUST FRIENDS and NATIONAL LAMPOONS VAN WILDER.
from alwaysmuted :
Thanks sweetie.*hug*
from bluerelic :
fort mcmurray, there is only one road out, its a normal old highway that hasnt even been twinned, its 4 hours north of edmonton. the only thing in between is little tiny towns population 20 - 50 etc. so its not "isolated" but its four hours away from normalcy. 70,000 people are here with no 24 hour McDonalds!
from starlight42 :
what do you mean you never see me around anymore? you mean visiting your diary? I usually read every few days, or at least once a week, sometimes I'm bad at commenting though, if I can't think of anything to say. sorry :(
from foolosophy :
omfg u just reminded me why i should be really pissed that my dsl is not connected yet and wont be till god knows when because my isp f@cked up, NOT LOST DOWNLOADS :( :( :( now im like 2 weeks behind at least... boo! what epp are u up to over there? i think we've seen the first one back from the break and thats it.. so was that 10 i think? maybe 11.. hmm boo!
from honestlyou :
I'm sorry that your review has taken so long. My reviewer Pat was supposed to orignally review you but she hasn't been reviewing in over a month - so I've decided to put her on a hiatus and take on all of Pat and Megan's (another idle reviwer) reviewees. So once again, I'm really sorry you had to wait abnormally long for a review. -Chaucee
from gia-darling :
Hey you might like my layout but you're talented enough to make your own AND it's so darn sexy I kinda wanna make love to it! (ohhhhhh fox!) ;-)
from foolosophy :
yeah i guess it was a goodun eh? bout time i had a real entry hey :p
from moodymess :
Hey Hey, I just did that last diary, and when I went to the "Analyzed" page on the site the picture wasn't working. I'm not about to try to fix that, so I figured I'd tell you so you could do it. ;)
from alter-bridge :
hey thanks! I love yours too!! :-) Ryan is so worthy. Thanks for the comment, I <3 em! take care :-)
from techrat :
don't worry, i got the image back up. i meant to host it myself, anyway, i just kind of forgot to. ^^
from imwideawake :
I know! I'd be jealous of me too! It is like a dream come true. How random is the weinermobile appearing in a small beach town that has a population of only 3,000 people?
from pastagirl :
And so I did :) Thanks for your note. Btw, you know that postcard I promised you? It's still in my bag, written and all. I wanted to send if from Italy but somehow I didn't, I do know that when I finally did get to the PO before we went to the airport, there were too many people and not enough time to stand in line. I WILL send it tomorrow. I MUST send it tomorrow LOL So, you'll hopefully receive an Italian postcard send from Holland very soon :)
from lttelamon :
As competitive as I am, it shocks you that I enjoy watching sports?
from lttelamon :
Thank you ever so much for the lovely card. :)
from mazed :
Thanks girly. =)
from iooi :
you're it!
from bettyford :
you couldn't see my entry because it was an interpretive artistic expression of how i was feeling at the time (invisible/nothingness/despair). yeah, it's a whole new writing style that spawned from interpretive dance. hahahahaha. no, i just f'd up. i really like your diary.
from sixelasauce : is the link... Don't say I did not warn you...she will get you that crazy Oprah...*wink (really I am not nuts, I just like to pretend I am...helps me through my day) laterness. :) Lex
from princesse69 :
Thanks for your lovely note. (((Hugs))) back!
from lttelamon :
Perhaps not. But lately I am thinking maybe that won't necessarily be the end of the world, after all. Then again, I think I've heard one too many stories about guys getting screwed over, lately.
from shopaholic34 :
you are most definitely lucky! :)
from gabriela83 :
Hey Som, just stopping by to say hi and hope you had a fun New Year's. Love, Gaby
from foolosophy :
hehe sorry babe but lj is the way of the future! im just uploading 2 videos i took on my camera, no sound alas, but u can see the big yabbies in the first one, and the little baby ones we released back into the damn :) ill put the link in a reply to ur lj comment, just so u have to go back again muhahahaha!
from shopaholic34 :
thanks for letting me know. i think i fixed it. for now anyway.
from starlight42 :
ok, ignore my previous note. I figured it out. Apparently the code was missing a <br>. The strange thing is that it didn't show up in the code they had, well, all they told you to do was view source. Oh well, figured it out, thanks!
