messages to thegrapevine:
(click here to add new message):

from xnavygrrl :
Thanks for the note. The guy who threatened to poop on my lawn? Yeah. Met him through phone telepersonals. Never again! Even though he looked like Noah Wyle, he was nuttier than me by a longshot.
from shoutjo :
well, i can say this confidently and without any fear of angry female retaliation: your entire website has this aura of "creepy" about it. i'm sort of impressed that i managed to come up with a movie idea about a girl who had a hundred different personalities and makes a web site populated with all of their day to day dialouge. thanks. look forward to never seeing that on the big screen though, i'm not a screen writer a movie director a rock and roll musician or anycombonation of all three. or a famouse actor. but hey, we can't all be famouse can we! AHHHHHH! bummer. ???????????????????
from chicagojo :
RE: your note -- If I got that letter sent to me, it would make me feel a bit better because it means that he's even crazier than I already think he is for ever thinking that he should be wishy-washy about me! Happy Wednesday to you!
from chicagojo :
Thanks for the kind note in my gbook. As for running, try to add 10% more a week. It's totally do-able, and it won't crap you out!
from xnavygrrl :
Doll, a piece of unsolicited advice: Take this guy seriously. You are doing the right thing by saving every piece of evidence. When he does a bad thing and you know he will, you will have the documentation to back it up.
from xnavygrrl :
My pal, keep the password handy. It's only for a week that i gotta keep everyone locked out. I'm on a mission. They messed with the wrong female!
from xnavygrrl :
I'm so jealous!! U2? I love U2. As far as my just sucks. I'm trying not to get in the middle but it looks like I ended up there anyway.
from xnavygrrl :
I live in St. Louis. Home of the crips and bloods. Har har. Actually, where I live, we don't have any gangs that I know of, unless it's some white wannabe gang members. My feet feel like ground hamburger, but I'm glad I didn't turn back. Yesterday was so important to me... Thanks for following my journal.
from uniqe-one :
oh no! i'm so sorry! you see, red hair on girls doesnt bother me. One of my dearest friends has red hair.. its so red its almost orange! But i've never really been attracted to red haired guys . . i haven't known any until now i guess. Hehe . . but aparently red heads can be quite fiery! Off to work now, take care!
from uniqe-one :
Hey! You have to update soon, I'm DYING to know whats happening with Tulsa! . . . You do understand that I'll be living through you from now on . . since NOTHING at all is happening in my love life. But that's okay, as i'm moving out of home this weekend!! No time for men :)
from wall-of-rain :
thanks for your encouragement :)
from czarandom :
I hope you're writing goes better than mine, I'm in the same place.
from czarandom :
Thank you, I'm quite flattered. Just one question, why? ;)
from wall-of-rain :
Hi again! Yes, I am going to see if I can meet Tall Russian Dude and perhaps think about maybe dancing together :) After my last couple of experiences I don't want to rush into anything, but I am excited about the possibility. Last night was even better than Monday night so I am definitely not quitting in the forseeable future :) YAY!
from wall-of-rain :
Hi, thanks for the note! Reeeally love getting notes :) Hawaiian Doctor Guy is new. This is the first "date." Sorry to offend you :) I feel the same way when thin people talk about how fat they are in front of me so sorry. I know you were only half serious, but still. I am actually no longer in LA, but have a great time! Hope its not too hot and sticky :)Thanks again for all the kind words and advice!
from the-magus :
Oops. Something's happened, because your diary is locked. I hope everything's okay and that it's not a case of social chaos because someone decided to look at what they shouldn't have...
from cleanstart :
Awe, sounds like you had a wonderful time. He DOES sound sweet.
from the-magus :
Wow. :) What a great entry...I'm really happy for you. He's cute, nice, has good taste and is artistic! Quick! Knock him out and lock him in your basement! :p
from teluble :
what a tease of an entry... so what happened with the date with the cute guy???
from cleanstart :
Good Luck tonight with the "cute guy"..heehee I hope your nerves calm and you have a wonderful time!
from bolingo :
Wow... what words of wisdom. I have only been at this for a short time, and i have not told many that i am on here. I am very apprehensive of it. I know at some point i will also return to my pen and paper, but for now, this is where i must be. Congratulations on doing what you need to do, and on having your almost 3 year entry. Thank you for sharing. -Dove of Bolingo
from inkdragon :
11/01/03 Loved your Passion of the Vine banner and your three year celebration entry. I would like to come back when I have even more time to read. Have a terrific weekend.
from the-magus :
10/31/03:Are you leaving (for now, or for good)? If so, I can probably understand/infer from your last post why. I wish you luck in all your endeavors, especially in finding the ultimate kick-ass job that you absolutely deserve (not to mention finding the romance that will carry you blissfully into old-age), and hope you let me know when/if you return to journalling. Also! Look me up on Nanowrimo (The Magus) if you're ever in the forums there, especially if you decide to take the leap and write that novel this November.
from kashyap :
hey babe.. everything okay?
from onehotbean :
Why is your diary locked? Is everything okay??
from myhorizons :
Thank you so much for you message.
from rosarybeads :
09/24: Peet's Coffee and Tea is NASTY! Nasty nasty nasty. Well, to be fair, the peach chai is NASTY, the coffee is fairly decent. LOL I'm not a big fan of California either; and I lived there for 23 years. :) I hate southern CA, and the only parts of central CA I enjoy are San Jose, Santa Cruz and San Francisco. So yeah. Not a big fan. (I do like it better than boring ass RI, though...) Where in CA are you woman?! xoxo
from ktdream :
Damn that guestbook won't let me sign! Anyway here's the message: Just wanted to say hey and great site you have here. I really like the layout and you you've got really interesting content. I'm glad I clicked!
from manda-d :
John said his hero is a policeman... but I think he was just going for the coolest costume :) ha ha!
from sharl-b-rown :
allo. just stopped in to say hello.

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