messages to thiork:
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from hemopoetic :
Congratulations on the engagement, love. I'm so glad for you. :)
from sekritsquirl :
oh my god, is that a pic of you eating are so fucking hot!
from caralynne :
im all about that too. oh so all about that in two thousand and five. swoon.
from hemopoetic :
*tap tap* hello baby. *hug* looong time no see.
from thiork :
yes, yes indeed. mucho-gusto mexican kitchen.
from wonderchai :
I think i've prolly talked to you in person before, if you work at mucho's... or did, that is. :)
from thiork :
L O V E :)
from lagrimitas :
As I was reading I was thinking its love and almost felt disappointed when I read that you believed it was obsession, but ahem it is love =)
from hemopoetic :
*smiles* and you are in love. you are shining. *hugs*
from thiork :
chance, i find it incredible creepy and absolutely fantastic that we have both managed to experience the same movie tonight. odd times in the world, indeed.
from hemopoetic :
i saw charlie's angels 2 tonight as well. strangely, i liked it a lot and even more so than the first one. *hugs*
from brokenwings- :
tinman. i read a lot at thiork today. those pictures that you put up... they are really nice. i saw this picture of a bed in front of a curved window with a lot of trees outside. it was so pretty. i wish i could live in someplace like that too. and the watermelon pic, i noticed we cut watermelons in a different way here... right up to the white part. if you like eugene, then there are no two choices for you. just one choice and that is to stay on. and i think she's one lucky girl. -salma.
from brokenwings- :
thank you thiork for adding me to your favorites :-) how are the photoshop sessions going. photoshopped to death, i remember.. haha.
from meeyapede :
Ahh! Someone who actually does what the should, instead of kvetching! Bliss, bliss, bliss indeed! -jl
from lagrimitas :
If you would have decided to go to Oregon you wouldn't have been unhappy, at least in my opinion, it is a very beautiful state, cost of living is cheaper at least 100%better than cali...and plenty of open space....I loved it when I visited. But I am sure you have made a good decision.
from hemopoetic :
this was going to be a tagboard thingy but it told me i was "too wordy" so i'm posting it here. i'm not going to tell you to be happy and just smile. it doesn't work like that. grieving is a complicated process. a tricky thing. because you love your mother. death of a loved one is not the easiest thing in the world to get over, in fact you won't ever truly 'get over it' and simply because you'll have a few good days doesn't mean a bad one won't smack you into shock and pain all over again. it's okay to feel okay, even good. but it's okay to feel sad and bad about it. and it's okay to feel both in the same day. love you. *hug* i like to know how the thio is doing. keep the updates coming dear. *love*
from hemopoetic :
look! a notepad thingy! i type in this box! this is exciting. yeah. anyway. i like your diary so much. you write about things i think about a lot. and you're an artist. i love it.
from silvanus :
Wow... your notes look lonely. Have a note, ne? Ci'ya, -Sil I'm sure there's more that I want to say than that... but I haven't thought that far in advance. So, once I read more of your journal entries I might leave another comment, ne?

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