from starlight42 :
Hey, I have a favor to ask of you! I'm trying to get a new design in my diary, I've been working with it in my test diary to work out the bugs...but something odd is going on. If you look at the index page here: everything looks normal, the top striped boarder is fine, but, if you look at my archives page, it is missing there. Well, I was going to at least get the index page in my diary tonight and worry about the other tomorrow, but when I entered the html in my starlight42 diary in the index page, all of a sudden the stripes at the top and bottom disappear there too! I can't figure out why because it's the exact html that works fine on the other diary. I was wondering if there's anything you can think of that would be causing this? Sorry to bother you, I just want to get this stupid thing right and it's giving me a headache! Plus, you're so smart at this stuff :)
from foolosophy :
hee happy 2006 to you babe :) im so lazy i still havent uploaded any pics... i should really get out of bed.. its 11.30 am.. HA im so slack :p
from gia-darling :
You've been tagged baby! Go to my diary and find out more. X
from lostgotheyes :
thnaks. :) i thought it was time for a change. i think my situation is as sad as i make it out to me--and sometimes i make it out to be sadder than others. because i do like most of my coworkers most of the time. and i start school tomorrow (yeah, i feel like i could puke from the anxiety and fear), so hopefully i'll meet some people...maybe even a real boyfriend (as opposed to my imaginary one).
from gia-darling :
It's quite funny cause I was going to come back to read your diary but was distracted by a banner...clicked it..and it was YOUR BANNER! What are the odds? Yeah my cat is pretty cool, too bad she only has 2 moods..adorable or psycho cat from hell! Happy New Year to you too.
from gia-darling :
Happy new year! hope your puppy lily is better behaved than my cat lily! :-)
from bitterwineuk :
Thank you for voting. I hope the smile at the end of the note you left says it was a happy season for you. Happy new year. becca.
from gabriela83 :
Its funny how you say the same thing every year! But it's true, it's odd how the seasons are so different and stuff. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas Som!!! Lots of love and send my best to Mike. Gaby.
from lostgotheyes :
hitler probably was a dumbass. but i'm a dumbass too. and he was scary and crazy. but it's interesting to watch shows about him, i think. i wish i could brainwash customers into using a little intelligence when they come shopping. but no one would ever fall for it.
from princesse69 :
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you! x
from starlight42 :
Happy Holidays honey, thanks for the card, it was so pretty!!
from groovn-girl :
I had to read this. Karma and I are close friends. Haven't see the Kong yet, but don't worry you didn't spoil the ending for me. It's kinda like, "Let me tell you how the Passion of the Christ ends". :-) (Trust me, someone will read this and not get that joke)
from groovn-girl :
I had to read this. Karma and I are close friends. Haven't see the Kong yet, but don't worry you didn't spoil the ending for me. It's kinda like, "Let me tell you how the Passion of the Christ ends". :-) (Trust me, someone will read this and not get that joke)
from foolosophy :
Hey I'd rather be known as Mr. Two weeks than Mr. Two MINUTES haha (and thats why you know im a great lay haha) :p
from moodymess :
Ok first. I'm with you on "King Kong", I don't really know if I liked it or not (and I loved LOTR.) I was mad Lumpy died too (but I love Adrien Brody.) Second...HAH! Did you see the latest post from the last girl you Analyzed?! She's super pissed, which I think was funny, because I agreed on a lot of the stuff you said. Go read it, I was quite amused. Cute dogs, btw. ;)
from gabriela83 :
I love your Christmas decorations!!!
from lostgotheyes :
that's a NICE paycheck! :)
from lostgotheyes :
yes; the cost really makes me regret that i am starting. (that and my boss' pissy reaction--he's known since i came back in july that i would be starting school next month.) maybe i should have just taken classes online through a community college...of course, then i'd need someone to support me for the rest of my life, and i don't have anyone to do that. i mean; journalist, stay-at-home artist, it's all good to me.
from moodymess :
Well, wonderfully, Zack begged on his knees for me to come to Xmas dinner; of course I agreed and he's out of the dog house. And second, the HTML on the pages isn't what I'm used to (which i found out after code.... wasn't working right on that page) so thanks for checking the little things-gimme another update or two before I'm perfect at it. ;)
from iooi :
here's a hint, it's near the bubbles!
from gabriela83 :
Thanks dear! Hope you can get that phone you want for Christmas! Love, Gaby
from lttelamon :
I wouldn't. I would trust the honesty of your word, and be horribly disappointed if it were broken.
from lttelamon :
If you can't promise anything, I can't give you anything. :)
from lttelamon :
Not unless you _promise_ not to send me a gift. :P
from moodymess :
Sweetness! More review wanters! I should get my done this weekend, maybe before. Finals are coming up though, so my week is hectic.
from moodymess :
I'm hoping someone else would've reacted how I did: we were sitting at his dinner table and his parents were talking about the Xmas dinner they're planning and his (crazy) aunt I've never met was going to be there, and so was his cousin and their family, and in reference to his aunt i said "oh good, well then i'll just stay at home to be safe" and he said "well good cause then I don't have to worry about you getting mad with me ignoring you because brian's here." I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT! I played cool until we went to leave his house and then i went berserk. i think i was justified a big of overreaction, if i do say so myself...
