messages to unowhatilike:
(click here to add new message):

from raven72d :
Very lovely lists!
from fuckxthis :
what a lovely change it'd be.. sigh. love the concept.
from xnamehere :
i just wanted to say thank you for introducing me to warpaint. :))
from papotheclown :
I just stumbled upon your little diary here. I like you. I like that you like Damien Jurado. I think I am just going to go ahead and add you to my buddy list if that's ok.
from notunique :
TW Walsh is Bazan's old bandmate, he mastered the ep. I'm glad you like it.
from fatcowww :
Hello 'like' and 'hate' :) I have decided to lock my diary again, probably indefinitely, starting the entry after next. I'm happy for you to have access to read (if you do) so could you pls let me know where to send details for login... Note me or email me (fatcowww@dl). xxx
from lostasyou :
I love this! And the other account, so I'm adding both.
from fatcowww :
Hi, just wanted to say thanks for adding me (to both lists). I don't know if that means I can post (if so, I'm too stupid to figure out how, haha)... but I'm flattered by the add nonetheless :)
from burneddown :
Me too.
from erases :
i am currently experiencing technical difficulties with this posting system. i have the ability post on both like and hate (which i am very proud of, thank you), but everytime i click "done!", my post seems to go nowhere. or it says, "sorry, but that post already exists!" ... is there something i am missing? everything was working up until a couple days ago.
from trainyard :
aaaahhhhhh.... magic!!
from trainyard :
okay, i do not get it. i'd like to leave an entry but don't i need a pw? (big confusion in little head!!)
from bi-pet :
any way to participate?
from permeation :
silly rabbit -i worked it out.
from permeation :
how can i leave an entry here? i'm pretty useless with this sorta thing. x
from killsbury :
I love that song. Around here it means the ice cream man! lol
from bi-pet :
wow - what a great idea!!
from idividedbyi :
hello. so then, how does this place work?

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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