messages to tornlace:
(click here to add new message):

from raven72d :
You are missed here.
from smokelicker :
Thanks for making an intelligent survey. I can't seem to find interesting ones anymore...
from rayna7314 :
hey. yes, as many have already said. Arch Enemy rocks.
from z0tl :
well one of these days as i'm finally on my way out of zell, i needs to come back and check your updated mp3 links. hope all's well. cheer:z!
from ladyvaduva :
been a loooooooooonnnnnggggg time since I stopped in.. glad to see u're still kickin around just wanted to say hi and hope all is well cheers
from iwillsurvive :
Hi, I noticed you listed me on your favs list. Firstly, Thanks for that! Secondly, I'm trying to rally the Diaryland Community to raise $10,000 for the victims of the Tsunami. Please visit my diary for all the details. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!
from absinthesigh :
I've missed you 8-). It was nice to see your name all lit up red today 8-). Congrats!! And good luck with the book, tell us more when you feel the urge 8-). with love, ophelia
from absinthesigh :
You are in my heart, thoughts and prayers. Godspeed litle Pippin. I had a ferret named Pippin... maybe now they can play together. with love & sympathy, ophelia
from leslieirene :
Still missing you! ♥
from leslieirene :
I miss you, girl! Love, Les
from raven72d :
I love the layout!
from contour :
Good to see an update, I was wondering. As for the "rain" entry, I'm assuming you are talking about So.Cal's fires ... the picture at least made me think of them, but that doesn't mean much: they are on my mind. Nasty and depressing stuff.
from enondoiel :
Wow... This was wonderful. I just clicked your banner, and suddenly you just transport me into some other world (your life, obviously). I absolutely loved your diary, I had tears in my eyes when I read the entry where you told abuot Virgil's death, I'm so sorry. I hope you don't mind if I add you to my favorites? We visited New York this summer, one day we went to Ground Zero, and I agree, there's definitely a very unique air around the place... You Americans sure know how to remember your lost. Again, your diary is truly great!
from marslullabye :
*hauls out the tissues, herbal tea, and fluffy blankets* I hope your feeling better soon. Earaches bite ass, I used to get them all the time when I was little. And good luck with the book! It sounds interesting, I hope you post more about it. ^_^ Props on liking Loreena McKinnet! We're rare ones, hehe.
from ladyvaduva :
hey there.. glad to hear u're feeling a bit better.. I was pretty busy for awhile there with work and junk.. so I couldn't post ya a note or nething.. I hope all goes well with ur graphic novel.. I'm sure its pretty wicked.. cheers cat
from contour :
That is HORRIBLE to hear about your illness. As somebody who does not do sick or rest very well, it sounds like torture. =( Hang in there, and hopefully things are better now.
from contour :
No update since late May ... I hope everything is OK! =)
from ind2006 :
Happy 4th of July!!!
from enchancea :
sorry about your mouse. But Im positive she is in a great place now. Every sense I went to NYC in April, Ive wanted to move there. I go back in July and cant wait.
from tornlace :
i started to but then my little mouse girl started having serious troubles and i missed it. but i have a great memory of the one where i was up all night by the fire. i am sure it was just as lovely. this area in the east village would not have ben as nice anyway since there are a lot more lights all night...
from contour :
Lunar Eclipse? Did you get to see it?
from enn5393 :
Aww I'm sure you get waay more hits from being on the front page of the top 100 every week :). Glad I could make ya smile, I know MD was tough on you too.
from enn5393 :
Awww thanks for the note, I think the GB troll finally got the point and crawled back into his/her/it's hole :). I've seen the Jeannie Nitro toddler section before and drooled over it! I wish I knew how to sew better I'd make those pants for the little monster. Love their adult clothes too, *drool*.
from dracobard :
hey tornlace...thanks for the note...sorry it took so long to get back on...loving your diary girl:)
from vyv-xx :
Hee hee... you ARE well-behaved. Especially around animals, it seems. When I was good at climbing trees, I would put the bird babies back in their nests. But I don't remember ever taking animals in to care for them. Usually I just take them to my vet. But the book, -Care of the Wild, Feathered and Furred-, is excellent, so I have it handy just in case.