from lttelamon :
Can't help the way I feel. It just so happens that I am an expert at screwing such things up. You know how and why I write, so you know I wasn't looking for pity. Maybe I'll get it right someday.
from shopaholic34 :
thanks so much for telling me about how to fix my diaryland notes. i noticed it wasn't working. however, i still am not very good at html and didn't know how to fix it. thanks again!
from lostgotheyes :
no way--not unless my invisible, imaginary boyfriend buys it for me. i'll have to buy it myself...even though i really should save the money for school, which starts in precisely one month.
from moodymess :
I could totally review for you if you wanted! I'd love to do it! If you still need someone leave me a note or E-mail or something [email protected] or IM me; Shenanigans58
from foreword :
Thank you so very much ;)
from lostgotheyes :
no; especially when you want a $100 robotic t-rex and can't stop thinking about it...
from thedrink :
your story reminds me of the time my best friend and I had a cake fight at his 21st birthday. I don't really remember much of it, except that I woke up with cake everywhere!
from clownmom :
Hello There! :)
from ivyvalentine :
EEEEP! Hey hun, you are NOT a bad friend so dont even go's ok! Funny how we have soem of the same stuff on our list huh? I am a kid at heart, drop me an e-mail woman and let me know whats been up with you.
from iooi :
yes! it's a good thing for me. maybe like cool whip is for you.
from lostgotheyes :
mostly i talk about chad zimmerman (aka dragon warrior), my former lover. i sporadically miss him, though sometimes i don't give a fuck that he dumped me for no reason at all. and i do mention rez sometimes. he's funny. last spring, he would come up to the store on friday nights when amy and i closed to flirt with us. and bring us dinner.
from analyzers :
thanks for putting up with me.
from analyzers :
hey it's anna. yeah i'm sorry i'm lagging on the reviews. i forgot about them again. i reivewed the one under your name i'll probably do another one tomorrow. if you want to recruit another person that's fine, if you odn't wnat to that's fine as well.
from hiv :
hello! and omg @ your really hot layout. yawzers. ryan is too freakin' hot for his own good!
from lostgotheyes :
oh, it's incredibly painful. the sight/sound of him whimpering the the hospital made me want to puke. i don't know how long i can make the peanut butter thing last...i want so desperately to be as thin as i was when i was addicted to heroin...i have to give up something(s) and try to work out a lot more. i'm under the delusion that if lose twenty pounds, someone will magickally fall in love with me forever and everyone will think i'm absolutely gorgeous. it's just a little psychosis; it'll pass.
from frustronaut :
Actually, I am in denial. I was just fishing for compliments.
from cleo-boo :
ryan reynolds.. good choice (=
from iooi :
thanks somm
from clownmom :
Thank You!
from beckers-j :
Haha! Yes, cheese. ;)
from bi-pet :
hey! thank you for your note. if you ever make it to new zealand you are welcome to stay over at my place in australia...
from lostgotheyes :
the way i see it, there are two possibilities: 1) he'll have a slow, agonzing recovery or 2) he'll die. not sure which would be worse. i'm glad you eye's better.
from maaikeb :
last time I had it (three weeks ago) it only lasted half a day, luckily. if you think it's fading, it probably is :)
from moodymess :
GOD BLESS YOU for putting Ryan Reynolds on your profile. Can you update, like, a million times a day now, please?
from moodymess :
NO! KICK ANA IN THE FACE WITH ME! Gah, she's such a bitch I can't stand her. ;)
from cleo-boo :
I hide my belly in the photos ^^ really darling I do have one. must get rid off it. *hugs with her huge belly* (=
from foolosophy :
haha sorry babe, i meant does your boy(friend) use bit torrent to download lost epps? i realised you guys had a 2 week break for some reason so we arent behind at all.. fully up to date!
from lostgotheyes :
it's extremely small. and there's no counter space. just enough room to walk through it.
from sanityreview :
I noticed that you were on the pending list for another review site, if you'd like to have a review done feel free to pop by no one is waiting so it should get done fairly quickly.
from foolosophy :
hey i havent managed to download the last 2 epps. we are falling behind over here :( does the boy use torr3ntz or something else??
from wearethebody :
you're not the only one who thought it was a phase lol. but i stopped caring what people thought, and i have lost a few friends i guess because of what i talk about now.
from starlight42 :
That was a great guest entry! I loved it!! Thank you so much, it made me laugh. Oh, and I really dont' have that many readers, it's just that when people leave diaryland and still leave their diaries up, they still show up as buddies. That's the only way I have 169. Lots of people seem to add me too, but then never leave notes or anything, dont' know if they're reading. Anyway, have a great weekend!!!
