messages to tararichards:
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from icedreamsoup :
Gees, thanks thing you'll be telling me there is no SANTA... ELVIS is dead... heh, tell that to some of the fanatics in TN... tee hee... (i know that, but they don't) HUGGGGSSS, i miss you!
from nightlynews :
It's good to know that I'm ok with the Lord, even though "Jesus and Friends Trading Cards" is sacrelege out the ying yang.I'll take the sign you saw of the holy banner while reading my entry as a sign that I'm not going straight to a hellish inferno. xoxo, J
from icedreamsoup :
tuuuuuuuuuuuuuutaaaaaaaaaaaaaalooooooooooooooo i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu tuuuutaaaaaaalooooo! I just wanted to say, something --hope you don't get pissed about it..but for some reason..this reminds me of old days.. when playing uno and having your dad flop over in the chair and his head falling in the cats dish.... "WHEN SLIDDING INTO FIRST...AND YOU FEEL A SUDDEN BURST...... " We do have good some good memories.. BUT your right... getting out of the small towns like that.. feels a lot better.. although, why do i continue to go back..specially to Bruce -- i'll go back for my family.. but, at this point i am realizing..bruce isn't worth it... BUT MY FAMILY..will always be ''worth it'' to me..specially where i got a little nephew coming
from icedreamsoup :
I found you!!! I found you!!! You know, no matter what your into, who your into... how your into something... I am still gonna love ya just the way you are. --hah, sounded like an episode of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood... but ey, you know what i mean!!
from lil-cran :
Hi, I was just randomly reading diaries and I saw your latest entry... It may be trite, but you could think of your grandmother's last conversation with you a birthday gift. It's rare that we can exchange loving words with the people we care about before they leave us. Sometimes I wish I could have told my grandfather certain things, but I never got the chance.

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