messages to sunnykins:
(click here to add new message):

from tryingtobe :
I left you a message in your guestbook yesterday...but didn't know if you prefer to have it sent here. Either way, I loves me some Sarah...hope you are well!
from funjules :
Um, methinks we might have to hatch a fiendish plot to meet halfway some evening. I hate that you're alone when you don't want to be.
from polishstreak :
Hey, I emailed you a couple of times. I have to head out soon, but drop me a line back if you have a chance. --sb
from polishstreak :
Hang in there. I actually understand your fears. I often have mini-breakdowns (often hormonally induced, due to my body's irritating way of rejecting birth control pills), and sometimes just watching the calendar, some days the clock, wondering when "Leon" is going to realize what a crazy person I am and tell me to pack my stuff and go because I ask too much of him on a given day or because I snap at him one too many times due to a bad mood that has little to nothing to do with him... The bottom line, though? I think one of the reasons we actually let ourselves fall in love with these guys, wonderful men who not only put up with us, but love us, is because they are NOT going anywhere... I like to think I had my guard up so much before not because I was cold or scared or not interested, but because I hadn't found a man I could trust yet. You trust "D"-- hold onto that-- you wouldn't trust him, your instincts wouldn't have allowed it, if he wasn't able to handle anything you throw at him, if he wasn't willing to love you anyway. Things will get better, and in the meantime, know that others DO understand, and you're by no means crazy. :) SB
from ris-que :
from cerebrate :
Sunny? Is this the long-lost BUST Sunny who shares a name with me? *mwah*

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