from moodymess :
I KNOW! I watched it!! It's like; okay. I love Sawyer, he's a cutie, and in my dream world him and Kate are gonna totally start hooking up. But at the same time, this is the first time in forever someone on a show has been named Shannon-so of course I was all uber excited about that. But when it comes down to Sawyer vs. Shannon, I was kinda hoping it would be her. But I was sad, cause now Sayid is going to be very sad. And I hate Ana, or whatever her name is. She should die...
from techrat :
you are not missing much. i am just a tutor at college again. so pretty much whenever i am not in class, i am in one of the tutoring labs. like now! mornings are nice in that not many people like to come in this early.
from madrigle :
LMAO! Hammerhead??? that does sound like a pass. Thanks for signing.
from wearethebody :
you might be right Sommer, only time will tell. i'm not doing anything else.
from starlight42 :
well, I had two posts already today since my sunday poster was late. so, if you want to post later in the week? tomorrow or any other day.
from foolosophy :
hey hey good work on getting a sweet job :D man i need to pull my finger out and get myself a sweet job.. actually id just like to win lotto (lottery) just 3 mil au would be fine :p
from foolosophy :
but of course! its been a while since i really did one.. and i did play possibly one of the best games ever.. im still sore from it tonight haha.. i reaaallllyyy need to get fit.. time to lose all those beers i drank haha
from starlight42 :
yup, write about whatever you want. just make sure you mention who you are and stuff, so people aren't confused. i've added you for privledges to post, so when you post now you should see two boxes to choose from. fyi- once you post as a guest, you can't edit, it only lets you post. any day you want is good- except sunday, tuff517 is going to do that day. :) when you pick a day, let me know, that way if i get more yes's I can put people on seperate days. cool, this should be fun!
from starlight42 :
hey, did you get my note about the guest entry? let me know if you're interested. i've asked a few people, some said yes, some said no. but I'm trying to figure out who will do it and then what days. thanks! i'm in ohio this weekend so not sure how much internet access i'll have. i'll be back sunday night though.
from gabriela83 :
Ah, wonderful advice my dear. Thank you :0) Much love, Gaby
from gabriela83 :
Ok, I've sent you and email (to your gmail account) with the new pw and username, sorry about that! Thanks for asking too by the way. Lots of love, Gaby
from lttelamon :
You laugh, but I feel like it.
from cleo-boo :
I heart you.
from lemondrive :
You're back you're back~ Welcome Back~ =P
from lostgotheyes :
but i love them both! my only fear is that aidan is growing larger while taran remains scrawny. they seem to eat the same amount, so i'm just hoping that aidan isn't actually a pregnant female. maybe they're just different types. they both look male.
from starlight42 :
Hey there- I have been seeing these "guest entries" all over diaryland lately, and was thinking would be fun to do some in my diary. SO, was wondering if you'd be interested in doing one for me? Not sure how busy you are lately, but whatever day is good for you, either this weekend or next week. Let me know what you think :) Thanks!
from foolosophy :
haha made far more sense than my entry did haha.. how the hell are ya? ooh u just reminded me i need to try downloading the latest epp of lost.. it sucks being so far behind you guys with these things.. but man o man season 2 so far is killing season 1!
from evababy777 :
user: tinaturner pw: rose29bud
from lostgotheyes :
oh, but it is good. and i had fun pretending that i was the store manager yesterday. i just hope that no manager ever finds out or i might be in serious trouble. but that's what they get for hiding in their offices, leaving me out to deal with the customers, giving me keys, and making me wear a white shirt. my name tag says "coordinator;" not "manager," but what customer would understand such a long word? i've overheard so many of them saying in the past week, "oh, it looks like they already put amaranth in management; i'm so happy for her." funny.
from techrat :
yay! welcome back!
from evababy777 :
we should form a support group. :)
from gabriela83 :
It's gorgeous!!! I love the house Sommer, congrats. And I'm glad you're back!!! Love, Gaby
from iam-perfect :
Thanks for the love note snookums. xoxo.
from gabriela83 :
Wonderful to have you back!!!!
from imru :
Hey! thnx for the notes.... don't worry, I'm not anorexic or anything.... I'm still eating... just periodicly I don't.... lol don't ask me why.... not because I wanna loose weight really.... I just get sick satisfaction from not allowing myself to eat sometimes.... lol don't worry though.... : ) i'm adding you to my fav. list... sorry it took me so long to get back to you, i haven't been online much lately. welp, i hope to talk to you later... oh, yeah, i'm proud of your for figuring out the name of my diary.... nobody really get's it unless they read the book... lol : )
from gabriela83 :
from squareheart :
Hey what's up? havent heard from you in a while. Just thought Id drop you a line and let you know that I am still alive and almost back home in SD which is AWESOME! sucks about not having that connection though. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that after finally updated my page I was reminded that you signed my guestbook last and I was like what a douche biscut I am and that is what brings me here. Just wondering how things are going and make sure that life is sucking that hard. Laterz.
