messages to spoildangelz:
(click here to add new message):

from coronagrl69 :
hey girl. how've you been? thinking about you. seeing how life is. how the man and baby are.
from beachbride06 :
You DO know that everythign i think of smirnoff i think of you ang! :) Can you psot pics or email them to me of cadence? I love yuour family! when is your man back.. i feel like it has been SOOO long, who si beanie? :)
from sleepy-gurl :
Hey girl! I tried emailing you for a username and password but never got a response! Hmmm. Well, I would love to keep reading you. I cleaned up my friends list but I really hope to catch up on your life! email me! [email protected]
from coronagrl69 :
I hope you have a great holiday and hope that you get everything you've wanted... Merry Christmas to you, Bri and Cadence
from coronagrl69 :
Hope you enjoyed your holiday... wondering how you were doing. Keep me posted!
from saveahorse :
That is so pretty!!! I wish I could come up with such elagent words! I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and Bri. My brother is going back to Iraq in a month or so for the second time and I know that the first time was the scariest 9 months of my life! Good luck and god bless!
from coronagrl69 :
hey girl, hope you are doing ok... one day at a time. Just wanted to let you know hoe much your letter to Bri touched my heart. I cried here at work lol. All the best... Robyn
from coronagrl69 :
Hey there, Im sorry to hear about this. I hope that this year goes by fast for you! You've always been an independent woman and I know that you will be able to make it through!!! :) I will pray for him!
from singlegirl :
Wow, that would be hard. I can't imagine being away from Jeremy for a year. You'll get through it least you have Cadence.
from coronagrl69 :
hey girl, can i get the pw too? [email protected] thanks! hope all is going well for you.
from jennlynn24 :
Ang.. i dont remember your password or user id either! its been so long! MIss reading about you!!!! email me [email protected]
from singlegirl :
I don't remember your password! May I please have it again? [email protected]
from aliboomboom :
I always think that you stopped updating so I take you off my buddy list and then I just randomly see that you are updating again!! I love Real World, I am glad that Danny and Melinda are hooking up. I love that. As for the "voice of reason", she obviously hates me so why read me? It's just tasteless because she obviously went out of her way to get my password and then she won't even leave her real name or her diary information. Okay, what exactly are you scared of? I didn't really think she ever made any sense. I mean me liking Brandon doesn't have anything to do with the fact that I hate being single, ya know? I mean I can love being single as much as I can but if someone that could change me for the better comes along, of course I'll let them in. I just don't see what the two things have to do with each other. Do you?
from aliboomboom :
You guys are so cute. I love all the pictures!! I'm glad that you are staying so busy. I'm sure that you are going nuts without Cadence. I was only away from Griffin for four days and it killed me. I'm sure it's nice to have someone that you trust to help you parent though. I'm glad Brian is such a good daddy.
from singlegirl :
Can I have the password please? [email protected]
from jennlynn24 :
How is Cadence doing? how old is she now? I miss your updates, i know you are a busy mommy!!! thanks for still reading.. love ya girl!
from aliboomboom :
The house sounds just perfect. I can't believe that he is going back to Iraq, that sucks. ANd he'll really be gone for a year? Yuck. I'm so sorry to hear that.
from singlegirl :
username = punk, password = rock.
from singlegirl :
Wow - I'm glad Cadence is going to be okay. The house sounds amazing. Jeremy and I are still in an apartment so the thought of having a house sounds heavenly. Take care and get a Gold membership! :)
from soverycherry :
I hope you had a good birthday!
from singlegirl :
Happy birthday! You should post pictures of the baby!
from aliboomboom :
Sure, it's nice of him but he's her father and it's his responsibility to be capable of taking care of her. I doubt he says "how nice of her" every time you take care of her. Just remember that. Don't feel like he's doing you some huge favor!
from aliboomboom :
Sounds rough, I'm sure she's beautiful though and absolutely worth all the pain. Don't worry I couldn't remember the pain from Griffin if I tried. It's just one of those things that you totally forget.
from coronagrl69 :
congrats girl, i am so happy for you and brian. good luck with everything
from singlegirl :
Yay! Congratulations. I'm sure you'll be feeling better soon. Please post pictures of your little one and update soon if you have time (yeah, right). I love hearing baby stories!
from soverycherry :
Oh wow, congratulations!! I am so excited for you! Anyway, my pain went away in about a week and a half/two weeks. It's so frustrating at first though because you want to get up and run around and do things and you can't because of the horrific pain, ugh. That's the worst part. You should be feeling better in no time, though, I promise! :)
from aliboomboom :
Congratulations!! You must post pictures soon!! Hopefully the pain will go away soon. It wasn't that bad for me but I know nothing about ceseareans!!
