messages to switchcraft:
(click here to add new message):

from themarassa :
Never said Krull WASNT, Jumper to Conclusions.
from kaybiff :
In case of comments not working for me WITH SADNESS, I say to you this: "You know that makes me teh sad. Capital TEH and capital SAD. As letters. Because that's how sad I am. TEH SAD. That's how you spell TEH SADNESS. And stuff. But remember what I said about, you know, stuff: I'm there. Or something."
from ghostiness :
Statement? What statement? I'm confoozled.
from themarassa :
And then what???????
from ghostiness :
Thank you, my dear Switchy. *hugs back* I'm gonna be alright, but I'm glad I have support coming from friends and kind people like you.
from juskidding :
Thanks for the advice. I'm definitely not going, I have decided. It just doesn't feel right. I'm just kind of nervous to tell him no, ya know, just in case he is a sociopath...but I'm going to be as kind as possible. Any advice on a way to go about it?? That would be most helpful. Ha...that coffee thing was funny. Anyway, thanks for the advice and let me know what you think about the other.
from majikmushrum :
haha. well it looks like im looking forward to your diary returning to its normal humourous state. and i added you back. i read more of your stuff today and i thought it was hilarious. so what bands have you seen live anyway? im intrigued. we dont get nearly as many bands touring down here as you would. im still hanging out for the next tool tour!
from rosedreaming :
Thanks for putting me back on your list puddin'. Love you.
from spritopias :
I hit your banner over Pandionna's profile, ha ha
from candoor :
happy new year :)
from silverbiker :
nice pics ;)..tehe! so how are ya doing?
from hamiltonian :
I like your sense of humor!
from theyknew :
Thanks for visiting !!
from second-love :
Hey... i tried to email you the link to my picture, but your cox address kicked it back... do you have a new email???
from second-love :
soooo happy to hear that the tumor is a NO GO!!! Very glad!!! I changed my password etc... if you would still like to read my drivel... leave me a note and let me know.
from krugerpak007 :
How are you?
from krugerpak007 :
Thinking of you today. Please let me know how it goes. Ok? We made a deal! Love, kathy
from krugerpak007 :
I am thinking of you. I wish you would be in touch. xoxox
from krugerpak007 :
Send me your new adress-I want to send you a postcard! xoxox
from second-love :
Oh good god...give us SOMETHING!!! *YAWN* hahahahahaha just kidding *grin*
from krugerpak007 :
Hey. Why are you ignoring me? My e-mails to you have bounced back. My texts go unanswered...Are you dumping me? :-((( I miss you Paul. Please let me know whats happening. You need to update me, and send me your new address and fill me in and just well be in touch! You are missed. Ok? xoxoxo
from krugerpak007 :
Fuck, I just saw your updates now. Sorry about your mom. Please be in touch. I have never felt so neglected in my life.. I miss you. Drop me a line and fill me in. I am thinking o you and your mom. I want to know about the move and everything. Please don't forget me. Please
from krugerpak007 :
Hey stranger. You have been missed. I hope the move goes well and that you get everything set up there quickly. Don't forget to send your new address. xoxo
from rae-babe :
Why is it that the military never seems to fail at making traveling the worst pain ever? Just when you thought things couldn't possibly be as bad as last time you have to PCS and realize that you wish you would have just extended.
from second-love :
I say move yourself and take the $$$$$$!!! How much crap can one guy possibly have???????
from godmoney :
LOL! ur banner did not dissapoint (as banner in general seem to do). Great diary!!
from second-love :
HOLY crap!!!!!!!! And i DO mean CRAP!!! hahahaahahahahahaah
from second-love :
Thanks for the birthday wish... i REALLY appreciate it... very sweet! *smile*
from sunnflower :
Hi from Suburban Island. I'm very honored that I am on your list of faves - thanks!
from second-love :
Man!!!! i think i LOVE you!! hahahaahaha i like a guy who tells it like it is!!! You GO!
from ghostiness :
Hee. Nah, not too combative. I'm not hurt that I'm wrong. I get that. I just think it's a bit too early for them to even be suggesting pushing back the election date. It just kinda stinks of "I'm not done yet," even if, and you're right, the inauguration date would be the same. Also, I kind of suspect scare tactics are playing into this as well. I find it convenient that the whole scare popped up right after Kerry picked a running mate. Glad to know you like the diary. Don't be too harsh on me, I'm only 15 ;). I'm not very wise in the ways of politics, even if I pretend to be.
from second-love :
hahahaha love that about the corps... my hubby was in for 11 years... so that all sounds VERY familiar :) wassup with that anyway????