from gemichael :
Yeah, it was. Thanks :-)
from cyber-punk :
constantine was just BAD.
from gas-station :
why thank you!
from lttelamon :
"81. I always win at monopoly. Always. And Scrabble." I caught this while reading. I thought we settled this already, Sommer. You know you'll never beat me in Scrabble. :P
from lemondrive :
I had a friend who wrote letters to the other party but none was received
from boyecho :
sometimes i can be a young boy. and i like listening to things echo.
from lemondrive :
Lol.. Yeah. I could not go into internet the past 2 weeks cos no internet connection. Soon soon.. :P
from moodymess :
To totally prove what a dork I am, Marky Mark wasn't from the New Kids On The Block, his brother Donnie was (older, not as hot.) Marky Mark was the rapper from Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch...just thought I'd point that out. Y'Know, since I'm a big tool...
from gabriela83 :
Congrats Sommer! Its wonderful you found a new appartment! And I'm sure the job will come along before you know it!
from cleo-boo :
samewise.Those people..are freakin me out! *laughter* Sommer ,I'll be away for a week or so. You take care ,ok? *hugs and kisses* later.
from n-9 :
thanks for the note. in honor of it, i went to Target and dropped 175 simolians.
from asiwas :
from shopaholic34 :
hey there. i got your note but i was sort of puzzled by it lol. what did you mean by "cute is always good" or something like that?
from moodymess :
I don't mind being alone sometimes, but this house is so big, and when you're used to a six year old running around and screaming all the time things seem very different when she's not here for a few days. i've got my mama celeste pizzas and oprah keeping me company until friday, i should be okay. =D
from purplesage26 :
yea hunterpoo is my lil sis and sometimes it is hard to right about how I feel, cuz she can really piss me off sometimes but don't all siblings? Most of the time when she makes me mad I tell her off, we argue, and five minutes later we are fine again. LOL.
from lostgotheyes :
sounds like you have the same problem as me, but for the opposite reasons. we should revolt. force them to make bras that actually fit people.
from simplify :
Hi. Thanks for letting me know about the plug.
from foolosophy :
hahaha cheers :p already voted :D thanks for putting me in there *grins* well if the stu was single then im sure we could arange that spa :p
from collusion :
thank you. you're my first note in this recent reincarnation so you've technically de-virginised me. uh... congrats.
from thedetails :
Yeah I found the card, Hubby had hidden it in amongst the bills (stupid man) instead of with the medical stuff. From now on I think I'm just taking the family to the regular doctors office. Walk in clinics are supposed to be faster and what not. But I've never seen any difference in speed and the quaility of care always sucked there anyway. I usually only go there when I actually knew what was wrong or wanted a prescription renewed.
from svenhard :
not sure when you left the message, i've done a new one this afternoon though. my entries are a bit hit and miss as i don't always have anything to post and it can be weeks or months in between entries depending on how much actual work i have to concentrate on, and when i'm in the woods and don't have my laptop i generally can't be bothered. worse still, all the really really funny stuff that's generated in conversations between me and my mate are largely forgotten in the haze of dope smoke, if i can remember them later they'll get posted. if you're really stuck for stuff to read keep clicking 'previous' ! glad you like family guy, i think it's absolute genius.
from katiedoyle :
i'd prefer to be on track in a good way. you know, the kind of way where at this point in your life you're happy. kd
from wutevabitch :
thanks for the note! im just a crazy person in general and i try to express my personality as much as possible through my writing and stuff. your diary is pretty awesome yourself :D
from monkeysocks :
Yes, they definitely are. But that was kind of weird..I just entered that post & then you commented within 2're a speedy one! haha
from lostgotheyes :
no, i haven't seen the previews. but now i will have to look for them because it intrigues me. i'm extremely opposed to anti-psychotics and anti-depressants. i'm supposed to take a bunch of them everyday, three times a day, but i don't because i know i'm being overdosed. yes, when my heart starts to race like it's about to burst and i get shakey and achey and feel like i'm about to drop over dead everytime i pop those stupid pills, the only logical conclusion is that i'm being over-medicated. because once i quit taking them, i felt fine. funny.
from ivyvalentine :
A we lvoe Ivy club huh? Well I owuld preferr a cult, but either way I doubt anyone would join. Seriously, your so sweet though sis! I so need to be cheered up.
