messages to stardust23:
(click here to add new message):

from ex-stripper :
Oh yes, I knew it was from the show! I have not seen many shots from the stage version, so I got all excited!
from ex-stripper :
your template rocks, where did you get that picture?
from mystarisdead :
i've really been taken by your diary.
from ranul :
hello darling :D how's life been treating you?
from vinylflower :
now at just thought you might want to know. XO
from sallyc-md :
We should talk. I'm writing a thesis on American Beauty. My mother doesn't get it either.
from witchmedic :
Hey, Webshots fucked up and I will need your user name/password to fix your graphics. Witchy
from frostqube :
damn, your diary rocks
from joaninha :
I like your layout. Very nice indeed.
from ranul :
from witchgirl :
My finger's are crossed for a great trip to LA! Wow 'em girl! :)
from bellanna :
I'm glad you are ok, Wishing you all the best in your move, thats all love B
from witchgirl :
I know you are in New York, and I'm hoping all is ok with you, your family and friends. Please let us know that you are ok..:)
from synthesis :
any chance i can get to brighten miss mandi's day. :) *muahz* love ya mandimoss! can't wait to see you again. byeeeeeeeeeeee .andy.
from witchgirl :
What fun chatting with you tonight, I'm going to have to get on d-land chat more often. Talk with you again soon!

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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