from z0tl :
i have wondered if will ever see you in concert :z
from raven72d :
I admire the heart you show...
from raven72d :
Condolences on the pigeon... I hope she was happy while she was with you...
from tornlace :
just by guessing i did better than someone... :) i just went for the most interesting word groupings..
from zockendland : TEST YOUR POWER!
from absinthesigh :
i am so glad you care for the pigeons. i worry about them constantly. once while walking a dog called Elmo i found a wounded pigeon and showed the world my underwear carrying the bird in my skirt to a nearby vet while trying to keep hold of the dog leash. thank you for caring for the pigeons!! with love ophelia
from absinthesigh :
Ahh another rescuer! Yet another wonderful quality in you to admire! All my "kids" are rescues too... we have 4 dogs, 9 cats, 20 ferrets and 2 parrots. It's a house full of noise, fur and lots of love. with love, ophelia P.S. I get to meet the New Kid tomorrow!! can't wait!
from censoreme :
Thank you for the note, and your understanding... by the way, this is bonitababy, I am just on my other diaryland name. I read one of your entries the other day,I understand what you mean.
from d-r-y :
"Signs", I meant. Blooper! :)
from d-r-y :
dood, thanks for the note & the link you left me in there. you know, the worst ever movie they ever did on crop circles is "The Sign". That really sucked.
from jessica2183 :
Thanks for the note. I'll be sure to look into alesse and ask my doctor what she knows about it. Take care.
from kyousha :
Exactly what I mean, a lot of people think I'm cute and innocent- because I may look it (yes I take pride in that) but if I dress up uncute and innocent I get into trouble... It's the same way with the teachers, I've done so many bad things and never gotten into trouble. ^___^ *sigh* It's horrible for those people who do.
from contour :
RE: Women Being Evil -vs- Humans just being messy. (I feel like I'm spamming ya here.) ;) Anyway, thanks for the note. I too hate generalizations, even though I'm guilty of falling into that trap all the time. As for the girl from the club, I'm totally convinced she was looking for something (not necessarily a person, but certainly a friend) a year ago. It is just my fear that for some reason on my part I couldn't be a friend for her, 'cause she was pretty cool and I'm certain I would've learned a lot from her. And that is why we all like to have people around in our lives, they challenge us, right? =)
from contour :
RE: Dreams & Pain. While I do believe people can feel physical pain in their dreams, I've not. When I've been shot, I've just watched in amazement as my body would slow down. I've had other dreams where I suffered violent deaths, and while they were distrubing, I'm always more upset by my ability to do little ... and yet in all of the dreams I find myself fighting and struggling till I'm at the point of death, when I'll always wake up.
from inkdragon :
I came here to agree with your J-Lo comment in my guestbook and Wham! You have got the most interesting page! So many links. I don't have enough time now, but I will be back within the next few days to explore. You Rock.
from tornlace :
this was my first, and like i said pretty different from other dreams. judging by how painful and weird this was i hope you don't have any more- one was enough for me...
from contour :
I've had tons of "slow death by multiple" gun shot nightmares. I actually never die in my dreams, always waking up just at the point of death. But to this day I HATE with a passion guns. I just hope my dreams are just dreams and not a vision.
from ladyvaduva :
I've had a dream exactically like it before.. only I was never shot in the head.. I was shot in the chest like multiple times.. and bizarre stuff goes on in my dreams.. so I cant totally relate.. maybe its an omen like u said.. of how u'll die.. but maybe its a warning sign? of things to come? and how to look out for them? because some of the dreams I've had were about places I haven't seen for years.. and holy cow deja vu strikes when I finally return... cheers cat
from solaana :
Yeah, Chicken Run rules. Favorite line: "We're all gonna die!" With the accent of course. Your diary is coooool. :)
from leftunspoken :
You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope peace fills your heart. I wanted to email you, but lack of time means it'll have to be Monday. Love...M
from censoreme :
Hey this is me again. well its bonitababy, but I'm on my new name. I just decided that since I haven't left you a note in a while that I will drop in and see how things are going. Your diary is still great as always:) well if you want, check out my diary. I am still writing in the other one, but I need a little more privacy than on the one I had before. i'm voting for ya! bye, and keep on writing!
