messages to soulstyce:
(click here to add new message):

from miame :
After a long hiatus I am back. I look forward to your updates...I hope that "he", whoever he is, lands in your lap soon.
from the-grey-one :
"I can only counter that with walls built on top of walls, and I become more isolated, more alone, and more desperate to finally connect somewhere along the line to someone. " these are only a small fraction of the words i read of yours that i loved.
from minstrelite :
Also just visiting. You write really well, and your world is addictively interesting. I thought I left you a note a couple years ago, but maybe not. I recognized your name four or five days ago and started reading again. About the use of logic, it's interesting how people who don't/can't use it very well nonetheless recognize it when they see/hear it. I think they experience a sense of inferiority at such moments, and so in the case of your employer, that could definitely spell bad vibes.
from svenhard :
hi, just visitin. you write very well, a pleasure to read indeed, i agree that cats bunnies and weed form a solid foundation for life, everything else is just topping, and fat is sexy, all normal men know that and appreciate, chin up miss, tata
from xxholding-on :
hey i saw you were online and i really wanted the vote from diaryland members towards an art contest i joined. It's a coach marketing contest and i need as many votes as i can get, please help! In addition I just wanted to say this is not spam, its self promotion and I need as much help possible. Thanks again!
from netee :
amazing stuff!
from elliestuff :
hang in there. hope things get better.
from sinslaidbare :
Hi there! Thanks so much for the add... it must have slipped by me, or I would have gotten to you much sooner than I have! And about the Peter Steele thing in your profile: Can I have him when you're done with him? Yeah, I'd like that. A LOT. Have a great day! ~Zoe
from cdghost :
hey i enjoyed reading your words, all the best..thecdghost
from one45 :
For two years I ran a bbw romance group in yahoo for bbw's in texas, I had over 600 members and new people were always shocked at how many of those members were gorgeous, intelligent, successful men. I think beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, but it took me A LONG TIME after gaining weight to realize this. Good luck with your dating! Raine
from corin82 :
Yes, the people boots are awesome. Did you ever have people come up to and joke that their pictures were on your boots? Or do I just attract people with very sophisticated senses of humor?
from miame :
from final137 :
You don't know me.. but Merry Christmas.
from dukkha-tanha :
Any leftovers? I'll come over and eat them and help you pick out a cool course to take too. ;)
from dukkha-tanha :
Good for you, I'm glad you are starting to feel better about it now. It'll get easier as time goes on. =)
from herdarlinsin :
from dukkha-tanha :
Someday, you'll be glad this happened. And someday will be sooner than you think. Of course, I realize this means nothing to you now. Allow yourself to "mourn" the loss of him, you need to. =)
from dukkha-tanha :
Good luck. You're gonna need it. Totally put him on the spot and go by your gut, not what he says.
from dukkha-tanha :
Let's get an apartment together and abandon the men. You don't mind kids, do ya? ;)
from tigerlvr6231 :
For some reason and I don't know why, but my buddy list never shows you as if you had updated HMMM.
from dukkha-tanha :
OMG. Degenerate addict or not, that should be the last straw! You know it's over're significant other smokes your stash! It reminds me of when my ex from high school and I were breaking up, I stole and smoked the very last of his weed and that was it for us. I did it to be a total bitch, and he was beyond bullshit with me. I still don't regret doing it, though, he was a dink. ;)
from dukkha-tanha :
What happened to him? I can relate, I lost my mom long before she actually died. Now you need to get some books on grief and loss and mourning. The one I read was called "Motherless Daughters", and it helped me immensely. =)
from dukkha-tanha :
I read this after I replied to your email...if you need any help, I will be more than willing to. =)
from dukkha-tanha :
"Everyone wants me to dump JC"...but you have to be ready to. I was with my ex for almost three years, approximately two of which (maybe more) "everybody" wanted me to dump him too. Hindsight is 20/20, and now I see why. If one person says dump him, that might be their problem, but when it's everyone you know, well, they're concerned and want what's best for you and can clearly see what's NOT best for you. But ultimately, it's your choice, and you'll make it when you're ready. =)
from dukkha-tanha :
OMG. Just reading the name Bill Clinton makes me smile. =)
from dukkha-tanha :
Did you talk to the Nazi credit card company to see if you can get your payment lowered at all? They *might* work with you. Credit cards are evil. I refuse to possess one. They do prefer anal rape. Sooner or later, everything will work out. And that MAN, good lord. I'm not one to say get rid of him, but...he's really not doing you much good, is he? I just say this because, like I mentioned before, he sounds like my ex so damn much and you sound like me back then. Best thing I ever did was get rid of him. It did take me a long time to do it, though. Take care.
