messages to twelvebeer:
(click here to add new message):

from and-darling :
This feels slightly like a union... Like the free-masons gone bad ass. You know what kind of friggen conspiracies wrap themselves around unions? I feel like you're hiding something. But it's funny. 12% beer is like... The states don't go over 5, hey?
from everoboto :
Hello, that is. Waving hello, my friends.
from everoboto :
from emopirate :
hello, just saw your banner and clicked it, couldnt help meself :P hope you dont mind if i add you to my buddy list :D my names Jessie by the way
from spikea :
from no-regretz :
It's like Canada here too.. oh wait. it IS! silly me. oh we're mean, be afraid. very. eh?
from halfdevoured :
I think you missed an entry by Saint-Louise that was posted on the 11th. My buddy list doesn't indicate that she updated, but a new entry is there. (I really need a hobby.)
from madatmydesk :
I was just taking a look at your site and touching myself as I often do and I wanted to report that some of the links to the illustrations are not working. How am I supposed to touch myself with this kind of incomptetence happening over here? Don't make me watch Golden Girls again , man. Betty White still does it for me, but I'm getting nothing from the rest of them. Seriously though, the illustrations are great, but I wanted to let you know that a few of the links aren't working.
from banefulvenus :
Love your banner.... Love your work!
from izzardgrrrl :
I think I may at last have the entry to make me worthy of your quotage. If being a beermate is the only life goal I'm actually working toward right now, just what does that say about me?
from bethany9 :
can i be on your list? huh? huh? huh? i promise i will do my best to entertain you and whatever that entails, i am on it!
from gumphood :
Hello. I was wondering how you become a person you link to. Must I offer favors, is there a challenge or an obstacle I have to over come, or if it's just some sorta random talent lottery. Let me know if you desire.
from surfnskate :
haha... that's funny. -clay
from maxslady :
you are just too crunk dude
from tigah87 :
I am white trash, hear me puke up cheap vodka in my bathroom!!!
from smartepants :
because "eat this" is SO insulting, huh?

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