messages to traumensie:
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from lionsfriend :
Traumensie I apologize for intruding into your world but I saw you entry "Debbie" I realize that was some time ago, but by chance have you kept up with Tony or Joe? They are friends from way-way back and seem to have dropped off the face of the Earth. I happened to google Joe again, as I do from time to time and again saw your amazing post- led me here... I imagine the tragedy had something to do with their disappearance. Or not~ Anyway- I understand if you would rather not open this again, but thought it worth a shot. Sincere thanks
from lostwithzeal :
I couldn't agree more. I was really excited when I heard his announcement, as I made the mistake of voting for Gore the last time around, thinking that I had to make my vote count here in a swing state. This time around, I'm sticking with a candidate who I actually believe in, and hope that the Democratic party gets it right next time again. And if Bush steals this one too, viva la recall movement.
from marsist :
"but something always kept me moving West..." congratulations-- this sounds like an exciting new phase for your life.
from thinktank3 :
WOW! I laughed, I cried! You knock my socks off! Love M
from marsist :
Asian bias has a subject of humor between our roommate and us. he greets me and Zero "Hey, Caucasians" or as "my white oppressors," and so we started calling him Hop Sing and stuff like that. it's developed into this friendly sort of banter that would probably horrify other people if they overheard. I've noticed the same trait in the most intelligent and least prejudiced people I know, of any race or gender-- an ironic, un-PC meta-awareness of prejudice. I wonder if ultimately that phenomenon helps or hurts the cause of equal treatment.
from marsist :
what an interesting post. I don't think I'd ever considered the idea that color-blindness might be a manifestation of white privilege. I'm *not* color-blind and I know it; I have a neurotic fear of black males, possibly because I was mugged once. and I'm bisexually attracted to black females over white ones, so there's a weird racist-sexist question going on there. :/ my roommate is Asian, so I'm learning to see some of what he perceives as Asian-bias in the media; he's only just now starting to realize that I see a sexist bias, too, because of things I've pointed out to him. and Zero's in an odd position because, although he is white, he gets the same fear-reaction from women (clutching purses, crossing the street) that black males do because he's extremely tall and imposing. he's about equally frustrated with the women, for making that assumption, and with men for being such dicks to women and bringing about that fear in the first place. wow, sorry for the long entry.
from blindliquid :
hey cheer up, you have support ok :)
from blindliquid :
hi, go check out femmeproject thier site looked good, you may enjoy?
from blindliquid :
Hi you, i just read about the squirrel hill bike ride, i had souch a good feeling from what you wrote, you know im aware of a lot of the hitory but i really hope its stays as good as it sounds, im proud of you :), talk soon, take care. P.S. hope you recd the pics ive gone webcam crazy
from thinktank3 :
What you wrote about IDENTITY and the manner in which you wrote are both profound. Your love of words and remarkable ability to string them together so poetically is grand. AND, the content resonates with me as well. I LOVE YOU!
from thinktank3 :
from marsist :
try Buddhism-- For Well-Adjusted Kids!(tm) :)
from blindliquid :
hi, im a jerk that doesnt stop being a jerk, to tell the truth i dont know how
from girlsdontcry :
Nice list of movies there.

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