from leftunspoken :
Happy belated, beautiful. I hope the journey and the year will bring you peace, and joy, and love. May you be held close and protected by angels all around you. You are in my thoughts and prayers. My love and best wishes...Marcia
from wannabirish :
hey! Happy b/d Christian :P
from moonshine76 :
Happy Birthday!!!! yay! c/o dlandbdays :)
from nouni :
Yeah I hope so too! Keep up the good writing!
from pastagirl :
Hi there, I'm from DlandBdays. Happy birthday! I hope you have a great one!
from absinthesigh :
Thank you for yet another sweet note. I do so enjoying hearing from you. We have much in common. I am also having a lovely time exploring all the changes in your diary. I feel as if I have entered a truly enchanted realm and race eagerly around each corner for the next treasure. Thank you! with love, ophelia
from leftunspoken :
I'll learn more later when you write. In the meantime: wishing you gaurdian angels and good spirits for whatever you face. And yes, mountains are good. I grew up in a city with large mountains, and anytime I've lived flat places the horizon just looks so wrong.
from leftunspoken :
Oh, thank you for the contact. I was getting seriously edgy here with no one around. Maybe the "National Airport Loony Police" will put us in the same rubber room. Mmmm...straight jackets...soft. Haha! Will miss you much! Why Seattle?
from bionicgurl :
wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i only have the book and 3 heads from ebay. i had a few as a child but they are long gone. you are so super lucky!
from bionicgurl :
YOU HAVE Blythe dolls????????!!!!! and blythe outfits. i'm am sooooo fucking jellous.
from absinthesigh :
Thank you for the sweet note! I miss him so much however, you are right. I can feel him watching over me and our world. with love, ophelia xoxox
from devouredsoul :
Hey you wrote me back...forgive my awe.! I like more than just your diary now. due to this not you can probably tell i am a social outcast. But hey who cares. And that doll in your diary looks like me at 4 after a trip to the Bahamas...creepy!�!
from myfamilysux :
like the doll but its a bit freaky... yeah im famous now! kind of not really... lol
from myfamilysux :
like the doll but its a bit freaky... yeah im famous now! kind of not really... lol
from bionicgurl :
i love the doll. it is so extreamly cool!!!
from leftunspoken :
Hey love. I've been thinking about you lately, and wanted to say hi, but dland technical difficulties have stopped me. The story was positively fucking brilliant! LOVED it! I've been wanting to ask about the band. Curious about the name and such. Hope all is well with you. Your in my thoughts and prayers. M.
from z0tl :
thank you for introducing me to your music.
from tornlace :
hehehe yuck! :)
from vyv-xx :
Houseflies are so nasty. One time I smushed one of those big fat ones, and all these maggots came crawling out. I almost puked.
from sunnflower :
Hi - I like the toybox idea. I am trying to put together a dollhouse page but haven't gotten done sorting out the concept in my head yet. has lots of this fun stuff in her diary. I see you're doing well on the DLand 100 - congrats.
from aras2006 :
love the artwork. you music is pretty good,too.
from cant-make-me :
he he he... here's the link for the orange and yellow fuzzy guy:
from tornlace :
no, i had that name magdalena before apf. :)
from phatgrrl :
OH I forgot, when I first saw your banners I was reminded of one of my fave songs, Magdelena, and from reading your profile I'm guessing thats where you got the name.
from phatgrrl :
thanks for visiting my diary and for the compliments as well. I'll be sure to check you out.
from bonitababy :
Hey its Liz again. I haven't left you a note in a while so I figured I would remind you that I'm still reading. That bear... is... um... kinda hard to describe. The swastika represents hate. Why would someone buy that? Why would the person sell that? Yes, I know it represents a part of our history, but... I don't know, I couldn't pay that much for a bear that has those markings on its body. I'm Jewish... so part of my background, and its a subject of that I am reminded of every day. So thanks for TRYING to make people think...
