messages to steve112073:
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from nacwolin :
I am personally not a big fan of mac and cheese - I will take chocolate over that stuff ANY day of the week!
from jamsjunction :
I'll take bears and sunflowers over Transylvania looking decor...She's got great taste, but of course my house is complete Country/Primitive decor, so you would hate it hate it!
from moodymama :
i don't see anything wrong with your decorating sense, but you did marry a girly-girl. :)~~~
from revmetalhead :
The fridge clutter is genetic. Perhaps we could get the other BIL to take a snap shot of the Texas version..... I bet its cluttered with "Stuff". Maryland clutter dates back to 1908.
from sonshinegirl :
oh goodness, neither! should i ever be a guest again, i am ever so thankful that my eyes remain closed when walking down the hall in search of a drink in the middle of the night!!! i pity the poor souls that accidentally catch a shadowy glimpse of those items, in the wee hours of the morning!!!
from marlen816 :
Okay, that is just plain FREAKY! LOL
from marlen816 :
I think the candle thingys and clock are not so attractive, but that could just be me. Love ya....mean it!
from marlen816 :
You had me right there with you until you said you had "fever". You are SOOO weird!
from tara10573 :
Happy Birthday!!! Your screen name is as original as mine :-)
from sonshinegirl :
happy birthday yesterday!!!
from marlen816 :
Happy Birthday, you big dope!
from squirt82599 :
I just read your entry "Things are starting to look up" and I ended up all choked up. Things will work out - trust me. My parent's divorced when I was younger and both remarried, and I came around ;) I'll be thinkign about you!
from marlen816 :
Yeah, I can see you in a mullet! NOT!
from sonshinegirl :
welcome to d-land! funny mullet entry!
from janie12975 :
Yeah, I was able to come up with witty entertaining entries when I first came to diaryland. Now look at me, I have resorted to posting pictures of my shattered table and the squirrel that frequents our deck. Sigh.
from marlen816 :
Yeah, I better be your favorite sister in law in TX. But, you would have fared better to have just said favorite sister in law. =)
from bluecharis :
Welcome to the Diaryland Experience! May your entries be plentiful! Greetings from Germany, Charis :-)
from moodymama :
add an entry already! :)

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