from jennlynn24 :
Holy shit i am soo happy for you!!! congrats!!! more details please... esp how your life has changed, how cadence is.. and pictures! CONGRATS!!!!!!! LOVE YA!!!!!Q
from sleepy-gurl :
from chulababy :
ahhh! i've missed soooo much of your life!!! i've been gone for like 5 months, and look at that! the baby's gonna be born already! i hope everything turns out right! luv ya!
from coronagrl69 :
soon!!! im so excited lol i cant wait to hear how everything went... hope everything goes well... and you will have to put up some pics of your new family! you are going to have a family of your own! congratulations! :) talk to u soon!
from singlegirl :
Won't be too long now. My boss had her baby before Christmas and she was 100% effaced and dilated for a few weeks before she had hers. I know it seems like such a long wait, but as she said, baby will come when she's good and ready. I'm so excited for you.
from coronagrl69 :
hey girl, she's coming soon and i'm so excited and happy for you! i'm sure she will be so beautiful! merry christmas and happy new year!!! Can't wait to hear from you and good luck!
from soverycherry :
I hope you had a good holiday! Also, I love the name Cadence; that was a name I considered if my baby had been a girl! Good luck to you!
from betchy :
just wanted to say have a very merry christmas xxx
from aliboomboom :
Merry Christmas!! I hope that your holidays are happy and that you are surrounded by loved ones. Just think next year, you'll be a mommy!!
from betchy :
wow i cant believe its only 21 more days. when i first started reading you it was like over a hundred days or something! i bet she will be absolutley beautiful. you are so lucky xxx
from sleepy-gurl :
awww i can't wait for the baby to come! waking up every 2-3 hours might be your body starting to get used to having a newborn around - you'll have to wake up that much to feed her!
from aliboomboom :
It sounds like things are really coming together. Save some of those gift cards for diapers and formula, it gets to be quiet expensive. As for two carseats, you could really get by with one carseat and two bases. Its' cheaper and that's what I do. Plus she'll only be in it for a while and then you'll have to get toddler seats and you'll probably need two of those because they stay in the car unlike the carrier. Oh and I have a Eddie Bauer carseat, they are so heavy!! But very attractive so it balances out. Anyways good luck!!
from aliboomboom :
It's so exciting to be pregnant but it's also really fun once they get here. I can't wait to see pictures of Cadence. YOu make think that you have a month and a half left but Griffin was a month early so don't count on that much time. It could happy any day now. Anyways Good luck and happy thanksgiving.
from betchy :
thanks for the birthday wishes! and didnt you think that Van Helsing was good though?
from aliboomboom :
Don't feel bad about feeling that way in regards to the whole pregnancy. I hated being pregnant. It does not make you a bad mommy at all!! It's much better once the baby is here and you are back to your old self, trust me!!
from aliboomboom :
Hey. My new password is 07gcr10. Congrats!
from betchy :
big congrats on the job!!!
from singlegirl :
Yay! Congrats on the new job - super exciting. Good luck with everything:)
from krugerpak007 :
Found you through Betchy. Just dropped by to say hi and good luck with the job searching! xoxo
from betchy :
i really like the name you have chosen for your baby! my middle name is elizabeth too, so that is really cool. and i have added you to my faves. hope you dont mind!
from aliboomboom :
I keep looking for you on AIM. You are never on anymore. Why? Thanks for the note. I love the name Cadence, did I already tell you that? They grow up fast. She'll be here before you know it!!
from aliboomboom :
I hope that you get the job. My pregnancy didn't hurt me from getting the job but they just held it for me for three months as opposed to me starting while pregnant. I'll say a quick prayer for you though. Good luck!
from sleepy-gurl :
Glad to hear you're doing well! I'd love to see pics of how you're coming along - wow you're still a small? I have a friend who weighed like, 95 lbs. before she got pregnant and the most she weighed while pregos was I think 120 or something. Definitely not over that number. She was so tiny and adorable! Anyway, xoxoxoxo take care!
from singlegirl :
What a pretty name! I can't believe you're so tiny. 117lbs, wow! I wish you guys the best of luck!
from aliboomboom :
Wow. You are having a girl!! How sweet. It seems like for the longest time everyone was having boys and now everyone is having girls. Cadence is a sweet name. I hope to hear from you soon!
