messages to tifftavious:
(click here to add new message):

from vibrant2001 :
Tifftavious, I don't know for sure what this last post was about, but I assume that it was the lovey causing problems...and I just want you to know that no matter what, you can talk to me...and I want you to. I love you and I want you to smile. <3
from grayinside :
im sorry darling you seem so upset..i hope you feel better soon ♥ renee
from vibrant2001 :
I like-uh teh Tiff-FANNY's hair. It's good stuff. And thanks for the compliment on mine. :D Yay for our senior year! Senior pictures tomorrow. Ahh!
from lil-twinks :
hey, i tried that bubble site i'm not quite a bubble addict but i may be soon... haha You really are a bubbley person tho, so the games suits you well. :D .xx.Michelle.xx.
from vibrant2001 :
July 12th, 2004 8:27 p.m. I just read your entry, and I wanted to say that although we don't talk as much as I'd like, and we never really see each other outside of school, I still love you to little pieces, and am here for you if you need anything. It might not mean much, or even sound like much, but I still love my Tiffers and will do anything I can to help you.
from ben-g :
i like you r diary
from swey :
Tiffy, I know you're on hiatus but if you need someone to talk to please don't hesitate to call or im me...
from lil-twinks :
your entries make me laugh, make me cry even make me sigh, hehehehehe
from melomane :
Thank you. Thank you so much. I've never been in such pain in my life and you have helped my heart a little bit. They say time will heal but I don't see how it possibly could. I don't see how anything could. I feel like I'm drowning in other people's lies.
from wingsofblood :
hey. I just joined your ring and put the link on my diary. But it wont show up. I have a layout that covers it I think. how do i fix it? leave a note for me or e-mail me at [email protected] thanks
from swey :
Hey Tiffany *Take the Unknown tree seed!!* The illustrious Urine flower gardens out back!! and the feeling is mutual Tiffy Trust me
from imperfectlyy :
~gasp~ I haven't talked to you in so long! Due to some boredom tonight, I'm leaving a note for everyone that has me listed as a fave. Cool of me right? Oh yes. Maybe I'll stay on your lil list, some bastards have taken me off. Bastards. Wanna help me go and get 'em!? Anywho, this concludes my note. If you're lucky, you didn't get the "generic" one. =)
from rigor-mortis :
Hello Tiff. I love you poo poo pants
from quitenasty :
Your review is up:
from rissar00a :
hi, i was just reading your diary and just noticed something. at the bottom, where it says "then" and "now" those buttons dont work. i beleive this is because you need to go into your template and fine the place where it says %%NEXT%% and %%PREV%% simply un-capitalize them.. it should work then. but it might take time to change on your other entries. well thats it. im sry if i've bothered you, it was just bugging me :) bye now.
from asche :
from lezbian :
I have a new diary, well I just changed the name really. I wrote an entry about if you'd like to list me as a favorite, you should now list "imperfectlyy" instead. =)
from lezbian :
Oh dear, I feel yer pain with the waiting for people to talk to you. I'd love to be doing shit, but I just feeling like I'd be bothering someone if I called. So if I don't call and make plans, I do nothing. I couldn't go anywhere for so long that people just stopped asking, and now that I can, they don't know to ask...and stupid me. I won't use the phone because it annoys the shit out of me, so I just sit here and do nothing. Oh dear do I feel your pain...waiting for people to call and all...
from noreenmarvel :
Hey Tiff! This little note thingy on the main page is so convenient I think I'll just type random stuff in here. Lalalalalala. Monkey dung! It's already 9 o'clock? Poopy. Has Noreen finished her homework yet? Umm...check back at 11 o' clock!
from tifftavious :
does it work?
from indie-snob :
hello there! i just added reviews for two OK Go shows I saw and thought you may be interested. check it out, I have lots of other reviews here too. thanks!
from rigor-mortis :
Heya Tiff! Hope you have fun at work. Hehehe..... I'm workin' on the job thing. Talk to ya later. Love you.
from solstice36 :
what was scary?
from solstice36 :
welcome to the cancer sucks ring. hang in there and take care of yourself.
from sea-secret :
I was trying to think of something supportive to say to you, but I am horrible at this kind of thing, and all I can think is, "Honey it's in god's hands." and then, "But I don't know who the father is." because I am listening to that. Well, not much help, sorry. <3 <3
from lezbian :
Thanx for the comments on your faves list!
from bonnie-moo :
Hey! thanks for the compliments about my diary =) your diaries cool too. It's completely full of everything! hehe. Anyway, take care x
from sea-secret :
I know how you feel about the exploding. And about Philip, though I don't know him. I hope you feel better. (And I just meant... no stealing, but you know what I mean now...)
from lezbian :
I'm sorry to hear about your break up.
from lezbian :
Oh my fuckin god. I identify completely with your 4-05-03 entry. Every word of that describes me in entirety. Every single word. That's me! When does that happen!? Neato!
from sea-secret :
And maybe if I knew you better it wouldn't annoy me that you did that. But I have to say that it does. Hmmm... thanks anyway, I guess.
from slash-mel :
Dunno who you are, what you do and general whatnot; but we have something in common... Welcome to tatu diaryring.
from intheory27 :
Thank you so much for adding me to your favorites list! Such a sweet gesture! :)
from hot-gal :
i love that jesus freak song my dc talk!
from nightgurl :
hello chick its your bf4e dah(weecare) ;) any ways read your diaries fab. e-mail me when u get a chance bye homes!!
from jenne1017 :
from xemochick :
you stole my name. *hmmph!* Tiffany is much cooler on me than it is ON YOU! haha
from waterstain :
i think that's the best banner i've ever seen.
from incupark :
You can bend minds with your spoon? Well I can bend penguins with my fork! There, we're even. *grin*
from fever-bit-me :
novena on a nocturne's - somewhere in the swirls and city drawlings it has colors like your wallpaper in your diary. that's all.
from tifftavious :
i write this to myself because...i am alone in my dark little corner..fetal position...clothed in a veil of solitude and it?
from mighty-melly :
I have noticed that you are the owner of the ring for ozzy. I was wondering if you could make a diary ring for black Sabbath? I can't seem to find one for them. Knowing that ozzy was part of black sabbath, maybe you'll be willing to make a ring for the band? If you can thanks a lot and have a nice day!
from rigor-mortis :
Howdy Tiffy-Tiff. I'm Signin' your notes thingy. Well, I'm gonna go now. Love you.
from rigor-mortis :
Howdy Tiffy-Tiff. I'm Signin' your notes thingy. Well, I'm gonna go now. Love you.
from vibrant2001 :
Hay hay. :) I am the mighty midget trumpet player. Muwahahahaha. Hehe. :) I thought I'd sign your little note thingie, just for the heck of it...HA! Oh...sorry. Love yah, chick. :)
from adeliatala :
I love your layout! Completely beautiful :o)
from ihatepizza :
Hello fellow pizza hater. *high five*
from bunny15 :
hello Tiff, are you talking about me when you said that you only told one person about stuff. Sorry fi I wasn't much help. I love you anyways. bye Laura
from tifftavious :
I am leaving myself a note!!!! ~woo hoo~ You know what that means......that means you have to sign it!!! *nod* Yes you do! *yesh you do, yesh you do*
from rigor-mortis :
Hello *bows*
from rigor-mortis :
Howdy! I left ya a note.
from tifftavious :
this is sad! Why can't you guys leave me notes?
from dazy81 :
Thanks for joining us on the weeeeeeeeee diaryring. You can get a cute little squirrely pic from some of the other pages on the ring if you'd like. Thanks :)

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