messages to thefritz:
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from cdghost :
enjoyed reading your words, keep it up and I will return
from bluering :
that could have been it. i don't know. i was never much on the inxs, i just had vague notions of it. hi yourself.
from augustdreams :
Oh yes. Space Monkeys are a necessity. I just like to say that. Space Monkeys. Heeheehee! SPAAAACE MOOONKEEEEYS! Oh! And Cleeeeeeeeean G*pigs! Love always, ~Nicole
from bytwilight :
Super red, huh? I don't know. I've always been tempted to do just that, but...what if it came out awful??? I'm so chicken.
from soonerbred :
Oh my god...I've had your diary confused with someone else' stupid can I be? But anyway, you've got a great one!
from goovie :
eep! go see kris! the umbc venue is so cute (and it's really easy to find; it's where i saw david on sunday), and you get to watch brian dance. and jammin' java, as much as i occasionally badmouth it, is beyond cool (and even easier to get to). i'm going there to see the kennedys on saturday and i can't wait. *bounce*
from befuddledone :
Yes - the quote on your banner is perfect - cause I NEVER click on them... EVER... so congrats - nice diary.
from deslayerette :
ya a lego man inside a man suit? fritz?
from dana-elayne :
Happy May Day and such!
from sugrmonkie :
--===( @..@ ) ET says: I eat babies!
from omorfia :
i added u to my aim thingo list! .. erm. not that i use it that often ... but anyway! :)
from stonebridge :
what a lovely quote... is it about who I think?
from eclectic117 :
HI! I feel your pain on the jaw thing, I once yawned in the middle of the night and dislocated my jaw(true story) it was baby food and mash potatoes for a week..I feel your pain kiddo..Oh yeah, your hysterical, I like your diary =O) ~Kristy
from aphridity :
hey I have a question.... how do you get people to notice you?

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