messages to tomorrow:
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from timshel-tree :
I was happy and sad to find your birthday passed by recently - sad because I missed it, happy because you didn't. Here's the thing: you said you'd write me a letter. And I'd love to write one to you. So contact me the best way you know how, if you can... Take care.
from liekakoira :
Hi. I don't remember anymore how did I end up reading your diary, but it's really interesting. I'm from Finland but I've been to Estonia and Latvia (and would want to visit other Eastern Europe countries, too) and love those countries, so it's nice to read how other people see them.
from abananafish : don't notice the right wing coming up with such catchy little tunes, do ya?
from starsforarms :
i came here thru bluestar's it! x
from fulograc :
modest mouse, potok, atwood, cradle will rock... can we be friends? I looked for someone else with potok and found a lot of not so interesting people... and you.
from testify :
How much toothpaste would you have to eat before it killed you?
from kstarr :
i cut my thumb with a corkscrew - we have battle scars from fights with inanimate objects!! ps. hi again.
from totypewords :
Thats very cool. Are you gonna keep updating your page or take a break? I have searched hi and lo for Weetzie Bat. Who wrote it? When you get where your going, be safe.....
from totypewords :
I forgot I left that last note-lame. The refrence escapes me. Are you still going over seas?
from totypewords :
You live in a house with 20 frat boys? You must be popular.....
from table :
Umm, hon? Need I remind you that you live in a house with 20 horny, college-aged men? And that several of those men are not altogether unattractive? I think that your wake-up service idea would be pounced on. You should post a sign in the dining room, preferably with promises of a free dinner that includes meat. The responses will come a-runnin'. :)
from yoste :
hard cocks? yeesh, this is a family place.
from table :
Thank you....yes, Boy is stupid. But at least he's good for some amusement here and there. I'm having fun in Tucson, but I miss Ann Arbor and everyone who's there very much. Anyway, thanks for the support!
from wingsofgrace :
i am sorry for locking you out today. long story short- it couldn't be helped. lol I'm back up though. now if only guestbook would comply... ger. :)
from kstarr :
i'll cook you dinner! i make a mean sesame stir fry.
from contradict :
i think your diary is beautiful. take care.
from kstarr :
it was coherant, but flattering, and when flattered, i usually have the 'incoherant-rambling-mumbling-blushing' thing down pretty well .. so .. thanks a lot!. but seriously thank you, more people should be down with the red wine and hammocks. xox.
from redd :
your diary. is very pretty.
from kstarr :
modest mouse <3
from wingsofgrace :
your diary is quite beautiful and I love reading your words. over the last few days, I've read most of it... your mind amazes me. thanks for sharing it with the rest of us.
from vitality :
you... you are everything.
from vitality :
fuck fuck fuck. YOU ARE IT.
from totypewords :
Regret. Sorrow .Sympathy GTV
from vitality :
i don't like making people cry.
from totypewords :
the girl who evokes MODEST MOUSE and KIESLOWKI WHITE,BLUE,RED. Impressive
from vitality :
i think that i said it once... but. i love you. you are gorgeous. xox.
from abananafish :
Howdy--I found that you had me on your profile...I enjoyed reading what you had to say...your writing is quite moving...poignant.
from totypewords :
Good read. Nice layout. Hope 2002 is positive for you........ Garry
from bobbipuzel :
I love the name of your diary, tomorrow. WOW! I love your layout and your writing is just amazing. Thanks for making my day! Please take care :o)!

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