messages to studiofreek:
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from liebling :
i don't know which guestbook service is better. i have been using SMGB for ages and haven't tried haloscan. SMGB wants you to pay 1.99 though. oh, btw, the only link that's not working now is the notes one but i don't know why because the username-tag should work. oh well...
from lafeinyis :
Thank you for graceing my Diary. First person dont know thay has taken an interest in it. So hear I am to retern the favor. When i ahve something mroe productive to say I will perhaps coment on your diart its self. God bless.
from affiliate19 :
Thanks kindly for the words. I grew up in rural SoCal, eventually moving to LA and the valley for love and school and a whole lot of things. I didn't stay too long; it is hard to breathe in Los Angeles. I wish you the best of luck in your current hopes and dreams. Sounds like you've got a good solid set in your jaw and are pointed in all the right directions. =] Keep writing and I'll keep reading. Email anytime!
from sexyatheist :
i'd have to agree with you. and though having one isn't bad, it's definitely worth waiting for all three
from leishastar :
I can't even remember what my old template was. The Elephant one? The truth is, I'm lazy and I haven't found the motivation to make a new one. Maybe ones of these days....
from rainydayblue :
Hey- I'm Brad. I found your diary through "Copeland" and like your entries. You have some great insight (and taste in music) check out my diary if you want. Later
from born2shine87 :
Hey, thanks for the note. Yeah, I'm learning all the Rent music! I love this show. IM me sometime. I'd love to talk! Holly
from myxtherapy :
i'm not really sure why people do. i'm not even sure why i do.. i guess i'd like to think i'm at least a lil beautiful in a way. maybe i'm fooling myself... but yea.. i guess its to show to person behind words. i'm not sure. but thank you for liking my site stuff.
from leishastar :
Hi. Glad to know you found so much meaning in my diary. I took a look at yours, and I am totally with you. I'm about to go back to my home town for the holidays (which I rarely ever see), and am torn as to whether I should try to contact old friends and flames. It's always tough, because there's something to be said for leaving the past the way it is. But it's hard not to try to reclaim it! Anyway, good luck to you. Happy holidays

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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