from svenhard :
aahhhh, i see now. actually, i've never used 'snuh' either but it's quite evocative for a four letter word. i love trees too which i why i'm a forester, this one died a noble death for a good cause, but as you weren't the only person to comment i think i may need to elucidate my position so as not to further incense other tree-huggers
from whystinger :
Thanks for the note. Your diary rocks! I was never sure she was taking money... I would open the wallet and be like, hmmm, didn't I have sixty bucks? where did the extra twenty go? To check and see if I was losing my mind... I simply cleaned out my nightstand and started to toss my wallet in there. Hmmmm, problem seemed to stop... Was it me or her??? This only occurs when her depression is flairing up.
from squareheart :
::PSSSSST:: You, yeah you, I signed your guestbook! Rock the Casbah!
from hcafc-adam :
Eh, its not updated much. I try, I really do! But I have nothing of interest, or anything remotely great and sexy to say since it's summer, amd I've just slept 15 hours a day,. So, yeah. Anddd thanks, and that's about all really, except I'll look at your diary in the morning, when it's not 2am.
from hcafc-adam :
First: I bow, and accept your applause and all that. Second: Do I know you? Third: Lilo and Stitch is the best.Also, Homeward Bound is the greatest movie ever, and will be added if/when I can be bothered.
from ishouldcry :
i've updated the story but you may have to got to archives as it appears to be stuck on pt1. go to archives on my page then there's 2 entries the same where I've tried to alter the title name. This may not be necessary by the time you get there but I just thought I'd warn you.Becca
from cleo-boo :
(= *hugs*
from thedetails :
Yeah, I guess my profile is kind of long. I wonder if I can win any awards for that??? Like my name says, I'm all about the details.
from madrigle :
Thanks! I appreaciate that. you made my day. :)
from vickithecute :
You left me a comment on my workcrush diary but I'm too lazy to sign out and then sign back in again so I'll leave you a note under this name and that should answer your question ::grins:: I'm running workcrush incognito since my friends, family and fiance read my real diary (this one, natch) and I need a place to just be silly and giggly because I am still totally boycrazy. That's really cool that you recognized the writing style though - I had no idea I was so distinctive. (Oh, and I should have mentioned this before, but I LOVE your layout!)
from icyjewel :
Wow, thanks for the compliment you left on my last entry. That made my day! I shall return in the favor in saying---your template kicks ASS! I used to have a Family Guy layout on my old diary. Family Guy is the best.......
from hissandtell :
Humph. I've been computerless for days on end and finally got around to thanking you for your amusing comments at my place - only to discover I've been dropped AGAIN! Sigh, moan and double-pout. (So glad - and relieved - I made your links list, though.) Love you no matter what, darling! Smoochiepies, R xxx
from evababy777 :
yay, i was completely over him by the time he came out, but it was such a shocker. i thought i had better "gay-dar."
from mazed :
i wrote an entry just for you. =)
from hurley3 :
hey, i don't know what you ment by what you said in my note. Explain? lol
from golfwidow :
Diaryland's lack of attention to service has left off being annoying and become a constant source of amusement at this point. I love making fun of how they ignore tech support tickets. Any other company who did that would have been out of business years ago.
from bigedtheory :
Very true. But the sad thing is... I still haven't learned my lesson. Go figure.
from lostgotheyes :
thanks. it's nice to hear positive feedback on that type of anecdote...for once. and trent is an awesome name; i totally agree. if i were a guy, i would want to be named trent. heck, i want my name to be trent now, regardless of the gender issues it might raise. but anyway, i've been told that i am fatally attracted to men named trent and chad. and i have to agree on that one because it seems like every guy i fall for is either named trent or chad (rez's real name is chadwick rezin), and i never come out of a relationship with any particular desire to live. which is why i try not to become attached to the guys i sleep with. it could always be worse.
from bettyford :
i guess we'll just have to wait and see which one of us dies first.
from luckeme :
Hey. Thanks for the note! Work BLOWS. :) Sometimes I'd rather be not home, and not at work. (Like the pool, or the mall, or in the back of some dark alley getting hit on my strange.... oh. nevermind. I wasn't supposed to tell you about that.) ;) xox!
from pastagirl :
Oh god... I just left you a GB message and I managed to LOL four times...
from evababy777 :
you know, i'm not even going. i'm going out of town tonight to pick up my new (to me) car. i just trying to figure out if i was right about the stares and about him liking me, but i wasn't. phew!!! :)
from monte-carlo :
Thanks for the message but I'm not 15 lol I'm 20. Ya its fun when they dont have a point.
from lologoldfish :
well, in that case my fellow spinster, bite me! i like your diary =) xXx
from svenhard :
without knowing which one you're referring to i'll have to sayyyyyyy, yes. or maybe no, or possibly.....snuh.
