messages to undecidedme:
(click here to add new message):

from apexsensatin :
I'm sure you're likely never see this, but I re-read the last few entries of yours and am hoping things are well with you. Your diary ended with a bit of a cliffhanger, but enough closure to realize things were getting better for you. (12/12/21)
from gyka :
thanx for all the sharing, take care of urself, and keep on keeping on... lol! peace xox
from gyka :
hey girl, i have been reading ur diary... and i just wanna say that i hope ur week goes well and that what comes out of it truly makes u happy. take care of yourself!
from gyka :
hey, i just came across ur diary tonite... i like ur way of thinking - girls should be proud of being smart. i can't be contradicting myself tho, i am a retard at times. anywayz, wondering if i could add u? leave me a note. take care, peace
from kaj10cu :
Wow, I love the way you write! I wanna be your friend. XD
from agreenpink :
I really hope you are okay. I don't like what you have to say. I don't know what to say. I love you.
from agreenpink :
I hope you know how much I think about you. How I long to hear a happy message. How much I just want to lock you inside so that you can never hurt again. You deserve the world and then some.
from treeson :
hello. remember me? i'm the mental english bloke who used to speak to you sometimes and still reads your DL whenever you do one. even though i dont know you i'm actually a bit worried about your depressivenessing. everything will sort itself out, dontaworry. i used to get bad depression and am mostly over it but sometimes get a bit low. when i get like that i do 2 things. 1, talk to someone that isn't my girlfriend 2, listen to plenty Oasis, may i recommend rock 'n' roll star, supersonic, cigarettes & alcohol, and lyla, they're all cheery ones. and of course don't look back in anger. because you shouldn't. look to the future, now, it's only just begu-u-unnn (bit of slade there. merry xmas everybody. its a classic). remember, treeson loves ya xxx and yes treeson knows he's a bit of a slut, its all part of the charm xx
from agreenpink :
Margie, I hope you are okay. Things will be all right. I love you. -Maria
from apexsensatin :
Oh yeah. And welcome to our wonderful city. My guess is you'll be bored of it (if you aren't already) within a week.
from apexsensatin :
How to link: <a href="(website address here)"> If you want the link to be words: <a href="(website here)">words</a> So if I wanted a link to my site to say 'visit my site' I'd type, <a href="">visit my site</a> Hope that helps.
from midnightrum :
nah nah nah people take stuff the wrong way. I gues its cuz im typing huh? cant show uh..what you call it. like...uh...damn wheres a dictionary when you need one? o yea tone of voice and shit like that. anyways...sorry. omg i sound like a nerd...I am a up. look at these arms...the pack...muah! self assurance is always a plus :D
from apexsensatin :
1) I lost the g-man along the way, though you could argue I never had him. 2) I don't capitalize it either. 3) Isn't Rowland Hall a pretty religious school? So is it a conflict if you've "lost god"?
from treeson :
well done on your sats, its better than i would've done being the uneducated fool that i am. 95% & 99% is pretty impressive. hope everything is ok. laters.
from apexsensatin :
I can't say I relate to you on the virginity thing, but I can relate on so many topics.
from treeson :
well done for your quiz score. you did well for the europe one, better than i did for the USA. and you did better on the USA one than i did for europe. goddammit, so you're clever as well. well at least i can drive so ha. speak to you later, Treeson
from treeson :
bastard internet is being shit. can't remember what i was going to say now. hope school is fun, yeah i do read what you say but am surprised you read my random shit and come back. i've got to go hunt some food now, email me if you want to cheer me up. use my normal address (the ntlworld one) or the treeson one, they both go to the same place. laters. matt/treeson
from treeson :
yeah but the show is still funny, yeah? anyway, you should see what its like where i live, jesus its boring.
from treeson :
christ! you work fast, i only wrote that a few mins ago! hows school?
from apexsensatin :
Rowland Hall is actually two blocks away from the high school I graduated from. I passed it nearly everyday!
from treeson :
Sorry. My bad. I�ll just write for me now. Also, are you getting my emails? I get the feeling that you�re, err, not and that I�m talking to myself again. Going mad. Laters.
from apexsensatin :
Sounds cool. Where are you moving to SLC from? Out of state or in state?
from mandy-warhol :
Sucks about the whole STD thing... hope you're okay!

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