messages to spazchick98:
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from acidinferno :
Hey Gal- It really sucks that your not going to update anymore, but I would like your new journal name, perhaps I'll start a new one as well. I really like the picture you have up. It looks like you got your lip pierced I got mine pierced too in the same place about a month or so ago how strange. Anyways I'm really going to miss you!.!.
from carbonbased :
Once upon a time you took a survey. You were asked a question. You answered that indeed, no, carbonbased is not "soooo hot". I have heard that revenge is a dish best served cold and therefore, after biding my time, I'm here to deliver this: "Oh yea? Well FuCk YOUuuuuu, Man!" personally to you, spazchick98. End Transmission.
from scarstrucked :
Holy shit, that "I'm so goth" thing you put in your diary is the funniest thing I've read in a while. The funniest part is that I do complain sometimes about my blacks not matching..haha.
from acidinferno :
Hello- Thanx for adding me to your favorites, I enjoy yours as well. It seems as though we have alot in common. So I added you to mine!.!.! (thanx again for reading)
from krazykrick :
Woah ... that sucks ... why are you there? If it is too personal than you dont have to tell me ... talk to ya laterz!
from krazykrick :
hey hey - you dont have to be sorry. i am just a bitch like that some times. Thanx for reading my diary and i'll be sure to read yours -- AND!!! all in all it was cool you appologized because honestly i was expecting a nasty reply from you and like anyone else, I don't like to hear anything negative, but thanx again for bein so cool and I'll be sure to check out your diary. tah tah
from krazykrick :
not obsessed fan - didnt even leave a comment for every entry ... there were too many to read and type about - by the way, only reason why i did that was to prove i read all the entries but like i said b4, never got the chance to, i dont even remember where i left off :-)
from crackheadred :
dood..the pix are up from the festival...peace!

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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