from imazook :
Thank you for the note!:) Oh, I know there is nothing wrong with being a hick...I've just never talked about cows in an entry before. I guess that it (talking about cows) really sealed the deal when it comes to being a hick.
from lologoldfish :
how did you find me? -slightly scared- and hello =) yay a friend! xXx
from maaikeb :
oh yeah, I remember... yeah, VEEERRRRYYYY tired. but still glad to know you're feeling better!
from buffylass :
Aww that's maybe a wee bit harsh, my department are usually pretty good about giving a shit.
from lostgotheyes :
i'm sorry your computer sucks. if it's any consolation, i'm struggling to use my father's since i don't have the net on my laptop anymore. and my computer is much nicer and faster than his, so it's an adjustment, to be sure.
from shopaholic34 :
thanks. well i've been a lifeguard for 3 years. it's one of the things we learn in first aid training. i'm surprised i remembered it though.
from shopaholic34 :
hey thanks! i like the layout too. however, i do not know how long it will last. i have this weird habit of changing things. i don't know why. but i guess i just like change.
from radiogurl :
Sounds like you might want to look for another job - did you try temp agencies? They are pretty good to get you into decent work places and they generally pay fairly well. When I lived in the Phoenix area I registered at two temp agencies, volunteered to work whatever places they sent me. Between the two agencies, I worked almost constantly, and you have the option to do temp-to-perm stuff. I chose *not* to do that because I was just filling time until I started working for Accented Turdheads & Thumbsuckers.
from lackoforder :
I meant "drunken". Guess I'm the one that needs to lay off the sauce.
from lackoforder :
Aww, a dunken serenade. Thanks, you're the best.
from evababy777 :
i found out that guy passed the bar and didn't need the extra time. :) otherwise, you're right... lawsuit! and yes, the cc are awesome!!!! i've been in love with them since i was in middle school!
from radiogurl :
Thank you for your note - and for the peek at your diary. I didn't experience quite what you did, but I spent a lot of years essentially unable to talk to my sister. And it sucks. Fortunately that situation has somewhat been righted, in our case, but it cost about twelve years of our lives...
from lostgotheyes :
i'm sorry my pets weren't moving. i don't know what could have happened; i was just playing with them, and they worked fine...even cutzyn's fishing pole. anyway, we should totally move somehwere together. where do you want to go? i got promoted to coordinator. okay, okay; back-up coordinator. but i seem to be doing it full-time, regardless of what steve says. and as long as i have my key, i can coordinate anytime. ah, the power to give overrides...
from imru :
thanks! like your family guy template, lol that's what it is, isn't it? : ) need to watch more t.v lol
from breakthedark :
Thanks for visiting and the compliment ;)
from lttelamon :
It's okay. You'll appreciate the next one more when it comes, this way. It's all about building anticipation. THAT is why I have... like 4 readers. I'm that awesome. Luckily they're an *amazing* 4 people.
from prohibited :
I hope, too, that things work out for your brother. P.S. Love your layout!
from starlight42 :
i hope things work out for your brother soon. (hugs)
from golfwidow :
Yeah. That was Voltaire before it was Family Guy. I'm pretty sure. They didn't have TV back then. But thank you.
from ishouldcry :
which one is your review site? Would you review me in the future.bitterwineuk would be a better one to review as more history and entries. If you finding it hard to keep up, I would help you with reviews if you like, the offers there if you want it. Becca
from maaikeb :
I knew YOU would agree! thanks for the plug. that is a beautiful letter to your brother, I hope he takes you advise and life will get better from this point on, not only for him, but for your whole family.
from ishouldcry :
thanks for the plug at my other diary, feel free to check it yourself. ( hehehehe, plugging myself now. Thank you again and have a good week. Becca
from moodymess :
I know, our note-tagging is getting a little ridiculous; but when I saw that your favorite person in "Sin City" was Marv I had a heart attack. Isn't he just the greatest! He's like a big old teddy-bear. Lol, well, I figured I'd pass that on. Glad you're having a good time in FLa.
from thedrink :
no, *YOU* are *MY* sushine! ;)
from italktowalls :
Oh Sommer, you're absolutely fabulous. Your suggestion worked!
from lttelamon :
As people demand more, more will be made. Eventually the market will find some equilibrium at which point a good portion of those that want alternative energy cars will be able to purchase them. Demand for gasoline will decrease in correlation to this, so this ever expanding cycle of soaring gas prices cannot continue forever. When alternative fuel vehicles' efficiency surpasses their cost, people will buy them. It's already happening.
