messages to ubermeister:
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from mindfluff :
I don’t have much to say here anymore either but it’s great if I want to vent about something and don’t want to bother other people with my moaning 😀
from dangerspouse :
Hey, it's Feb 12 - how've you been? Curious how you're adapting to the overnight shift.
from dangerspouse :
Hey, thanks for that! I'm so grateful I'm even willing to forgive your heinous gaffe of not being able to embed a URL link. You're welcome. :)
from dangerspouse :
10 points AND a bonus Billy The Mountain commemorative key chain! Hold your head proud. You really saw Zappa live? That is too cool, and I'm not jealous at all. AT ALL, I say. So the possum fur place you know - is it online, or a brick-and-mortar place?
from dangerspouse :
Lol. It may be a 30 year old David Lee Roth album you already have on vinyl (cd?), but what are you gonna do - tote around a phonograph and a 40 mile long extension cord when you wanna listen to it whilst out and about? Good call getting the online service. (And although greatly diminished, there are still a fair amount of people still posting and reading here. Thanks for the note back!)
from dangerspouse :
Happy 2019! Good to see an update from you again. I hope you're able to get your archives back - you had some good stuff in there. All the best :)
from dangerspouse :
What sort of job do you have, that you hate it so much? (Are you still cycling, btw?)
from mindfluff :
I am still sort of here :)
from treedancer :
argh! this bloody thing is driving me nuts. there should've been a :-) on the end of that last note, as well as the question: "what are you studying?"
from treedancer :
i'm pleased to read that college is going well for you.
from treedancer :
Greetings, thanks for the note. :)
from makavelli :
it has been a while! things are good.
from flufflebunny :
Aww that was so sweet of you to do all of that. Thank you *hugs* yep I may well see you in a few never know! I figured out why the image wasn't loading anyway. I also figured you probably have scrollbars from side to side because the resolution that your monitor is set at. It could also be the fact that it is a MAC (boo! hiss!)...ah but we love ya anyways :) I am going to try and sort the design when I get home. It's up to you wether you change your resolution or want me to alter the size of the textbox etc. though - I don't mind either way. Just drop me a note/email/text/whatever(!) when you decide. Also, if you want the pictures or colours altering. What browser do you use? I will try and obtain a copy if it is not Internet Explorer so I can get the spec just right for you. Hope to see you soon, and hope you're well (I would have text back but I have all of 5p in credit!) *hugs again* - Enola xxx
from flufflebunny :
I thought I'd leave you a note...because you're lovely and the only person who seems to bother doing so for me at the moment! So...hope you're having a good day. *hugs* (design ideas are very much in the pipeline...I'll send you a sample when I've sorted a little bit of HTML on it).
from flufflebunny :
Heya hun, thanks so much for the lovely note *and* guestbook signing. It means so much that someone as lovely as you would go out of their way to speak to me :) Thank you so much; it really made my day - Enola :)
from cantilena :
Hi. I just wanted to thank you for your note. Note that I even use capitals when drunk! Just off to peruse your diary.
from ubermeister :
from flufflebunny :
hey...just to say that is you ever want a hand with html don't hesitate to say...I'm not really great, but I've been teaching myself a bit...I designed my diary (I know it ain't all that good, but oh well!) Keep smiley :)
from makavelli :
lock it. then see how you feel in a few weeks.
from treedancer :
I love the blue water drop design, that rocks. With regards to your own martial arts style? Why not market it as such? Seems to me you are just suffering a crisis of confidence. I could sit you down and teach you everything *I* know about a particular poem, say "The Flea." I could teach you technical appreciation; I could try to impart a love of it into you; I could give you the means to read other stuff - what I have no control over is what *you* then do with that knowledge; and neither should I. Even the most rigourous of disciplines are "bastardised" because of the one element that makes it such a fantastic process: that one element being "human." You will teach what you know; your students will learn and put their own stamp onto what they take from you. Such is the way of it. Such is the way it should be. Go for it.
from ghostfox :
That's it exactly. I was thinking the other day about posting a picture of myself in my diary, but I don't know whether I want to. If I get my eyebrow pierced I won't be able to resist it though I suspect.
from ghostfox :
Wouldn't it freak you out a bit though? I mean, I look at my real life as one thing and diaryland as another - I find it hard to think of the people I meet here as real. I mean, I know dland people are real, but they'd be more real if I talked to them... do you know what I mean? I don't think I'm explaining myself very well.
from ghostfox :
Yeah, I suppose it would :) I like that journal. It's shiny and nice. I want one.
from ghostfox :
I can't sign, but I can note ;) Yes, that was me reading and not signing. I'm a lazy cow as is well known. I need to read the Chamber of Secrets before I go to see it, as I'm an arse and won't see films until I've read the book, if indeed there is a book to read. Hee, that rhymed. I saw parts of the Philosopher's Stone - the only thing that pissed me off a lot about it was that they had that stupid woman from 'My Family' as one of the teachers. 'My Family' is the sitcom of satan. I really hope you've got your 'email when you get a note' thingy turned on or I've been talking to myself all this time :P
from ezmerelda :
Thanks for checking out my diary. I do love Frank Zappa indeed. He was a wonderful man. I also noticed that you are an Iron Maiden fan. I have been listening to them since "Number of the Beast" came out back in 1981 (I think it was). I also saw them back in the early nineties. They were sooo good! What is your favorite Zappa and Maiden albums?
from korax :
My god...another Geoff Thompson fan!. Nice diary!

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