from coronagrl69 :
thanks for the note, i am trying to have better days, but work is so stressful and shit... oh well... well congrats!!! Im so happy for you!! :-) i hope i hear from you soon!
from soverycherry :
I LOVE the name Cadence, so pretty. Congrats on having a lil' girl!!
from sleepy-gurl :
Thanks for the note! Update woman! How far along are you? How do you feel???
from jennlynn24 :
ya girl!!! have you picked out girls names yet? I am so excited for you! TAKE SOME PICS WILL YA!!!when you going back to texas to visit the fam? how is married life? does it seem different other than the bun in the oven :) heheh.. a girl came over my house last night that reminded me of you or how you would be in person... it was crazy!!!
from jennlynn24 :
I missed ya girl. glad things are going well. being homesick is only natural.. so how far along are you? are yoiu showing? i give you tons of credit and think you are going to be a wonderful mom and your hubbie a wonderful daddy... keep writing, i miss reading you! :) have a great day!
from aliboomboom :
Thanks for the notes. I think that Griffin is beautiful but I am a bit biased so it's nice to hear that other people think he is cute too. Anyways labor was really easy for me and the epidural stops all the pain so don't be scared!! Anyways time flies when you are pregnant so your baby will be here before you know it!
from aliboomboom :
I remember the first time I heard Griffin's heart beat. It was amazing. I cried like a baby. I realized then that I had made the right decision when I decided not to abort and I knew that life would only be better after he got here. I am glad that you are seeing all this so early on. It's such a blessing regardless of circumstance. I am sure that everything will be fine. I'll keep you in my prayers!
from aliboomboom :
I had sushi three times during my pregnancy, you'll be fine. California rolls and all the cooked rolls are fine, it's just the raw ones. You are supposed to be careful with seafood because of mercury content. Ask your doctor, she can provide you with a list of what's safe and what's not.
from jennlynn24 :
Where are you girl? I MISS YA! How is everything going? :)
from coronagrl69 :
so i'm hoping you are a married woman??!! when do you officially move there?? well congrats and i hope to hear from you soon!!!
from krugerpak007 :
Well done for the cruise! Why does that never ever happen to me? Huh?:-) Kathy
from jennlynn24 :
that is sooo f-in awesome girl! Congrats..that will be a great getaway after the baby is born.. you go girl! :)
from coronagrl69 :
aww that's cute! i would be doing the same thing but saying "him" cuz i want a little boy ad my first. they're just too adorable!! Well i hope all is well and look forward to hearing the scoop soon...
from aliboomboom :
I went through a period of isolating myself too. It's totally normal. Then when I was done with that, I started hanging out with old friends and totally trying to avoid the girls I was hanging out with before. I think that sometimes when we have a major change in our lives, it makes us reevaluate friendships and some of them are just not up to standards. I don't really miss drinking or any of my friends, I am so much happier now. I never know that staying home on the weekend could be so nice.
from aliboomboom :
He seems sweet. I'm glad that things are working out for you. I think that I would enjoy it all a lot more if Mike and I were in love but we aren't and as far as I can tell, we never will be. Shucks.
from coronagrl69 :
That was the sweetest thing! I'm so happy for you! and you know its a girl or he was just sayin?
from jennlynn24 :
You texans sure use the word "ya'll" a lot! he he.. i hope all is well, have a great weekend girl!
from aliboomboom :
I'm glad that your mom took things well. My parents have been amazing too. I think that older people are far more understanding than we give them credit for. Thanks for the note, I hope that I am good at this. I really adore Griffin. I am just so engrossed with him now, it seems as if nothing else matters. Granted I still hate being fat, but we will get through it. It's only temporary and it's for a great cause!! I look forward to hearing about your pregnancy woes too!!
from coronagrl69 :
I'm so happy for you and I'm glad your mom took it well. I'm sure the little thing growing inside you will be just perfect! :-)
from jennlynn24 :
Im so proud of you girl!! THat is great how your mom took it so well! :) So happy for you! :) Good stuff... Have a great day! :)
from aliboomboom :
Hey I saw the note that you left Soverycherry and I wanted to tell you congratulations. I too am single and pregnant and I know how hard it can be. You are lucky to have Brian and I really hope that everything works out for you. I have not been so lucky with the father of my son, we are on speaking terms and he's involved but it's not like it was before. I guess pregnancy changes everything. I am in my 32nd week and it sucks. I didn't find out I was pregnant until I was in my 17th week so I didn't experience much nausea or anything but I have heard it does indeed go away. I had bleeding for the first four months and no symptoms so I was fine. I really think that God was making sure that I had the baby. Anyways the second trimester is a breeze. I am in my eighth month as of this week and it sucks. My hips are starting to separate and the baby is dropping down and my whole pelvic area is sore. It's not fun at all but babies are all a gift from God. I was devastated when I found out and I still miss drinking and smoking but God has brought these babies into all of our lives for a reason and it sounds like you are handling it great. Oh and I didn't tell my mom until I was in my thirtieth week and I live with her!! My grandparents and some friends still don't know and I'm due in 8 weeks. Tell your mom if you haven't already. It's not going to be as bad as you think although I definately understand your concerns. Anyways my diary is locked but if you want to start reading it then email me at [email protected] and I'll send you the username/password. I'll definately be back to see how you are doing!!