from i-am-jack :
I emailed you a password. ;^}'
from dukkha-tanha :
It sounds like you're living with my ex. And I'm sorry.
from xnavygrrl :
My pal, keep the password handy. It's only for a week that i gotta keep everyone locked out. I'm on a mission. They messed with the wrong female!
from tigerlvr6231 :
Right now I'm on a mission to finish off poppit, but other wise, I'm usually in tri peaks, lottso and casino Island Black jack. How about you? If your ever on, and you want to come find me, my sn is whitetiger062301 :) Have a GREAT day!
from tigerlvr6231 :
Just dropping a note, I had you on my fav's on my old diary. Hope you don't mind if I add you again. Have a great day!
from dukkha-tanha :
I miss it too. And I'm frickin married. That "in love" crap doesn't seem to last. But it's great while it lasts. =)
from dukkha-tanha :
They never change. Well, rarely, anyway. I can remember all too well waiting for my ex to come home from his "good time", and I can totally empathize.
from herdarlinsin :
Youre mind is very intriguing dearest. I enjoyed yoru entry about your dream, bizarre as it may be, its still very entertaining and I didn't find anything wrong with your dream worold at all. Other than McD's. :P That place alone will drive a young person into a nursing home.
from herdarlinsin :
The first thing I thought of when I glanced at the name of yoru entry was weed. Be a good little doobie now lol *muah*
from herdarlinsin :
And I never noticed until just this minute that you had Letti on yoru buddy list. God I miss her terribly. I swear 99% of my diary is to her. But she'd never know that because I'm always the odd girl out.
from herdarlinsin :
You're funny but so damn sweet. Thank you for the note. I don't write many e-mails that often. But if you're ever online like MSN or Yahoo or the like, let me know. I promise to send youa message.
from herdarlinsin :
You are NOT second hand trash. You're only allowed to be second hand trash if Michael Jackson is your daddy, and since we know he isnt, there you go. *muah*
from dukkha-tanha :
Hey, thanks for adding me. It only took me reading three entries of yours to convince me to add you. I liked the bit about the 8 Clinton years. It made me weepy for the 90's. Anyway! Take care and shit! =)
from herdarlinsin :
Thank you for adding me. I shall do the same
from herdarlinsin :
Sorry I missed your birthday, but youre still awesome. Rock on.
from herdarlinsin :
Sorry I missed your birthday, but youre still awesome. Rock on.
from hissandtell :
Ooops. Sorry I missed your birthday. Nevertheless, I do hope you're feeling thinner, richer and happier already! Love, R xxx
from spiffle :
XD Thanks for the note!! Happy Birthday for the monday. ^^
from blackgiraffe :
Only an hour left where I'm at, but perhaps over for you- Happy 23rd Birthday!!! Isn't it nice turning 23 on the same day? February 7th... I feel no older.
from cindreviews :
Cinderella Reviews is a brand new review site. So if you would like a review please come and check us out at . We hope to be hearing from you soon. Thank You!
from asphixian :
Tell your boyfriend to get his lazy ass outside and shovel you a walkway, geez
from asphixian :
I'm glad your my best friend, and I'm glad you know the real me. Thanks for never giving me that feeling every other person gives me. You may be *the* funniest fucking cunt I've ever known. And i think your fucking thank you for ten years of fun fun times, i love you very much :) Hopefully neither of us will die and we can have ten more years of getting stoned and laughing at life.
from whatloveisnt :
I would have been pissed too. I hope your doing better :)
from pharie :
me + reading you = :)
from hissandtell :
Good morning! I've been meaning to drop by to say hello, and to thank you for adding me to your buddies' list. You have an interesting way with words - I've read a few of your older (early) entries and look forward to catching up on more recent events in your life. Love, R xxx
from curiouoso :
Sorry, I'm sure you'll like Midnite too, but I sent that to the wrong person. Anyway, He wants to be the most famous non-moviestar dog in America! Curiouoso*
from curiouoso :
The Big Black Bastard wants to say Hi! We both know it's not what it sounds like... Curiouoso.
