messages to tenderpoison:
(click here to add new message):

from browndamask :
Re: 4/24. Beautifully put & bittersweet.
from catsoul :
4.24.2024. howdy do. I have started reading what you are writing. Take care. Be safe. Peace. =^..^=
from argentum :
Well? Did you?
from argentum :
Tag. You're it.
from poetinthesky :
Interesting post.
from jimbostaxi :
Cancer sucks, just lost my wife. If you want to talk please feel free to chat anytime.
from ville :
Hey Ray
from jimbostaxi :
Definitely weird times. Alternating between taking care of myself and having a connection to something. Have a great day! :)
from jimbostaxi :
New reader here. Offer accepted! Expect to see a Gmail from yours truly later on in the night. :) what will it say? Good question,, probably a little joking, screaming,, etc. Lol
from argentum :
There should be a way to exchange email addresses or contact info that won't be gobbled up by google, bing, prism, the illuminati etc. Regardless, you are in my thoughts. And if you can sneak that updated info to me somehow, I'll send you letters. 26 of them, in fact, arranged in a hodge-podge semblance of a sentence, or sentences conveyed by either USPS, Royal Canadian Mail (or whatever) carrier pigeon (budget option for you right there) or interweb tubes. Just be glad I didn't say 'royal moose mail.' Please let Emily Dickinson go and be happy, love yourself, and just BE!
from argentum :
I like the term 'residual mindfuck.'
from ville :
So I've called you a dude named Ray for years
from argentum :
you remembered! thank you!
from argentum :
Best wishes, kid.
from argentum :
Im still alive.
from argentum :
wish you were here.
from argentum :
Thanks kat. I'm not even sure you're going to get this, you non-updating mofo.
from argentum :
MERRY CHRISTMAS, KAT! <3! (More updatey!)

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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