from soverycherry :
Hi! Thanks for the note. I am hear to bring you good news. The icky stuff does indeed go away, at least it did for me, right after the end of the first trimester. I haven't felt nauseous in a long time, and it's so nice. I am, however, extremely tired all the time, but I'd rather be tired than pukey. You'll make it through, I promise! Have a good day!
from coronagrl69 :
its probably hard to trust him since he is so far away and because of all of the shit you went through in the past... BUT i would give him the benefit of the doubt and when you move out there meet her... then make your judgement... its hard to say what i would do because I would be pissed as hell but if i loved him i would trust him... you got a good thing goin for ya girl and I hope you think with your head and not your emotions (because believe me i know they are all messed up right now!)... well good luck
from jennlynn24 :
Hey Joanne, How is everything going? You all set for the move in with Bry? How is the pregnancy coming along? Have you told your parents? I need details girl! :) IF you ever need anything..... Im excited for you :) I will drink a smirnoff tonight FOR YOU!!!! :) Its funny, now whenever I see smirnoff drinkers at bars, i think of ya! :) He he im crazy! :) Im glad you understand about the thumb sucking.. hehehe :)
from jennlynn24 :
congrats girl! I am happy for you. I am sure it was a lot to take in, and I figured that was what was going on with you. I hope all is well, you are a strong person and I admire that. So what have your parents said about this? Are they supportive? You are lucky it is with Bryan.. Now, if you dont mind me asking... After "that night" did you know? protection involved? I am just wondering bc it seems all of my diaryland buddies are pregnant.. makese me wonder now about me! But I really am excited for you, and if you need anything (even though I am from Jersey) I will help ya out however you may need it! Talk to you soon Joanne.. :) SMILE!!!
from chulababy :
congratulations on both parts. i hope everything works out wonderful with you two and awww....i'm so happy now =) lol
from coronagrl69 :
been reading your journal for a while and couldn't wait to hear what was going on... well CONGRATS!! and I hope it all works out for u! Good Luck with everything
from sleepy-gurl :
ahh! pregnant! marriage! awesome, congrats, I'm so happy for you. <3
from jennlynn24 :
You got me all anxious for you.. whats going on? Email me if you want...... Hope you get everything sorted out and all.. have a good day joanne
from jennlynn24 :
Girl you ok???? If ya need any advice or whateve....." you got some information".... :) making me worry about you!!!!
from sweet-cynic :
hey babe- wanted to thank you on the note. i know you're right- it's just so hard to remember that you know? i know i'm getting out of hand when it comes to her and jealousy- but like i said, it's JUST SO HARD. ahhh haha. anyway, i like your life style. party hardy!
from jennlynn24 :
girl, i totally hear ya on "what if i were to go out with a guy for drinks" guys always think that its innocent but then if the tables turn and a guy wants to go out for drinks wiht us, that means he wants to f*ck us, ya know..... ya big time!!!i think its funny how you and your friend met via internet... i dont think i ever met anyone, nor did i think i was ever the type of person,, but you prob think the same way. but cool man!! ok, ya drinking waiting for real world while some peeps chill in my old roomies apt..... so just wanted to say hi! :) you and bry are soo cute, have fun this weekend!! :) be good heheheh
from jennlynn24 :
the smirnoff was pretty good.. although i forgot i drank it until this morning and i woke up and it was on my night stand (with about 1/4 left) blah... i was drinking boxed wine (GHETTO ASS!) and then captain and coke then that.... blah.. i have thrown up at work 2x.. how pretty is that?!!!! Feel better... I am abotu to eat.. then feel like a million bucks.. and be ready to do the same thing all over again tonighT!! have a great weekend Joanne!! :)
from jennlynn24 :
had a smirnoff ice last night.. thought of you!! lol!!!
