messages to thedaybreaks:
(click here to add new message):

from ohmegah :
when you see the name "ohmegah" whats the first thing that comes to your mind?
from alikid182 :
good on ya for liking david levithan.
from gypsyxdance :
I know :] They're amazing but you miss them the most.
from gypsyxdance :
from zdrummer :
i would...
from funbeauty :
Yea...and it's the most hopeless feeling in the world.
from hopefully- :
your writing really is great...and its seems we have the same music taste and love the same movies. :-) Moulin Rouge is def. my love. I guess I just really connect with everything you've talked about.
from rejazz :
pretty sure? ahah. :]
from lipsonmyskin :
thanks :) it's my new favorite country, ever since I was there on a studytrip
from pinkxdawn :
gregory and the hawk is amazing.
from lipsonmyskin :
Great. And about my own weekend, I would say: 'well, it went pretty darn well!'
from lipsonmyskin :
So I'm sort of going with: 'well, that's not turning out too bad then'
from funbeauty :
Hey! sorry im just now getting back...Yea my Spring Break was good, but I was glad to be back home lol. Hopefully things are well!
from lipsonmyskin :
Well, did it go according to plan?
from anagreeneyes :
from lipsonmyskin :
from lipsonmyskin :
Oh wow. I'm lovely? I can't see it. But thanks :) you warm my heart.
from lipsonmyskin :
Oh thank you. But why?
from funbeauty :
I'm glad you figured it out! It still is hard for me to do...Thanks for writing, it meant a lot. Love-S
from cdghost :
pretty words and layout
from anagreeneyes :
the boy you forgot? you make me smile.
from gypsyxdance :
I've missed you. And as if you prove I'm better off reading your diary this "isn't is fun to have one of your good friends ditch you because her boyfriend is mad at her for not calling to tell him she was going to your house?" pretty much describes my life to a T. ♥
from lipsonmyskin :
I just simply love your diary <3
from anagreeneyes :
whatever you want to do.
from x--drifting :
You're so much more beautiful than you give yourself credit for. <3
from funbeauty :
Good question actually...I think I've given up on them as being real friends. I need to figure something out...
from gypsyxdance :
Your new entry is effing brilliant ♥ I haven't read your diary in awhile and i've missed it.
from x--drifting :
No problem.<3
from x--drifting :
Darling, your writing is beautiful.♥
from funbeauty :
Thanks so much for saying that...The wierd thing is, is that I know there are better things in life then worring about him, but sometimes it's just hard to forget u know? But things are better and thanks for caring, it means alot!
from gypsyxdance :
I haven't read your diary in awhile. But I hope everything is well <33
from funbeauty :
Hey! I just thought I'd tell you that you seem to be ALOT like me. You remind me so much of myself. You seem like a great person and I want to keep reading!
from annanotbob :
Thoughts and prayers with you and your brother, sweet girl
from gypsyxdance :
Oh dear, I hope everything turns out okay <3333
from gypsyxdance :
You write just, amazing... <3 Would it be okay if I added you as a favorite?
from annanotbob :
I think your diary is just beautiful. Hope you're feeling good.

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