from enn5393 :
Thanks for the compliments on my family pics. I meant to ask you somthing, do you sell any of your artwork? If so I'd like to buy something, I'm really digging your work.
from contour :
On the Teddy Bear: Having once been a teddy bear kid (tm), if a child was currently bonded to the toy, it should remain theirs. Obviously original owner is either all grown up or no longer around. Now I'd be very tempted to add the bear to a museum collection, but I'd never burn it. One of the most difficult decisions facing today's German people is how to allow history to accurately record their past, without having that past become a rallying point to future pain. I think every society faces that same dilemma, but I totally believe that the more of the past you destroy, the more likely you will find yourself traveling the same road.
from shinogami :
you're welcome, but you don't need to thank me... you're band genuinely rawks. I was just stating the obvious.
from celebmir :
Thankees!! =) I'll be saving a couple of your works on my site's server so it'll be easier for you. . I just hope that I won't get a lazy mood and stop uploading/updating my site... Thanks again for giving me permission!
from contour :
Hey! Thanks for coming by, BTW nice art. I'm not certain if Boo! Ghosts are supposed to be territorial or not, but if you promise to move toys around and rattle some chains, I'll make a point to not get too upset if you decide to haunt my resting place someday. ;)
from scifimagpie :
Eh, what's the big deal about a review of your diary anyway? Doesn't change how you feel about yourself, does it? Doesn't change how people who like you see you, right? Stuff n' nonsense. Toss it in the Whatever File, I say.
from crazysoul :
Hey, I am that girl from the From the Heart review site, I needed to add something that I forgot in your guestbook. I can't find the link to our site on your diary. Of course I am blind as a bat, so I may just miss it, but I was wondering if it is on there where is it at? I would hate to give you a 0 for that. If you do not want to be reviewed anymore just let me know,ok? I was just wondering where our link was, because I couldn't find it. Great diary. I've enjoyed reviewing it so far! Can't wait to hear your answers to the questions.
from raven72d :
The most lovely, elegant, witty, thoughtful site... You're a delight to discover... And you have an excellent set of musical and artistic tastes...
from mspiral32 :
I just happend to come across your, the word "strength" comes to mind. A beautiful layout and beautiful words to match. Please keep writing, I really enjoyed reading! (=OB)
from darkfairy13 :
Your diary is cool. Your diary speaks truth, and is intresting. I wish I were as good of an artist, which is strange why my major is art......I'm putting your diary as one of my favorites.
from enn5393 :
Hey there, here is the link for my review that I got from that place I was saying.
from en-trance :
ello! you signed me guest book... thank you... yes, animals are lovely wee creatures... i get to work helping them in my local humane society... lalala... have a good day... :)
from comment-anon :
The layout and how easy it is to navigate is one thing, but I feel content should be left out of review sites. What you write is for you, afterall, not for them. Currently I'm awaiting my second review (just for shits and giggles) where I'm sure to get a big fat zero for content. But hey...I asked for it. -Boo
from vyv-xx :
Meatcake is ever so splendid. I admired Dame Darcy back when she was making the Ben is Dead zine.
from dragonreign :
I love your site! Would you mind if I linked to you from my page?
from bonitababy :
Of course its ok to add me. Sorry about the late reply. I still think your diary is awesome. I haven't read it in awhile so I've got some catching up to do, but ... thats ok. I'll do some of that now.
from cant-make-me :
hey i just found your diary and i like it! please check at mine some time :) bye for now...
from katehackett :
:o) Thanks hun! I'll be sure to keep visiting and I hope you do the same.
from katehackett :
Beautiful entry about Jessica. Simply beautiful.
from bettyalready :
"Only 11 years on the planet, what kind of world did she think this was? what, if anything, made her smile.... " That was my dad. Working at age 5 and still working at age 63.
from bettyalready :
What an impressive diary. That picture of dead soldiers is something I appreciate you putting out there. That seems gruesome to write that, but we all need to see it to remind ourselves that war does not need to be.
