messages to tanisanne:
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from fuzzy-grey :
Yeah, I won't even START to tell you Arj Barker's email address... it is a doozy!
from janelleleo :
The Celebrity Harem papers are killing me. I love the letter to John Stewart, Mo Rocca is dreamy with his snarky Harvard self. Keep the harem boys coming.
from dont-stop :
My grandpa says the reason he likes to annoy and berate people is because it's fun and now that he's older, he can do it fairly easy without repercussions.
from majik8bal :
carl hiassen is my dad, and if you grow up to be just like him, you'll be my mom...yeah, just thought you'd like to know
from iamaslacker :
your walmart entry is great! i work for wallyworld, and everything you said was so truthful and side spliting. so props to you, thanks for the humour, i will definately keep it in mind when i get up for work tomorrow morning, as i remind myself incessently that it pays for school. THANKS!!!

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