from lostgotheyes :
i analyze my own behavior all the time, actually. my shrink is amusing, though. he has severe mental issues and an extremely unhealthy obsession with trent reznor. i see him for a few weeks, and then i tire of his drivel and refuse to schedule another appointment for several weeks, and then i miss trying to get a word in edgewise (he talks far too much), so i call him up again. like everyone else, he can't figure out what's wrong with me or why the medication never worked. but i do sometimes.
from evababy777 :
no interesting facts yet, but i'm bound to find something! i'll keep you posted. :)
from punkgirl007 :
no..i dont act in any way...i just dont think they get me they used too...they think of me as the silly one...and when im telling them something important to me they blow me off..and think im bree
from lostgotheyes :
cool. i'm glad you like my pets. they will be attending the party, of course. and if the house gets torn up in the process...well, i think we've lived here long enough anyway and it's time to move on.
from golfwidow :
I'm not sure you mean me. I don't watch "Family Guy." Last person I quoted in someone's comments was Voltaire ... I'm pretty sure that's not it.
from shopaholic34 :
yeah i know but i'm still in high school. lol. i know stuff like that will be crazy expensive once i hit college...
from wickedcrazy :
Glad you got there safely.
from lemondrive :
from lemondrive :
Mmm.. Have not done this yet........ Thank you for the link! ^^
from glazecovered :
Hey, so nice to hear from you, I often wondered what was going on with you and if you were going to come back. I don't have a new diary, I have a bunch of accounts in different spots though. I use the most, but not lately. If you want to chat and whatnot, my email is still [email protected] and I have MSN Messenger. ;)
from hissandtell :
Thanks for your note - I'm wonderfully flattered and grateful that you read me; I checked you out the other day but when I tried to leave a note, the bloody computer went off-line and swallowed it! Anyway, I have you all ready to link to in my next entry - but you've taken me off your buddy list, darling! Sigh. Nevertheless, I shall come back and read more of your writing when I get more time. Thanks again. Love, R xxx
from chubbychic :
Thanks for the link. I have to say that I largely agree with him. On the other hand, I believe that 'personal responsibility' should take precedence over companies having to promote public health.
from punkgirl007 :
thanks of the add...its cool that you like my diary!! thanks bree
from star-cross-d :
i do not beleive you! i beleive there is a dress out there for everyone. thats the real soul mate. the perfect dress.. and those skinny and perfectly proportioned people that always look good in dresses. their the dress mate tramps. damn them! *shakes fist*
from hunterpoo :
Dang, you went and moved. I always love peekin in to see what you've done with your template. I love the family guy one. Actually I just plain love family guy. Good luck with the move!
from lostgotheyes :
thank you. i occasionally try...just not very hard. and how on earth do you spell "occasionally?" that doesn't look right at all.
from wearethebody :
wearethebody is short for "we are the body of Christ".
from devilish- :
i didnt understand your note, but thanks for leaving it?
from silver-blue :
Aww, I was expecting some abuse in regards to my banner misleading you or something. I'm glad I was wrong :)
from devil-jay :
Since I am a chick myself: yes I'd prefer living with girls.
from evababy777 :
i've created 37 total, but i only run about 10 of them... i test each one out to see if i get a response. if not, i nix them.
from iooi :
hey!! i like your new name.
from foolosophy :
hehehe hey girl how u doin? hope the pack and move goes ok, sucks that u have to :( i worked about 44 and something hours lastnight which for me is quite a bit, im a lazy ass and not used to working more than 38... and to make it worse it was all working on that stupid program that didnt do what it was meant to *kicks it* haha tina thinks that she is the only aussie woman to be having sex with me and i think she is right :D *whispers* although i dont think id mind being a manwhore hehe!
from evababy777 :
so that must mean i have interesting banners, no? :)
from techrat :
why you always gotta be changing things, huh? can never stay in one place for too long! ^^ and you know how when you click on the "change your template" link, and then there are several more options? if you click on the third one down, that is just font type and size and such for the individual entry titles on the archives page. so that is where i changed it!
from shopaholic34 :
yeah it is pretty great. that sucks that yours isn't the same. not that my family is perfect, oh boy. it is truly dysfunctional. i believe all families are in some way or other.
from moodymess :
greatest template ever, holy crap i'm so jealous
from xratedx :
thank you for reading my diary :) i like yours aswell.
from lostgotheyes :
i figure anything i might have said would have gone straight over that carnie's head. wow, that rhymes. weird.
from ghettoopera :
good luck on moving and everything! i wish you all the best.
from gabriela83 :
Never been to France. So why did you move this time Sommer?!?
from buffylass :
It probably is something like that. Bloody annoying for me though, seeing as I hadn't done enough work to warrant even five minutes of talking.
from lemondrive :
Secondish! Haha... Wah.. must have taken lots of time moving a lot of your entries
from lackoforder :

back to somstar's profile
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