from jennlynn24 :
WOW GIRL!!!!!!!!!! HEs a keeper!!! :) He seems so sweet and genuine!! :) 2 weeks... a lot CAN happen in 2 weeks...i thought he was from boston? kentucky? oh hes in the services... ahh i think i just answered my own question.. i think... anywhoo... what a sweetie.... post a pic damn it (HA!)
from jennlynn24 :
have you posted a pic of Bryan yet??? I wish I had great taco places around here.. i LOVE LOVE LOVE mexican food.. and you and your smirnoffs.. you kill me!! :) HEHEHE
from jennlynn24 :
Thanks for the note girlie.. ya it was scary shit.. good for you, NO ONE should drink and drive..You and Bryan sound amazing.. Could he be THE ONE? he sounds great.. dont let this one go!! and update already, i am dying to hear what else is new!! !:) Have a good day!
from jennlynn24 :
Bryan sounds amazing.. He brought you flowers, food, beer, movie.. everything..I would have loved that 4am breakfast... especially after all that drinking.. He sounds like a KEEPER... he must got some mula too girl (not like that matters.. but it helps A LOT) YOU GO GIRL!! I hope everything works out.. sounds like a really fun weekend :)
from jennlynn24 :
Good Luck with Bryan this weekend.. and calm down girl, I am sure everything will be great!! ;) Have a good one!
from jennlynn24 :
so are you moved in yet? I am soo happy for you!!! :) Its so much fun to decorate and give it a personality of your own!!! :) you go girl... So you and Bryan... hmm.... :) good luck... :)
from sleepy-gurl :
You MUST post a few pics of your new place! *JEALOUS* :p
from sleepy-gurl :
Happy birthday! Hope you have a great one girl.
from chulababy :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! hope you have a great day! don't party too's friday...screw hard!!! haha...<33
from jennlynn24 :
Happy early bday girl!!! are you an Aries too?? :) Have fun at the club! your mom must be a cool chic to throw this bash for ya! :)
from jennlynn24 :
Wow you are quick. thanks chica! :)
from jennlynn24 :
How did you get your pictures to size. MINE ARE ENORMOUS and ridiculous-Let me know how to shrink these bad boys! :") thanks!
from jennlynn24 :
I love your profile section.. you sound exactly like me...Good stuff :) Your a cool chic ;) Road trips are definitely my style too. i love going places, seeing things... my fam and I (kind of cheesy but i didnt have to spend lots of money) went cross country years ago.. we went to something like 25 states or something, it took a month, we took the northern route... so didnt get to hit up Texas.. but went to NM, and been to Louisiana before.. where you guys going on your road trip.. BE good!! :)
from jennlynn24 :
I was about to delete my entry diary and start over.... but then i realized i do have all of the 186 or so entries.. but i cant figure out how to make them show up.. only the january and march entries are there.. sooo weird.....
from jennlynn24 :
I definitely will check it out! Wouldnt that hurt where you want to get it? May be more of an irritating feeling there..but good call on doing it there, to hide it at work (good girl) vs. after hours... (true colors come out then!!!) have a good night tonight with your chicas! :) sounds like you have some real hot spots you guys go to... I need some drinks.. wishin it was FRIDAY!!!
from jennlynn24 :
I love those beer quotes!! esp the cheers one... I hope your friend is ok and that you reconsile any past differences that you guys had...Have a great day! ;)
from sleepy-gurl :
*hugs* i'm sorry to hear about your friend...i don't know what you believe but God is by your side and whatever happens it will be okay. smile.
from sleepy-gurl :
omg! joe is fine. *drools* lol, btw i thought i'd let you know i love how you write, especially about the guy you have feelings for...*sigh*
from jennlynn24 :
good luck with the townhouse!!!! ;)
from jennlynn24 :
Yep! that is the song. I love it!.. i also like that song... "looks like michael jackson" song... wow, i am out of it today.... thank god it is friday, but its only 1:00!! WTF!! have a great weekend girl! :) your friends have crazy unique names.. pretty cool though! :)
from jennlynn24 :
wait got a question.. do you know why this song is EDITED on the cd, its the clean version.. there is no "fuck" at all!! whats up with that!!! man!!!!!!!
from jennlynn24 :
snow in texas.. ya never would have thought!!! EVER!!!
from jennlynn24 :
like the layout girl!
from jennlynn24 :
they sound like a pretty chill band.. do they have a website? i cant wait to hear the rest of your story!
from jennlynn24 :
what band are you talking about. i remember reading about them before that you were with one of the guys or something... im interested in which band it is! ;)

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