messages to unfitgit:
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from vanoonoo :
you arent uglified darling xxx
from vanoonoo :
I like green days too - but i do have red days every now and then. is there any way you can convince yourself to keep going to class, no matter how "on" or "off" you've been? I find that with me the roller coaster stops as soon as I confirm my weight in class (i dont weigh anywhere else). doesn't always work I know- but it stopped me from going totally off the rails, when I totally stoppedgoing the weight jsut snuck back on a few pounds a week to make me heavier than I had EVER been. I'm back down to the range i was in the first time I ever started a weight loss programme. but still loads to go. you are worth the weightloss. have a binge if you want - but binge on allowed stuff maybe?
from vanoonoo :
hey you - found you thru sketty's list of faves - I'm doing slimming world and sympathise with situation of having a lot of weight to lose. gimme a shout if you ever wanna compare notes - whether you've got your slimming head on or not ;)

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