messages to tokyorosej:
(click here to add new message):

from hissandtell :
Glad you enjoyed my "geniuses with humility and stupendous bosoms" banner, darling - I must read more of your diary to see what else we have in common... Love, R xxx
from idiotsailor :
What's up sunshine? Where have you been? Speak to the masses....let us hear your voice. :o
from idiotsailor :
Obssession at it's idiot-est??? WTF?!?!
from sunnflower :
I know what you mean about losing steam to write and then just falling out of the practice of doing it routinely. It's hard to start up again or keep going once you've taken a break from it.
from sunnflower :
Hi from Suburban Island and thanks for adding my diary to your Diaryland favorites list.
from idiotsailor :
I don't know why it posted twice......grrrrrr
from idiotsailor :
Lmao, did you not notice the part in my last message where I said I was JUST PLAYING? :o
from idiotsailor :
Lmao, did you not notice the part in my last message where I said I was JUST PLAYING? :o
from idiotsailor :
Hey J. Nice journal. ;D Very pink. :o Let's see if you can manage to write something at least REMOTELY interesting in this one. :x Jp, don't hack me or anything. :|
from krazieespy :
sounds like me on your 100 things.. Im at my third college and I still DONT know what I want to do LMAO :) Ill be back for more.. Love the diary.. cant wait for more on the about me page :)

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