messages to the-bookgirl:
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from graagh :
Thanks for replying! Tull were fab... Martin Barre is looking very old, but then he has been in the band for 35 years. He's better than ever though, I think. Played with the supporting act as well - no sign of him slowing down. A shame Ian Anderson doesn't go after the high notes any more... 'Let me bring you Songs from the [drop an octave] Wood...' but I'm sure he knows best. The new (since I last saw them) keyboard player is somebody we can expect great things from, I think. All in all, a wicked night out. Go see them soon. Best wishes - Richard
from graagh :
I saw Jethro Tull live last night. Woohoo! They didn't do 'Flying Colours' though. Greets - Richard
from raven72d :
Even if you're not a ninja, "If On A Winter's Night" and "invisible Cities" are brilliant.
from raven72d :
Lovely entries... And "Island of the Day Before" wasn't *that* bad... And are you a Calvino fan?
from bhawk :
Happy Birthday! Yes, I know I am a whole day older than you. But remember puck-eater and Ike and Jay are older than both of us.
from lost-mistake :
I LOVE YOUR LAYOUT, I love Johnny Depp sooooo much he is so fine :-D. Oh the random journal reader attacks!~Rachel~
from funda :
me too, the random thing... I am not following don, after all, how could I, he's invisible.
from invisibledon :
just randomly ended up here -thought I would leave a note
from fallencupid :
Hi there! I just got done looking through your diary and I enjoyed it. I am sure I will come back frequently to see how things are going. In fact, I even put you as one of my favorite diaries. :-) Hope you get a chance to stop by my diary and check things out. Leave a note if you would like. Hope to see you around! :-) ~Fallen
from daughtcalm :
hey you. how did the birthday party go? sorry I couldn't make it. kentucky was an experience in letting me know I should get out more. Richmond is far too insular a place and experience. the good news is, my illustration teacher is an ex-soviet red army officer from Georgia. can't understand much of what he says, but the situation is far too cool to ignore. how often do you get a chance to learn art from Spetnaz? matt
from surrey :
hello!just to say i like your diary! :P
from shisa :
Heh, not much to say..I just wanted to say hi from the first person to join yer diaryring. ^_^ I actually do read yer diary, heh. I know this was lame but I'm REALLY bad at this kinda stuff. ::kinda antisocial:: ok..that's it ::flees::

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