messages to valliegirl16:
(click here to add new message):

from dangerspouse :
It's now 2020. Have you stopped throwing up yet?
from pink-circle :
Awesome template! I love the blue female. *The Circle of the Phoenix* Hi, I'm Phoenix, and I'd like to personally invite you to join The Circle; a writers' and artists' group for diaryland members. It's a public journal, so that anyone can post to it, but members have profiles on the site, as well as critiques, and once promoted to Apprentice have buttons to show off their achievements on their site. I hope you don't take this as spam, you can just delete this message if you're not interested, but if you are, please visit our welcome page: -- Thanks for your time -- Atara Phoenix
from onecutabove :
Yeah, you did remember the argument right. It turned our relationship into a big mess for a long, long time. I'm really glad you've been faithful with reading for that long, it makes me happy.
from fatalbreath :
I know what you mean. About time. About now.
from fatalbreath :
congratulations to you! <3
from fatalbreath :
from xxxsombrexxx :
TIFFANY!!! Im leaving a note here because I know you dont check your email alot...haha. I need a picture of you!!! DONT ASK QUESTIONS!!! lol....its a secret. shhh. WUV YA!!! ~Rachel
from xxxsombrexxx :
hey uh, its RACHEL!!! havent you missed me biatch?!?! I got a new diary check it out!!! btw, you can pass a cig or two my way, i might need them. note me !!! im leaving for MD next week!!!! LOVE YA ~Rachel
from justenough :
thanks for listening me, lovely
from shorty106 :
hey i wanna talk to you about something...e mail me. [email protected]
from nodoubtzpoet :
WHAT IS UP TIFFERS!?! I see from ur diary that things are goin well wit the sexy gay man....woohoo!!! I wanted to write here to let ya know that Sarah G. and I were in Chem when she pulled this old peice of paper out of her backpack, and it had ur handwriting on it. It said: "Williams, sounds like Wiyams" LMAO, then I was like, "OMG, that was from Bio when Tiff was pronouncing her last name in Spanish and I was like 'hey Sarah's name even sounds Spanish!'" Then u were all, "It is Spanish, u idiot." WE LAUGHED SOOOO HARD. Hope it makes u laugh too. if only a lil bit. lol. good times, good times. im so fukin bored right now it isnt even funny.....oh yea, and i must amuse u by sayin that mr. judge thinks that i am the funniest, smartest person in 2nd period and HE WONT LEAVE ME ALONE. That mo fo wants to know my whole life story!!! Jeezuz I cant escape the ugly, old red-headed men for some reason....oh well....leave me a not or mail out biotch...c yaz. ~Rachel
from mizbitch16 :
i was wondering, whats a chapstick cheat?

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