from banefulvenus :
loved your banner..............
from krugerpak007 :
Ow! I hope you are feeling better, and having a good day. And I hope to be able to use MSN tomorrow morning..xoxo
from krugerpak007 :
These days I have been saving my entries in Word, before posting, because I have lost one too many and was ready to kill.....
from krugerpak007 :
Are you feeling any better? Are you at least having a good weekend? Take care. Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
I hope you are ok! You didn't elaborate very much but I sense your sadness...Take care.And interesting question about the moths. I liked that too. Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Yes, it is not easy living here in the Middle East, I must is your ass? :-) Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Hope your bum feels better... :-))
from silverbiker :
hey babe! alright well i am just letting you know that i locked my diary for certain reasons.. so email me to get the pw if ya want :) [email protected]
from jfsuperstar :
nice banner. nicer blog. check mine out if you are bored outta your gord. i'm a writer too.
from banefulvenus :
Just wanted to say hello. Clicked on your "lunch bunch" banner. :)
from chicknstrip :
I remember writing "you DO have super powers... and so do I...... wanna make Super babies with me?" but where did I write it.... was it here?..... I'm such a crack head. LAVA! ♥ chicknstrip-the-paperclip
from poolagirl :
Thanks for making me a fave! I look forward to reading your diary too. COOL template!
from bethany9 :
new template is YUMMY!
from parlance :
Perhaps you should take a day off and let your body relax? :) It might help.
from spritopias :
what is your e-mail address?
from elliorange :
♥ Happy Valentine's Day!
from spritopias :
Sorry, I blew our shot at the state title because I was getting high. I hope you understand.
from silverbiker :
happy new year! :) hope you are doing well! i wish you success for 2004 :) keep in touch!
from elliorange :
♥ Happy New Year, love!
from macfarlane :
Happy New Year
from seralynn :
Username is Seralynn Password is theend
from treewillow :
Happy Birthday, I hope you had a wonderful day.
from dombilly :
Happy Birthday!!
from seenuh :
happy birthday
from pastagirl :
Happy Birthday!!!
from mkboog :
Happy Birthday!~
from preciousgift :
Happy Birthday!
from macfarlane :
Happy Birthday! I love that picture, I gotta add this diary to my favourites
from mickey225 :
Happy Birthday! Love the picture!! Hope you have a great day!!
from cutie1083 :
Happy Birthday!!!
from dlandbdays :
Happy Birthday! Hope your day is wonderful!
from silverbiker :
Happy Halloween!!
from silverbiker :
just stopping by to say hello! :) i loved todays entry! very very creative i must say! well ta-ta for now..
from ghanima :
um, excuse me, but why is you diary locked? *is left out in the rain like a dog*
from elliorange :
♥ I wrote a story for you. Please keep in mind that I'm not a writer. *smiles*
from f4sakndauter :
should I be interested? i haven't decided yet.
from suckaskitty :
Ahem. I will IM you on AIM... from this name (or one suspiciously like it), at your lovely and brilliant Kipp's suggestion:)
from whodied :
You rock.
from cookie-bitch :
The one and only true love of Creepatron, thats cool in my book. Thanks for addin me as a fav. I Absolutely LOVE your template!
from melomane :
Thank you so much. May I add you to my favorites?
from booberella :
OH MY GOD! Your layout FUCKING ROCKS! And you support my girl Melomane, so you're okay in my book. ROCK ON!
from elliorange :
What a beautiful pussy! :)
from zostrich :
wow. you have a fiercely evil looking cat. for some reason though, i think i would like her.
from apathy-kills :
awesome diary. quite awesome indeed. an abundance of awesomeness. can you tell what my word of the day is? *shrugs* i know i'm a loser but your diary is still awesome.
from gwensworld :
everytime i find a new diary to adore, i see wicked-sezzy has been there before me. i must read her now. but, i adore you, and your naked-ness.
from elliorange :
awe... your kitty! *Hugs!*
from wicked-sezzy :
holy SHIT. there ARE people who make sense on d*land besides me. neato! if you didn't have a woman i'd make out with you. hell i'd probly *still* make out with you, what with it being me and all. heh.
from miscreant444 :
read the whole thing, not that it took that long, just don't know how I managed it. Politically, we'd fight, but you're right about Sixth Sense being the same as another movie...that movie, though, is Mercury Rising. Also, Unbreakable was terrible. I REALLY wanted to like it. Why can't more people see how flaccid that movie was?
from silverbiker :
interesting layout :) hehe take care
from smemily :
Paul, you are so hot. Don't tell Kipp I said that. Love, Emily

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