messages to teacherlady:
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from sixweasels :
I think what you've done with Cami is one of the most honorable things an animal lover could do - the part about training her, yes, of course, but even moreso opening your heart and home knowing that the hardest part would be when she was successful and had to go off to work. You are a truly beautiful person, and what you've given Cami will stay with her forever.
from crazy4muffin :
I got you and Teacherlady2 mixed up. Separated at birth? In any event, cutest darn animals I have ever seen. Do tell how you get a cat and a dog to cozy up like that? My hosue sounds like Wild Kingdom most of the time. All we are missing is a background sound track of Marlin Perkins describing "how the cat readies himself for the kill".
from crazy4muffin :
Okay, never mind. I am in idiot. Found it. Do you have two different sites? Or am I just high on crack?
from crazy4muffin :
Alright, I know there is a bead design on there somewhere because I saw someone mention it. Where is it? Please. Slow and well-sounded out instructions on where to find it.
from tuckandsophi :
Hi! We're Poolagirl's two loopy dogs, and we really appreciate what you are doing for the world. We made you a fave! Check out our diary and see the silly things we do here in San Diego!
from trancejen :
Thanks. I have issues with the oh-so-wonderful folks in my neighborhood that like to keep the explosive joy alive.
from dangerspouse :
Hi there! I just found your journal through the note you'd left at sixweasel's place. I'm really looking forward to reading about you and the selfless work you do on behalf of such a terrific cause. Good luck to you AND Cami! :)
from sixweasels :
Just wanted to tell you that your journal is wonderful - I am loving reading about Cami and all the others too. And such wonderful pics - of course you know I melted at sight of the weasels.

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