from lobo21 :
Going through your entries, you've got some great photographs on there. I loved the one of the little girl in black and white
from lobo21 :
I found you by your banner, stopped in to say hello, and to tell you your artwork is awesome. Not that one unknown's opinion adds up to much, but if a lot of us unknowns get a chance to see your work, maybe it could. Is there more you have put online somewhere? I'll meander by from time to time.
from rurisue :
I just clicked on your banner ad, and I found it oddly coincidental that your entry was about tattoos. I just got a call a few days ago from a friend who got a tattoo, and was asking permission to put my initials on it. And even though I don't have any myself (for much the same reasons as you), I couldn't help but feel so honored that I am now forever a part of him. Wow. Um. Yeah. Sorry if this is weird, me randomly telling you all this... Anyway, you have an excellent diary, and I'll definitely be coming back.
from quietdespair :
Dont ask me, i just got it in the mail, oh well..... CASE 1: Kelly Seedy had one wish, for her boyfriend of three years, David Marsden, to propose to her. Then one day when she was out to lunch, David proposed! She accepted. But she! then had to leave because she had a meeting in 20 min. When she got back to her office she noticed on her computer she had e-mail. She checked it, the usual stuff from friends, but then she saw one that she had never seen before. It was this very letter. She simply deleted it, without reading it. BIG MISTAKE!! Later that evening she received a call from the local police. It was regarding David. He had been in an accident with an 18-wheeler, he did not survive. CASE 2: Take Katie Robbenson. She received this letter and being the believer that she was sent it off to few of her send to the full 10 that you must. Three days later she went to a Masquerade ball. Later that night when she left to get to her car to go home, she was killed on the spot by a hit and run drunk driver. CASE 3: Richard S. Willis sent this letter out within 45 minutes of reading it. Not even 4 hours later walking along the street to his new job interview, with a really big company, when he ran into Cynthia Bell, his secret love of 5 years. Cynthia came up to him and told him of her passionate crush on him that she had for 2 years. Three days later he proposed to her and they were married. They are still married to this day and have three children. This is the letter: Around the corner I have a friend, In this great city that has no end, Yet the days go by, and the weeks rush on, And before I know it a year has gone. And I never see my old friends face, For life is a swift and terrible race, He knows I like him just as well, As in the days w! hen I rang his bell, And he rang mine if, we were younger then, And now we are busy, tired men. Tired of playing a foolish game, Tired of trying to make a name. Tomorrow; I say, I will call on Jim Just to show I am thinking of him. But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes, And distance between us grows and grows. Around the corner! - yet miles away, Here's a telegram sir, Jim died today. And that's what we get and deserve in the end. Around the corner, a vanished friend. Remember to always sa! y what you mean. If you love someone-tell them. Don't be afraid to express yourself. Reach out and tell someone what they mean to you, because when you decide that it is the right time, it might be too late. Seize the day, Never have regrets. Most importantly stay close to your friends and family, for they have helped make you the person you are today. You must send this on within 3 hours, after reading the letter, to 10 different people. If you do this you will receive unbelievably good luck in love. The person you are most attracted to will soon&n! bsp; return your feelings. If you do not, bad luck will rear it's ugly head. THIS IS NOT A JOKE! The more people you send this to, the better luck you will have.
from ravenheart :
Thank you for joining my Nightmare Before Christmas ring, you are welcome!
from sugarbabylon :
^-^ thank you for joining the babes in toyland ring! i love the pictures in your diary - you did those? *applause* - i'm downloading your songs. that's a great name, "acts magdalena"...okay...i'm babbling @_@ loved your diary! *MWAH!* ~*myssi*~
from bonitababy :
Hey its me again. Thanks for the note. By the way I wanted to ask you if you would mind if I added you as a favorite on my profile. Your writing is really different and interesting. Reminds me of someone familiar(except better writing skills) shhh!!! Well I have to go. If you haven't already, you should look into becoming a professional writer or poet, because you have a gift with words that would make people see visions in their heads.
from bonitababy :
Hey, this is Liz... you don't know me. I just happened to find you through Diarylands system... obviously. I just want to tell you that your writing is eclectic and different. I really respect the way you write. So keep up the good work. ~Liz~

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