from whatloveisnt :
I hope you and have a good new year! Good Luck to your boyfriend!
from miame :
Hi there! Thanks for stopping in. I've started reading a little of your diary here and there and hope to have some time this weekend to finish. You have a very unique writing style....I like it. *Hugs* Sandy
from whatloveisnt :
Merry Christmas to you too!!!
from whatloveisnt :
I can relate to everything you feel. I hope it gets better. I also hope that your christmas is a good one!
from avataroftiff :
Thanks for the note! Since then I've been reading your diary. It's beautifully and simply designed - very nice work. Now, about that dog toucher guy...isn't there some kind of law against animal sexual abuse? I'll look it
from curiouoso :
Send me an email @ [email protected] to get your password for my diary. I had to lock it. Curiouoso*.
from whatloveisnt :
bummer you have to lock it :( but thanks :)
from soulstyce :
Sorry, panic back soon, promise!
from la-the-sage :
Hi! Thanks for listing me. Look forward to seeing you around. ~LA
from whatloveisnt :
ohhhhhhhh, isn't that the most annoying thing in the world when they can't call, I made and entry like that too, i was so annoyed, I yell everytime, and we've been together for 5 1/2 yrs. You'd think he would learn, "hmmmm don't call the wife, gonna get bitched at" but no it don't work that way. I think it is the male ego. I hope things get better. :-)
from omnipre5ence :
It makes me...awfully sad...when people don't call.
from whatloveisnt :
Wow, Ya know that is the one I found last night, I actually fell asleep to it *just* after I downloaded it. I am going to have to add you to my favs. I started reading, now I can't stop so I hope it's okay with you :) Have a good one. :-)
from xnavygrrl :
Hey, you crack me up. You are so much braver going to the dentist than I am. I am such a weinie. By the way, I'm Missy.
from xnavygrrl :
Hey, you crack me up. You are so much braver going to the dentist than I am. I am such a weinie. By the way, I'm Missy.
from whatloveisnt :
Hey thanks for the note. At least someone knows how rather annoying it can be. Take care and have a great night :-)
from queenoftorts :
Just wanted to say thanks for your note from a while back. Yeah, I think I'd have to vote for Hilary as well ...
from jackthripper :
Email me if you want the password to my diary [email protected]
from sourballs123 :
bad religion and stephen king i like them too
from jackthripper :
Don't get me wrong. It wasn't a bad word I left for you with my previous note. Perhaps I am just too curious for my own good. I noticed too that Eddie Izzard splits your sides. I love him too. There's something phenomenally wonderful about the way he plays out the world's history so quickly and in such a comical way. But then, you already know this:)
from watery-tears :
Hey thanks for your note! I totally's so hard to understand why people voted the way they did!
from jackthripper :
I like the sharpness you reveal. Your love for Anne Rice and your hate for vampiric goths makes me ponder what goes on in your mind...
from byebyekitty :
I can now say that I'm actually scared to live in America for the next 4 years with Bush in power.
from starzero :
the tide will turn, and we will reap our vengeance. wether it's a ballot box or a gun, things must change.
from slashrgrrl71 :
Hey- thanks for reading and understanding. I was having a Mega Diva moment then. I am still in a minor diva snit, but better. Especially since it's a much smaller lead now than when I wrote. Still, I am looking at other places. It's sad, and I love my country, but not this fool in office now. I am still hoping for the best for John.
from niceguymike :
Yeah, the guy who works in the next building is Canadian and said he's maintaining his Canadian citizenship so he'll have someplace to escape to if things get bad. I'm not sure living in another country would be much better, but living under the Shrub Regime is pretty hard to take right now.
from acuttersedge :
wisdom teeth do suck.... i loooved when they took mine out though ... i could have slept forever .... actually ... i did. lol. hope the pain goes away soon!
from fridayfilms :
Hey, thanks! I've never been <3ed by a reader before. I'm going to check out your diary too.

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